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COMICS! |OT| August 2016. That's Rare Groove. Volume is Crucial.


I think it was you last month saying that Ferreyra was amazing and going to rock Green Arrow. His stuff is okay, but Schmidt killed the whole comic game with his Green Arrow issues. I prefer his stuff immensely over the Ferreyra look.

Well to be fair Ferreyra is also doing a stellar job. But I agree that Schmidt is doing the top notch job. Ferreyra is the Freeza to my Schmidt.
I know there might be an obvious website, but is there a intuitive place to keep track of released issues for active ongoing series?

Many of the links I go to on the go have no release dates or links to issues months out.
I usually check comiclist.com each week. Previews World is pretty good too if you want to see a list of releases by a publisher for a particular month.




Pretty cool news for Mark Brooks.

Got an e-mail last night from Lucasfilm saying that George Lucas would like to purchase every original page from Han Solo #1 and #2. Surreal is an understatement.
Steve has philosophical differences regarding what "good Hydra values" mean. Presumably because his rewritten past is based on Kobik's idea of what Hydra means, not Red Skull directly.

Kobik, and by extension Steve, have a fairy tale like view of Hydra where it is a force of good that will make everyone happy. The Red Skull obviously isn't doing that so now it's looking like Steve is planning to overthrow him and bring out the Hydra he believes in.

That's what the Red Skull gets for reading her Hydra bedtime stories lol
That's right I forgot about Kobik's influence. Still, I'm curious if he would have kept Zemo alive. He's still going up against Red Skull, and so I'd figure that the whole "enemy of my enemy is my friend" would stand tall here.


I said it looked like trash dating back to the first trailer. Everything about the movie a makes it look like a hipster, try hard mess.

Not that it's very difficult to predict a DC film will be shit, mind you.

Hipster would be the wrong term, you mean emo or scenster.

Still excited to see it as I tend to like every superhero film I see, and I'm going with a group of friends,
About what oh i can't wait

Suicide Squad is a mess. Leto doesn't live up to his predecessors. Etc. Early reviews are not being kind, fam.

I love that the director shouted out "FUCK MARVEL" at the premiere so, so much.

Hipster would be the wrong term, you mean emo or scenster.

Still excited to see it as I tend to like every superhero film I see, and I'm going with a group of friends,

I'm too old to know the terms. Scene or scenester, you are correct.


They trashed Heaven's Gate back in 1980 too, elnarez. your time will come sir

I will not rest until people admit the theater cut of BvS was actually good, putting its emphasis on the points of view of its characters, and forcing you to interpret events with their limited knowledge. And I can see how it's jarring to jump between each character's diegesis but it's not that fucking hard, pay attention, keep up, and the movie will reward you.
the idea that everyone would be talking about a Suicide Squad movie would've been insane to me 5 years ago as a fan of the SS who wished DC would continue reprinting the old series

It's a shame it had to turn out like... this, but i'm still gonna see it

Is Deadpool Vs. Gambit good?
Fuck no
I will not rest until people admit the theater cut of BvS was actually good, putting its emphasis on the points of view of its characters, and forcing you to interpret events with their limited knowledge. And I can see how it's jarring to jump between each character's diegesis but it's not that fucking hard, pay attention, keep up, and the movie will reward you.
Is this performance art or a real post?


Suicide Squad is a mess. Leto doesn't live up to his predecessors. Etc. Early reviews are not being kind, fam.

I love that the director shouted out "FUCK MARVEL" at the premiere so, so much.

I'm too old to know the terms. Scene or scenester, you are correct.

The reviews seem to like Leto, but dudes not in the movie all that long. The movie seems to have done opposite of Gotg. Gotg says that it's characters are bad unlike le people but it's only lip service at best, while SS is trying to turn a bunch of legit unlike able humans into some care bear troupe.

I do think the GA is still going to eat up this movie, unlike Batman v Superman.
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