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COMICS! |OT| August 2015. Overwhelming.


New coworker said he enjoys comics. Wants to know what DC books are good. I should recommend Catwoman so he knows I am serious about my comics.
Having read a few New 52 series, what should I look to next? Series I have read and my current "ratings".

Very Good
Wonder Woman

Animal Man (less Rotworld)

OK - will continue reading
Harley Quinn

Close to dropping
Action Comics


Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Having read a few New 52 series, what should I look to next? Series I have read and my current "ratings".

Very Good
Wonder Woman

Animal Man (less Rotworld)

OK - will continue reading
Harley Quinn

Close to dropping
Action Comics


Grayson is pretty damned good.
Having read a few New 52 series, what should I look to next? Series I have read and my current "ratings".

Very Good
Wonder Woman

Animal Man (less Rotworld)

OK - will continue reading
Harley Quinn

Close to dropping
Action Comics


Omega Men!

Infinite Crisis was kinda "meh".

Pretty much. All bombast and fury, not much in terms of actual... uh... stuff.
Having read a few New 52 series, what should I look to next? Series I have read and my current "ratings".

Very Good
Wonder Woman

Animal Man (less Rotworld)

OK - will continue reading
Harley Quinn

Close to dropping
Action Comics


Demon Knights
Batman & Robin (I think it's better than Batman in some ways, particularly the second half of the run)
Justice League 3000
Green Arrow (Volumes 4-6)
Gotham Academy
Sword of Sorcery (only one trade)
Vader was really good again. No much of the title character but testament to the supporting characters Gillen's introduced, he wasn't all that missed. Great to see more of Bossk and IG's long lost cousin twice removed. Aphra's my favourite supporting character in comics at the moment.

Supposed to be neutral according to those rumours.
I figured, but I've heard nothing about him since the big announcement last year. Or was that 2013? I don't remember.
Having read a few New 52 series, what should I look to next? Series I have read and my current "ratings".

Very Good
Wonder Woman

Animal Man (less Rotworld)

OK - will continue reading
Harley Quinn

Close to dropping
Action Comics

Justice League Dark is really good for the first 3 volumes.

Green Arrow volumes 4-6 (Jeff Lemire's run) is solid as well, plus you don't need prior knowledge to enjoy it.

Earth 2 is phenomenal. At least for now. I've only read volumes 1-3 so far and I'm still reading it.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Weeee. Library haul!

Parker The Hunter
Mars Attacks Classics Vol 1
King City
Neil Young's Greendale (Saw Joshua Dysart on the spine and was like "GET")
Scott Pilgrim Vol 1 & 2 (already read once)
Daytripper (already read once)
I Kill Giants (already read once)


Having read a few New 52 series, what should I look to next? Series I have read and my current "ratings".

Very Good
Wonder Woman

Animal Man (less Rotworld)

OK - will continue reading
Harley Quinn

Close to dropping
Action Comics


Which runs of Action have you read. Pak's run has been very good, I think.

Get some Aquaman and Lemire Green Arrow in your life. Grayson and Black Canary are fun.
Demon Knights
Batman & Robin (I think it's better than Batman in some ways, particularly the second half of the run)
Justice League 3000
Green Arrow (Volumes 4-6)
Gotham Academy
Sword of Sorcery (only one trade)

I figured, but I've heard nothing about him since the big announcement last year. Or was that 2013? I don't remember.

Justice League Dark is really good for the first 3 volumes.

Green Arrow volumes 4-6 (Jeff Lemire's run) is solid as well, plus you don't need prior knowledge to enjoy it.

Earth 2 is phenomenal. At least for now. I've only read volumes 1-3 so far and I'm still reading it.

Thanks guys. For now, I put a hold on

Justice League 3000
Justice League Dark
Gotham Academy
Demon Knights
Batman & Robin

Which runs of Action have you read. Pak's run has been very good, I think.

Get some Aquaman and Lemire Green Arrow in your life. Grayson and Black Canary are fun.

I read Morrison's Action Comics, have one trade left.

Aquaman is Geoff Johns right?


Thanks guys. For now, I put a hold on

Justice League 3000
Justice League Dark
Gotham Academy
Demon Knights
Batman & Robin

I read Morrison's Action Comics, have one trade left.

Aquaman is Geoff Johns right?

Yeah, I actually thought Morrison's Action was his weakest work on the character. The book really picks up once Pak takes over (though it does get bogged down in a crossover after the first arc :/)

Aquaman is Johns then Jeff Parker. Both runs are good.
Jolly good

Haha. Ok, noticed Earth 2 is by James Robinson. Added that too.

Yeah, I actually thought Morrison's Action was his weakest work on the character. The book really picks up once Pak takes over (though it does get bogged down in a crossover after the first arc :/)

Aquaman is Johns then Jeff Parker. Both runs are good.

Johns' Green Lantern run has put me off trying his other books, to be honest. Might give it a shot later when GL is not fresh on my mind.


i feel like comics reading time is being squandered by progressing deeper into New 52 books, though Grayson is probably worth checking out. It seems like you've already read most of the "best" stuff. It's like a flashback to all the stuff i ended up dropping. For instance, Demon Knights was completely okay, it assembled a great team that's story eventually withered.

01. A handful of remarks in early stories by other characters, about Amadeus being Herc's eromenos. These remarks are presented to the reader as jokes at Amadeus' expense, so that Amadeus can vehemently deny the role and refute the idea of their companionship involving pederasty. Indeed, at no point in the series does the depiction of their friendship allude to anything more than platonic brotherhood.

02. Hylas. In one story set during the Skrull invasion, Herc recounts the tragedy of Hylas, his shield-bearer who adventured alongside the Argonauts and was ultimately lost to naiads enamored by his beauty, as all beings were. Of course, in the Greek myths the relationship between Hercules and Hylas is viewed as the traditional pederastic one, with Hylas serving both as squire and as bed-warmer. Interpretation of the scene will vary based on the reader's knowledge of Greek myth but, as presented within the context of this story alone, the relationship of Hylas to Hercules is framed as mirroring the one between Amadeus and Hercules -- in telling Hylas' tale, Herc worries that this adventure may result in the loss of another young friend under his protection.

03. Northstar and the funeral. Everybody's seen it by now; Snowbird calls upon Herc's lovers to stand with them and tell stories of their time together, Northstar says "gotta go!" and bails leading the reader to draw the obvious conclusion. And that's it. There's no preamble, no foreshadowing, no aftermath, no further resolution, no affirmation from either party involved; it's just this one-panel moment hanging there in all its joking unexpected glory.

So, there's that.

Then there's the rest of the series, in which Hercules a) sleeps with or attempts to sleep with practically every woman he meets in every story (Black Widow, Namora, Snowbird, Alfyse, Hebe, Rhea, Arachne, Elektra, I'm sure that I'm forgetting some); b) recounts fondly his memories of the women he's slept with, like Hippolyta and Deianira and Megara and Hebe; c) happily reconciles with the latter of these women before his death; and d) never sleeps with, attempts to sleep with, demonstrates any amorous intentions toward, or (with the aforementioned exception of Hylas) fondly recalls time spent with, any male characters depicted throughout the series. For a supposedly bisexual character, his legendary promiscuity seems rather focused on one particular sex.

So yeah, if Pak wrote 616 Herc under the assumption that he was bisexual then he also wrote him without great motivation to demonstrate that bisexuality. He slept with Northstar. At least once. Off-panel, and without context. For a joke told at his funeral. Does that make 616 Hercules bisexual? Maybe, but if Marvel decides that he isn't then I don't see their decision as somehow overriding insurmountable evidence that he is.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Library Comics Haul Update:

Started Dysart/Chiang's "Neil Young's Greendale." One of the most boring comics I've ever read in my life. Couldn't keep going.

Started Giffen's "Mars Attacks!" Now THIS is a good comic. Really enjoying it so far. I love this pulpy sci-fi stuff. And it's actually well-written too, so on top of the novelty enjoyment, it's actually legitimately good.
yessss my ist order came in
Library Comics Haul Update:

Started Dysart/Chiang's "Neil Young's Greendale." One of the most boring comics I've ever read in my life. Couldn't keep going.

Started Giffen's "Mars Attacks!" Now THIS is a good comic. Really enjoying it so far. I love this pulpy sci-fi stuff. And it's actually well-written too, so on top of the novelty enjoyment, it's actually legitimately good.

I saw that book at a con once, the idea of Dysart/Chiang on a book was really enticing but the idea of a Neil Young concept comic is equally unenticing
All-New X-Men is getting frustrating to read. Not because of the characters, because I find that storyline fascinating. The whole premise is why I picked up the book. No, it's because of the crossovers. The first three volumes were fine, but then Battle of the Atom happens, which is collected in its own trade, so now I haven't read that. Then after volume 4, The Trial of Jean Grey happens, which I again have not read. Then at the end of volume 5, it says "Continued in Uncanny X-Men!" Yet another crossover! It's incredibly frustrating to read a book like this. Granted, I don't need them. They do a pretty solid job of giving the essentials and nothing more about space, but that's frustrating in and of itself.

It feels like I'm missing a very integral storyline to this book. In its defense, the future Brotherhood does show up again in volume 5, and enough backstory is given that the Battle of the Atom doesn't feel so necessary in terms of knowledge. The Trial of Jean Grey, though, that seems incredibly necessary.

-Kitty is now in a relationship with Peter Quill
-Cyclops met Corsair and then left into space with him
-Jean now has a "new" power set, which I'm not sure that entails. She glows purple, now? I guess. It's not the Phoenix Force.
-O5 Hank was writing on the board "Cyclops. New power set" So O5 Cyke also has new powers? Either that or I was reading that panel wrong.

Seems like a lot happened in that event and I'm missing it. It's an upsetting notion. Luckily I'm starting Uncanny X-Men soon, so I'll have the parallel book. And I bought the first trade of Cyclops, so I get to see that in action.

Bottom line: I'm really liking the X-Men storyline here, I just wish it didn't feel so scattered, because it creates a frustrating reading scenario.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Winick's Power Girl is getting better as it goes. The first few were kind of rough coming off the Connor/Palmiotti run. But now he's doing a much better job of balancing the humor with a more serious storyline. Power girl's banter has gotten alot better.
Not sure how much more you've read since this post, but I think it's Luci more than anything. It's a bit more mellow when she's not around.

They are. That outfit she had on #3/4. Goddamn.

I think they're all pretty obnoxious tbh. I'm enjoying it for what it is.
Winick's Power Girl is getting better as it goes. The first few were kind of rough coming off the Connor/Palmiotti run. But now he's doing a much better job of balancing the humor with a more serious storyline. Power girl's banter has gotten alot better.

I liked it as well. The art in that run is pretty spectacular, too.


Why does he wear the mask!?
Just read Ultimate End #3

Is that 616
Punisher dead

Also, is THE WICKED + THE DIVINE any good? Synopsis sounds decent and it has rave reviews
He has completed 4 has plans for 20

He is going to change to new couples in the group each 5 volumes. Second volume is called Mercy.

Holy shit. I'm guess I'm in this for the long haul, then.

Also, played the first episode of Life is Strange and it was really enjoyable. I love Telltale stuff and this is along the same lines. I just hope I don't burn through the four episodes and have to suffer an agonizing wait for the fifth one.

I will do exactly that.


Holy shit. I'm guess I'm in this for the long haul, then.

Also, played the first episode of Life is Strange and it was really enjoyable. I love Telltale stuff and this is along the same lines. I just hope I don't burn through the four episodes and have to suffer an agonizing wait for the fifth one.

I will do exactly that.

I want you to know Ally and Lisa will always be in it.
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