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COMICS! |OT| August 2015. Overwhelming.

Just read Justice League #43 (I'm catching up on stuff I missed last week first)

Book continues to be a decent, if dirt-standard, cape book. Nothing really exceptional. Feels like Johns is still doing setup, splitting the party and all that. Bat-God is being handled better than expected, though, again, like the rest of the book, nothing especially interesting is being done with him.
Supes and Lex
on Apokalips is probably the best stuff. Real boneheaded move by Baldy at the end there, but could be entertaining.

Also, I'm still surprised that this:


Is going down and it's not a Crisis (or at least Crisis-tier) event. Feels like Johns had it all plotted out and then ended up having to downscale 'cause Editorial decided to go another direction.


Because Rich Johnston needs his click-throughs to get paid. And nothing else.
I'm not a fan but, he seems to have legit sources when it comes to this kind of thing.
A day later, looking back on it, DC's real problem is actually really simple : Flash, Green Lantern and Wonder Woman fucking suck shit now. The rest is rebuilding trust, finding its audience, but they really need to shitcan everyone involved with these three books because those are your big tentpoles characters and they all suck shit right now.

If anything I would say the issue is that they are releasing too many "non-traditional" books and big status quo changes to their bigger books at the same time. Convergence didn't do them any favors either.

Also, I'm probably never going to get over what happened with Flash and its crazy to see what happened with Green Lantern after how popular the book was during and post Blackest Night.
Archie #2 was fun. Definitely going to be sad to see Fiona Staples go, but the writing is the real strength of the book, IMO. Very fun dialogue and I love the "talk to the camera" narration they're using, reminds me of Better Off Ted in a lot of ways.

Which is fantastic.


Archie #2 was fun. Definitely going to be sad to see Fiona Staples go, but the writing is the real strength of the book, IMO. Very fun dialogue and I love the "talk to the camera" narration they're using, reminds me of Better Off Ted in a lot of ways.

Which is fantastic.

I think the book is equal parts writing and art for me. I worry post Fiona Staples what will happen even though I like the artists that are lined up. Seeing Staples art just makes me want more saga.

Betty was incredible this issue. The dressing scene had me rolling.
Robin, Son of Batman #3 has finally seemed to find its footing. The actual tasks are moving towards the background a little, and the inter-team dynamics and redemption stories are filling the gaps nicely. Seeing
was very cool, curious to see what on earth's going on with her.

One thing, though: while I like the art on average, the faces are bugging the hell out of me. The eyes, specifically. Maya and Damian look sooooo much better when they're wearing their respective masks. It's a shame, because otherwise it's really great. The fight this issue was spectacular.


Yo, so I originally thought that Weirdworld was continuing after Secret Wars, but I guess that's not the case. Just found out that a series called Black Knight will be taking place in Weirdworld instead. I'm honestly bummed now that the book won't be following the same characters or at least have the same creative team. Does anyone have any details regarding Black Knight? I'm not familiar with the writer or artist.
Bizarro #3 was funny, mostly in a sensible chuckle sort of way, but the riddler gag got a genuine laugh out of me. The art is synching up better with the writing, too, really complementing it.


Read three books;

Civil War #3 is a fun read. It's not the best tie-in, but imo it's a better story than the original ever was.
Oh Black Panther lives! Dat neutral T'Challa. Working with Bullseye seems weird though. And man, Peter is a dick in this book. Eeeew at corpse Fisk

E is for Extinction #3 Not as good as the other two, but a good read.

Old Man Logan #4 is my favourite. In the story department it's not brilliant or anything, but the art man, the art is fantastic. Next to mainline Secret Wars my pick for best art in this event.
Okay, so, Black Canary #3 is... odd. It's juggling about 3 separate things at once, filling in Canary's backstory, telling the tale of her, the band, and now
her ex-husband
fighting off the government and these weird alien things, and the more mundane "band doing band stuff and having band problems" plots. The art both helps and hurts this; the loose style makes the transitions a little less jarring, but at the same time, the various stuff flowing together can make it tough to tell what's going on. Overall, still enjoying it. Could definitely stand to streamline a little, though.


Read three books;

Civil War #3 is a fun read. It's not the best tie-in, but imo it's a better story than the original ever was.
Oh Black Panther lives! Dat neutral T'Challa. Working with Bullseye seems weird though. And man, Peter is a dick in this book. Eeeew at corpse Fisk

E is for Extinction #3 Not as good as the other two, but a good read.

Old Man Logan #4 is my favourite. In the story department it's not brilliant or anything, but the art man, the art is fantastic. Next to mainline Secret Wars my pick for best art in this event.

Loved this sequence from OML #4 (spoilers)
Martian Manhunter #3: Wat.

No but seriously

Actually seriously: this is a great book. Very fun twist on the usual "white Martian invasion" plotline Manhunter typically gets saddled with. I'm not terribly familiar with the character's history, but this is a new origin for him, yeah? Also, the
Red Martian
: new or what? It's very cool stuff, to be sure. I love how the artist does the shapeshifting and transformation panels.
Okay, so, Black Canary #3 is... odd. It's juggling about 3 separate things at once, filling in Canary's backstory, telling the tale of her, the band, and now
her ex-husband
fighting off the government and these weird alien things, and the more mundane "band doing band stuff and having band problems" plots. The art both helps and hurts this; the loose style makes the transitions a little less jarring, but at the same time, the various stuff flowing together can make it tough to tell what's going on. Overall, still enjoying it. Could definitely stand to streamline a little, though.

Seems about how I feel, too


Is Martian Manhunter a good book for people who never read any Martian Manhunter, nor a Justice League book?

It was announced in July at image expo for November. Not solicited yet it seems.

Welp. November is going to be insanely expensive.

Thanks :D
Is Martian Manhunter a good book for people who never read any Martian Manhunter, nor a Justice League book?

Honestly, I'm inclined to say that it's a good book regardless; I'm hugely enjoying it, despite not being certain how much stuff is new and how much is referencing older material I'm unfamiliar with. I will say that it doesn't tie into any of the Justice League or MM stuff I've read in the past, so you should be okay as another relative newbie.
Martian Manhunter #3: Wat.

No but seriously

Actually seriously: this is a great book. Very fun twist on the usual "white Martian invasion" plotline Manhunter typically gets saddled with. I'm not terribly familiar with the character's history, but this is a new origin for him, yeah? Also, the
Red Martian
: new or what? It's very cool stuff, to be sure. I love how the artist does the shapeshifting and transformation panels.
Hmm, guess I need to catch up


Honestly, I'm inclined to say that it's a good book regardless; I'm hugely enjoying it, despite not being certain how much stuff is new and how much is referencing older material I'm unfamiliar with. I will say that it doesn't tie into any of the Justice League or MM stuff I've read in the past, so you should be okay as another relative newbie.

Thanks. I really want to use DC You to dive into more DC Trades, I hate how I came far to late for most of All New 52. To much Backlog, even while I am just interested in Superman realted stuff and Wonder Woman.
Doctor Fate #3: Man, I so wanted this to be great, but as is, it's easily the weakest DCYou series I'm reading. Art doesn't really jive with the story, the Everybody Hates Hades treatment of Anubis continues to grate, and the plot is just sort of spinning its wheels. Dialogue isn't anything to write home about either, though at least it does a good job of selling the character relationships (dull as they might be). Continues to just barely scape by, but I'm thiiiiis close to dropping, I swear.


Junior Member
I call bullshit. I refuse to believe that Marvel is trying to replace mutants with Inhumans.
I don't think anything's wrong with the mutants in the comics, especially with the talent that they're getting (sans Greg Land). That being said, something's definitely fishy on the merchandising side of things.
Martian Manhunter #3: Wat.

No but seriously

Actually seriously: this is a great book. Very fun twist on the usual "white Martian invasion" plotline Manhunter typically gets saddled with. I'm not terribly familiar with the character's history, but this is a new origin for him, yeah? Also, the
Red Martian
: new or what? It's very cool stuff, to be sure. I love how the artist does the shapeshifting and transformation panels.

Dude I'm already buying too much DC shit and now you have to tempt me with this?
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