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COMICS! |OT| August 2015. Overwhelming.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
get off my fucking lawn you damn kids ;_;

Everything was fine with our thread until the reference was mucked up by dickless here.


now i'm not saying that you're missing the best movies ever made or anything

but how

once upon a time when i was a teenager on the internet i said to myself "hmmmm maybe I should give these Original Star Wars Trilogy movies a shot" because there are weird nerds who do think that they're the best movies ever made

but then you do research and you're like "oh, so the only worthwhile versions of these movies are the original theatrical cuts, huh" and then you read about how George fuckin Lucas is a butcher who ruined his masterpieces and how he literally raped people's childhoods with the updated versions and then you realize that a lot of these people probably care way too much about this children's franchise and forget all about it other than the stuff you gathered from cultural osmosis

watched episodes I and II as a kid before all this happened tho


I am sorry you missed these great classics because people are exaggerating idiots in the internet.

Well yeah, I wish I could experience like people experienced in 1977 or whatever but to encounter Star Wars in the internet age means you really experience everything that's sprung up around Star Wars as well


I knew a person who said she didn't like it.

I don't think she even really saw it.

No wonder it didn't work out between us.
i bet Messi would like Princess Bride tho

once upon a time when i was a teenager on the internet i said to myself "hmmmm maybe I should give these Original Star Wars Trilogy movies a shot" because there are weird nerds who do think that they're the best movies ever made

but then you do research and you're like "oh, so the only worthwhile versions of these movies are the original theatrical cuts, huh" and then you read about how George fuckin Lucas is a butcher who ruined his masterpieces and how he literally raped people's childhoods with the updated versions and then you realize that a lot of these people probably care way too much about this children's franchise and forget all about it other than the stuff you gathered from cultural osmosis

watched episodes I and II as a kid before all this happened tho
lmao @ bolded

hmmm yeah i first saw them before i was on the internet, meaning it's hard for me to imagine having not seen them, since it was just a thing everyone around me had seen. so it probably is impossible not to experience them while being on the internet, even if you haven't seen them. They're still p. good though
New Wic Div didn't answer any questions for the currently ongoing conflict but was still the best issue for the last few months. Really solid story and the perfect world to tell it in. There were parts that came off a bit contrived for a bigger emotional payoff. Really enjoyed Tula Lotay's artwork. Nice expressive figures and texture.

Ipad at 16%!?! #FUCKINGTARA
Crap. My IST order that I tried to place yesterday,, which I could swear ended with me on the "Order complete" page, never went through so I just had to do it now. Given recent history this probably means like 2-3 extra days of waiting. Oops.

Messi, have you ever seen The Princess Bride?

I'm not sure we want an answer to this.
Javier Pulido wrote and drew the latest issue of Guardians Team-Up (#9) and felt like it had quite a bit of content, including a pretty solidly drawn nightclub scene and okay follow-up fight scene. It's not something i'd actively recommend but I'm also admittedly not into Pulido as much as the people here who like him. like, his stuff can't carry a book for me, i don't think
Crap. My IST order that I tried to place yesterday,, which I could swear ended with me on the "Order complete" page, never went through so I just had to do it now. Given recent history this probably means like 2-3 extra days of waiting. Oops.

I think last week, they posted something on their facebook about filling some positions they'd lost. I'm a little more optimistic about them now.


initial dcbs order is in....


Invincible 124
Paper Girls 1
Switch 1 - may or may not
Injection vol 1 - iffy
Kaptara vol 1 - iffy


East of west 23
Walking Bread 147
Astonishing Ant-Man #1 - relaunch sounds good but i didn't like the other five issues.
Doctor Strange #1 - i want Bachalo's art but i'm not thrilled at $5 ( 2.99 dcbs) first issue
Karnak #1 - Moon Knight was good so sure
Marvel Zombies #4 - wrapping up the mini
Secret Wars #8 - wrapping up the Secret.

Missed for now:

Survivor's Club #1 - Vertigo series with an interesting horrory movie premise
Black Magick #1 - Rucka, Image, probably trades like Tokyo Ghost
Cap Sam Wilson #1 - Spencer is iffy, i like Acuna, not sure
New Avengers #1 and 2 - double ships, iffy.
Uncanny Avengers #1 - $5, not sure about Stegman's style.

i'll read stuff i miss from Marvel on MU eventually so if i don't feel strongly about a book it's easier to skip it these days.
initial dcbs order is in....

I dropped a lot of books for the newest order and I'm trying to severely limit the amount of new Marvel books coming out, only getting:

Amazing Spider-Man
Doctor Strange
Extraordinary X-Men
Uncanny Avengers

for that month.

Also dropped a bunch of DC books but picking up Batman and Robin Eternal.

New Indie books are:

Black Magick
I Hate Fairyland
Paper Girls
Twilight Children



I really want Deadpool to be good and I think Ryan Reynolds is a great choice for the character, but they seem to be going all-in on the R rating and the content shown so far seems like it's trying way too hard with the constant dick/gay jokes. If they'd have dialed it back quite a bit (because honestly, when has Deadpool ever been that dirty/crude?), I think Fox could have had a real winner on their hands.


^^^ didn't pay attention to Twilight Children when i was glancing through the specials, that sounds decently interesting though the plot sounds messy. I will wait for reviews and get it digitally perhaps.

Deadpool trailer looked amazing visually but every line uttered was groan-worthy, low point was the red suit so enemies wouldn't see him bleed and that's why that guy is wearing brown pants.

Also i'm lowering expectations for the Republican debates tomorrow, this is going to be less exciting than a current Chicago Bulls playoff run.
^^^ didn't pay attention to Twilight Children when i was glancing through the specials, that sounds decently interesting though the plot sounds messy. I will wait for reviews and get it digitally perhaps.

Yeah I just had to go for it because of Darwyn Cooke.

Still no word on when Revengeance is coming out, I need my crime noir.


I'm really regretting not having kept WicDiv for last because really that comic is just too important right now and I can't read anything else


Man I need to relax so I'm going to crack into my copies of Wicked + the Divine seeing how I've heard a lot of good things about it
Real talk: only watched princess bride 2 years ago. While the script is good, dear. fucking. lord. are most actors amateur hour. Dudes ruining delivery left and right, stilted dialogue everywhere. Andre legit didn't even try.

Baldie was baller, tho.

And then one goes and tries to find out wth happened to Cary Elwes. Fast food. Fast food happened.
I still haven't watched og star wars

Or princess bride

I haven't seen Ghostbusters since I was 7 or 8

Sure judge me if you want but I bet you haven't watched El Santo y Blue Demon contra Dracula y El Hombre Lobo 5 times like I have
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