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COMICS! |OT| August 2015. Overwhelming.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Ugh. I really want to read Bacchus, but I have to wait until the Ms. Marvel OHC comes out next week to do my IST order. :(

Also, after I read The Invisibles, I think I'm going to order The Filth.

Given I'm someone that has generally enjoyed Morrison's work, including the times I'm not 100% sure what's happening, is The Invisibles worth grabbing?

Have you read Doom Patrol and Animal Man yet? I'd probably read both of those before reading The Invisibles. Mostly because they're both absolutely incredible and they're still typical Morrison madness but I'd say there's a higher chance of someone enjoying them. Plus starting with those will help prepare you for the craziness of The Invisibles.

Batman Inc. Was the last part of GMs Batman stuff, am I right?

Yeah. There were two volumes of Batman Inc. though.
Edit: Oops. Beaten.


Sure I get what you're saying! I can see how not everyone would love it. But to me the story coupled with Alex Ross art is perfecto. That scene where Superman straight up Kool-Aid Man's the Batcave is so great. Followed by the line from Bruce "so that's what that feels like" when Supes disappears on him lol.

I'm making my way up to his Daredevil can't wait to check it out

Well, don't get me wrong, I love Kingdom Come. I love any story that's not trying to job my bro Superman *conspicuously checks his signal watch*, but some of the choices in KC just sit kind of...funny with me. I don't dislike them, but something about it just doesn't do it for me. Like Superman hooking up with Wonder Woman. Wonder Woman hooking up with other superheroes never sits right with me.

That shot of the Justice League flying in to save the day from shitty over-violent "superheroes" though? That's the best.

And seriously, still the best Civil War story. Maybe if Marvel had Mark Waid at the time to write Civil War it wouldn't have sucked so hard.


Right. Remember it's in two parts, pre and post-Nu 52 with Leviathan Strikes! in between them.

Pre Nu-52 is over then for me... :(

I hate that there is no Deluxe for Nu-52 Batman Inc... But I will take the bullet and buy it in trade form.

And my fucking god, I need the rest of his Batman stuff. Its fucking amazington. Based GM, the god under the Batman writer. So fucking god, its amazing.


I normally dont read the bonus material, but GM does a fantastic work with his annotions. Really interesting to read all this character informations and how his feelings are about anything


I normally dont read the bonus material, but GM does a fantastic work with his annotions. Really interesting to read all this character informations and how his feelings are about anything

I love it when he releases stuff like that. His X-men "manifesto" with his initial proposals prior to writing New X-men is my favorite.
Have you read Doom Patrol and Animal Man yet? I'd probably read both of those before reading The Invisibles. Mostly because they're both absolutely incredible and they're still typical Morrison madness but I'd say there's a higher chance of someone enjoying them. Plus starting with those will help prepare you for the craziness of The Invisibles.

I have both omnibuses and Doom Patrol was/is next on my list to read after I finish the major Hellboy/BPRD collected stuff, so very soon.


I normally dont read the bonus material, but GM does a fantastic work with his annotions. Really interesting to read all this character informations and how his feelings are about anything

Really liked the behind the scenes documentary of All-Star Superman that came with the blu ray for the animated version of the story. You can find it on youtube. It's called Superman Now.

If you haven't seen that yet, it's pretty cool. You can pretty much skip the bits where they're talking to Dan DiDio though. I'm not 100% sure why, but any time I hear DiDio speak, I immediately want him to stop.

Also, there's a commentary track on that blu ray that is Grant and Bruce Timm. That is the best shit ever. Basically, even if you don't like the adaptation, it's worth it to get that blu ray just for the extras.
Mark Waid is awesome. What's everyone's favorite book by him?

Still Kingdom Come for me.


Flash, Daredevil, Kingdom Come and Fantastic Four would be the rest of my top five. King dom Come has one of my favourite quotes in any comic though:

"According to the word of God, the meek would someday inherit the earth. Someday. But God never accounted for the mighty."

One of the first times I ever got chills from a comic. Good times.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
I have both omnibuses and Doom Patrol was/is next on my list to read after I finish the major Hellboy/BPRD collected stuff, so very soon.

Oh, sweet! Yeah, definitely read those first and then decide from there.
Those are both such good runs by the way. I'm excited for you!


Being the newbie I am the only Morrison I've read is Nameless, but I am EAGERLY awaiting issue #5 this September. For some reason I thought it was out on 8/26 but looking now I guess it is 9/9, sadly.


I truly recommend the series if you haven't already tried it.

For my part, thanks to my Unlimited subscription I've been REALLY digging into Marvel books of late. I read Fraction's Hawkeye, The most recent Doctor Strange arcs of note, and have been reading the 2009 run of Ghost Rider and am continuing up through all the Jason Aaron-authored books. I see the series is only decently received but I've really liked it.

I LOVED the issue with Danny Ketch versus the Trucker from Hell. In the letters to the Editor section it mentioned that that villain was from a series Marvel did in the early Eighties about a Trucker who can hear CB radio in his head due to a metal plate. That shit sounds dumb as hell, but the Demon Trucker was rad. Has anyone read the 80's series? it was called like "C.B. 401" or some shit.

EDIT: "U.S. #1"! lol http://io9.com/10-comics-marvel-would-desperately-like-to-forget-they-1508292020

Sounds like you should read New X-Men


Where can I find this?

In the Omnibus and some of the first volumes of his collected New X-men.


(Spanish blog but the text is reproduced en inglés)

Very reminiscent of the Superman 2000 pitch by him, Millar, Waid, and Tom Peyer if you've seen that. Modernize, make mainstream, inject some newness into the book like Claremont and Byrne and Jim Lee had in decades past.
I know, right? :(

I am trying so hard to find this page of pure badassery in the penultimate chapter, and the internet is failing me. The one where
the brains try to mind control him and he just makes them explode from the sheer amount of pain he's endured.
One of my favorite pages of all time. One of my favorite comics.
Fear Agent's one of the rare comics that makes the reader feel the character's pain, both physical and emotional. I felt like I had the shit kicked out of me by the end of the series. Remender, Moore & Opena did great work.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
I am trying so hard to find this page of pure badassery in the penultimate chapter, and the internet is failing me. The one where
the brains try to mind control him and he just makes them explode from the sheer amount of pain he's endured.
One of my favorite pages of all time. One of my favorite comics.

Yesss. I only vaguely remembered that page, so I pulled out my Library Edition to give it another look. So great. I'd also forgotten just how incredible Moore and Opena's art looked in that giant format. They're incredible.
As I was reading it, every time the artists switched, I would change my mind who I liked better between the two. Like, when it was Moore's arc, I'd be like "Moore is definitely my favorite of the two." And then Opena would have his arc and I'd be like "Wait no, it's definitely Opena."
They're both just so great.


Since we're talking Hellboy, I just started the series a few days ago and it's great. I'm about to start awake the Devil tonight. The Library Edition is luscious.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Disgusting in this case is some kind of slang for "the best thing ever" I assume?

No just the regular kind of disgusting.

You can thank me for the Hellboy stuff.

Thank you. Thank you very much.

I linked that grantland article, too. Betraying my wicdiv brethren.

Never read Hellboy, just know other people here like it.

I'll say this. I respect that Mignola seems to have stuck with his creation for so long. Comic book creators are sometime a bit flaky for my tastes.
Fear Agent's one of the rare comics that makes the reader feel the character's pain, both physical and emotional. I felt like I had the shit kicked out of me by the end of the series. Remender, Moore & Opena did great work.

Yeah, there's some seriously harrowing stuff. That last arc was me holding back tears basically the entire time.

Yesss. I only vaguely remembered that page, so I pulled out my Library Edition to give it another look. So great. I'd also forgotten just how incredible Moore and Opena's art looked in that giant format. They're incredible.
As I was reading it, every time the artists switched, I would change my mind who I liked better between the two. Like, when it was Moore's arc, I'd be like "Moore is definitely my favorite of the two." And then Opena would have his arc and I'd be like "Wait no, it's definitely Opena."
They're both just so great.

Yeah, i absolutely do not regret buying the LEs. I'd give it to Moore, but only slightly and for a weird reason. His art feels more familiar to me, even though I haven't read many books (if any other than the first arc of TWD). It's a strange feeling.
New 52 Animal Man #20 - #29, Annual #2: The series lost a lot of momentum during rotworld but the last two trades provided a pretty decent wrap-up.
As long as they were willing to go the Deus Ex Machina route by introducing the Bridgewalker, why didn't they bring Cliff back? :(

And that Red Thunder stuff got dark. -_-


Question about Comixology Subscription: I own all the Mad Max comics so far, and I want to subscribe. But if they release a collected edition, will it automatically be bought even though I already own all the issues separately?

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Question about Comixology Subscription: I own all the Mad Max comics so far, and I want to subscribe. But if they release a collected edition, will it automatically be bought even though I already own all the issues separately?

I think the sub only applies to singles.
Just started Gotham Central. I laughed at the Marcus damning Batman.

This is going to be an awesome series.
One of the all time bests. Then you'll discover new levels of disappointment at what the TV show could have been. It's layed out for them in the comic. Little rework needed and they messed it up
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