That feeling when you decide to get back into comics and decide to pick up Black Panther and The Vision...Oh yiss.
...Then you decide to pick up The Black Monday Murders and you're flipping between pages trying to make sense of symbols and chairs and oh god help.
Then the arc that starts after that is called "I Am Suicide".Ah, for some reason thought that crossover was still a little off.
If you like Vision go get the complete trade of Omega Men when it's out. Just as amazing.
Yeah, I really enjoy King's writing. I'm probably going to pick up Batman next and wait for that Omega Men trade. How's Sheriff of Babylon?
Donnie's alive???
Now we just need Kipp back full time
...Then you decide to pick up The Black Monday Murders and you're flipping between pages trying to make sense of symbols and chairs and oh god help.
been asking this for months.
can't fuckin wait
Speaking of Deus Ex, did anyone here ever check out the comic that Titan did?Review embargo on Deus Ex ends Friday, so that's a good sign.
Review embargo on Deus Ex ends Friday, so that's a good sign.
Speaking of Deus Ex, did anyone here ever check out the comic that Titan did?
Are you guys going to kick off the hype train tomorrow with a Deus Ex Go purchase? I'm kind of secretly excited for that as much as the main game, I love those Go games. Really wish they would do vita at launch too or something, eats my phone battery. The place I pre-order from regularly breaks street date, was quietly hoping to get Mankind Divided in time for the weekend.
Hey guys. Which books have America Chavez in them right now? Is it just A-Force? Really want to read some more and she's so good.
i didn't know they were doing a deus ex go FUCKING DAY ONE
Hey guys. Which books have America Chavez in them right now? Is it just A-Force? Really want to read some more and she's so good.
i didn't know they were doing a deus ex go FUCKING DAY ONE
the Ultimates
today's issue is especially important in that regard
I know Ultimates had her in when they travelled dimensions
I have never understood the complaint about renumbering books in terms of enjoyment around the internet because I've seen the multiple times very recently.
It's literally just been released now
Birdie manI think Lashley is right actually, I just spotted on the main forum that they're hit the button early on iphone. Not seeing anything for Android yet though
Great, thanks! Is the book any good?
Happy birthday, Gameproff.
So, my problem is, why renumber? .
Haha, awesome. Are you familiar with his other work? Hickman is a real mindfuck the first time round, even now, some times I pull out the nightly news or Pax Romana....I'd say it's more interesting work than exciting, but it's definitely unique and really engages your brain. Looking forward to this coming to trade though, it looks like a Brubaker book crossed with his sensibilities. Although, judging by some of his other projects, I'll watch the release schedule before I get too amped haha.
Review embargo on Deus Ex ends Friday, so that's a good sign.
All I know from following comic threads on GAF was that his FF & Avengers runs were really good and that he was writing Secret Wars (Which I haven't yet decided if I wanted to jump into that event, I don't even know what events I should read). I didn't know about this side of his writing, I honestly thought it was a different Hickman hahaha.
Also a way better thing to do instead of recreating his old city.BK, I was re-reading Kingdom Come recently and this is one of my favorite pages EVER.
Just read last week's Flash. I think the twist is really obvious about who Godspeed is going to be.
That woman Flash just kissed and revealed his identity to
BK, I was re-reading Kingdom Come recently and this is one of my favorite pages EVER.
After that you gotta read Millar's run.
Is Millar's run worthwhile then? Finished Ellis's a while back, my distaste for most of Millar's work made me stop there.
He's signing exclusive with the CIA.will Ryan Ottley finally be free???
Is Millar's run worthwhile then? Finished Ellis's a while back, my distaste for most of Millar's work made me stop there.
The end of the best comic in the universe :/
Wuhu, today its my part to celebrate birthdayAll of ComicGAF is invited