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COMICS! |OT| August 2015. Overwhelming.


Yes, definitely a positive. Although I would like it to go one step further and maybe talk about those creators and what they've worked on. Simply listing out names doesn't really add much imo.

But getting marvel and DC to hire more poc creators? I'm pretty sure they are aware of poc comics creators. They just mostly don't hire them. I would also say swearing off marvel and being public as to why can help the cause for greater diversity in comics. Marvel can understand that they are leaving some money on the table by not actively addressing their lack of poc creators.

Yeah, it has a lot to go for sure, very small credit is all - cuz of course the overall logic is stupid. But I understand why they would tend, as a business, to do retreads of what amount to a clique of white dudes. Business-think is to replicate successes - even if they don't entirely understand what made them successes. As for the swearing off of marvel, they'll still have a dedicated marvel section on that site and it makes it ring hollow to me. They'll still give them free coverage & attention - again, business-think taking the wheel. Thats where the ball falls into "our" court, I feel. They know they're leaving money on the table to some extent, but pointing out exactly how to recollect that money is better, to me. We say it all the time here to honest newbloods; follow writers/artists instead of characters. Being only a couple years into this hobby, I feel like I don't know a ton of creators, much less minority ones - but I would like to, and I'm not getting any help from people swearing off in favor of nothing. Like, I lack the awareness, and I think it falls to comics news sites and/or communities to help.

I guess my stance is pointing at a thing and saying "that's bad" is less useful to me than pointing at a thing and saying it's good. I guess it's what makes this community extremely good, to me.

heck, that's a lot of words. sorry.
Yeah, it has a lot to go for sure, very small credit is all - cuz of course the overall logic is stupid. But I understand why they would tend, as a business, to do retreads of what amount to a clique of white dudes. Business-think is to replicate successes - even if they don't entirely understand what made them successes. As for the swearing off of marvel, they'll still have a dedicated marvel section on that site and it makes it ring hollow to me. They'll still give them free coverage & attention - again, business-think taking the wheel. Thats where the ball falls into "our" court, I feel. They know they're leaving money on the table to some extent, but pointing out exactly how to recollect that money is better, to me. We say it all the time here to honest newbloods; follow writers/artists instead of characters. Being only a couple years into this hobby, I feel like I don't know a ton of creators, much less minority ones - but I would like to, and I'm not getting any help from people swearing off in favor of nothing. Like, I lack the awareness, and I think it falls to comics news sites and/or communities to help.

I guess my stance is pointing at a thing and saying "that's bad" is less useful to me than pointing at a thing and saying it's good. I guess it's what makes this community extremely good, to me.

heck, that's a lot of words. sorry.
Psh don't apologize for length. Unless you're being aggressive, an essay of how you feel about comics and the people in it is good stuff.

Re: boycott
That was a pretty personal piece by JA Micheline. I can't remember if it was for comicsalliance or for women write about comics but I don't think the website that published the piece has to give up coverage of marvel. They just provided a platform for her voice.

Imo criticism by itself is fine. Pointing out a problem without putting forward a solution is ok. Sometimes pieces have to be about one thing to keep focus and not muddy the message.

Yes, adding recommendations to a piece that says more diversity is needed would be a great idea. In general I don't think comics sites have done a good job of promoting poc creators. I think they've done a pretty good job of promoting female creators and that's great but they're lacking in promoting poc creators.

I feel that same weakness extending to conventions. Ive seen a lot more labels dedicated to highlighting women in the industry than I have seen panels talking about poc creators. Purely anecdotal of course.

In my experience, the easiest way to find poc creators is to look for them on twitter.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Ooh. Almost forgot about Hellblazer.
Just read a couple more issues from the second TPB. Love this stuff.


Psh don't apologize for length. Unless you're being aggressive, an essay of how you feel about comics and the people in it is good stuff.

Re: boycott
That was a pretty personal piece by JA Micheline. I can't remember if it was for comicsalliance or for women write about comics but I don't think the website that published the piece has to give up coverage of marvel. They just provided a platform for her voice.

Imo criticism by itself is fine. Pointing out a problem without putting forward a solution is ok. Sometimes pieces have to be about one thing to keep focus and not muddy the message.

I generally agree. Shouldn't have to find the solution to say there's a problem; but I feel it woulda been really easy to do so in this case. Just comparing the two pieces, the one with the really shitty hand-waving at a real issue may have taught me more, unintentionally, and I don't like that that's the case.

Yes, adding recommendations to a piece that says more diversity is needed would be a great idea. In general I don't think comics sites have done a good job of promoting poc creators. I think they've done a pretty good job of promoting female creators and that's great but they're lacking in promoting poc creators.

I feel that same weakness extending to conventions. Ive seen a lot more labels dedicated to highlighting women in the industry than I have seen panels talking about poc creators. Purely anecdotal of course.

In my experience, the easiest way to find poc creators is to look for them on twitter.

My experience matches this as well, as far as sites and cons.
About twitter tho, if I don't know who they are, I can't find them very easily. :(


Morning Glories, has that been gone anywhere, like at all? I read up through issue 25, but bailed. Saw that the first trade is on sale.

First trade isn't on sale, it's free!

And... no. No it hasn't. And yet I'm still reading it.

It helps to trade wait. Then you forget what happened in the previous year or so, and the meaningless cliffhangers don't matter any more because you can't remember them well enough to expect a resolution of them.

Stop making me want to watch things, TV channels!
Why do these tv channels even deal with the pretense of "leaks" for pilots? Why not officially release them and track the people watching and feedback. I really want to watch the Lucifer pilot, even with the shitty pitch.
You've never watched Flash?

Missing out. Big time.

I can only speak for myself, but honestly, there's too many genre shows airing or about to air right now.

Constantine (cancelled?)
iZombie (cancelled?)
Walking Dead
Walking Dead spinoff
Agent Carter
Jessica Jones

I'm probably missing a couple more. I feel a migraine coming on just looking at all that, and I fucking love comics. The time investment alone is staggering, and that's before adding other TV shows a person might watch. Being able to read 5-6 comics in an hour has ruined me, and that's probably slow compared to most of you.

Not a big TV guy in general, though. Pretty much only Doctor Who right now and I missed Series 8 apart from the episode that was in cinemas. Sometimes some wrasslin' but only if I have a friend watching at the same time on Skype. And I guess I miss Simpsons reruns since I cut the cord, to the point I have considered buying the DVDs, but then I remember I have no DVD player in the flat.

Just don't have the attention span, I guess. I feel so stupid and shitty when I read OT threads about shows. Feel too dumb for most of the popular ones on GAF like Thrones, Breaking Bad, True Detective, etc. I always get fidgety when I watch a programme like that, I usually end up playing with whatever Lego is on the coffee table or something.

I still like reading about ratings and box office stuff though, for some reason.
My tip for enjoying genre programming is don't try to just watch it. If it's enough to grab your attention entirely, it will. If it's not, no shame in reading a book or even a comic while it's on the TV.

Speaking of comics, I read Catwoman #41 & 42. Good shit, which isn't surprising. I love the new design for the suit, or at least how the artist renders it if it doesn't qualify as a new suit.

I am curious about one thing, tho. I know that continuity is hazy these days, but where's Croc? Spoiler made an appearance, so clearly they're willing to pick up some bits from Eternal (and also the entire premise for the new status quo). I really liked the idea of him hanging around, I've grown inordinately fond of the character lately.
I saw 4 volumes of that at Half Price Books.

Shoulda grabbed them. It's really great. Kindt keeps coming up with new and exciting stories; he characterizes the team to damn perfection; it's got a great sense of humor; the art is always on-point (well, maybe except for this latest arc); and as a plus, the team is headed by a black woman, which is certainly a step in a different direction for a team book. It's the rare headlining team book that's consistently amazing.

On that note, I really wish I had an HPB near me. I used to hit those up when I went on vacation to Cali. :c
Just received my first order from in stock trades. Wow, you guys were right again. The quality of shipping is much better than Amazon. Just got in Fear Agent Library Editions 1 and 2, Southern Bastards volume 1 and 2 and I also reordered Deadly Class volumes 1 and 2 (I sent back my damaged books to Amazon for a refund).

In Stock Trades has my business from here on out, that is for sure. They stacked my tpb's neatly, wrapped them in plastic with a backboard and placed them on top of my Fear Agent Library Editions and stuffed the shit out of the box with peanuts. I'm extremely impressed.

I think these purchases should cover me for a little while.
Just received my first order from in stock trades. Wow, you guys were right again. The quality of shipping is much better than Amazon. Just got in Fear Agent Library Editions 1 and 2, Southern Bastards volume 1 and 2 and I also reordered Deadly Class volumes 1 and 2 (I sent back my damaged books to Amazon for a refund).

In Stock Trades has my business from here on out, that is for sure. They stacked my tpb's neatly, wrapped them in plastic with a backboard and placed them on top of my Fear Agent Library Editions and stuffed the shit out of the box with peanuts. I'm extremely impressed.

I think these purchases should cover me for a little while.

Crazy good reading ahead of you. Phew.
Crocs bit in Gotham Academy was really touching.

Yeah, that was fantastic. Between that, his Batman Eternal stuff, and the kind of hilarious revelation that he's Arsenal's AA sponsor, my opinion on the guy has greatly improved. Used to think of him as just one more scary half-animal cannibal SOB, but now he's got some depth to him.

Curious to see how they handle him in Suicide Squad.


Unconfirmed Member
Yeah, that was fantastic. Between that, his Batman Eternal stuff, and the kind of hilarious revelation that he's Arsenal's AA sponsor, my opinion on the guy has greatly improved. Used to think of him as just one more scary half-animal cannibal SOB, but now he's got some depth to him.

Curious to see how they handle him in Suicide Squad.

I'm not thinking that he will be like that in the movie, but I'd love to be proven wrong.
I'm not thinking that he will be like that in the movie, but I'd love to be proven wrong.

Yeah, I'm not sure how much sense it'd make for him to be like that in the movie. That's a Croc just making his introduction to a new audience, still in prison, with a full Hannibal Lector thing going on.

The new Croc is kind of tired of all that supervillain shit. Just wants to move the fuck on.
First trade isn't on sale, it's free!

And... no. No it hasn't. And yet I'm still reading it.

It helps to trade wait. Then you forget what happened in the previous year or so, and the meaningless cliffhangers don't matter any more because you can't remember them well enough to expect a resolution of them.
Damn, book started off great, but isn't going anywhere and I remember him saying its 100 issues. Ugh
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