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COMICS! |OT| August 2015. Overwhelming.

Yeah I agree with everything here. It's super annoying. The worst x men tradition is too have crossovers fuck up a good thing. Not that the crossovers have been bad. I've really enjoyed them but the only way you can sensibly read it in order is to shuffle back and forth between series constantly

I can certainly see the complaints, and the constant deviations from the main story is one reason I find that I prefer the Bendis run on Uncanny X-Men run over All-New. But that said, Trial of Jean Grey really was an excellent story and should not be missed.
Oh, and another thing:

-The fuck happened with Magneto? He just out? Fuckin' A....
-Why's Kitty so pissed at Scott? He's not gonna fuck young Jean or anything. Lawd Kitty, come off it for two seconds. You my girl but dayum.

It's just one of those things where I go "One sentence of exposition will not kill this book!"
He was a God...........he found it beneath him.

*Looks at Battworld*

Ah damnit, Doom, you LIED.
Doom does as he pleases
Samnee redesign of Rogue. Pretty cool.

My love for Samnee knows no bounds.

I do love the outfits that they used for the O5 and X-23, which is clearly used there. But...12 year old Rogue is worst Rogue.
Yeah, they kinda just pulled Magneto away around the time his ongoing started. It was gradual, but then all of a sudden you'd notice he was just gone from the X-books.

I assume that the cover of the trade that has Mags and Cyke brawling on a cliff is relevant to this?


I literally just wanted to read some X-Men, and it's making me do this shit. I need more Astonishing in my life. Still haven't finished Whedon/Cassaday's run and it's upsetting me...
I assume that the cover of the trade that has Mags and Cyke brawling on a cliff is relevant to this?

I literally just wanted to read some X-Men, and it's making me do this shit. I need more Astonishing in my life. Still haven't finished Whedon/Cassaday's run and it's upsetting me...

If you're near the beginning, All-New and Uncanny went pretty much hand-in-hand for the first two or three trades of each series. They diverged after that, but toward the beginning you pretty much had to read both.


I assume that the cover of the trade that has Mags and Cyke brawling on a cliff is relevant to this?


I literally just wanted to read some X-Men, and it's making me do this shit. I need more Astonishing in my life. Still haven't finished Whedon/Cassaday's run and it's upsetting me...

Not really? The story is, he
starts looking into Mutant Growth Hormone, which is basically Kick, but not really. That takes him to Madripoor, and it's there that he finds out that a) Mystique runs the whole MGH game and b) MGH IS PEOPLE (specifically it's Dazzler) (That's why she gets all emo) (which no one cares about but Bendis) he gets super pissed, fucks shit up on the real, then bails the fuck out after realizing Cyclops is probably not gonna be down for the outright down and dirty shit and he's gots to go in his own Bunn-penned ongoing to be promising for a bit then go to shit.


the ending to the main story of Arkham Knight is pretty awesome, tbh.
the whole control Joker/FPS stuff was out of nowhere and really cool

I don't know if I want to get all these Riddler trophies tho. I hear the ending for doing so (I've finished all the other MW stuff) adds a lot, but still......


the ending to the main story of Arkham Knight is pretty awesome, tbh.
the whole control Joker/FPS stuff was out of nowhere and really cool

I don't know if I want to get all these Riddler trophies tho. I hear the ending for doing so (I've finished all the other MW stuff) adds a lot, but still......

yeah the Knightfall protocol ending (both parts) is straight up Not Worth The Hassle

Jeez, spoiler aleart please.


Ah yes, bring up physics while the characters are falling in the air and having a conversation.


*holds brain back*

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
So are people liking the The Spire?

I see it's written by Simon Spurrier who also writes Marvel Zombies which is my favorite Secret Wars tie in.


I can only recall Rogue being written well in the late 2000s X-Men Legacy comic, the TPBs collecting this series would be Issues #208-275

Mind you not ALL issues featured her but what issues that did have her were good IMO.

Yo Kaijumax #5 preview is uuuuuuuuuuup WHEN'S THE TPB RELEASING?!

Also I just now realized this-
Gojira= Combination of GOrilla and kuJIRA (Whale in Japanese)
This comic is amazing and I only have a general idea of the Kaiju franchises.


Jeez, spoiler aleart please.


Ah yes, bring up physics while the characters are falling in the air and having a conversation.


*holds brain back*

You really ought to be careful when reading Claremont comics: They haven't aged well.

Tell you what here's one good Claremont X-Men stuff



I am so happy that you guys introduced me into Strange Tales :D

I cant thank you enough. Book is fucking great. Man, NeoGAF is great for stuff for this. All the time you find fucking great stuff you wouldnt have discovered alone. I always thought, man,these covers looks shitty and the concepts do, too.



Doesn't even make sense since all he'd have to do is teleport on a different orientation to compensate.

Plus doesn't he hurt people when he teleports them?

I don't recall anyone being injured by his teleportation.

I am so happy that you guys introduced me into Strange Tales :D

I cant thank you enough. Book is fucking great. Man, NeoGAF is great for stuff for this. All the time you find fucking great stuff you wouldnt have discovered alone. I always thought, man,these covers looks shitty and the concepts do, too.


Wait which Strange Tales book is that again?
I am so happy that you guys introduced me into Strange Tales :D

I cant thank you enough. Book is fucking great. Man, NeoGAF is great for stuff for this. All the time you find fucking great stuff you wouldnt have discovered alone. I always thought, man,these covers looks shitty and the concepts do, too.

The marvel anthology series?


I think that the Internet can be cruel and unfairly harsh toward women actors due to internet anonymity. People don't necessarily have to believe that she is attractive, but I think that calling her ugly is childish and misinformed. She doesn't appeal to me in the slightest, but she could have pulled off the MJ role fine.

I'm not into her look and that's ok, and if you're into her that's ok as well. It's just the approach that both sides can take is rather off putting.
I think that the Internet can be cruel and unfairly harsh toward women actors due to internet anonymity. People don't necessarily have to believe that she is attractive, but I think that calling her ugly is childish and misinformed. She doesn't appeal to me in the slightest, but she could have pulled off the MJ role fine.

I'm not into her look and that's ok, and if you're into her that's ok as well. It's just the approach that both sides can take is rather off putting.
People love to reduce actresses down to their looks and be super critical seemingly for no other reason than just to be jerks.


Went to StocktonCon yesterday. Just an up-and-back trip. Didn't buy much of anything other than a few Hot Wheels toys for my son but did get a good amount of sketches in a few hours.

I got my brother's friend (Christopher Cayco, the guy who drew all 721 Pokemon and their variations) to do Piedmon from Digimon. I had asked who his favorite villain was and that's who he named. I hadn't seen Digimon in over a decade so a rush of memories came to me and I remembered how much a dick Piedmon was in the anime. Spoilers! I do recall him jobbing to Magna Angemon, so what's up with that!?
$20. He only charged me for a B&W commission but added some color.

I double-dipped on another artist, Justin Prime, and had him draw Apocalypse. Comic/TV show version and not whatever the hell that is in the next X-Men movie.
$30 for a bust

Got Chris Burnham to do a version of Batman if he were to appear in Nameless. I like that he put the Bat symbol on the helmet and not the chest, which I thought he was going to do. I had him kind of stumped when I requested the commission but once he put pencil to paper, it was on! I had forgotten to check the prints on his table but I saw that spaceship print he had that I should have bought. Maybe if I see him again at another convention, I'll buy the print. It was an inked version of this: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CHlFvV6WgAAGDEJ.jpg
$40 for a 5-minute speed sketch

Met Lonnie Millsap and he's a very chill guy. I asked if he was doing any sketches and he said he was, so long as I have some type of medium for him to draw on. Perfect! He even said he was going to do it for free. I picked up two of his books as I perused through them while he was drawing.
Free sketch

I originally wanted Joe Eisma to draw Dark Phoenix in my villains sketchbook but it was with someone else when I got to his table. He had just finished a Nightcrawler commission and was available. With the opportunity at hand, I gave him my Batbook.
$50 for torso

Last commission for the day. Erik Arreaga can draw a mean Venom. Just like with Joe Eisma, I didn't have my villains sketchbook with me. Erik was doing quick sketches and accepted a donation of any amount. Spotted him a $20 and he was appreciative of it. I'm assuming others probably give him much less.

I'm pretty happy with all the sketches I got in the 3-4 hours I was there. I probably could have squeezed in a few more but my son was not having it. StocktonCon really needs to be at a venue that is bigger than the Stockton Arena. The vendor aisles were completely crowded and a lot of people seem to like stopping in the middle of aisles, creating additional lines against oncoming traffic and just no spatial awareness at all. Besides that, there were a bunch of old wrestlers there, some decent looking cosplayers (one of the Rick Grimes cosplayer there was damn accurate) and the convention food wasn't overly expensive nor was it bad tasting. Got some banana flavored Italian soda and was mildly impressed.
Now caught up on Shutter. I swear this book makes up stuff as it goes along. It's entertaining but I never get the sense of what the book is really about or where it's heading.

Need the regular Xmen book stuff I think at #188 with Carey an Bachalo also until it turns into Legacy
Yup. Carey writes the best Rogue


Now caught up on Shutter. I swear this book makes up stuff as it goes along. It's entertaining but I never get the sense of what the book is really about or where it's heading.

Yup. Carey writes the best Rogue

That's what I love most about shutter. I never know where the next page is going. It just works for me.
Maze Agency #6 - #23: Finally got around to tracking down all the single issues, marathoned through them yesterday and today. What a great fun series. A well written romance between two mature characters without any of that will they/won't they bullshit. And a relationship that was formed, sustained and grown over the series. Mays and Webb are now up there with some of my favourite couples from comics.

Also, how was Batman and the Outsiders (and the Outsiders issues that followed)?


Hey ComicGAF! My younger brother was asking me for comic book suggestions and one of the characters he's interested in is The Flash. However, I am totally unfamiliar with the character other than via his JL appearances. So where should I tell him to jump in? Is the New52 a good spot? Or should he avoid that and look for some pre-new52 essentials?


Those are all really cool! Did Burnham really do that Nameless Batman in 5 minutes?

He sure did. Well, maybe 5 minutes and 10 seconds since he added a few pen strokes after the timer went off. But here are some progression pictures I took:

First photo: 4 minutes 44 seconds left
Second photo: 2 minutes 12 seconds left
Third photo: 1 minute 2 seconds left
Fourth photo: 15 seconds left
If you're near the beginning, All-New and Uncanny went pretty much hand-in-hand for the first two or three trades of each series. They diverged after that, but toward the beginning you pretty much had to read both.
That's upsetting.
Not really? The story is, he
starts looking into Mutant Growth Hormone, which is basically Kick, but not really. That takes him to Madripoor, and it's there that he finds out that a) Mystique runs the whole MGH game and b) MGH IS PEOPLE (specifically it's Dazzler) (That's why she gets all emo) (which no one cares about but Bendis) he gets super pissed, fucks shit up on the real, then bails the fuck out after realizing Cyclops is probably not gonna be down for the outright down and dirty shit and he's gots to go in his own Bunn-penned ongoing to be promising for a bit then go to shit.

Sounds interesting.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Went to StocktonCon yesterday. Just an up-and-back trip. Didn't buy much of anything other than a few Hot Wheels toys for my son but did get a good amount of sketches in a few hours.

Awesome stuff! Thanks for sharing!
He sure did. Well, maybe 5 minutes and 10 seconds since he added a few pen strokes after the timer went off. But here are some progression pictures I took:

First photo: 4 minutes 44 seconds left
Second photo: 2 minutes 12 seconds left
Third photo: 1 minute 2 seconds left
Fourth photo: 15 seconds left
Wow! That's really awesome. 5 min is hella fast.

Those other sketches are pretty great. I'm getting more jealous of your awesome sketchbook
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