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COMICS! |OT| August 2016. That's Rare Groove. Volume is Crucial.

Anya killed Xander
Bleeding cool has the scans.

I typically come in here and lurk since I'm not the most caught up comic book reader...but this shit...

Because I was literally asked to elaborate after saying she seemed annoying. It's all right there on the page for you to see.

I don't believe for a second that you've never thought some actor seemed annoying. Or that you never said so without first doing a research project on the person first.

I'm not arguing about this anymore. Getting labeled as a racist over stupid bullshit isn't cool. I'm done with this community.


Your problem was, first you decided to talk out of your ass about who Zendaya was comparing her to the likes of Paris fucking Hilton...who is known for X, Y and Z

Just comes off like one of those vapid, mannequin-esque model stereotypes, like a Paris Hilton or someone like that.

And then proceeded with

It's not like I know the girl, but that's the image she's chosen to publicly display, so that's what I have to go on.

Okay then...why don't we talk about how the Time's Most Influencial Teen of 2015 chooses to publicy carriers herself why don't we?

Well for starters, we know her career didn't start out by being the daughter of rich grandparents who inherited wealth and had the privilege to ACT like a complete dumbass on national TV.

Secondly, this girl is under constant scrutiny for her racial background because she is biracial and constantly told she isn't black enough. Yet instead of saying a dumbass comment like this running away from her blackness, she instead opted to not only shut down racist comments about her fucking hair by Giuilanna Rancic on Fashion Police and embrace her heritage displaying her education, but also about body image issues that are very degrading to women everywhere on magazines when she was photoshopped lighter and skinner that happens to A LOT of lighter skinned black women. Oh and let's not forget, she is a strong supporter and outspoken celebrity on civil rights outreach, awareness and the state of america.

So before you talk your shit about who she is...

..... yes, please do your research. Because it wasn't just the fact that your original comment held no water and made no sense, it was that your refusal to do your research only led to one conclusion... That you, like the many others who didn't know wtf they were talking about, didn't fix your Google and made sure, that once again, YOU DID YOUR RESEARCH so you weren't called something you are not. So please exit GAF if doing THAT was too damn hard. It's not like anyone asked you to do the most difficult task on the planet especially when it concerns someone who is the exact OPPOSITE of who you compared her to and your own personal incorrect assumption about who she is.

[Side-Note] I don't want to make it seem like I'm tearing down the other women in this post for any of their actions as everyone is not perfect. But while it's very easy to make mistakes, its just as simple to learn from them and take some responsibility for the dumb actions you take including the comments you make, even if I realized I wasted my time making this post to educate you on the facts when you decided to log off for good.

And now, I will continue lurking. :D



So America takes a chair to Carol, pops Blue Marvel in the jaw and banishes Monica.

If I were a woman, I would waifu the living shit out of her.


Looks like we're getting more clues as to who "Post Crisis" Superman and his family really are in the annual. Plus Swamp Thing, and that's always great.


I don't know, man. ComicGAF has been BizarroComicGAF all day.
You mean all night :/
2 fucking hours of sleep and I have to make some longer errands to do and will be at the cinema all night later and I am always afraid to drive when I got no sleep.
Its not even 6 am but I am awake like its afternoon, so its pointless to try to sleep :/

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
I just want to thank you guys for defending my honor and running that other Brian off. It's means so much to me.

There can only be one!!!!!!


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Deadpool #6 - 2099 and...it didnt do much for me. Especially when it ends on a cliffhanger and the next issue has nothing to do with it.

Deadpool #7 - Back to the present, and back to Wade being VERY random, as he pulls out his "book of grudges" and goes after all the people that annoyed him in the past. I actually liked this issue (even if a return to super random Deadpool isnt something im particulary happy about after the solid first 5 issues arc), im interested in where this goes with Sabretooth next issue since it involves the whole "Wade killed his parents" story. The rest of the super sized issue (like 80 pages) is mini stories for each of the mercs and I honestly enjoyed them all. Im very much into this scooby gang thing they have going. Which leads us to...

Deadpool & Mercs For Money #1 - Loved this first issue, super fun book. Its funny, has great art, mainly focuses on the scooby gang which I like a lot, has some truly bizarre villains in this first story and a cliffhanger that is actually exciting. This was a good surprise, I had no idea what to expect from this. Also its a Cullen Bunn book, not a Duggan book weirdly enough.
I feel yah I work from 3 am-8 just about everyday so I can't be up past 10

Haha read this and immediate felt stupid for complaining about my own sleep schedule hahaha XD you're a trooper man!

I haven't read either of their novels. I have avoided King's, mostly due to my friends' impressions and their length, although the adaptations are very interesting. I'm pretty interested to check out Joe's novels though.

Say whaaat. Do tell haha. Sounds like you need better friends ;) I'm going to be honest and up front, I consider King to be the best novelist I've read. Don't even get me started on the dark tower...but in general I think he's an absolute master storyteller, very character centric, really willing to let the characters lead the story and see what it goes, and most of his stories have really interesting things to think about. In fact, the only compalint I've ever came out of a King book with, has been with certain stories not justifying their length (Christine...it just goes on and on. WHY.), but by and large, I think most of them have a reason to be so long, and conversely, there's a bunch of fantastic books that are pretty short. The Running Man & The Long Walk are really short, but they are so good. You should check out one of Joe's novels man and if you like, you could always dip a toe in with King, they have very similar sensibilities although in my experience despite loving Hill, I have found his stuff to feel a little crass at times. Somehow King gets away with the stuff he does in Pet Semetary and I never feel he went too far, I guess it's all just how you write it.

Horns by Joe Hill though, incredible book. I know there was a movie, I'm not sure how that came out, but I thought found the book beautiful and heartbreaking by the time I finished it. I wouldn't say many books invoke that kind of feeling in me, but it's just fantastic.

I know all of this is an aside, but outside of L&K, there isn't a ton Hill has authored himself in the comic realm, and King really is a true passion for me, so I get really excited any time I see anyone has read anything by him or Joe Hill by extension. I think Scott Snyder is quite a similar writer in terms of sensibilities btw particularly with his creator owned work, you might find American Vampire a good read if you normally avoid cliche horror and skipped it before. Wytches has had a great start too, but early days there still.

Off topic, but just spotted that I've been charged for Mankind Divided, fingers crossed it arrives for tomorrow, would like the whole weekend with this. I already lost interest in NMS so I need something.
..... yes, please do your research. Because it wasn't just the fact that your original comment held no water and made no sense, it was that your refusal to do your research only led to one conclusion... That you, like the many others who didn't know wtf they were talking about, didn't fix your Google and made sure, that once again, YOU DID YOUR RESEARCH so you weren't called something you are not. So please exit GAF if doing THAT was too damn hard. It's not like anyone asked you to do the most difficult task on the planet especially when it concerns someone who is the exact OPPOSITE of who you compared her to and your own personal incorrect assumption about who she is.

Man I really wanna read Transformers books now, but all the comics I have, I have already read.

Let's see..my trades are...Aquaman Vol. 4: Death of a King, or Robin Vol. 2: Triumphant...

Aquaman it is! Until my next visit to my LCS!

SIDE NOTE: One of the best animated fights ever committed to the medium
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