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COMICS! |OT| August 2016. That's Rare Groove. Volume is Crucial.

X-Men Second Coming was sadly not as good as its predecessors (Messiah Complex and Messiah War). Still really enjoyable, but certainly a bit of a let down after the high I was riding from both of those events plus Kyle and Yost X-Force
Is this anywhere answered? Cause I was super confused seeing Warlock and I had no idea where he went after the Lanning/Abnett Run.
My guess is that it takes place immediately after Secret Wars. Might explain why the Ultimates found Thanos outside of reality (or rather that's just where he was).

The issue is Annihilus. His existence in ANAD Avengers, albeit not nearly as powerful as he was during the Infinity Trilogy, is contradictory to the Trilogy. Since Thanos stomps him in the end.
But at the same time, you're right: Adam Warlock hasn't showed up outside of the Trilogy (plus Infinity Entity which acts as a prologue to Finale).

My only guess: Time loop. Otherwise that means that Warlock and Thanos rewrote the entire damn universe either before or after Secret Wars.


the batman warehouse fight scene is the best superhero fight commited to screen, and it makes every single marvel movie look cheap


Unconfirmed Member
the batman warehouse fight scene is the best superhero fight commited to screen, and it makes every single marvel movie look cheap

By that part of the movie, I'd basically lost my will to go on, so it's hard to say.

Was it good? Yes.

Would it have been better as an introduction to Batman instead of a prelude to a dumb ass joke after a dumb ass scene about their mommies? Hell yes.
ElNarez Speaks Truth

It should be fine. Characters are more troublesome. Ana still needs a buff.

Honestly, while character balance is obviously an ongoing issue, the maps present problems of their own. Anubis and Hanamura are the obvious "are you guys serious with this" picks, but I can't honestly say I'm wild about more than a couple of the maps, and a vertically oriented hybrid is gonna be tricky for them to balance.
Honestly, while character balance is obviously an ongoing issue, the maps present problems of their own. Anubis and Hanamura are the obvious "are you guys serious with this" picks, but I can't honestly say I'm wild about more than a couple of the maps, and a vertically oriented hybrid is gonna be tricky for them to balance.

King's Row, and Volskaya Industries, too. Any map with one chokepoint ends up being bullshit.



A thing I didn't remember, maybe because it's Ultimate Cut exclusive but probably not, is that the first time you hear Wonder Woman's theme is NOT when she saves Batman during the Doomsday fight, but when Batman finds the picture on Luthor's server.

It's basically a static shot of Wonder Woman in the picture. And there's that big loud musical sting. It's fucking ridiculous. I love it.
People not calling it dog shit is heartwarming.


Thank Christ the Internet echo chamber is not indicative of real life. I read this dope interview with Marvels like head of sales or some shit and he was talking about how Marvel stuff does out in the real world, how they wouldn't be pricing stuff the way they do if it wasn't primed to sell ($10 Deadpool issues somehow do amazing for them. He called him Marvels "Batman"). And then he went on to talk about ACTUAL responses from humans that they get to stuff like Riri, how there's an outpouring of people talking about their daughters actually being to aspire to be their favorite movie character now. It's really enlightening because I'll admit even I, Captain Enthusiasm, can get cynical when all I see all day is entitlement and complaining, but then you realize that it's not like that in the real world.

That Bendis is actually a massively beloved creator which is why Marvel keeps tapping him to write their biggest comics.

So, yeah, I don't doubt at all that he's gotten actual "heartfelt" responses from the huge swaths of people who actually like and are moved by his work.

Oh my god, what could possibly be the cynical response to that? Don't let me down ComicGAF! lmfao
Claremont's Uncanny X-Men is already my favorite run of all time and I still have over 100 issues left to go (+ New Mutants). Even after the Dark Phoenix Saga and DOFP I think the Brood arc might be the highlight for me. It was pretty much the perfect way to address the constant issue of if superheroes should kill. Seeing all the different personalities clash when faced with seemingly impossible odds against a truly horrific and evil enemy was quite the treat. Also it was cool to see Alien references before Aliens came out.
King's Row, and Volskaya Industries, too. Any map with one chokepoint ends up being bullshit.

Row I kinda like, though you're right that that first bit is a bitch and a half. Volskaya is just poorly designed, not because of the checkpoint (Pharah, D. Va, and a couple others can circle around it) but because the whole middle section between the first point and the building the second point's in might as well not even exist for how much play it gets. Exists only to slow down the defense's spawn.
Claremont's Uncanny X-Men is already my favorite run of all time and I still have over 100 issues left to go (+ New Mutants). Even after the Dark Phoenix Saga and DOFP I think the Brood arc might be the highlight for me. It was pretty much the perfect way to address the constant issue of if superheroes should kill. Seeing all the different personalities clash when faced with seemingly impossible odds against a truly horrific and evil enemy was quite the treat. Also it was cool to see Alien references before Aliens came out.

Welcome to the best that ever was.

Don't forget Excalibur when you get to it.
Claremont's Uncanny X-Men is already my favorite run of all time and I still have over 100 issues left to go (+ New Mutants). Even after the Dark Phoenix Saga and DOFP I think the Brood arc might be the highlight for me. It was pretty much the perfect way to address the constant issue of if superheroes should kill. Seeing all the different personalities clash when faced with seemingly impossible odds against a truly horrific and evil enemy was quite the treat. Also it was cool to see Alien references before Aliens came out.
The first brood arc is my favorite Claremont Xmen story ever. So amazing. Not OP Wolverine was so much more fun


Claremont's Uncanny X-Men is already my favorite run of all time and I still have over 100 issues left to go (+ New Mutants). Even after the Dark Phoenix Saga and DOFP I think the Brood arc might be the highlight for me. It was pretty much the perfect way to address the constant issue of if superheroes should kill. Seeing all the different personalities clash when faced with seemingly impossible odds against a truly horrific and evil enemy was quite the treat. Also it was cool to see Alien references before Aliens came out.
So fucking good! there is a reason it is so highly praised.
Claremont's Uncanny X-Men is already my favorite run of all time and I still have over 100 issues left to go (+ New Mutants). Even after the Dark Phoenix Saga and DOFP I think the Brood arc might be the highlight for me. It was pretty much the perfect way to address the constant issue of if superheroes should kill. Seeing all the different personalities clash when faced with seemingly impossible odds against a truly horrific and evil enemy was quite the treat. Also it was cool to see Alien references before Aliens came out.

and you're sliding right into the Paul Smith era, lucky you


I'm almost done with Wonder Woman Earth One and i have a frowny face and am thinking of Overwatch while watching Trump's speech.


Man, I really need to reread Claremont X-men some time. Like, I actually recall being pretty heavily underwhelmed by it, but it's also been years since I read it. Like, that was really early in my comic reading, so being way deeper into stuff may very well help. On the other hand, the atrocity that is Claremont Exiles scares me a little on the prospect. I don't know, part of me wants to just go crazy and pick up the omnibuses, but that also seems like a bad idea based on what I've said on the matter. Oh well, I'll figure it out eventually...
I felt like Claremont's X-Men does take a while to get going. It wasn't until the Savage Land (#115ish) that it really clicked with me. Early issues are basically nonstop action to the point of feeling absurd. I mean I'm pretty sure there's like at least 3 different battles between the new X-Men and some variation of the O5 (battles against robot versions, mental versions, etc.) within that timespan alone. There's still some good stuff but I think the Dark Phoenix Saga is when it gets really good.

Basically there was a point where I went from "this is pretty good" to "holy shit these are the best comics I've ever read" but I have a hard time determining when.
I'm trying to post less too, just because I need to cut down my purchasing of full-priced day-one comics to the bare minimum, and you're all filthy enablers.
I'm trying to post less too, just because I need to cut down my purchasing of full-priced day-one comics to the bare minimum, and you're all filthy enablers.
Join me in the "only buy comics when on sale" / MU club! It's pretty good!

Of course with line wide CMX sales I still buy way too much but at least it's 99 cent an issue or less!


I want an Abigail Brand series. Or a SWORD series.
And Brand in the MCU.

Also, why haven't the XMen been to space yet on screen? I want that.
I felt like Claremont's X-Men does take a while to get going. It wasn't until the Savage Land (#115ish) that it really clicked with me. Early issues are basically nonstop action to the point of feeling absurd. I mean I'm pretty sure there's like at least 3 different battles between the new X-Men and some variation of the O5 (battles against robot versions, mental versions, etc.) within that timespan alone. There's still some good stuff but I think the Dark Phoenix Saga is when it gets really good.

Basically there was a point where I went from "this is pretty good" to "holy shit these are the best comics I've ever read" but I have a hard time determining when.
Black Tom Cassidy and Juggernaut trapping the X-Men in a castle is one of the greatest arcs ever committed to the printed page.


God bless Claremont.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
So this Fade Out book is pretty solid. And by solid I mean great. I decided to read that tonight instead of The Sixth Gun since I hate endings.

I figure I'll save TSG for day when I'm in a less shitty mood.
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