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COMICS! |OT| August 2015. Overwhelming.


Demon Knights #13 - #23: Hey look. A fun swords and sorcery series. With great world building and interesting and fairly consistent characters and dynamic. Good story telling with cohesive transitions between arcs and good art. Set in 1043 AD with not interference from those stupid events! Let's cancel it!

Thanks DiDio.

I really enjoyed this series. Thankfully the creative team had enough of a heads-up to wrap everything up nicely, even though we didn't see a new Camelot.

Yup, it was a great series, mainly because it was by Paul Cornell who also wrote Captain Britain and MI13.

He also wrote an interesting Lex Luthor story for DC, one which he actually managed to finish and wrap up properly!
Bought Remender's Uncanny X-Force volume 2, Cyclops volume 2, Uncanny X-men (Bendis) volume 1 for trades this week. Had to leave Constantine volume 4 and Morrison's New X-Men Volume 1 behind. Budgetary reasons. For weeklies I got Black Canary #3, Silk #6, Ivar, Timewalker #8, Burning Fields #7, Justice League Gods and Monsters #2 and the final part of the Mega Man/Sonic the Hedgehog When Worlds Collide. Mostly because Mega Man has been on my pull list, so I'm only getting bits and pieces of the event and I don't care about the actual event. Back to business as usual soon, though.

Haven't read any of them, but I plan to after I go to bed and get some sleep.



Finally, this cover will be in my hands. The way it was meant to be held. As a floppy.


When is this Secret Wars thing over?
Everything is all over the place right now and it is a bit tedious to try and get a handle on when trying to decide where to jump back in.


When is this Secret Wars thing over?
Everything is all over the place right now and it is a bit tedious to try and get a handle on when trying to decide where to jump back in.

I would say that this is the absolute easiest place to jump in. Expensive? Yes. But if you follow the Avengers/New Avengers reading order and read Secret Wars 1-8 you'd be wicked happy with the results. The Battleworld books are optional fun.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Hmm yeah, I don't know if Preacher is for me. I can see why it's good, but I think the things that make it special, like the violence and the boldness, aren't really my thing.

I'll finish up this volume before deciding what to do.

Aww. Sorry to hear that my recommendation let you down.
I will say that I think the first volume is the most vulgar/violent/whatever. It's not like there's a drastic change after that or anything, but I do think that it tones down just enough after the first volume.
If you finish the first volume and you're still not feeling it though, I wouldn't necessarily recommend buying another volume. I do hope you end up enjoying it though! Underneath the vulgarity and violence, there's such an amazing character-driven story.

Best introduction to Ennis is his Hitman series, somewhat crude humor, lotsa heart, not very much violence. Second best is his Punisher/Nick Fury work (which is also, arguably, his magnum opus).

Preacher is in that weird place where WHEN it was released is almost as important as WHY. Was quite something at the time, and, being considerably younger, stuff like what the fat bastard wanted to protect was more acceptable.

Wouldn't be surprised if the TV adaption ends up being superior to the comic.

I still need to read Hitman... I've got all the trades sitting on my shelf and Ennis is one of my top 3 favorite writers and I still haven't read it. Gotta do that soon. Maybe after The Invisibles.
Also, agree to disagree regarding Preacher. I'm a massive fan of the comic and I only just read it for the first time a couple years ago.
Y'see, this is what i find weird about Preacher. To me, the best bits were those attached to Jesse's past and his relatives, especially Jody, on top of his relationship with Cass, Tulip and Starr + The Saint of Killers. The vulgarity doesn't even factor into the bits that i`d consider the most memorable.

And yet it is what's most often mentioned. Heck, in the thread back when the adaption was announced, it is legit what people most want to see.

Just seems like a series where you could easily take a scalpel to it and reduce to, say, 20 hours without much trouble.

I haven't even gotten to those bits you mentioned, so I couldn't say. I'll look forward to them, though.

Aww. Sorry to hear that my recommendation let you down.
I will say that I think the first volume is the most vulgar/violent/whatever. It's not like there's a drastic change after that or anything, but I do think that it tones down just enough after the first volume.
If you finish the first volume and you're still not feeling it though, I wouldn't necessarily recommend buying another volume. I do hope you end up enjoying it though! Underneath the vulgarity and violence, there's such an amazing character-driven story.

It's been growing on me since I said that. I'm not quite done with the first volume, but I am digging the scope and style a bit more. I haven't even gotten to the parts Coriolanus mentioned above, so perhaps I should keep on and see. I am also digging the dialogue a lot; there are some really great exchanges.


🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥I GOT THE QUORRA INFINTY FIGURE!!!!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Finally, this cover will be in my hands. The way it was meant to be held. As a floppy.
I like the Larraz art quite a bit, but that coloring is weird. Like the colorist cant decide which way the light is coming. Like, why is the left side of archangels face dark when Psylock's blade is glowing right next to it?
Really feel like reading horror comics, but my mind is drawing blanks at anything I'm interested in. :c
Ito's Uzumaki? I think Japan probably has a better variety of horror titles than the US.

Was a special stand alone ish, most likely completely optional for the writer+artist. They had all the time in the world, and both the story and the art there were quite meh.

It's fucking horrible.

Mostly I want to know about the mouths. Why do they change size so much. Just bad.

I think he must've been, Bengal rules in the Batgirl stuff
I've only seen some of his cover work which looked good so I guess that must have been it? Or he's wildly wildly inconsistent
The Mighty Thor #341 - #345: Continues to be amazing. I can't get over the sound effects and how they are integrated into the art at times. The fonts used are so good and blend perfectly with the art and story. The Eilif story could have come straight out of the Sagas.


The story telling is just so dense and so much stuff continues to happen in the background. That guy making the sword is really ominous.
Is that Surtur whom Loki borrows the sword from and later deceives in Gillen's Journey Into Mystery?


Really enjoying the art in this All new x-men volume 6. The Ultimate adventure. Asrar is amazing. Bendis making Miles talk loads when he is nervous and scared of the X-Men is funny to me. Fuck off Ganke.


i wish the newspaper Lois is holding in the bombshell statue was customizable so it could read " Comics were a mistake!"


Not sure about this. NeoGAF is a community where a lot of geekier persons come together and geeks or nerds are often more special when it comes social topics. I am not even excluding myself from this.

NeoGAF Acts like Parents who kiss their kinds on the mouth are childmolesters

I care about you enough to let you know that you're on the fast track to ban town if you go back in there and say something similar. Just let it go and dont post in the OT


I care about you enough to let you know that you're on the fast track to ban town if you go back in there and say something similar. Just let it go and dont post in the OT

No, I wont. I will abond this thread anyway because it gets to stupid for me, but I jcalled one user out, because he acted like people kiss their kids would be like child molesters and literaly said this, but I will let it go. Its senseless anyway.
Not sure about this. NeoGAF is a community where a lot of geekier persons come together and geeks or nerds are often more special when it comes social topics. I am not even excluding myself from this.

NeoGAF Acts like Parents who kiss their kinds on the mouth are childmolesters

I long ago came to the conclusion that most people are weird and have weird hangups. Just the reality of the world.


No, I wont. I will abond this thread anyway because it gets to stupid for me, but I jcalled one user out, because he acted like people kiss their kids would be like child molesters and literaly said this, but I will let it go. Its senseless anyway.

It's not worth it man. Just step away. We don't want you getting banned.


Bucky Winter Soldier #10- I only bought this because it had Kot's name on it, I should have dropped it after the second or so issue but this one was my final pre-ordered issue. I don't like the swirly page layouts or the story.

Invincible and Walking Dead new issues were their typical enjoyable selves, Invincible is a bit sluggish right now.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
It's been growing on me since I said that. I'm not quite done with the first volume, but I am digging the scope and style a bit more. I haven't even gotten to the parts Coriolanus mentioned above, so perhaps I should keep on and see. I am also digging the dialogue a lot; there are some really great exchanges.

Oh okay, cool.
But yeah, the dialogue just continues to get better and better as the characters and their relationships grow. It's definitely what makes the series great.
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