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COMICS! |OT| August 2015. Overwhelming.


Unbeatable Squirrel Girl is absolutely amazing. Non-stop laughter on the first three pages.

the whole Wikipedia exchange, hahaha


man I do not get Ennis

one day he writes the best war comic of the last ten years

then he does a comic where
a giant tapeworm who talks like an old-timey knight of the round gets raped to death


man I do not get Ennis

one day he writes the best war comic of the last ten years

then he does a comic where
a giant tapeworm who talks like an old-timey knight of the round gets raped to death

Just when you thought his work couldn't get any better it does?
New comics day! Yay!

Stared off with Red Hood/Arsenal #3 Good comedy book continues to get better! Setting them up as a "heroes for hire" joint is a good move, putting them up against RoBats is a better one. The art is even getting better!

Oh, and I loved the page with the
resurrected mimes.

Catwoman #43. So that's where
got to! I hope
pulls through, though I'd say
odds are pretty good now. The fight against Black Mask was great, shows why he's a man to be feared. Very curious to see what Antonia decides to do about Penguin's offer. The art is getting a little sloppier, though, and not really in a good way.
Does anyone know whether DC stopped doing the reprints of the Spectre and MM runs by Ostrander/Mandrake? I bought the first 2 volumes of each and LOVED them only to wait like a year now with no news at all whether it's been cancelled or the rest still keeps coming?
For my wife's birthday. She loved it.



I guess the rule of Walking Dead is if the issue has a cool cover nothing will happen, but if it does not shit is probably going to happen.


Caught up with Darth Vader last night and wow Marvel seem to be really knocking it out of the park with these books. Three zero is awesome, I'd read a solo book with him anytime.


man I do not get Ennis

one day he writes the best war comic of the last ten years

then he does a comic where
a giant tapeworm who talks like an old-timey knight of the round gets raped to death

Wait is that from his Secret Wars tie-in or from his DC book?

My god, REmake 2 is confirmed!

Now Tank-controls, please!

Just do like what they did with RE1 Remake and they can do no wrong.


New Off Panel

Off Panel #9: Beginnings and Endings with Rob Guillory
On this week’s episode of Off Panel from SKTCHD.com, David is joined by Rob Guillory, the artist of the Eisner and Harvey Award winning comic series Chew. Rob joins the show to talk his new website, the advantages of having a strong web presence and running your own store, his art process, what it’s like nearing the end of his long-running series and working with John Layman, beefcake Kirkman, his favorite character, and a lot more. As per usual, it’s a sprawling conversation that should be of interest to both fans of Chew and creators looking for insight from one of the best.


Basically. This is probably
the start of a bunch of issues leading up to something.

That's exactly what it is. My assumption is that
the cover tells a lot more than it just looking "cool."
I can see the plot points forming that will lead to something similar to what I said.

We're only a few issues away from what I'm guessing will be the start of whatever the new arc is.
That's exactly what it is. My assumption is that
the cover tells a lot more than it just looking "cool."
I can see the plot points forming that will lead to something similar to what I said.

Yeah, I can see that coming true. As long
best girl Andrea stays alive
, I'm good. Im expecting it to get pretty wild with this group. Also,
Eugene is probably going to make some big moves towards seeking revenge.

New arc starts when?
man I do not get Ennis

one day he writes the best war comic of the last ten years

then he does a comic where
a giant tapeworm who talks like an old-timey knight of the round gets raped to death

That's always been his thing. Even when he's putting out gold, you can be sure that he'll also be running a book full of stupid/despicable crap.

I mean, fucksake, dude wrote both Adventures in the Rifle Brigade and Dicks while writing Punisher. It's like he needs to have a terrible floppy in print.


That's always been his thing. Even when he's putting out gold, you can be sure that he'll also be running a book full of stupid/despicable crap.

I mean, fucksake, dude wrote both Adventures in the Rifle Brigade and Dicks while writing Punisher. It's like he needs to have a terrible floppy in print.

I knew there was something terrible going on behind Rover Red Charlie...


DC solicits for November are starting to trickle out. Batman Europa is finally getting published, and The Master Race comes in two flavors: $5.99 regular edition and $12.99 oversized edition.



Not a typo. Twelve dollars and ninety-nine cents.
I hate that DC is publishing this, becauae it means that it will be years until I get a OHC from Dark Knight III
Can Red Hood and Arsenal still be bffs with Starfire?

That'd be nice.

Batman #43 was good. Mr. Bloom is a scary SOB, and the whole thing between Clark and Alfred was illuminating. Curious to see how they bring Bruce back after an explanation like that. Liked the Gordon vs. the Pigs fight scene. The batarang gun is a nice touch, as is justifying keeping him out of the robo suit.

Gotham Academy #9 is heating up!
Sorry not sorry.
So is that actually
the ghost of Olive's Mom, or a hallucination, or what?
I love how they're tying in the various aspects of the Batman mythos to the school, like Hugo Strange as the on-staff psychologist or Kirk Langstrom: chemistry professor.
Action Comics #43. I was worried that the title was about to go downhill in a big way after the reveal that
the "bad cop" was just a shadow monster
, but Pak did an admirable job of pivoting back. The scene in Superman's apartment was surprisingly powerful, you really feel for the guy; his whole life is gone at this point. His powers diminished, his home demolished, his identity uprooted.
So guys, remember when we said that someday the whole Psylocke body-swap thing would blow up in Marvel's face?


For the past 25 years, Psylocke has been one of the most prominent members of the X-Men -- and she's also been one of the most heavily discussed. In 1989's "Uncanny X-Men" #256, a new version of Psylocke was introduced when the white, British-born Betsy Braddock underwent a body swap with the Japanese assassin Kwannon. This iteration of the character, characterized as a psychic-knife wielding ninja, proved to be popular enough to become the default version of the character.

This hasn't set well with some fans who view the body swap, which switched the bodies of a white woman and Japanese woman, as plot device born of unintended ignorance at best or outright appropriate at worst. With Psylocke a mainstay in the X-Men, many readers wonder why the issue of Betsy's racial identity -- specifically the character's immediate appropriation of Asian culture following her body swap -- has never been thoroughly explored by an X-writer. Tumblr user tazirai posed this very question to Cullen Bunn, the writer responsible for writing Psylocke in this fall's new "Uncanny X-Men" series.

"I was wondering do you plan to ever address her 'problematics' with racial identity or lack thereof, or put her back in her original body, like some writers at Marvel have said they wanted to like GWW?" asked tazirai, referencing Marvel writer G. Willow Wilson. "Even if you don't I know she'll at least be written beyond the ninja trope, hopefully."

Bunn responded on his personal Tumblr:

I’ll definitely do my best to write Psylocke as more than “just a ninja”. As to the “problematics” you mention, I’m torn. I would definitely like to address some of those notes. My X-Men notebook has pages dedicated to that idea. However, I also want the book to be accessible to new readers, so I don’t think it’s a good idea to hit that too heavily in early issues, you know? When it is the right time, I’ll tackle it.

Since it's been subjected to numerous retcons -- as well as one failed attempt by Psylocke co-creator Chris Claremont in 2001 to put her back in her original body -- Betsy Braddock's backstory has become one of the more convoluted in the X-canon. The new "Uncanny X-Men" series, written by Bunn with art by Greg Land, arrives this fall.

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