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COMICS! |OT| August 2015. Overwhelming.

Archer & Armstrong.. lol


I can't stop buying stuff. Newest purchase......

Saga 7-12
Wicked + Divine 12 and 13
Spire 1-2
Deadly Class 1-6

At least it's all in good taste.
Yeah, the pricing on the box set is just ridiculous. That's over $45 per hardcover which is more expensive than similar individual non-omnibus tax OHCs from Marvel tend to be.


I like how it drops the same day as the movie on BD.

Did you ever get that Fury Road artbook that DC put out? I'm still decided whether I want to buy it digital or print. Digital would eliminate the portion lost to the crease.

I actually haven't gotten that yet. I'll have to pick it up. But yeah, that game looks like it'll be really fun. I think it'll have some jank like combos and counters, but driving around and exploring looks fun.
I should pick up Phonogram, shouldn't I?

Kind of wondering this myself.

YES, you absolutely should. The first volume is still in the Humble Music Book Bundle. I prefer it slightly to The Singles Club, though they are different styles. Rue Britannia is a more traditional story, whereas The Singles Club is multiple perspectives on the same evening. If you've read the Afterparty arc of Young Avengers, it's like that, but with McKelvie drawing all of it.

If you're buying on CMX, get the single issues as there's lots of extra material.

It's probably my favourite Gillen/McKelvie collab, and I don't even like music that much.


Just read the first 2 issues of Omega Men. You guys were right this book is fantastic! It's so fast paced and brutal, and the mirroring of current events is done really well imo. I've never read a book where Im unsure if I like the protagonists or not; but here it's a good thing as it speaks to the strength of the storytelling. In regards to issue 2,
I was genuinely surprised to see Kyle alive, his "death scene" in the preview issue was really chilling so I thought that was permanent. But I like what they're doing here and I can't wait to read more. The one thing I didn't quiet understand, and maybe I missed it, is if The Omega Men had already captured him prior, why did they need to go to planet Ogyptu to get him again? Anyways that 180 with saving the civilians was an intense moment. Also I'm not a GL fan at all but that ending with Kyle reciting the oath and painting the symbol with his blood was fuckawesome

Gonna read issue 3 later tonight! Good looks ComicGAF


YES, you absolutely should. The first volume is still in the Humble Music Book Bundle. I prefer it slightly to The Singles Club, though they are different styles. Rue Britannia is a more traditional story, whereas The Singles Club is multiple perspectives on the same evening. If you've read the Afterparty arc of Young Avengers, it's like that, but with McKelvie drawing all of it.

If you're buying on CMX, get the single issues as there's lots of extra material.

It's probably my favourite Gillen/McKelvie collab, and I don't even like music that much.

The answer is yes. It is cool. Especially the second volume. New volume is starting in the next week or so too.

Okay you convinced me I'll buy the singles for volume 1 then decide whether to get volume 2 if I like it.

oops. lol

Thanks Launch you made that mistake so I didn't have to.


Thors #2 amazing. Such a wonderful idea for a book. Kinda sad this has to end when Secret Wars does. But maybe that is for the best. Better to have 5 great issues than stretch it out.

So Thors is 4 issues? This can't be right #3 is out 9/2 #4 is out 10/28

What's with the big delays?


Okay you convinced me I'll buy the singles for volume 1 then decide whether to get volume 2 if I like it.

Get the singles for Volume 2 because it's the only way to get the backups, which are still not collected anywhere else, and which are fucking ace. (There's one that's Rue Britannia from the perspective of Kid-With-Knife)


So I've been getting into figure collecting lately.

Got the Hellboy figure that came with a TPB from years ago and the McFarlane Maxx from the 90s. They were pretty pricey, but I can hardly ever find collectibles of either character.

I would seriously do some horribly debased things for a Scud the Disposable Assassin toy.

I need help.


What's with the big delays?

The tie ins are getting pushed to fall in with the main title delays.

Get the singles for Volume 2 because it's the only way to get the backups, which are still not collected anywhere else, and which are fucking ace. (There's one that's Rue Britannia from the perspective of Kid-With-Knife)

Sounds cool will buy the issues for that as well then.
I think Gilad is pretty cool. =(

Or at least his design, it's kinda dudebro but it appeals to me:

I actually enjoyed his little series, well the second arc in the future wasn't great. It was like a Highlander comic that was actually good.

Ninjak I can take or leave.

I read the two minis a few weeks ago. I'm not a fan of the character, at least not how he's written, but concept-wise I like the idea - this battle-worn immortal who is supposed to have all these years of training. Yet, he always jobs it up. He's been jobbing it up since before jobbing was a thing. lol I also liked the concept behind the Eternal Emperor, but it didn't pan out all that well. He makes an appearance in Ivar, though, which is fun. I am looking forward to the new ongoing with Venditti and Raul Allen. That is going to be amazing.

I actually like Ninjak a lot. Kindt's really good at characterizing him as this arrogant prick with a weird sense of humor. Also, when Zephyr was on Unity for that one arc, it was funny to get a "normal" person's perspective on him.


EDIT: from Ivar #6 lol

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