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COMICS! |OT| August 2015. Overwhelming.

🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥I GOT THE QUORRA INFINTY FIGURE!!!!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Good job, Messi! Where did you find her?

One of here weaker art, big whoop, her art style's great though, case in point-

I really love that middle panel with Gambit messing up Vampire Jubilee's hair.


So I just watched the Flashpoint Paradox OVA. I thought it was decent if a little too pleased in its own violence, but it made me think about continuity.

I don't really follow any DC ongoing books, but I understand this story created the new 52. How has that all shaped up? Did it work at giving readers a jumping in point? Did any characters actually diverge from their past in a real way? How are things going now?
Just over 500 issues into the 616 reading order I'm following and there's been a bunch of stuff I've really liked from these early stories.

- Tony Stark being called to Congress to explain his Iron Man design. This seemed pretty realistic (despite my lack of understanding of real America) to me, and for once I was groaning at the constant America v Communism undertones that plagues the early issues of nearly every story. It's the first time I've felt like Tony Stark was someone big and important with ties the US Military. Sure they've mentioned it in passing, but this was the first time they've linked the two together so strongly.
I was a little disappointed it seemed to be over within a couple of issues, but maybe this flairs up again in the future.

- Hank Pym being stuck at 10 foot Goliath size, and suffering health issues from constant changing. At first I was a little 'wow this guy is corny' but I don't know he's... grown on me (HAHAHAHA sorry). It's the first time I've felt like a hero is actually upset about their powers and situation, even if Spiderman has tried a few times to put the strain of being a teenager and hero across, this is the first time something has physically happened.

- The Hulk's development from Green Muscle Man into the confused angry, conflicted menace I know and love. I was really disappointed with The Hulk at first, as he just seemed to be a green Bruce Banner most of the time, however over the course of the last 15 issues or so he's started to turn into the conflicted monster I hoped he would be. He wants peace, but war is chasing him, then he gets stuck in the cycle of fighting for a somewhat good cause, but causing bad things to happen. His fight with Hercules was a real highlight. Slightly disappointed that his initial identity reveal was weak and glossed over.

- Spiderman's somewhat consistent world and story flow. Spiderman feels like the backbone to the Marvel 616 so far, I had no idea just how important he was. I'm not sure if Fantastic Four are supposed to be the pace setters in terms of events and characters, but I often find their stuff hard to read. Spiderman on the other hand just keeps ticking over, with plenty of callbacks to previous issues and events. I really feel like I'm watching Peter Parker's life grow. His brief angry moment with High School and Aunt May's sickness was a great change of pace.
Not entirely sure why he's such a babe magnet though, Parker is a total player - he had 3 girls on the go at one point!

- Doctor Strange. Those first handful of issues were amazing, and the artwork was totally different so things stood out. It's a shame they wrapped the initial story arch up so quickly (but I've since read that the artist/creator left for another project).
Just over 500 issues into the 616 reading order I'm following and there's been a bunch of stuff I've really liked from these early stories.

- Tony Stark being called to Congress to explain his Iron Man design. This seemed pretty realistic (despite my lack of understanding of real America) to me, and for once I was groaning at the constant America v Communism undertones that plagues the early issues of nearly every story. It's the first time I've felt like Tony Stark was someone big and important with ties the US Military. Sure they've mentioned it in passing, but this was the first time they've linked the two together so strongly.
I was a little disappointed it seemed to be over within a couple of issues, but maybe this flairs up again in the future.

- Hank Pym being stuck at 10 foot Goliath size, and suffering health issues from constant changing. At first I was a little 'wow this guy is corny' but I don't know he's... grown on me (HAHAHAHA sorry). It's the first time I've felt like a hero is actually upset about their powers and situation, even if Spiderman has tried a few times to put the strain of being a teenager and hero across, this is the first time something has physically happened.

- The Hulk's development from Green Muscle Man into the confused angry, conflicted menace I know and love. I was really disappointed with The Hulk at first, as he just seemed to be a green Bruce Banner most of the time, however over the course of the last 15 issues or so he's started to turn into the conflicted monster I hoped he would be. He wants peace, but war is chasing him, then he gets stuck in the cycle of fighting for a somewhat good cause, but causing bad things to happen. His fight with Hercules was a real highlight. Slightly disappointed that his initial identity reveal was weak and glossed over.

- Spiderman's somewhat consistent world and story flow. Spiderman feels like the backbone to the Marvel 616 so far, I had no idea just how important he was. I'm not sure if Fantastic Four are supposed to be the pace setters in terms of events and characters, but I often find their stuff hard to read. Spiderman on the other hand just keeps ticking over, with plenty of callbacks to previous issues and events. I really feel like I'm watching Peter Parker's life grow. His brief angry moment with High School and Aunt May's sickness was a great change of pace.
Not entirely sure why he's such a babe magnet though, Parker is a total player - he had 3 girls on the go at one point!

- Doctor Strange. Those first handful of issues were amazing, and the artwork was totally different so things stood out. It's a shame they wrapped the initial story arch up so quickly (but I've since read that the artist/creator left for another project).

Thanks for the impressions, I enjoyed them! What issue of Amazing Spider-Man are you up to?


I truly love early Spider-Man. Somehow, it just captures the feeling of a teenager working out their identity. Every now and then reflecting on things like his infatuation with Betty Brant, thinking "I was such an idiot back then. Good thing I've got everything figured out now!" like a true teenager.

I really should pick it up again.
Thanks for the impressions, I enjoyed them! What issue of Amazing Spider-Man are you up to?

Amazing Spider-Man #37 - He's just had a crossover with Daredevil, but hasn't appeared for a LONG TIME in the Reading Order (probably 30+ issues or so) and I miss him. Some of the stories have been a little weak, and it's odd seeing some of the villains not being how I know them (The Vulture), but I guess a LOT of stuff develops over the 60 years or whatever it is!

Avengers #30 - Hank went off to South America to find a cure for his Goliathism. Hawkeye continues to be a bit of an arsehole towards Captain America (yet is totally blinded by Black Widow whenever she's around despite knowing she's bad)! Also... how odd is that Captain America is the WORST leader ever, this is so miles away from what I know about Captain America. Again, I guess this is all fixed/retconned over time - similar to all the references to him just being an ordinary man.
I did like Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver's small story arch from Magneto to Avengers, it was one of the first real character developments that I can remember within 616 - certainly the first that wasn't a bloody love triangle!

Tales of Suspense #86 - The Captain Backstory I've sort of glossed over, as it's been somewhat boring. However, it did turn interesting when Red Skull and the Cosmic Cube appeared. Red Skull feels like the first REAL Bad Guy, especially when he vapourised his assistant with the Cosmic Cube. I don't think there's been anything as 'graphic' in these early issues.
Iron Man's story has been interesting as he's battled Titanium Man and Russia (AGAIN), alongside his health issues and congress wanting info on the Iron Man story. Sadly, the on-going love triangle is starting to bug me, but only because nearly every book has a love triangle attached. Happy Hogan seems an interesting character.

Thor #133 - I'll be honest, I'm sort of swiping through the Thor issues pretty quickly as I'm finding him pretty boring. There's been a handful of standout moments, but those were mainly with other heroes appearing such as Hercules (who is pretty much Thor with personality)!
Odin seems the most confused God in the universe, he can't decide if he should love his Sons or wish death upon them... but I guess that's Fatherhood.

Fantastic Four #51 - I've found FF so hit and miss. They seemingly introduce some of the most important galactic characters in the Marvel Universe, but at the same time have had so many throwaway stories I'm always off balance. When they're on they're ON though.
I've just came off the back of the Galacticus and Silver Surfer introduction, which I really enjoyed. Other than that The Thing is the only thing saving FF, as again he's one of the few characters with any real personality. Reed Richards is the biggest misogynist ever! As soon as he married Sue, he made her an industrial sized dishwasher and she's never been out of the kitchen since.
Oh the Inhumans seem really interest, I can't wait to see more of them (even if Johnny's sudden romance with one of them was odd).

X-Men #21 - Again, these have either been amazing or dull. I really enjoyed the Sentinels introduction, but for the most part I'm getting tired of Scott Summer's being so uptight. I'm also sort of just waiting for the X-Men to become the X-Men I know. Some of the issues are well written and presented though.

Tales to Astonish #87 - Hulk has been on a roll lately, and I think they've changed the artist as he looks more like the Hulk I know to match his new conflicted personality and attitude.
As for Namor, I'm flopping on him so much. I started off really liking his stories, but then he became a bit lost for direction until his search for Neptune's Trident to win back Atlantis. Now he's lost for direction again, however I do feel like there's something worth sticking around for.

Daredevil #19 - There's been maybe 5 issues I've enjoyed, and they had an appearance from Spiderman, and Foggy dressing up as Daredevil to basically trick Karen into loving him. Swine.

Strange Tales #149 - Doctor Strange has basically just saved the world and won the girl in one issue, as his entire storyline was wrapped up quickly. I did some reading and Strange's original creator and pencillor left to do other things, so the wrapped up his story quickly. Shame.
Nick Fury is growing on me, with his strange James Bond selfaware stories.

I think that's everything. I can forgive things for feeling dated with the constant love triangles (Daredevil, Spiderman, Iron Man, etc) and all the bad guys being Communists, since those are sign of the times, but it does wear you down after a while.

I truly love early Spider-Man. Somehow, it just captures the feeling of a teenager working out their identity. Every now and then reflecting on things like his infatuation with Betty Brant, thinking "I was such an idiot back then. Good thing I've got everything figured out now!" like a true teenager.

I really should pick it up again.

Yeah, I like the little nod backs and self reflections Peter Parker has!
Amazing Spider-Man #37 - He's just had a crossover with Daredevil, but hasn't appeared for a LONG TIME in the Reading Order (probably 30+ issues or so) and I miss him. Some of the stories have been a little weak, and it's odd seeing some of the villains not being how I know them (The Vulture), but I guess a LOT of stuff develops over the 60 years or whatever it is!

What did you think of #32-33? Generally considered one of the greatest Spider-Man stories of all time.


Lego Dimensions was made to empty your wallet and sell off all your belongings just so you can afford every single IP WB plans to turn into a lego. Here's the DC characters they have so far:

Joker and Harley
Wonder Woman

Hmmm this seems like a real money pit, more so than the usual buy all this shit to play in a sandbox type games. It's both good and bad that they will never get Star Wars because I'll never buy it. If only Disney Infinity was better.


Invincible #122 was great, and I had a sensible chuckle when Eve
got puke/pooped on by that slug bird
, but there is just way too much going on right now. The book is being dragged in 4 different directions, and none of the plot points are being resolved. It's time to get this book back into 1 lane.


+Great Artwork
-Too many loose threads
What did you think of #32-33? Generally considered one of the greatest Spider-Man stories of all time.

That 3 issue story arch was amazing, and I really enjoyed it. The artwork really put across the strain and effort Peter was going through to save Aunt May, and I really liked the callbacks to other stories and characters to help him out. This is what I want from comics, and so far the benchmark for what future stories.


I would say that this is the absolute easiest place to jump in. Expensive? Yes. But if you follow the Avengers/New Avengers reading order and read Secret Wars 1-8 you'd be wicked happy with the results. The Battleworld books are optional fun.
I like the Larraz art quite a bit, but that coloring is weird. Like the colorist cant decide which way the light is coming. Like, why is the left side of archangels face dark when Psylock's blade is glowing right next to it?
lol I know what you mean. As a former graphic designer lighting was something I needed to pay constant attention on.


Today I saw Kingsman. Fucking amazing movie but I am really sad that Colin Firth will most likely not return.
The guy is amazing in everything he is in.


How much would that be or are you still not bragging?

Shutter Hardcover info


That's dissapointing I really want to read this but after dipping my toes into the Image OHC with East of West and Saga not sure I'm likely to go with the tpb route. One day as he says though.

Messi do you have any Chad Hardin Harley pages? I think I'd like to get a page from him or a commission at some point maybe.


That's dissapointing I really want to read this but after dipping my toes into the Image OHC with East of West and Saga not sure I'm likely to go with the tpb route. One day as he says though.

Messi do you have any Chad Hardin Harley pages? I think I'd like to get a page from him or a commission at some point maybe.

Yeah I have a page from him. You are gonna need 350-400 dollars for a page.

This is my page



Yeah I have a page from him. You are gonna need 350-400 dollars for a page.

This is my page

Wow that's cool I haven't read that mini series yet but I really like the way he draws Peej. That kind of price is way out of my budget unfortunately, maybe when I get a full time job I can save for one. I'd really like an Ivy drawing from him even if it's just a two tone headshot which would probably be the cheaper route.


Wow that's cool I haven't read that mini series yet but I really like the way he draws Peej. That kind of price is way out of my budget unfortunately, maybe when I get a full time job I can save for one. I'd really like an Ivy drawing from him even if it's just a two tone headshot which would probably be the cheaper route.

For $150 you can have a one of a kind print of the same page.


Wow that's cool I haven't read that mini series yet but I really like the way he draws Peej. That kind of price is way out of my budget unfortunately, maybe when I get a full time job I can save for one. I'd really like an Ivy drawing from him even if it's just a two tone headshot which would probably be the cheaper route.

Absolutely, roux draws the mini but his art isn't any cheaper.

Chad Hardin seems to only do a few sketches at a con now. He used to sell them online.

For $150 you can have a one of a kind print of the same page.



For $150 you can have a one of a kind print of the same page.

For the time it takes me to plug in my printer I can have a one of a kind A4 print of the same page.

Absolutely, roux draws the mini but his art isn't any cheaper.

Chad Hardin seems to only do a few sketches at a con now. He used to sell them online.

I've seen he's been to at least one con in the UK, I'll have to keep a look out but there is always NYCC next year.

I'd like to get something Noto as well at some point, that's the dream actually. I think what Bii does with his Batman sketchbook is a fantastic idea and something I might try myself.


For the time it takes me to plug in my printer I can have a one of a kind A4 print of the same page.

I've seen he's been to at least one con in the UK, I'll have to keep a look out but there is always NYCC next year.

I'd like to get something Noto as well at some point, that's the dream actually. I think what Bii does with his Batman sketchbook is a fantastic idea and something I might try myself.

I want to have a sketchbook where I get people to draw Harley Quinn dressed up as other characters. I need to see Harley as Robin.


I want to have a sketchbook where I get people to draw Harley Quinn dressed up as other characters. I need to see Harley as Robin.

That would be cool I'd probably lean Natasha or Emma. Maybe just do an X-men themed book actually and just let them draw whoever they like.


Was going to ask why he has two hands then I saw the bottom. Think I might read through my three hardcovers and try and get back into the comics. That new spin off starts tonight? wonder if it will be good.
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