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COMICS! |OT| August 2015. Overwhelming.


I hate how all these good Image books get lost in the shuffle. Is Image only a sustainable career path? What's their pay structure like?
So was Morrison the first writer to introduce the concept of Reed "stretching" his mind? I know Planetary used a similar concept, but I kind of assumed Ellis made that up because it was fucking genius.

I hate how all these good Image books get lost in the shuffle. Is Image only a sustainable career path? What's their pay structure like?

I think it's based on what the book makes. I read about it awhile ago because I was curious. As I recall, they give out an advance on money and take some of the profits. I'm not sure about the division or numbers, but unless it's something like TWD-levels of popularity, I would wager it's not enough on its own.
If you figure out what's going on before the end (hell, even at the end), I'd love to hear your take on it

Darius blew up previous timeline and its one safe haven cuz he jelly. Timeline reassembles itself borked. Ethan and ZZ try to fix shit and let it heal while saving the recurring characters that they wanna preserve. Darius gets jelly because he's outside the loop, tries to prevent the reset, ends up causing it faster.

Guess it would've been a far more interesting tale if i were familiar with any of the characters. As it is, only the superman, the lex and the lois expys were obvious. Black einstein flash was cool too.

Was 3 ishs of introducing characters and 4 ishs explaining the end, really. Pretty much every scene with doc rocket serves only to explain the rules of the universe. Way too contrived a story for 7 ishs. Came to a point where i was reading it mostly for the art.



Nice! How is the paper quality for the WW omnibus? I bought 2 of them (1 for my daughter, 1 for my sister). And the Onslaught omnibus.

Last week was expensive
It's pretty cool though, and it makes sense.

Yeah, it's a really cool concept. I don't know if any writers ever mentioned it before Ellis/Morrison (Planetary and FF 1234 seemed to come out at the same time). I think its swept under the rug because Reed is a genius already, but he could possibly be the smartest being in existence

I can't possibly be the only one that eagerly awaits for the moment when Luffy will finally try to go all gomu gomu no brain

fuckin lol
So was Morrison the first writer to introduce the concept of Reed "stretching" his mind? I know Planetary used a similar concept, but I kind of assumed Ellis made that up because it was fucking genius.

I think it's based on what the book makes. I read about it awhile ago because I was curious. As I recall, they give out an advance on money and take some of the profits. I'm not sure about the division or numbers, but unless it's something like TWD-levels of popularity, I would wager it's not enough on its own.

Wouldn't stretching your brain make you dumber, since it'd take longer for impulses to travel between neurons?
Wouldn't stretching your brain make you dumber, since it'd take longer for impulses to travel between neurons?

If you were, in fact, stretching them, sure. Alas, Ultimate Reed is made of some mythocondrial/bacterial sac thing that multiplies as needed to fill out the space, so he's creating more bacterioneurons or whatever, and i don't think anyone's ever bothered to try to specify exactly how 616 Reed's stretching works.

Are you just starting Rumble? It's basically a perfect 10 IMO.

That seems to be indeed the case so far.
If I knew you in person, we'd have a secret handshake. You're too awesome.
If you lived in northeastern Wisconsin, then we could go ham on some friendship
I have a comic books question on sidekicks. I was going to post a new thread on the OT, but honestly, I'd prefer to have actual comic readers respond since you guys might atleast back up your answers with actual reading experiences. Every time a comics thread is posted in the OT, I feel half the participants are only considering the question as a theoretical abstract, rather from drawing on actual stories.

Right, so the question is how are sidekicks regarded in this day and age of comics. I know only the general history of them. I know marvel didn't really like them for some reason, and most of their heroes don't have them. And I know they've sort of become a lost art in DC. At the very least, I can't really think of too many sidekicks that appeared since the new 52.

I don't object to the idea of a hero getting an understudy to mentor. However, basically drafting (which is the only thing it can be considered, as there's no way children can make informed consent to this) children into vigilantism is kind of....well... Probably why they had Dick, Jason and Tim all join in their late teens in the new 52 continuity.

I guess the dividing line here is how you view comics. If the new age of comics means you give the stories a certain degree of authenticity, the concept of sidekicks, especially kid sidekicks, is criminally irresponsible. I like the idea of it and the good characters that came out of it, but it has an irreversible effect on how Batman is viewed as a guardian, depending on the danger that criminals and supervillains actually pose. If the supervillains are literally cartoonish and ineffective, then letting kids join is no big deal. If they are...

Well, I'm having trouble reconciling my idea of a criminal world that poses a measure authentic danger in comics vs the inclusion of child sidekicks. One has to exclude one or the other, or else you seriously have to put in question Batman's morality. Which is also fine if thats what you want to do, but most stories want to have Batman's decision to include Dick, Jason and Tim into his crimefighting as good, or atleast not evil.

What do you guys think?

Edit: to be clear, I kind of just got stuck on Batman as I was writing it, as he's the hero with sidekicks who I understand most/best, but I meant it to apply to superheroes in general.

Poodle basically covered the whole thing, but I think I'd just add that most heroes have teams or supporting characters. Maybe a partner. Green Arrow has Diggle (now) and an entire supporting tech team. They're usually adults, but sometimes teens (usually late teens).

I think having kid sidekicks is no different from a shonen protagonist like Yusuke Urameshi or Yoh Asakura or Monkey D. Luffy or Naruto Uzumaki or....you get the idea. Hell, Kamala Kahn is 16. Wolverine's thing is basically taking teenage girls under his wing (in the most platonic, non-creepy way. I respect that a lot and I've always appreciated those relationships). Take the OG kid sidekick, Dick Grayson. Bruce took him in and raised him simply as a son, and then Dick found out (or was he shown it?) that Bruce was Batman, he wanted to work alongside him. It was neverr really forced. The reason I like Dick in particular is because Bruce is Batman as a means to cope with all the trauma and shit he went through as a kid. He's channeled into something positive, but it's a coping mechanism none the less. Bruce helped Dick come to that resolution so much faster, so he didn't have that hangin over his head his entire life. Bruce didn't want Dick to be him, but Dick chose to be a superhero because he wants to help people.

The point is that each Robin WANTED to be Robin, for one reason or another. Batman trained them as a means to protect them and as a way to channel that into a positive output. Jason is probably the worst it ever got, but even now he's a hero for hire with Roy Harper, so there's that, too.

I guess the only true reservation towards teen sidekicks is that the idea of an adult allowing a kid to fight crime is a social services nightmare, and in a world where apparently every parent is a terrible one according to everyone, then obviously it's a no-no. But in a world where the fantasy of a kid getting superpowers and saving the world still exists, then I can't see how it's really bad at all.

Unless it's All-Star Batman and Robin. Then....well, let's just not go there.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Well the shit definitely hit the fan in Saga #17 and #18.

Heist dead
The Will a vegetable
Prince Robot 4 broken
Lying cat blinded in one eye
Old Woman Horns with broke hip



Still reading through Usagi Yojimbo Saga 1. Definitely enjoying it so far, has a nice, episodic feel to it. The art style wasn't my favorite at first, but it's growing on me. Something about seeing the dead seriousness of some of the stuff discussed with cartoony animal people is definitely interesting. Only thing that's a shame is that, IMO, none of the villains I've seen so far in this have had much oomph to them visually.

But yeah, thinking I'll wait for Fantagraphics to put out their part and then catch up on buying the rest of the Sagas that are out, for more proper reading order. It's actually pretty cool how great it seems both companies are being at getting the series out in a nice, affordable form right now!

Edit: I type this up, and then I immediately hit the first story in here with this guy named Jei who rectifies that lack of oomph. Welp, timing on these things can be interesting sometimes, I guess.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Hey I did something I hadn't some in ages...read some comics. Finished Death of Wolvie Weapon X and Legacy series.


Hey I didn't say I read good comics >_>

I'm so behind on MU releases, getting dangerously close to the point of no return
Hey I did something I hadn't some in ages...read some comics. Finished Death of Wolvie Weapon X and Legacy series.


Hey I didn't say I read good comics >_>

I'm so behind on MU releases, getting dangerously close to the point of no return

I read good comics

Get on my level


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Life isn't good. I only read comics that match my shit life
nah this thread leans super young for comics. I'm younger than that and so is Tyrant Rave and Kipp and Serpentine (who is like 12 years old or something idk)
i'm actually 12 and a half. I'll let it slide this time though

Damn, didn't make it onto Wada's list for NYCC...definiitely getting something at the show though.

The list I narrowed it down to was The Boss from MGS3, classic outfit Zatanna and fashionized Madame Hydra or Echo.
he's so worth. My Wondercon piece came in last week and it was well worth the wait


Damn, didn't make it onto Wada's list for NYCC...definiitely getting something at the show though.

The list I narrowed it down to was The Boss from MGS3, classic outfit Zatanna and fashionized Madame Hydra or Echo.

Right there with you dude. But at least I got to talk to him for a bit and he's a very nice person. It's kind of commendable though if you think about it; he could have just kept populating lists at $300+ a pop and taken on this giant load.
Finished the first Morrison Batman and Robin trade. Pyg is fucking mental and Damian's really growing on me. I already loved DickBats after reading Black Mirror but seeing him try to lead Damian shows a different side of him - they make a good team.
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