Wrapping up last week...
Vision #10: Beautiful, sad and poignant. We live in a time when there is creative talent able to depict evocative grief over 22 pages. It's easy to forget how lucky we are in the skills of the writers and artists working in comics today. This doesn't quite measure up to that issue of n52 Batman & Robin but it's still a triumph. Those last couple of pages! Shit is about to get very real.
One thing that is bugging me, though:
Weavers #4: Pretty good issue, mostly concerned with the fallout of #3's shocking ending, though in a sort of abstract way that doesn't address the character in question directly for more than a couple of pages. I felt that scene in particular should have been longer and stronger given what happened. Still, loving this book. I wish it was an ongoing.
Wonder Woman #4: I was soooooo ready to drop this. I needed one more "meh" issue of the Year One story to convince me this book wasn't for me; I'm not enjoying the Cheetah story all that much and the rotation isn't working for me. But I'll be damned if this issue wasn't fucking great. It hit all the right notes; this is a classic, definitive take on WW's origin. That panel where she is
? That one panel is absolutely perfect. So is Diana's
So is Hippolyta's
Looks like I'm in this for the long haul. Never should have lost faith in Rucka.
Vision #10: Beautiful, sad and poignant. We live in a time when there is creative talent able to depict evocative grief over 22 pages. It's easy to forget how lucky we are in the skills of the writers and artists working in comics today. This doesn't quite measure up to that issue of n52 Batman & Robin but it's still a triumph. Those last couple of pages! Shit is about to get very real.
One thing that is bugging me, though:
do we know why Vision can't resuscitate Vin, and I just missed it or forgot what was said? He built him, after all...shouldn't he be able to fix him? Seems like he whipped the dog up in a lazy afternoon. Even if he can't fix him...shouldn't the question of creating a new Vin at least be raised, even if they ultimately decide against it? Shouldn't defeating death be one of the primary advantages of living in a robo-family?
Weavers #4: Pretty good issue, mostly concerned with the fallout of #3's shocking ending, though in a sort of abstract way that doesn't address the character in question directly for more than a couple of pages. I felt that scene in particular should have been longer and stronger given what happened. Still, loving this book. I wish it was an ongoing.
Wonder Woman #4: I was soooooo ready to drop this. I needed one more "meh" issue of the Year One story to convince me this book wasn't for me; I'm not enjoying the Cheetah story all that much and the rotation isn't working for me. But I'll be damned if this issue wasn't fucking great. It hit all the right notes; this is a classic, definitive take on WW's origin. That panel where she is
facing the bullet
burgeoning relationship with Steve despite the language barrier.
deep sadness, knowing Diana is going to win the tournament and leave Themiscyra forever.