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COMICS! |OT| August 2015. Overwhelming.


I like Woods run on Conan but yeah he's a total fucking twat.

The fact that even he could still find work after that speaks volumes about this industry.

Damn, I finished Fables 150, and I feel sad. Not because it's over, but because I don't feel it was that great of an ending. Like, I wish it had gone out a bit more with a bang. Sure, they tied up some of the loose ends, and most people
got their happy endings
, but I definitely feel like the creative team took the easy way out. If this is seriously what it was all going to come down too, then they sure as hell could have ended up a long, long time ago.

Hm, sounds like a typical TV show finale. Is Fables still worth reading, though?


Damn, I finished Fables 150, and I feel sad. Not because it's over, but because I don't feel it was that great of an ending. Like, I wish it had gone out a bit more with a bang. Sure, they tied up some of the loose ends, and most people
got their happy endings
, but I definitely feel like the creative team took the easy way out. If this is seriously what it was all going to come down too, then they sure as hell could have ended up a long, long time ago.
It's so great to be watching a DBZ movie in theaters with a bunch of kids to grown ass adults all clapping and fanboying. This franchise is still strong.
I like Woods run on Conan but yeah he's a total fucking twat.
I thought Conan was enjoyable but that's because Cloonan, Shalvey and Harren were doing the artwork. Would not have given a shot if it didn't have A+++ artists on it

Kinda hard to enjoy the good work of a guy who straight tried to pull a casting couch on a woman trying to get artist work.

You're not wrong about that. That's pretty much exactly happened.

The fact that even he could still find work after that speaks volumes about this industry.
I wonder if he's actually suffered as a result from that coming to light other than his reputation from the comic reading public
Kinda hard to enjoy the good work of a guy who straight tried to pull a casting couch on a woman trying to get artist work.

That's because you can't stop thinking about it. Granted, I read the works I mentioned before all of that shit came out about him, but Jesus. You can take any god-damned creator you care to name and I bet they've done some shitty thing or another in their life. People fuck up sometimes (and sometimes repeatedly).

@Messi - Speaking of Tess Fowler, though. I'm really not sure I'm feeling her art on Rat Queens. I think I'd rather have Upchurch back. :p


That's because you can't stop thinking about it. Granted, I read the works I mentioned before all of that shit came out about him, but Jesus. You can take any god-damned creator you care to name and I bet they've done some shitty thing or another in their life. People fuck up sometimes (and sometimes repeatedly).

@Messi - Speaking of Tess Fowler, though. I'm really not sure I'm feeling her art on Rat Queens. I think I'd rather have Upchurch back. :p

It's not wrong to disassociate yourself from a writer when they do awful shit.

I say that as someone who still has Demo and Channel Zero on their shelf.


That's because you can't stop thinking about it. Granted, I read the works I mentioned before all of that shit came out about him, but Jesus. You can take any god-damned creator you care to name and I bet they've done some shitty thing or another in their life. People fuck up sometimes (and sometimes repeatedly).

So, the alternative is forgetting about the guy who tried to molest a woman because he wrote some halfway-decent comics?
Bloodshot #1-4: Perhaps the messiest Valiant title I've read so far - and not just because it's gory as fuck. It lacks polish, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. Story is really good, even though it's pretty simplistic; that kind of thing works for it. It at least does enough to make Bloodshot interesting, even though I think the stuff in The Valiant and Reborn is far more compelling (can Lemire just write the character forever?). Art could probably use some refining, but I've found a lot of these really low-key artists on the imprint end up getting better with every issue. #4, for example, had a pretty cool spread.
So, the alternative is forgetting about the guy who tried to molest a woman because he wrote some halfway-decent comics?

I don't forget about it, but I also don't let any personal bias inform my judgement of the work. I never said Brian Wood was a good person, I just said that the dude wrote some good comics. The mistakes he made don't change that.


I don't forget about it, but I also don't let any personal bias inform my judgement of the work. I never said Brian Wood was a good person, I just said that the dude wrote some good comics. The mistakes he made don't change that.

Okay but those aren't just "mistakes." He did genuinely awful shit and he doesn't get away with that because I like some of comics.
Hm, sounds like a typical TV show finale. Is Fables still worth reading, though?
The Adversary arc is really really good. Thats like the first 75 issues

Damn, I finished Fables 150, and I feel sad. Not because it's over, but because I don't feel it was that great of an ending. Like, I wish it had gone out a bit more with a bang. Sure, they tied up some of the loose ends, and most people
got their happy endings
, but I definitely feel like the creative team took the easy way out. If this is seriously what it was all going to come down too, then they sure as hell could have ended up a long, long time ago.
So def not worth going past issue 75?

I'm leaving this community

JC pls

think of all your alts


How's Injection? I read the first issue to get a feel for it before deciding on dcbs' 50% vol 1 tpb but i'm not sold and would like to know how the recent issues have been.


That's because you can't stop thinking about it. Granted, I read the works I mentioned before all of that shit came out about him, but Jesus. You can take any god-damned creator you care to name and I bet they've done some shitty thing or another in their life. People fuck up sometimes (and sometimes repeatedly).

@Messi - Speaking of Tess Fowler, though. I'm really not sure I'm feeling her art on Rat Queens. I think I'd rather have Upchurch back. :p

That's never going to happen and Tess's art on the braga one shot was great. She seems to be a huge Rat Queens fan too.
I'm not arguing that, nor am I offering the guy absolution. I don't know what you guys want from me.
I agree with Freeza. I actually don't want to know who these people are. The less I know the better. I like to treat the work as the work as best as possible. Now of course there are exceptions but if you want to limit to only the people with the things you've read, the political views as you, etc then your not casting a wide net. The people you love now could be scum but you just hadn't heard about it yet.


There's something about it, though. It doesn't suit the book the way that Sejic's did. I mean, it's not bad.

Well I'm sure we'll get used to it. I love the Rat Queens.

Maybe there will be a different inker? That can sometimes be a big deal, there have been people who make Greg Land's work look good.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
That's never going to happen and Tess's art on the braga one shot was great. She seems to be a huge Rat Queens fan too.

I didn't care for the art in Braga much at all.

Then again I greatly preferred Upchurch to Sejic too so what do I know?


I agree with Freeza. I actually don't want to know who these people are. The less I know the better. I like to treat the work as the work as best as possible. Now of course there are exceptions but if you want to limit to only the people with the things you've read, the political views as you, etc then your not casting a wide net. The people you love now could be scum but you just hadn't heard about it yet.

I don't think anyone is expected to act on what they don't know. When I start reading a book I don't google the author or the penciller or whoever else and see if they have any skeletons in their closet to determine if I'm gonna keep reading their thing. If I do by chance come across something though, I'm not just going to be willfully ignorant about it.
Thought to bring it up since so many names are being dropped.

Well, there are creators *I* wouldn't support by buying their work. Rarely, do you have a creator you can write off automatically. It really depends on what you find acceptable.

Assuming you care about the same things I'd care about:

Nathan Edmondson and Mitch Gerads: discussed earlier today

Brian Wood: I don't think his work reflects it as much, but he's basically played the part of casting couch guy and threw out a non apology when called out on it

Yale Stewart: dude went around sending unsolicited dick pics

Frank Cho: hyper talented artist but has some problematic attitudes when it comes to women. It occassionally seeps into his work.

Dave Sim: considered a master comic writer and artist but his work is considered to have misogynist elements

Mark Millar: has written some of the most popular and biggest comics out there. great action writer. But then again writes dialogue like 'time to see what evil dick tastes like.' If very poorly written rape scenes or situations are not your thing, stay very far away.

Frank Miller: a comics great; went crazy at some point. He most recently did Holy Terror which was basically a comic in which Batman kills Arabs b/c Arabs are bad or something

Roc Upchurch: His most famous work was on Rat Queens, a big indie hit with an unconventional cast. He was the artist on it until he got arrested for beating up his wife. He got kicked off the book right after.

Ethan van Sciver: Solid capes artist. A fan of McCarthy-ism ::shrug::

Then it depends on how much you care when a creator tries to define in their own narrow manner what feminity is. J Scott Campbell and Erik Larsen are culpable of this. They basically said women only look good in one certain way and anything outside of that makes them ugly. To be clear, they were talking in terms of character/costume design.

There are some Im probably missing. In general, I don't think anyone shows poor character by buying the works of any of these creators or others that you may find racist/misogynist/insulting/completely clueless. There are different viewpoints on where that line is. Some can divorce the work from any viewpoints of the creator. That's fine, but if you don't want your money to go to creators who hold views you think are unacceptable, those are some creators you may not want to buy the work of if your views happen to align with mine.


I agree with Freeza. I actually don't want to know who these people are. The less I know the better. I like to treat the work as the work as best as possible. Now of course there are exceptions but if you want to limit to only the people with the things you've read, the political views as you, etc then your not casting a wide net. The people you love now could be scum but you just hadn't heard about it yet.

Are we seriously going through the "judge the work, not the creator" argument?

Wow, I didn't know about all the shit about Edmondson's Punisher (wasn't reading it). Glad I never caught up with any of his stuff, lately.

Let's not forget about Dennis Hopeless and how he tried to pass off Avengers Undercover as a serious "PTSD book" with teens, while we're at it.


I use that. It's pretty accurate with releases. If you have a Comixology account you can use that to sign in and make a pull.

Also what are some non-super hero comics can you guys recommend? I love me some masks and capes but I also want to discover what else is out there.

The books I've read/am reading are:
- Sandman
- Y the Last Man
- Chew
- Transmetropolitan
- American Vampire
Are we seriously going through the "judge the work, not the creator" argument?

Wow, I didn't know about all the shit about Edmondson's Punisher (wasn't reading it). Glad I never caught up with any of his stuff, lately.

Let's not forget about Dennis Hopeless and how he tried to pass off Avengers Undercover as a serious "PTSD book" with teens, while we're at it.

Do what you want but don't pull the OT superiority crap on me and tell me what i should do

Also what are some non-super hero comics can you guys recommend? I love me some masks and capes but I also want to discover what else is out there.

The books I've read/am reading are:
- Sandman
- Y the Last Man
- Chew
- Transmetropolitan
- American Vampire

Usagi Yojimbo
Life and Times of Martha Washington
Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck
Queen & Country

Also what are some non-super hero comics can you guys recommend? I love me some masks and capes but I also want to discover what else is out there.

The books I've read/am reading are:
- Sandman
- Y the Last Man
- Chew
- Transmetropolitan
- American Vampire

-Deadly Class
-Plantery, technically a cape book but if you loved Transmet you'll love this as well
-Ivar, Timewalker
-The Fade Out

Also what are some non-super hero comics can you guys recommend? I love me some masks and capes but I also want to discover what else is out there.

The books I've read/am reading are:
- Sandman
- Y the Last Man
- Chew
- Transmetropolitan
- American Vampire

For completed stuff, Six Gun Gorilla is ComicsGAF approved. Really good book.


I don't think anyone is expected to act on what they don't know. When I start reading a book I don't google the author or the penciller or whoever else and see if they have any skeletons in their closet to determine if I'm gonna keep reading their thing. If I do by chance come across something though, I'm not just going to be willfully ignorant about it.

Pretty much where I'm at. Don't really go looking for info on the personal lives and opinions of creators of anything, but if I do learn that someone has done some awful shit that I don't agree with I would have no desire to support them in the future.

Everyone makes mistakes, but sometimes there just are some really terrible human beings, even among those who are creative. I don't agree with ignoring that and continuing to support such people just because they write/draw/act/sing, etc.
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