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COMICS! |OT| August 2016. That's Rare Groove. Volume is Crucial.

MC Safety

Apologies if this has been posted here already.

Dark Horse and the Hero Initiative are doing a Humble Bundle package of great Dark Horse comic books. If you donate $15, you even get access to one of the greatest collections ever: Milk and Cheese: Dairy Products Gone Bad.

The bundle is here:

Hero Initiative is a charity co-founded by my former co-worker and all-around swell guy Jim "James" McLauchlin. You may remember McLauchlin as a mainstay of Wizard: The Comics Magazine; his organization helps comic book creators in need.
Why? This seems like a shitty post.

It's a common opinion I hear from numerous people on different comic threads. I'm guessing they don't like the effect she has had on him. It is shitty to say something like that especially when he has confessed to be suicidal before meeting Kelly.


The weirdest match ever


You just mad Tana Ford is still the artist on Silk and Scarlet Witch is doing that artist changes every issue thing.

No I don't care about the books contents. I don't read them . I am more interested in which megacorp outsells the other megacorp. Fuck yeah!
I like Fraction when he does down to earth street-level stories like Hawkeye. High fantasy Fraction, even Sex Criminals, is just not appealing to me.
No Man's Sky is laughably broken. Been a long time since I have played a game that was released in such a state. Four total meltdown crashes in a fucking hour of play? In a console game? Fucking pathetic. Thinking about trying to get my money back. Absolutely hair-pulling experience. Grrrr.

Anyway. Is it too late to wish ed a happy birthday? Well, screw it, happy birthday ed.

Did Kitty take Lockheed with her to space? If not, where the hell is he?

This is a really good question actually. I know he was in the last volume of Star-Lord but I don't think he's been seen at all in the latest volume of GotG. Not sure if he's in the latest volume of Star-Lord, nobody reads that book.

Back with my, what's turning out to be daily, "How are these?" post!


I fully endorse both of these books.
Are we arguing about big 2 sales or Matt Fraction? Can we just do the latter? The former is so fucking boring at this point. Every god damn week since Rebirth started, jesus fuck.
I blame LordofLore bringing up comic sales in here

nobody fucking cares if you prefer marvel or dc or neither

seriously, nobody. Just shut up about that shit. Read whatever you like. Or dont read anything. You're all dead in 60+ years, dont spend it doing Marvel vs DC (IN 2016)


Are we arguing about big 2 sales or Matt Fraction? Can we just do the latter? The former is so fucking boring at this point. Every god damn week since Rebirth started, jesus fuck.
Matt Fraction squandered Iron Man when the character was still coming off the repercussions of his acts against other heroes and gave us the mind reboot.
Next month's Deadly Class is so fucked up.

"Hey! Congratulations on killing your friends and fellow classmates! Now let's have our own fucked up version of a Homecoming Dance to celebrate!"


I might not bother renting No Man's Sky, i don't see the point. I am going to read WW Earth One tonight while watching some wwe to avoid future spoilers and to prove i read comics.


Are we arguing about big 2 sales or Matt Fraction? Can we just do the latter? The former is so fucking boring at this point. Every god damn week since Rebirth started, jesus fuck.
Every time someone praises rebirth or DC doing great in sales cats come in here with the same boring thing

"Rebirth is decent but here is why I think Marvel is better" eyeroll.

We get it guys you like marvel but let the DC cats enjoy there stuff too.

Comparisons are logical and make sense as long as we remember at the end of the day this is a community first and for most and not an off topic bait thread.

But yea like I said a day or two ago. Let's not have dcvmarvel talk for a week
Matt Fraction squandered Iron Man when the character was still coming off the repercussions of his acts against other heroes and gave us the mind reboot.

I quite liked the mindwipe arc actually, it just went on for too long. They needed to do something drastic after all the horrible character assassination.

I'm mixed on Fraction. I think, with a couple notable exceptions, his Marvel work was stellar. And he has a unique, playful style in his plotting and dialogue that I have always found charming. But I have much more mixed feelings about his indy stuff. Casanova is great, of course, put him on the map. ODY-C I don't like at all. Sex Criminals had a magnificent, strong start and a strong premise but the energy on that book completely evaporated by the tenth issue.


Every time someone praises rebirth or DC doing great in sales cats come in here with the same boring thing

"Rebirth is decent but here is why I think Marvel is better" eyeroll.

We get it guys you like marvel but let the DC cats enjoy there stuff too.

Comparisons are logical and make sense as long as we remember at the end of the day this is a community first and for most and not an off topic bait thread.

But yea like I said a day or two ago. Let's not have dcvmarvel talk for a week
I agree about stopping the wars talk, but this has me rolling my eyes.
I quite liked the mindwipe arc actually, it just went on for too long. They needed to do something drastic after all the horrible character assassination.

I'm mixed on Fraction. I think, with a couple notable exceptions, his Marvel work was stellar. And he has a unique, playful style in his plotting and dialogue that I have always found charming. But I have much more mixed feelings about his indy stuff. Casanova is great, of course, put him on the map. ODY-C I don't like at all. Sex Criminals had a magnificent, strong start and a strong premise but the energy on that book completely evaporated by the tenth issue.
This is fair.


Sometimes I wonder if you have any self awareness at all. Do you know how easy it is to find TheFlow posts trolling Marvel since Rebirth started? Be the change you want to see in the world.
Trolling marvel? It is a company man not a actual person with feelings. Yah too attached to the big two. Sensitive cats out here :/

When someone criticizes a publisher you pull a lot from you are going to want to defend them but let's not get personal. Stop the bloodshed!
No Man's Sky is laughably broken. Been a long time since I have played a game that was released in such a state. Four total meltdown crashes in a fucking hour of play? In a console game? Fucking pathetic. Thinking about trying to get my money back. Absolutely hair-pulling experience. Grrrr.

It's so inconsistent that it's bizarre. I had one crash to dashboard ON THE INITIAL LOAD SCREEN within the first day. Then the other day I had two crashes while the game was saving. But its been fine since. It definitely needed more development time, but I'm sure Sony wanted to kick it out the door. Hopefully the next patch will smooth things over and totally not erase my game.

As for the game itself, I hated it at first, but once I got a bunch of inventory slots and became rich, I started having fun. There's a decently fun game here, but the grind to get enough money / inventory slots goes on far longer than is fun, and I think that's a poor choice in game design. There's definitely still some monotony to it, but it'll get me through to next week when Mankind Divided comes out.

I might not bother renting No Man's Sky, i don't see the point. I am going to read WW Earth One tonight while watching some wwe to avoid future spoilers and to prove i read comics.

You should at least try it. You won't have to play Overwatch! I've been getting dogshit games lately. Last time I got tossed into a Hanamura (attack) match with 3 Genjis on my team. WHY!?


Trolling marvel? It is a company man not a actual person with feelings. Yah too attached to the big two. Sensitive cats out here :/

When someone criticizes a publisher you pull a lot from you are going to want to defend them but let's not get personal. Stop the bloodshed!

normal people don't do this

Publisher baiting brings nothing positive to this thread and recently it has turned quite toxic. The people doing it know what they are doing. We should be better than this shit.


normal people don't do this

Publisher baiting brings nothing positive to this thread and recently it has turned quite toxic. The people doing it know what they are doing. We should be better than this shit.
Agreed, normal people don't but here we are..

Nothing wrong with praising or disagreeing with creator/publishers decisions. People just gotta learn to accept opinions and know when a debate is turning into a flame war and how to step away :/. Egos

Nothing wrong with lord posting monthly sales. I wanna know how many people are buying what I read and what could possible be canceled


normal people don't do this

Publisher baiting brings nothing positive to this thread and recently it has turned quite toxic. The people doing it know what they are doing. We should be better than this shit.


Look at the NMS review thread. Publisher baiting is an extension of fandom culture and fandom culture tends to have people define themselves via the things they like, so they take the success or failure as personal validation or slight respectively.
#FuckYourFandom #FandomsAreJustDumbFans


Trolling marvel? It is a company man not a actual person with feelings. Yah too attached to the big two. Sensitive cats out here :/

When someone criticizes a publisher you pull a lot from you are going to want to defend them but let's not get personal. Stop the bloodshed!
And some straight up become disingenuous.
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