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COMICS! |OT| August 2016. That's Rare Groove. Volume is Crucial.

Wrapping up last week...

Vision #10: Beautiful, sad and poignant. We live in a time when there is creative talent able to depict evocative grief over 22 pages. It's easy to forget how lucky we are in the skills of the writers and artists working in comics today. This doesn't quite measure up to that issue of n52 Batman & Robin but it's still a triumph. Those last couple of pages! Shit is about to get very real.

One thing that is bugging me, though:
do we know why Vision can't resuscitate Vin, and I just missed it or forgot what was said? He built him, after all...shouldn't he be able to fix him? Seems like he whipped the dog up in a lazy afternoon. Even if he can't fix him...shouldn't the question of creating a new Vin at least be raised, even if they ultimately decide against it? Shouldn't defeating death be one of the primary advantages of living in a robo-family?

Weavers #4: Pretty good issue, mostly concerned with the fallout of #3's shocking ending, though in a sort of abstract way that doesn't address the character in question directly for more than a couple of pages. I felt that scene in particular should have been longer and stronger given what happened. Still, loving this book. I wish it was an ongoing.

Wonder Woman #4: I was soooooo ready to drop this. I needed one more "meh" issue of the Year One story to convince me this book wasn't for me; I'm not enjoying the Cheetah story all that much and the rotation isn't working for me. But I'll be damned if this issue wasn't fucking great. It hit all the right notes; this is a classic, definitive take on WW's origin. That panel where she is
facing the bullet
? That one panel is absolutely perfect. So is Diana's
burgeoning relationship with Steve despite the language barrier.
So is Hippolyta's
deep sadness, knowing Diana is going to win the tournament and leave Themiscyra forever.
Looks like I'm in this for the long haul. Never should have lost faith in Rucka.
One thing that is bugging me, though:
do we know why Vision can't resuscitate Vin, and I just missed it or forgot what was said? He built him, after all...shouldn't he be able to fix him?

I think he said something to the effect of the
neural net or something being wrecked and irreparable.
All-New Wolverine #11: Woah, what just happened here?? First of all I feel like what's going on with Steve Rogers in his own book is impacting his portrayal in other books, which makes no sense to me. If Steve were acting like a lock-step robot all the time, he would have tipped somebody off by now. Yet that's what we have here, the same dude who told Maria Hill to shove the registration act up where the sun don't shine while standing on the bridge of a helicarrier is a S.H.I.E.L.D./Carol croney, arresting one of his oldest allies for precrime without a second thought. And OH WHAT A SHOCK,
it is the very involvement of the precrime S.H.I.E.L.D. team that leads to Logan stabbing Gabbie
trying to take down fucking Wolverine with fucking tranq darts, WTF Hill?! If Gabbie is dead (spoiler alert: there's no way), S.H.I.E.L.D. is 100% responsible for creating this clusterfuck of a situation.

Good art. Still the best portrayal of Laura we've ever had. But this is a disappointing issue to follow what was a solid start to All-New Wolverine's CWII tie-in. I just want the anti-precrime team in CWII to have an actual list of
all the times precrime intervention directly lead to the predicted events occurring.
I feel like that would shut Carol down without a single punch being thrown. You would basically have to be a villain to keep going with precrime once you had that evidence in your face. So it would just be Carol.

Batman #5: This issue was a big improvement over the last several issues, in particular it made sense...with the exception of Batman
telling Alfred to put himself directly in the path of an insane, homicidal Superman-level character
, which makes for some amusing moments and makes the character in question seem even more awesome than usual but...yeah. No.

Anyway, everything else was pretty damn good!
The big fight between Gotham and Batman was great. Gotham taking down the Justice League was fun to watch, even if it didn't quite seem right to me, regardless of how powerful Gotham is supposed to be. Gotham Girl said he can make himself as powerful as a god, but couldn't the same be said of Superman? The Flash? A double dose of Green Lantern and the princess of Themiscyra to boot? Yet they went down like chumps.
Whatever, it made for some great panels even if it was pretty silly.

But then....but THEN!! I feel like on that last page King is finally, FINALLY opening the doors on KING BATMAN.
That narration of what is to come, presumably Gotham Girl's narration,
is terribly exciting stuff. This is the kinda shit I paid to see! This is what I've been waiting for since #1! And as an added bonus it seems we are
rid of the less interesting Gotham twin for good. Good riddance sez I.
Fuck, those last couple pages are so fucking good. If you gave up with #4, give this book another chance with #5. It's a significant improvement.

(Finally, I feel somewhat vindicated in claiming during the discussion of #4 that
sticking Gotham Girl in the Batcave was insane and dumb. That could have gone very badly for Duke, Bats is lucky that it didn't.
Just finished reading Locke and Key.
Officially one of my top favorite comics now.
The descriptions of the story feeling like a novel that happens to be in comic form wasnt too far off.
Characters were relatable and cool.
I hate horror/dark stories where all but one or two characters is a bad person.
Like the complaints about The Boys. I agree that there are not really many people to care about in that one.
I liked so many of the L&K characters though.

I guess there's a one shot or two I need to read and then it's returning for past stories at the end of the year. Exciting.
Oh, and a potential tv show apparently.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
yo Spidey J when's that Josie book coming out?

Just finished reading Locke and Key.
Officially one of my top favorite comics now.
The descriptions of the story feeling like a novel that happens to be in comic form wasnt too far off.
Characters were relatable and cool.
I hate horror/dark stories where all but one or two characters is a bad person.
Like the complaints about The Boys. I agree that there are not really many people to care about in that one.
I liked so many of the L&K characters though.

I guess there's a one shot or two I need to read and then it's returning for past stories at the end of the year. Exciting.

Yeah, L & K is top-tier comics for sure. Absolutely loved reading it.


Civil War was out in April over here so it wouldn't count as a summer film. Beyond got good reviews overall, it just didn't do as well as hoped financially. Maybe you're thinking of something else.
Nah, I was thinking of Star Trek, butbI just checked in the first couple of hours as it seems and the RT and Average Score went up a lot since then.
Just finished reading Locke and Key.
Officially one of my top favorite comics now.
The descriptions of the story feeling like a novel that happens to be in comic form wasnt too far off.
Characters were relatable and cool.
I hate horror/dark stories where all but one or two characters is a bad person.
Like the complaints about The Boys. I agree that there are not really many people to care about in that one.
I liked so many of the L&K characters though.

Hey, that's brilliant, glad you enjoyed it! Locke and Key is absolutely phenomenal, easily in my top 5 comics. That's the King DNA for you btw, everyone always points to the horror, but it's the characters that drive those stories. You're only ever horrified because they engage you and it's always about more than just creeping you out. Reading Gerald's Game right now and every chapter I want to cringe away from the kindle, but it's so compelling. Absolutely brilliant. Have you dipped into his novels at all, or his father's work, or was this your first exposure? Locke & Key really has some of the best King tropes. Some places being inheritently tainted and almost engrained with evil after a past event (Salem's Lot, The Shining), characters growing up then having to face their fears from when they were children, really good. I like Hill as a novelist but this is really his best work imo (sitll to read the fireman though).


Messi and I discussed meeting The Punisher.

I'd like to but it'll probably cost the same to get him to write his name as it would for some artwork.

That being said I jumped right in line to get Christopher Lloyd's autograph a couple of years ago.


Hadn't purchased a comic since TWD #100.

Jumped right back in with:

- All Star Batman
- Kill or Be Killed
- The Black Monday Murders

Thoroughly enjoyed all three.
Kingdom Come continues to be dope as fuuuuuuuuuuck
Also incredibly sobering
Just finished reading Locke and Key.
Officially one of my top favorite comics now.
The descriptions of the story feeling like a novel that happens to be in comic form wasnt too far off.
Characters were relatable and cool.
I hate horror/dark stories where all but one or two characters is a bad person.
Like the complaints about The Boys. I agree that there are not really many people to care about in that one.
I liked so many of the L&K characters though.

I guess there's a one shot or two I need to read and then it's returning for past stories at the end of the year. Exciting.
Oh, and a potential tv show apparently.
I like the Abrams films but I've never really given the comics a go. I think I read the free #1 on Comixology but it didn't leave much of an impression.

It gets much better after Into Darkness happens. They were too tied to the "TOS episodes...BUT WITH A TWIST!" theme early on. Once they go on the five-year mission it improves hugely. The Q Gambit is a terrific arc with some Prime Timeline cameos.

That Green Lantern crossover was so weird though. It's just a rehash of Blackest Night, but with Trek references. And the ending raises serious questions about Starfleet IMO. I'm still looking forward to the sequel regardless.
Hadn't purchased a comic since TWD #100.

Jumped right back in with:

- All Star Batman
- Kill or Be Killed
- The Black Monday Murders

Thoroughly enjoyed all three.

BMM took a little while to grow on me. It had plenty of time though, since it was 56 pages. At first I was trying to figure out what I was reading, but it turned out to be about an economic version of the Black Order with some Cthulhu mythos type stuff tossed in. I love when Hickman does books where he can make up symbols like this.
Josie and the Pussycats by Bennett? 28/9 IIRC.

Going to bed now. See ya tomorrow when the rain over Stockholm hopefully lets up~

Dude , I wish it was raining here haha. I love the rain. It's roasting here, well for Scotland, 23 degrees, and I'm not acclimatised to it at all, just sitting sweating out.


Why does he wear the mask!?
All-New Wolverine #11: Woah, what just happened here?? First of all I feel like what's going on with Steve Rogers in his own book is impacting his portrayal in other books, which makes no sense to me. If Steve were acting like a lock-step robot all the time, he would have tipped somebody off by now. Yet that's what we have here, the same dude who told Maria Hill to shove the registration act up where the sun don't shine while standing on the bridge of a helicarrier is a S.H.I.E.L.D./Carol croney, arresting one of his oldest allies for precrime without a second thought. And OH WHAT A SHOCK,
it is the very involvement of the precrime S.H.I.E.L.D. team that leads to Logan stabbing Gabbie
trying to take down fucking Wolverine with fucking tranq darts, WTF Hill?! If Gabbie is dead (spoiler alert: there's no way), S.H.I.E.L.D. is 100% responsible for creating this clusterfuck of a situation.

Good art. Still the best portrayal of Laura we've ever had. But this is a disappointing issue to follow what was a solid start to All-New Wolverine's CWII tie-in. I just want the anti-precrime team in CWII to have an actual list of
all the times precrime intervention directly lead to the predicted events occurring.
I feel like that would shut Carol down without a single punch being thrown. You would basically have to be a villain to keep going with precrime once you had that evidence in your face. So it would just be Carol.
Yeah, I disliked it. The tie in has hurt it.

Also, isn't Gabby a clone of Laura, so she has
healing abilities? She'll be fine.
Hadn't purchased a comic since TWD #100.

Jumped right back in with:

- All Star Batman
- Kill or Be Killed
- The Black Monday Murders

Thoroughly enjoyed all three.

Hey that's a great way to kick things off again, really great creators involved. I'll be grabbing all of those in trade. Can't wait to see how far down the line all star hits book shops though.


Why does he wear the mask!?
Just finished Batman #5

Just about ready to drop it. Found the story completely dull again, and the end hook did absolutely nothing for me. Shame :(


Hadn't purchased a comic since TWD #100.

Jumped right back in with:

- All Star Batman
- Kill or Be Killed
- The Black Monday Murders

Thoroughly enjoyed all three.

I've always said comics were a good idea. If you have room for more, i'd definitely check out East of West by Hickman.
Yeah, I disliked it. The tie in has hurt it.

Also, isn't Gabby a clone of Laura, so she has
healing abilities? She'll be fine.

In the first arc, it's explained the clones don't have Larua's healing factor. So yes, they can die. And two of them already have.
I've always said comics were a good idea. If you have room for more, i'd definitely check out East of West by Hickman.

Listen to monkey

East of West is best comics

In the first arc, it's explained the clones don't have Larua's healing factor. So yes, they can die. And two of them already have.

She's going to be fine though. They aren't going to publish a story where S.H.I.E.L.D. sends Old Man Logan into a berserker rage and he kills Gabbie. That's not going to happen.


Everytime I see the Gothamnist beeing linked somewhere I am for a couple of seconds confused why there is real newswebsite that seems to be based in Gotham City
You guys are....
. Manhattan projects hits me as being more of an ease into hickman 's style, is the only thing I'll add. But I do enjoy east of west more.

The problem with Manhattan Projects is it doesn't really have a satisfying conclusion, and it's starting to look like we'll never get one. At least it sounds like East of West is really going to wrap up in 16ish more issues.


Paper or plastic?
Supergirl Rebirth is such a welcome change from angry Kara and her costume is much needed upgrade from the previous one. The gratuitous ass shots were really getting ridiculous, especially in her first few nu52 story arcs.
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