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COMICS! |OT| August 2015. Overwhelming.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Hey, can I PM you with some questions? You sound like you know what you're doing. lol

Of course! I'd be happy to help!
I don't know a ton about the intricacies, but I have a pretty good grasp on the basics, so I can try to answer any questions you've got as best as I can.
I love love love Giant Days

Dan Didio and the rest of the DC brass can go fuck themselves. Brah thinks he is Christian the Lion, but nobody is going to care when he is gone or momentarily draw attention to a social injustice.


What are some good DC books GAF? I definitely read a lot more Marvel at the moment. For DC I only read Batman, Grayson, Justice League, and Omega Men. Are there any current ongoings worth looking into? Earth 2 looks interesting but I know nothing about it. What about any essential pre Nu52 runs? Outside of Batman I'm not really familiar with the older DC books.

She lives on in our hearts Messi. :(
Woops think I just spoiled myself lol. Awesome art though.

Catching up on a few SW titles

Old Man Logan ending was very well done, once again confirming that Bendis fares FAR better when given a somewhat constrained setting.

Modok Assassin is joy. Modok Assassin is love.

Marvel Zombies 3 made me realize that Si Spurrier is possibly the best deadpool dialogue writer ever.
OML has one more book to go no? Unless you meant the ending to that particular issue. In which case I'm an idiot lol but yeah that whole sequence is great.

Marvel Zombies continues impress. Even though I think this issue is actually the weakest of the series so far it's still undeniably a lot of fun with a bit of darker tones sprinkled in there with the flashbacks.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Deadly Class #13
.......... God damn it. GOD FUCKING DAMN IT......This better be a trick. It's totally not :(.

I want to break something

I just read the issue. Piss fuck shit! This one hit me way harder than any of the deaths in Wicked + Divine.


Unconfirmed Member
Wish I was seeing more love for Hank Johnson Agent of Hydra. It was exactly what I hoped it would be.

Where Monsters Dwell was still pretty awesome. I'm always surprised when a book doesn't contrive reasons to have smoke covering up nudity. It's just a fictional cartoon man's butt, it's not going to hurt anyone.
OML has one more book to go no? Unless you meant the ending to that particular issue. In which case I'm an idiot lol but yeah that whole sequence is great.

I dunno, that fastball special seems to have placed him in the
616/1610 fightzone, so he is where he'd need to be for whatever fuckery Bendis wants to pull with Ultimate End, thus i assumed that it was, in fact, the last ish.


I dunno, that fastball special seems to have placed him in the
616/1610 fightzone, so he is where he'd need to be for whatever fuckery Bendis wants to pull with Ultimate End, thus i assumed that it was, in fact, the last ish.
Ah I see what you mean. I just though that since it said "To be concluded" that there would be one more issue. But I suppose that could happen in
Ultimate End? I hope not because I've heard nothing but negativity regarding that book.
What are some good DC books GAF? I definitely read a lot more Marvel at the moment. For DC I only read Batman, Grayson, Justice League, and Omega Men. Are there any current ongoings worth looking into? Earth 2 looks interesting but I know nothing about it. What about any essential pre Nu52 runs? Outside of Batman I'm not really familiar with the older DC books.

Have you read All-Star Superman? It's a great book that I think most people can enjoy. If you enjoy the current Batman series then I'd also say to check out Batman: The Black Mirror which is also written by Snyder and has Dick as Batman instead of Bruce.

For ongoings, maybe try out Gotham Academy. It's a really good all-ages sort of story so far with some great art. It's probably my favorite one besides Grayson and Starfire.


Have you read All-Star Superman? It's a great book that I think most people can enjoy. If you enjoy the current Batman series then I'd also say to check out Batman: The Black Mirror which is also written by Snyder and has Dick as Batman instead of Bruce.

For ongoings, maybe try out Gotham Academy. It's a really good all-ages sort of story so far with some great art. It's probably my favorite one besides Grayson and Starfire.
Read those, loved em! Black Mirror might be my favorite Batman story.

I'll look into GA thanks for suggesting!

Side note: E is for Extinction #3. What did I just read? Shit is Bananas

Edit: Grayson #11. Love this series so much. The fight, the dialogue, the paneling is all fantastic. The twist wasn't all that special but I'm very intrigued with where they are going with the story.
I dunno, that fastball special seems to have placed him in the
616/1610 fightzone, so he is where he'd need to be for whatever fuckery Bendis wants to pull with Ultimate End, thus i assumed that it was, in fact, the last ish.

Ah I see what you mean. I just though that since it said "To be concluded" that there would be one more issue. But I suppose that could happen in
Ultimate End? I hope not because I've heard nothing but negativity regarding that book.

Old Man Logan has one issue left. (Note: contains slightly spoilery info in the synopsis)


Knows the Score
Sorry to (possibly) derail the conversation there, but is this a thread where I can ask about Judge Dredd?

Some stuff happened recently and I was able to pick up a few volumes for quite cheap. I don't normally read comics (as in, I maybe have read 2 or 3 before), but it was cheap, so I just went 'whatever' and picked up a few.

Basically my question is: If I know the basic of Judge Dredd (like who some of the characters are and what the stories are about) can I read any of these in any order? Or do they all follow one big story?

For reference the ones I bought are:
"Judge Dredd Hall of Justice",
"Judge Dredd Future Crime",
"Judge Dredd 27",
"Judge Dredd The Pit",
"Judge Dredd Yearbook 1992".

I'm guessing most of these are part of bigger stories =P, if so, can you guys just point me towards which other volumes I should be getting to complete them? Or if everything is just part of one major story, where should I start reading?

Thanks in advance!

For the most part Dredd can be read out of sequence, bearing in mind that he is a character that is slowly aging. Those books are mostly anthologies by the look of it so nothing really needs to be read in order. If you like those though, you would be probably be best served picking up some of the collected editions onwards. This is a reasonably good list of what to pick up, although it misses off some personal favourites such as the American Graffiti/Chopper/Oz stuff : http://io9.com/5944097/top-11-essential-judge-dredd-stories


user-friendly man-cashews
Unbeatable Squirrel-Girl keeps on being a great book. #8 was the bomb, it just oozes fun.

Can't understand people who hate on Errica Henderson's art.


What are some good DC books GAF? I definitely read a lot more Marvel at the moment. For DC I only read Batman, Grayson, Justice League, and Omega Men. Are there any current ongoings worth looking into? Earth 2 looks interesting but I know nothing about it. What about any essential pre Nu52 runs? Outside of Batman I'm not really familiar with the older DC books.

New 52 onwards
Batman and Robin by Peter Tomasi (final collection isn't out yet)
Wonder Woman by Brian Azzarello (Vol 1-6)
Green Arrow by Jeff Lemire (Vol 4-6)
Aquaman by Geoff Johns (Vol 1-4 though the couple volumes after have been good too)
Batwoman by J H Williams (Vol 1-4)

Gotham Academy is cool
Gotham by Midnight is good and creepy
Black Canary is cool
Batgirl is solid enough (the Batgirl of Burnside collection corrected some egregious mistakes about a certain character)

Classic DC

Green Arrow: Longbow Hunters
Robin/Batgirl: Year One
Injustice is cool if you wanna see the DC Universe tear itself apart
Superman: Red Son
Green Lantern: Rebirth
Black Canary/Zatanna: Bloodspell
Lex Luthor: Man of Steel

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
I need TPB recommendations for my niece. she's beginning to read and my sister asked me about Ms Marvel (!!!)

i want to buy a bunch of stuff on Amazon and have it shipped over to their house, what should i get? she'll be reading alongside her mom, so it needs to be extremely child friendly.


I love love love Giant Days

guess i gotta read this

Slice of life... in space!

and Silver Surfer, bc that sounds great


I need TPB recommendations for my niece. she's beginning to read and my sister asked me about Ms Marvel (!!!)

Squirrel Girl is fun and for all ages. What about Lil Gotham? I've heard good things about that.

My copy of Phantom Pain came today so I'm throwing all my comic reading plans for this weekend out the window. See you folks on the other side.

Squirrel Girl is fun and for all ages. What about Lil Gotham? I've heard good things about that.

My copy of Phantom Pain came today so I'm throwing all my comic reading plans for this weekend out the window. See you folks on the other side.


Mine came today too. Can't believe it.


I bet everyone is going to get the game and talk about it here so much I might as well play it so I know what everyone is talking about.


I bet everyone is going to get the game and talk about it here so much I might as well play it so I know what everyone is talking about.

That's why I read half the books that I do.

All you are going to hear from me about the game is a standard "this is fucking cool" there will be no blacks bars or story talk. Especially seeing how the game isn't even out till next week.
Hey, can I PM you with some questions? You sound like you know what you're doing. lol

On the comics side, I picked up my weekly stuff and forgot to get bags/boards. *sigh*

Of course! I'd be happy to help!
I don't know a ton about the intricacies, but I have a pretty good grasp on the basics, so I can try to answer any questions you've got as best as I can.

Bii, you should also lurk/ask questions in this thread. Some very knowledgeable posters and good advice.


What are some good DC books GAF? I definitely read a lot more Marvel at the moment. For DC I only read Batman, Grayson, Justice League, and Omega Men. Are there any current ongoings worth looking into? Earth 2 looks interesting but I know nothing about it. What about any essential pre Nu52 runs? Outside of Batman I'm not really familiar with the older DC books.

I've been reading a lot of New 52 recently in collected form. These would be my recommendations.

Completed runs
Wonder Woman (Azarello/Chiang)
Demon Knights
Animal Man (Lemire)

Gotham Academy
Batman & Robin

I need TPB recommendations for my niece. she's beginning to read and my sister asked me about Ms Marvel (!!!)

i want to buy a bunch of stuff on Amazon and have it shipped over to their house, what should i get? she'll be reading alongside her mom, so it needs to be extremely child friendly.


Skottie Young's Oz is pretty decent.

How about Bark's Donald Duck collections?


What are some good DC books GAF? I definitely read a lot more Marvel at the moment. For DC I only read Batman, Grayson, Justice League, and Omega Men. Are there any current ongoings worth looking into? Earth 2 looks interesting but I know nothing about it. What about any essential pre Nu52 runs? Outside of Batman I'm not really familiar with the older DC books.

There is a lot of good, but since DC sucks ass at marketing you wouldn't know, so, in no particular order:
-Martian Manhunter is basically a super weird sci-fi conspiracy thriller with great bits of horror packed in. It's totally great and I don't know what happens next, it rules.
-Gotham By Midnight is a horror take on Gotham Central with Jim Corrigan, a.k.a. The Spectre, in the lead. It's about a bunch of super messed-up people, fighting super messed-up magic things that are sometimes monsters and sometimes not.
-Black Canary is just a super fun book about rock'n'roll and kicking people, and that's what I'm all about.
-Midnighter is a book about a young gay man living in the big city, trying to juggle looking for love and being a living weapon with a computer in the brain that makes him super good at breaking people with his bare hands.
-Constantine: The Hellblazer is basically Hawkeye but with wizards. It's a man who cannot stop fucking up and getting out by the skin of his teeth, except the teeth are super gross demons. Great fun. Super stylish.

Other than that, you can't go wrong with both Pak-penned Superman books (Batman/Superman and Action Comics), Parker and Foreman on JLU is super fun, and I'm forgetting some.


lol Armstrong is one of the best game antagonists of recent memory. That whole game is just amazing I'd love a sequel.
lol Armstrong is one of the best game antagonists of recent memory. That whole game is just amazing I'd love a sequel.

You know, it's kinda funny. I don't consider myself an MGS fan, but I've at least played every game in the series and beaten several.

Revengeance is definitely my favorite.


You know, it's kinda funny. I don't consider myself an MGS fan, but I've at least played every game in the series and beaten several.

Revengeance is definitely my favorite.

Revengeance is one of the best character action games I've ever played, probably the best. I'm glad we could get a game like that in the franchise.

Sons of Liberty is probably my favorite. Snake Eater is a better game but I don't have the same attachment with it as I do MGS2.
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