So is Supergirl rebirth worth picking up?
Reading comics? Now I know you lyingMessi banned himself and isn't coming back. He's too busy reading comics.
Me too. At least they responded.that what i figured the answer was, tbh
nice work!![]()
Re: the deus ex chat earlier, just grabbed go, looking forward to this. Hope they add some dlc over time like lara croft, I'll likely smash through this in the next day or so
Superwoman is basically a tribute to the 90s, post-Death Of Superman, "let's try something new and get REAL WEIRD with it" era, and that's exactly why I love it. It is the hottest comic of 1999 in the best way.
So is Supergirl rebirth worth picking up?
So is Supergirl rebirth worth picking up?
I think that really depends on the book because Ultimates2 for example seems to just be continue where it left off. The thing is I see people cursing over it lol.Happy birthday, Gameproff.
Let me tell you about it in regards to Marvel. I'm admittedly a casual Marvel reader. I don't read their events, I don't get into their big crossovers. I basically just read their oversized hardcovers. The problem is, I don't want to be bogged down by a bunch of continuity and stuff that I don't know. Marvel NOW (2012) was a pretty good starting point for me but there were occasionally things I didn't understand or that I felt lost about. ANAD renumbered everything again but they didn't reboot the universe. And now the new Marvel NOW is renumbering some stuff again, but still not rebooting the universe.
So, my problem is, why renumber? Either the Marvel NOW stuff is going to be reset enough that it will be retreading for older readers and easier to understand for new readers, or it will be direct continuation of ANAD and less accessible for new readers. I think a #1 should be a perfect starting point for a new reader. But, for that to be the case, a series needs to basically be completely finished in ~12 issues (if they're really wanted to reboot every year or so), and I just don't think that's enough to flesh out a series. I'd understand wanting to renumber every five years or so, but every year is crazy to me.
Renew Your Vows #1 cover. Peter is trying to fill the void left by pre-New 52 Wally.
Renew Your Vows #1 cover. Peter is trying to fill the void left by pre-New 52 Wally.
Yes, very much so.So is Supergirl rebirth worth picking up?
So is Supergirl rebirth worth picking up?
So, how's Aquaman going?
I didn't get people's complaints that the new Green Arrow run was cheesy as fuck until this issue. Percy was probably dribblin cheddar all over himself while he was writing this. It was painful.
I like Mary Jane's costume. Her daughter tho. :O *scrubs eyes*
The Runaways tv show means we might end up getting another book eventually lol.
Stegman said that he designed it through the eyes of a parent, which is why its full of padding and protection.
I really enjoyed it. It definitely riffs off the TV show with the DEObut does it in its own way. The first villain was a super deep cut from the DC roster, but honestly I expect that from Orlando. The biggest highlight for me was they dumped the angry characterization from the N52 and made Kara compassionate and hopeful again. I'm thrilled that they're remembering Kara is 16 and it's not going to be male gazey and sexualized like a lot of Supergirl stuff has skewed in the past.and Danvers family
Let us know how it is.
I'm really digging the current Superman book a lot more than I expected to, especially after the Rebirth issue which was ehh
I had no problem with angry Kara. She got to be a Red Lantern.
its doug mahnke
I'm sad now cuz I thought Snotgirl was this week. I guess I'll be depressed until next week.
You and me both .I'm sad now cuz I thought Snotgirl was this week. I guess I'll be depressed until next week.
I enjoyed Supergirl Rebirth, thought it'd be a bit crap, but wasn't too bad.
It's making me want to give the show another try which is cool. Never did get past episode 1.
I got my Peepo Choo volumes already. I'll let you know what I think when I get around to reading them. Probably this weekend.
It's been a good long while since I read it, but IIRC this is a very good pick up.
Also, with the Comixology Slott sale, does that stuff form any kind of cohesive chunk of his run? I don't mind grabbing a portion of his stuff from it and I'd be kind of interested, but not as much if it's just scattershot random bits that don't at all fit together.
Black Hammer is really good. The jumps between the golden age and modern era are well done and I want to see where the story goes
I will still put new 52 above rebirth atm. People were just shook because of the continuity stuff and missing favs. Geoff aquaman was hot fireSuperman, Supergirl and Superwoman all are fantastic comics so far and I never would have guessed that would be the case going into Rebirth. Superman is easily the best thing I've read from DC in ages, can't say enough how much I'm loving that book. I thought Rebirth would be a repeat of New 52 and the Bat related books would be on top for me but I'm really happy that's not the case.
Been having a pretty shitty week and it's great to have fun books to read. Comics are great!
Haha Wadium says he's getting tired of No Man's Sky crashes. But there he is playing it again. XD
god damn Captain America: Sam Wilson is too good
i'm so glad there's a book where the American right wing are explicitly the villains
"All I said was go easy on them bacon cheeseburgers."