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COMICS! |OT| August 2015. Overwhelming.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
May be a silly question but what/where is "The Shield" in Battleworld?


#41 The Wall


Wasn't expecting the Incredible Shrinking Man comic to be faithful to the book. Maybe they can add the unfilmed sequel to the mix to be the twist?

Also, A-Force finally picked up.


If JC was here he would have posted a big thing about what bits of Nocenti daredevil /Typhoid Mary were good. But now here we are and I have this book with no guide.


"I Still Know What You Did" should be a parody movie, but it's actually a real movie. A real terrible movie that is on my tv right now.

Also, i'm liking Dungeons and Dragons vol 1 but it's VERY early. One thing i noticed by chance is that the epub version has a lot better color quality than the PDF hd version on my ipad air 2. the PDF hd one is very crushed/overly saturated/dark/eats babies.

I'm still playing a ton of Hearthstone, debating spending more money on Hearthstone, and trying to get comics-gaf to play hearthstone with me. I think this is a cult.
"I Still Know What You Did" should be a parody movie, but it's actually a real movie. A real terrible movie that is on my tv right now.

Also, i'm liking Dungeons and Dragons vol 1 but it's VERY early. One thing i noticed by chance is that the epub version has a lot better color quality than the PDF hd version on my ipad air 2. the PDF hd one is very crushed/overly saturated/dark/eats babies.
You spend you time watching the strangest things


Just read the last Master of Kung Fu. It was alright. Kind of a weak last issue relative to the ones that came before. Everything felt rushed just to get to an ending. I think it would have benefited from another issue or two.
Was checking Diamond release updates, and I was right. That Bleez statue I ordered was pushed up two and a half months. It was originally a 10/28 release.

Also, it seems Scarlet #8 might see the light of day. Currently set for 9/23. Bet it won't happen, but I do enjoy that one issue of Scarlet that we do get each year.


I hate having to wait to go to my LCS to get my books.

I need my fix. I need some superhero books and I need them now!

in a perfect comics world new releases would be the same price i pay at dcbs and then i'd go digital only :/

The wait continues.

Sidenote: I love amethyst clusters. They are sharp and purple and crystally, it's possible they are candy but i don't have the courage to take a bite.
Took a break from reading Hellboy tonight to read through all of Hellboy and The BPRD 1952.

I really enjoyed Maleev's work in Daredevil and he did an amazing job here. He makes everything come across as incredibly gritty and grimy and it really suits the setting here. Story itself was lots of fun too. Since it takes place in 1952 it features a pretty inexperienced Hellboy so it's fun to see the agents in the Bureau mostly thinking of him as a kid.

Definitely recommend it. If you're interested in the universe, this is a self-contained story mixes parts from the two big series that Mignola has established. Really excited for 1953 whenever that comes out.

Also gotta say, it's really cool how Mignola set up this universe. The way it was done allows for a ton of open room to create stories like this will still focusing on the main plotline of the series.


I got a Secret Wars question for those reading all the minis.

Has Marville or any newuniversal characters made an appearance yet?

Marville has appeared but not in the form anyone initially expected. It's actually set place in Giant Size Little Marvel: AvX.

As for the latter, yeah, you see them in Squadron Sinister. Not a whole lot mind you.


Was checking Diamond release updates, and I was right. That Bleez statue I ordered was pushed up two and a half months. It was originally a 10/28 release.

Also, it seems Scarlet #8 might see the light of day. Currently set for 9/23. Bet it won't happen, but I do enjoy that one issue of Scarlet that we do get each year.

Bullshit. It's never gonna finish.
Oh fuck off Hickman. This series could have been over in 5 issues if you didn't feel the need to explain everything through shit dialogue.

Thanos grinning was the best part of the comic because it was the last panel which meant it was over.
Marville has appeared but not in the form anyone initially expected. It's actually set place in Giant Size Little Marvel: AvX.

As for the latter, yeah, you see them in Squadron Sinister. Not a whole lot mind you.

Thank you, avoiding all the SW tie ins has saved me a lot of money, but I might check out the SW companion if they release a big omnibus of them.


I have bought only DC and Image since Secret Wars started. I don't feel like I've missed anything, and if I have, I'm sure Marvel Unlimited will have my back by the time I care.

I wish there were bigger collections of the Snyder Batman books. I really want to get into them, but I don't like the tiny 5 issue trades. I also apparently enjoy books with Batman in the background. Gotham Central is amazing, as is Gotham Academy and Gotham by Midnight. What other stories are like this? Also, is Batman Eternal worth a read? Now that those big collections are coming out, I'm wondering if it is worth my time.
I wish I had a LCS. Closest one is about a 45 minute drive away and I'm way too lazy for that shit.

It's cool because the owner and his wife really like my friends and I. I think it's because we have social skills, are chill, and also have social skills.

They go a long way, I've found.

Oh also we buy a lot of stuff.


I got a Secret Wars question for those reading all the minis.

Has Marville or any newuniversal characters made an appearance yet?

Not in the main book, at least.
I'm assuming you already know that Nightmask and the White Event were in Hivkman's Avengers. The latter, turning out to be the final incursion.


I don't know, the article says that it was posted today. Maybe it was originally put up on a different site?

The trade has been out for well over a month so there has probably been a few people writing articles on it.

I need to pick it up at some point not a big fan of Babs as Batgirl but the book looks fun.



I'd only read the single issues, but it sounds like these changes were made for the collected volume.

The trade has been out for well over a month so there has probably been a few people writing articles on it.

I need to pick it up at some point not a big fan of Babs as Batgirl but the book looks fun.

Go in with no pre-conceived notions of Babs, of pre-New 52 vs. post-New 52 etc. and you'll probably enjoy it.
Is Black Science good? Rememder is amazing, but I never seen anyone talking about it here

Yes, one of the best looking books out there.
Only thing I would say is it seems like its been coasting by lately... but still that art tho

Did anyone read RunLoveKill? Trade comes out soon so I was gonna buy it.

Yes, I really like it. Cool story idea, art is so good, flows sooooooo good.
Meeting Eric Canete at C2E2 made me a even bigger fan, super cool humble guy.


Wonder Woman (Rucka) #206 - #217: That was a great couple of arcs. Loved
the coup in Olympus by Athena and Co, and also Ares' takeover of Hell
. Rucka's Wonder Woman and her relationship to the pantheon and her outlook of the world is so different from what Chiang created. Love both of them but at this point, I think I slightly prefer Rucka's run just for the consistency and this version of Diana/Wonder Woman.

Flash (Johns) #219: That was a bit of an odd issue. What was it doing in the trades?

Wonder Woman (Rucka) #218-#224: What the fuck is this shit? Who are these Maxwell Lord and OMAC and Checkmate people? What happened to all the loose ends with Ares' and Circe's daughter and with Cale? Fuck events. Fuck DC and Marvel for pushing events. Johns and Didio and Alonso should be ashamed of themselves. I can see why any writer/artist with self respect would want to jump ship to Image and write what they want.

That Cheetah issue felt a bit random in the middle of all that but I liked it.

Wonder Woman (Rucka) #225-#226: I guess Rucka was at least able to salvage the last two issues. #225 was great and gave me a very Gary Cooper in High Noon vibe.

Overall, I would still call it a very good run that falls short of greatness because of that even stuff.

Rucka's run on Wondy came to an abrupt end due to Infinite Crisis so he had to tie things into that event.
Same applied to his Superman stories which were great. Really miss the Ruin character.
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