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COMICS! |OT| August 2015. Overwhelming.

I stopped reviewing books because it's easier to post about anime or Olivia wilde to get a conversation going.

We tease because we care, Messi.

I will attempt to talk about some books I read over the last few days:

Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows #1-3 - This is depressing, but not for the reasons I thought it would be. Peter seems happy enough, but life under Regent seems pretty crappy overall. The shot of Regent in the chamber
with the dead/frozen heroes[/spoilers] was pretty unsettling, as was
Peter going cold-blooded on Venom, Spider-Man is scary as fuck when he's angry
. I'm looking forward to Annie doing some heroing in the next chapter.

Civil War #2 - This is Soule's best work since his time on Red Lanterns. It's big, bold, blockbuster comics and I'm loving it. While the original series was poor, the concept of Civil War is still pretty cool and it's exciting to see it being explored in more depth. Cap's city was RAD.

The Infinity Gauntlet #1-3 - Can we have the Nova Family instead of Sam from now on Marvel, pleeeeeeease? This is another really good Secret Wars tie-in. Star-Lord and Gamora are pretty funny in this as a pair of con-artists. The version of Thanos in this is my favourite in awhile as well. I feel like he's been made a lot dumber in some stories lately, and he feels more like a schemer/chessmaster here, which suits him better IMO. Also, the redesign of the Gauntlet itself is SICK, and I'd love this version instead of the glove that's gonna be in the films.

Siege #1-2: I wish the art in the non-flashback pages was a bit better, but otherwise, wow, what a book. This might be my favourite Secret Wars tie-in. I always love "lost cause" stories. Would like more of Lady Katherine Bishop though, and her costume is a bit disappointing. I suppose I was hoping for an Assassin's Creed protagonist look but purple.

Demon Knights: Seven Against the Dark - I've been reading these in bits lately, this is definitely a hidden gem of the early New 52. I love seeing the DC universe elements and characters in a sword'n'sorcery fantasy story. Also, I didn't know the whole history of Shining Knight being transgender, I thought they handled it fairly well. I'm quite sad it was cancelled, but I barely knew it existed before it was, so I guess I'm partly to blame. Ah well.

Got the D&D Humble Bundle, excited to dig into the Classics volumes. Was also out shopping today, bought Low and Wytches first volumes and can't wait to dig in. Those Image Volume 1s are pretty much irresistible.


Gang, you know those graphic novel and movie combo packs DC came up with, where you get one of their animated films along with a hardcover of the comics that inspired them?

They're $14.99 at Best Buy. Picking up Wonder Woman and Batman Black & White right now.

My comics downloaded pretty quickly...

I believe some of them are also pricematched on Amazon, if you're lazy.

hmm. is there a list of these somewhere?

EDIT: NM I found it.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Found a PDF of all the letters pages from The Invisibles (which I've heard is really helpful in understanding everything that's happening in the comic) and loaded it onto my tablet. Gonna start The Invisibles tomorrow. So excited. :D

I love how in his "On the Ledge" Vertigo editorial he did before the series started he says this: ". . .well, it's the ultimate Grant Morrison comic. Which could be Heaven or Hell, depending on who you are."
It's still 100% true today and he called it even before the comic came out.
I don't remember if it was a comic or a video game or whatever, but there was some media I consumed where a female character was still referred to as King. I don't recall if it was Pirate King or Viking King or what.

In Pirates of the Carribean, Keira Knightley's character is called the Pirate King in the third film once she becomes their ruler.


Found a PDF of all the letters pages from The Invisibles (which I've heard is really helpful in understanding everything that's happening in the comic) and loaded it onto my tablet. Gonna start The Invisibles tomorrow. So excited. :D

That sounds like work

In Pirates of the Carribean, Keira Knightley's character is called the Pirate King in the third film once she becomes their ruler.

Velvet #11: yeah, this series is awesome. I don't know what else to say. The art really stood out in this issue; absolutely fantastic colors.

X-O Manowar #39: Despite the lukewarm finale in the last arc, Venditti really knows how to challenge the status quo, and holy shit, this arc is off to a crazy start. Especially after Dead Hand,
I really started to care about the Vine, so seeing them massacred, twice, really burns.
Rafa Sandoval needs to stay on art forever and ever.

Unity #21: People be hating on this arc, but I'm digging it a lot (other than the weird present-day art, not sure what's up with that). War Monger is a good villain, and I'm pretty sure the finale (I think that's next issue) will deliver in a big way.

Freeza is a poison we must rid comicgaf of. Then LunchboxMcQ

I agree with the first part, but I'm just here having a good time man. I don't even post half of what I want to post about Valiant, so there.


Blu-Ray + DVD + Digital + Book. You get E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G

I haven't been to the shop in a while.

Marvel Comics
Daredevil #17
Howard the Duck #5
Ms. Marvel #17
Thors #2
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #8
X-Men '92 #2

DC Comics

Image Comics
Deadly Class #15
Jupiter's Circle #5
Lazarus #18
Low #8
Phongram: The Immaterial Girl #1
Sex #23
Sex Criminals #11
Velvet #11
The Wicked + The Divine #13

Other Publishers
Adam.3 #1 (Dark Horse)
The Auteur: Sister Bambi #3 (Oni)
Kaijumax #5 (Oni)
Transformers vs G.I. Joe #8 (IDW)


Batman: Black & White HC w/ Batman: Gotham Knight BD/DVD Combo
Wonder Woman: Gods & Mortals HC w/ Wonder Woman BD/DVD Combo


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Lol. The Christmas short story in the Orion omnibus is amazing. Highfather and Orion get dragged into being Santa and an Elf at a mall.

Are those by Morrison?

You bet! Not sure what you're referring to, but The Invisibles is obviously by Morrison and then the letters sections which were in the back of the floppies are also Morrison. So yes either way.

Oh man. That reminds me. I got a text from one of my employees the other day saying "I'm not sure who to contact for this but the trash outside is swarmed with bees!"

I just started cracking up. I was not expecting to open my phone and see that text.


Going through the massive amount of Star Wars stuff that's been thrown onto Marvel Unlimited I noticed that there is a manga version of A New Hope which looks kind of cool. Seems Bachalo was involved in some kind of retelling of the original trilogy as well. Lots to read.

Going to start knights of the old republic.


Read 21st Century Tank Girl and realized it was 3 of 3. Totally bummed out now.

Read Empty Zone, but I have no idea what the fuck it was. Art was cool though.
Going through the massive amount of Star Wars stuff that's been thrown onto Marvel Unlimited I noticed that there is a manga version of A New Hope which looks kind of cool. Seems Bachalo was involved in some kind of retelling of the original trilogy as well. Lots to read.

Going to start knights of the old republic.
The Old Republic comic series? Good choice.


Bleh, Spiral was not paced properly.
The last issue had so much going on, but it only focused on relationship with Yuri, and everything else magically took care of itself.
Should've spread this to some of the earlier issues.

I'm ok with Black Cat being full villain and Yuri being full Punisher going forward though.


The Old Republic comic series? Good choice.

Yeah I read a little a few years ago, can't remember much but I really like that time period. Heard good things about Legacy as well so that's something I'll keep in mind. Loving all this star wars stuff at the moment can't wait for Rebels to start up again.
You bet! Not sure what you're referring to, but The Invisibles is obviously by Morrison and then the letters sections which were in the back of the floppies are also Morrison. So yes either way.

Yeah, I meant the letters. I was mostly wondering what they were about relative to the story.
I see Lieber mentioned that the Quantum and Woody Must Die trade came out today I believe. Might have to get that.

Not sure if to wait and pick up the eventual OHC. Q&W is probably going to continue as minis, but we have no idea when the next one is going to be, so we don't know when they'll have enough issues to throw into one. :/
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