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COMICS! |OT| August 2016. That's Rare Groove. Volume is Crucial.

Then I start some book called God Hate Astronauts. Anyone ever heard of it?

Assuming this is sarcasm and you may have even been the person to turn me onto the series...but God Hates Astronauts is the best comic series of the decade. Absolutely perfect comic storytelling, pure visual insanity, and legitimately laugh out loud funny unlike the usual pathetic excuse we get for "funny" characters (read: Deadpool, Harley, et al.).

It's in my top five of all time.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Assuming this is sarcasm and you may have even been the person to turn me onto the series...but God Hates Astronauts is the best comic series of the decade. Absolutely perfect comic storytelling, pure visual insanity, and legitimately laugh out loud funny unlike the usual pathetic excuse we get for "funny" characters (read: Deadpool, Harley, et all.).

It's in my top five of all time.

It was sarcasm in that I know it's supposed to be really good. But I haven't read it yet so it someone else who turned you on to it.
God Hates Astronauts was absolutely bonkers in all the best ways. Characters like Time Giraffe and King Tiger-Eating-A-Cheeseburger made the whole thing a joy to read.


Just finished all of the X-Force issues in the X-Statix omnibus and am now onto X-Statix #1. Man, the death of
really bummed me out.
Gosh, the McFarlane Spider-Man omni is a brisk read, I think "Torment" had about 20 words a page, not counting "DOOM." Luckily the art makes up for it, all the guests are great because you get to see Todd tackle a bunch of characters, I love his Wolverine. Only part I didn't really enjoy was the Hobgoblin/ Ghost Rider fight, and that was mostly due to the horrible mash up of colors.
Finished the first arc of The Authority and man this is some cool comics. The ending with Midnighter was so awesome.

I really need to read that Midnighter run that Orlando did.



Or in this case, shut off Overwatch and play NMS ya haters!
JLA by Grant Morrison... up to issue #12

This is such a weird read for me. I'm enjoying it but it feels like it's written by someone else and not Morrison. The dialogue is so unlike Morrison and even the stories feel more disconnected then his usual stuff.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Went ahead and pre-ordered #1's for Moonshine, Seven to Eternity, Glitterbomb, and Lake of Fire from CMX. Would have done the same for Surgeon X #1 too but they only have #2 available at the moment.


I just finished the Big Time trade I started yesterday and man that makes for a good standalone read. Sets up a new status quo that feels like natural progression for the character and does a good job of selling it.

Next up is Matters of Life and Death, which contains what Dan Slott and many others consider to be the best issue of Spider-Man he has every written.


semen stains the mountaintops
Batman #5

Is Gotham Girl Year One the next arc or will that be it's own Rebirth series? Cooling Gotham Girl Year One didn't bring anything up.
What's up comics gaf :) feels good to be able to check in with you guys again. I sadly lost access to my account quite awhile back now (password reset without realising the email service i had signed up with had been discontinued without warning) and never received any responses to the email I sent to the gaf contact us link at the bottom, so I had to settle in for the loooong wait towards validation of a new account haha. Anyway, hey, hey to anyone I don't know, and interested to see what you guys are all reading these days.

My account literally got validated this morning so I have to admit, I hadn't planned anything to share my thoughts on yet, but I will say rather than any specific comic, the way things have shook out with the mignola-verse over the past year is on my mind alot. Now, to be fair, nothing has dropped in quality as of yet but with all three major writers stepping out for various reasons and Chris Roberson seemingly driving the whole franchise for the next little while, I'm kind of nervous. Don't get me wrong, Roberson has written some decent stuff in his time. I enjoyed Izombie well enough back in the day and actually it's his use of mythology or his own kind of implementation of it that stood out to me, which is literally one of the defining things about the hellboy books.

On the other hand, I've followed this series for so long and it's been so tightly curated by Mike, and it really doesn't feel that long ago where he said they had a really solid ending for the books in general in mind, it just seems crazy that Arcudi has left to basically do his own hellboy type book (Rumble is AMAZING), Scott Allie....well whatever, that's a whole minefield, and Mike stepping out to paint for a year, which he already apparently gave up on. I saw a quite from SDCC where he mentioned Roberson would effectively have 95% control over the forthcoming wave of books.ON one hand, if you're going to bring a guy in, he does need to be trusted, if he is deemed the right fit, then he should have creative freedom, but at the same time, part of me just kind of wants to see the whole thing close up shop. I basically love all the books criticism-free bar one or two side arcs, I would feel good about it ending and seeing stuff like Rumble take that place on my shelf. As it stands I have this nervous feeling that I followed all this stuff for years, I have this big invested collection and it could maybe all spin off the rails and peter out. That would be incredibly disappointing.

Anyway, just some thoughts haha, figured I should bring something to the thread after being out so long!

So this Fade Out book is pretty solid. And by solid I mean great. I decided to read that tonight instead of The Sixth Gun since I hate endings.

I figure I'll save TSG for day when I'm in a less shitty mood.

The Fade Out is incredible. I really do love Bru, I think I've loved all his stuff deeply bar Incognito, but I hadn't felt like he'd hit that bar Criminal reaches in awhile. Fatale was great but a little long and kind of whimpered a little for me at the end? And Velvet is awesome but takes so long to come out, I've kind of dialed out a little while it builds up. TFO though, to me, is a perfectly executed piece of fiction, art, a really interesting time and setting in modern history. I didn't really known much about the commie accusations in hollywood around that period, but it provides the perfect backdrop for Bru to do his thing. Managed to push some of those buttons True Detective did too, which is never a bad thing. The tight pace, three volumes and out is fantastic too, it really is just awesome. It feels like Bru finding his groove with his stuff at Image, and I wouldn't mind if Kill or be killed (is that the name?) was similar. Velvet is great as his ongoing but in general I feel his sensibilities are tied more to finite, tight, high tension stuff.


Claremont's Uncanny X-Men is already my favorite run of all time and I still have over 100 issues left to go (+ New Mutants). Even after the Dark Phoenix Saga and DOFP I think the Brood arc might be the highlight for me. It was pretty much the perfect way to address the constant issue of if superheroes should kill. Seeing all the different personalities clash when faced with seemingly impossible odds against a truly horrific and evil enemy was quite the treat. Also it was cool to see Alien references before Aliens came out.

Greatest run of all time. MAkers sure you keep going with Excal-

Don't forget Excalibur when you get to it.

Ah, shoulda known Birdie would beat me to it!

I noticed Saucer Country was removed from CMX at some point. I can still download the issues I bought but it's no longer on the store. Which is odd since it was vertigo. Did it change licenses?

It's gone to IDW. They're going to republish Saucer Country leading up to the first issue of Saucer State.


I have never understood the complaint about renumbering books in terms of enjoyment around the internet because I've seen the multiple times very recently.
You have an Abe Sapien avatar, I like you.

Hahah, cheers man, Abe is the best. Really looking forward to seeing how the end of his series shakes out, I'm a trade reader by nature, so still got a bit to go. Interested to see if
shows up, after the solicits mentioning

I have never understood the complaint about renumbering books in terms of enjoyment around the internet because I've seen the multiple times very recently.

Eh, I think it'scan be a bit of a nostalgia thing for when you had really long runs back in the day, both numbering and with creative teams.. I think the renumbering of books kind of comes hand in hand with some of the more prevalent issues in modern big two comics as well. Reboots before the last thing can really get going, frequent creator changes. I don't have a particular problem with renumbering a book or relaunching a book, I just want consistency. Was the book originally planned to have a x-issue run from writer y or artist z? Was the plan for a seasonal model? If so, no problem, I think that kind of thing can both compliment today's market in terms of how long books outside of the major names get traction anyway, and in terms of giving new readers entry points. When it's the result of constant flipflopping or sometimes more bizarrely to give the impression of a new jumping on point when it isn't at all, that's where I think dissatisfaction can creep in.
Happy birthday GAMEPROFF!

Finished reading The Bluecoat's second book yesterday, The Navy Blues. Pretty good fun (and I love the art). It's also a history lesson!. I didn't know there were "submarines" in the
Civil War.

Also, I need a general comic podcast that discusses new releases. I've been getting rather tired of the nitpicking and cynicism of the one I've been listening to. (Comic Book Page podcast).
I didn't like the previous deus ex, more overwatch things please.

And comics?


I haven't preordered but I'm looking forward to the game. I'm going to wait and see how the PC port is first. I'm confident the game itself will be good. Be a nice warm-up for Dishonored 2 later this year anyway.
Batman #5

What?.....what? This issue was great, but I'm now so confused and so intrigued.

It really seems like King is plotting some long stories. He is definitely not playing for the short game.

I'm assuming the next arc is Gotham Girl year one and it's actually current time, just named year one for the recognition/naming sake?
Batman #5

What?.....what? This issue was great, but I'm now so confused and so intrigued.

It really seems like King is plotting some long stories. He is definitely not playing for the short game.

I'm assuming the next arc is Gotham Girl year one and it's actually current time, just named year one for the recognition/naming sake?
The next issue is a single-issue epilogue to the arc that just ended, and then it's a crossover with Detective Comics and Nightwing.
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