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COMICS! |OT| August 2015. Overwhelming.


I started re-reading Marvel Comics The Untold story again after hearing about the Stan Lee case. Awesome book, Steranko, Starlin and Claremont have had really cool lives.

I mean, Jim frickin' Steranko slapped Bob Kane, was a robber in his youth (spent time in the slammer), did fire-breathing/card tricks, was an escape artist, and played lead guitar in a rock and roll band. Badass.


There was a time I thought Lemire was a pretty decent superhero writer (c. Superboy (2011 (pre-Flashpoint))) but the more I ended up reading of his the more I felt that maybe he really wasn't Very Good at whatever it was he was trying to do in those books.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Anybody reading the DC Bombshell books? Any good?

Lemire is writing an X-book? When does it come out, or has it? More importantly, is it tied to all that secret wars nonsense?

He'll be writing Extraordinary X-Men. Comes out in the October re-launch. Is not a Secret Wars book.
I joined in 2009 and I'm still a junior. All signs point to Batman vanish.

Did anyone read any Justice League United? I was really excited for it, because it was Lemire coming off of Animal Man, and it had Animal Man in it. I have the first 12 issues, but I've only read about 5. They are very dull. Just so lifeless. Did they pick up at some point? How did Lemire have two characters that he was doing awesome on in solo books and turn out really dull stuff?

I read those first 5 issues and yeah, they're boring. The art's pretty aight but it can't carry it alone. I heard it picked up when Jeff Parker/Travel Foreman took over though


Maybe nonsense is a strong word, but I really dislike these events interrupting books. This one in particular seems more disruptive than the usual summer event.

In other news, I just finished Gotham Central. HOLY HELL!! I get why this book didn't sell, but it is fantastic and I want more! Where do I get the fall out of the last issues? Where can I follow Renee and her becoming The Question?



Thanks Ino. I was gonna say something but you said it better than I did.


Maybe nonsense is a strong word, but I really dislike these events interrupting books. This one in particular seems more disruptive than the usual summer event.

Secret Wars is easily the least disruptive event in years, honestly. Including Infinity, which was by the same author.

The books that are tying into it are "ending" (many are restarting in the fall) and they're doing so in a really interesting way. The "Last Days of..." books are authors basically answering the question: "How would this character(s) spend their last few days alive?" And some of them are mining gold. I know the ones for Cpt. America and the Mighty Avengers are some of the most harrowing single issues I've read to date. I've heard similiar reactions to the one Jason Aaron did for Thor.

And again, these are endings to arcs rather than interruptions. It's largely good material and it's not invasive. There hasn't been an event like this in a while and there probably won't be again for a similiar length of time.

What part of Secret Wars are you enjoy? Is it the main series from Hickman, or are there other real gems in there?

It's all pretty great. The tie-ins I mentioned above can be really touching if you read the books they cap off, but all the mini-series running next to the main SW book are really cool. They put awesome spins on old Marvel stories and concepts. It's really rewarding if know the universe decently enough. The main book is excellent as well, but you have to have read Avengers and New Avengers by the same author.


Maybe cuz it was late at night when I read the comics but I didn't feel interested in reading SquirrelGirl 8 :/

Secret Wars #5 is a filler issue.


Secret Wars #5 is a "shit 'bout to hit the fan" issue, more like.
Val will be Doom's undoing.

Also, I read the first issue of Morning Glories. Not ready to make heads or tails of the writing yet, but it definitely seems like my type of thing and something I could be into for s while.

I don't know if "a while" is going to equate to nearly a dozen trades, but we'll see. I love high school stuff.
No problem.

It's because it's a team book. He told CBR straight up that he wasn't happy with the team books he'd done up until getting the X-Men gig.

I think Green Arrow is really solid from what I read. This first arc of All-New Hawkeye would've been better as a graphic novel. The actual writing is fine, in my honest opinion. But the pace and the focus on flashing back to stuff anyone that knows Hawkeye knows is really poorly suited for a monthly book. I think the next arc of Hawkeye and his X-Men books will be better.

I read Lemire's first volume of Green Arrow and thought it was solid as well. I wasn't blown away by it, but enjoyed it. Definitely looking forward to reading the next volume in his run.
I'm really digging the new faces here. Please don't post once and vanish forever.

Strangely, that's been Tyrant's behavior lately. I've asked him two questions in the last few days and never got a answers because he disappears.

Maybe nonsense is a strong word, but I really dislike these events interrupting books. This one in particular seems more disruptive than the usual summer event.

No dude, it's nonsense. I hate that shit too.
I find it so creepy how so many of you keep track of old and new people.

lern2liveandletdie m8s

(also turning avatars off probably helps)

And yes, writers that decide to get involved in events JUST CUZ, without having a proper story carrying their book towards the event, or significant development during it, should be fired.

Squirrel Girl is a pretty dang solid example of how to do it with minor involvement, and Loki AoA is a shining example of how to bring your characters into an event. Long lead up, took as long as it needed to set up the pieces and then knock them down.

Gods, i still hate how Peter David handled it with Madrox. Destroyed the book time and time again.


So, finished off Thanos Imperitive last night, capping off "the chart." Definifely enjoyed it, had some nice moments. And man, the Universe has to be a mess after all those crazy galactic wars in a row. Some Abstracts dying in particular feels like that should be a really, really bad thing.

Also, for followup stuff: apparently Star Lord pops back out, but not Nova? When does that happen? And apparently Bendis wrote an explanation that disappointed everyone? Also, since the end of this lead up to that, how's Annihilators? And anything else especially worth reading about this stuff? Like, I never read Infinity Gauntlet? Is that omnibus worth it?
I went to a comic shop today with a bunch of cash in my pocket wanting to buy an action figure. There were a few that were really close to something I wanted, but not quite.
Like, I saw a Martha Washington action figure, which I had no idea existed, and I was stoked to find it, but it was an absolutely awful figure.
And then I saw Preacher action figures, but again, they were just awful figures.
Then I saw an Orion (New Gods line) action figure that was only $12 and super good quality, but they didn't have Darkseid and it looks like the Darkseid figure goes for like $50, so I couldn't just get Orion and I didn't get it.

I tried though. I tried.

Kipp, tell us where your Froyo shop is. We are going to walk in, sample everything and leave.
Is anybody else having any issues with the Marvel Unlimited app? I'm only able to read the first three pages of a comic and then it the comic ends. I'm reading on iPhone/iPad

edit: reinstalled the app and it is working now
Darth Vader #1 was awesome. Have the Star Wars stuff held up in the following months? These first issues are great

I'd say both Star Wars and Vader have got a lot better. I'd probably rank the Star Wars series' like this:

Star Wars

Finally received the fourth issue of Kanan today. It's been fun and I think this is probably the strongest issue yet but A New Dawn was a better introduction to the character. It's been cool seeing how he survived on the run though. Grey and Styles are dicks. They're bound to get their comeuppance in #5.



i mean...Gjallerhorn.

Must....get....the horn...

Last week I spent all my coins on Last Word and this happens.

The only bs is that they make this a coin gun when it's going to be nerfed to hell and back in like 3 weeks.

I'm waiting for SUROS return to its former glory. I can't wait.
Must....get....the horn...

Last week I spent all my coins on Last Word and this happens.

The only bs is that they make this a coin gun when it's going to be nerfed to hell and back in like 3 weeks.

Is it really that rare? I stopped playing Destiny months ago and I had two.
Nah. None of that old Val stuff has any appeal to me, although I liked a lot of it back in the day.

I would say the only one that I would jump on without hesitation is Priest/Bright's Quantum & Woody. The rest feel a bit too 90s to me, but I'm open to trying them if someone tells me they're good.

My God, I just saw the bundle price for A&A. $20 for the entire series, that's incredible. All digital future baby.
I feel like being a double leg amputee in the MU is one of those things that shouldn't be an issue. Why does Flash still have to roll around in a wheelchair when the doesn't have the symbiote on? It's kind of dumb anyway for a guy who hangs out with the Avengers, but it's truly absurd after he starts hanging out in space. You can't get a new pair of legs in the broader galactic community? You can probably get any kind of bio prosthetic you want on Knowhere at the 7-11.
I feel like being a double leg amputee in the MU is one of those things that shouldn't be an issue. Why does Flash still have to roll around in a wheelchair when the doesn't have the symbiote on? It's kind of dumb anyway for a guy who hangs out with the Avengers, but it's truly absurd after he starts hanging out in space. You can't get a new pair of legs in the broader galactic community? You can probably get any kind of bio prosthetic you want on Knowhere at the 7-11.

What? No. It's even worse. You got a teenager like Hellion running around with perfect prosthetic hands , which would be miles more complex than legs, and yet Flash is going all Hurr Durr No Legs.


I feel like being a double leg amputee in the MU is one of those things that shouldn't be an issue. Why does Flash still have to roll around in a wheelchair when the doesn't have the symbiote on? It's kind of dumb anyway for a guy who hangs out with the Avengers, but it's truly absurd after he starts hanging out in space. You can't get a new pair of legs in the broader galactic community? You can probably get any kind of bio prosthetic you want on Knowhere at the 7-11.

It would defeat the purpose of having a disabled character if you're going to just sci-fi them back into being able. It was absurd enough when DC retconned Oracle.
It would defeat the purpose of having a disabled character if you're going to just sci-fi them back into being able. It was absurd enough when DC retconned Oracle.

Reducing a character to one's disabilities does even more of a disservice to the character. People are not their flaws.

Plus Oracle's excuse for staying disabled was always arrogant and made zero sense.


List of Champions!

Black Canary #3
Harley Quinn Pee Gee #3
Martian Manhunter #3
Robin Son of Batman #3
Secret Six #5
Rat Queens #11
1872 #2
Ultron vs Marvel Zombies #3
Renew your vows #4
Captain Britain #2
Guardians of Knowhere #3
Guardians Team-Up #10
House of M #1
Howard the Human #1
Inferno #4
Loki Agent of Asgard #17
Runaways #3
Secret Wars journal #4
Secret Wars Secret love #1
Silk (not evil) #6
Spider-verse #4
Wierdworld #3
Archie 2

Squirrel Girl Vol 1
Ms Marvel Vol 1 Hardcover
Empowered Vol 9
Hellboy and the BRPD



Reducing a character to one's disabilities does even more of a disservice to the character. People are not their flaws.

Plus Oracle's excuse for staying disabled was always arrogant and made zero sense.

There's a bit of a difference between getting a prosthetic that would help someone get around and straight-up transplanting them with conveniently human-looking alien limbs.
Maybe nonsense is a strong word, but I really dislike these events interrupting books. This one in particular seems more disruptive than the usual summer event.

In other news, I just finished Gotham Central. HOLY HELL!! I get why this book didn't sell, but it is fantastic and I want more! Where do I get the fall out of the last issues? Where can I follow Renee and her becoming The Question?

I'm surprised that apparently no one answered this, but the main continuation of Renee's story is as one of the major storyline characters in the 52 weekly series.
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