Always disappointed when I go to grab a second volume of an image series, can't beat that £5 price tag, if only it lasted >_<
Love the pricing on those Image Vol.1s.
Can you imagine a world where every company released every volume at 5 dollars? Brings a tear to my eye just thinking about it.
There is one big Breyfogle Batman hardcover out now and another out early next year
Nah, they only do it as an intro price for a new series. If you're picking up volume 2, they figure they've already got you on the hook.
Didn't know that FF vol 1 Omni by Hickman went OOP. I'm surprised that I actually got that before it happened. Picked up vol 1&2 maybe a year or so ago.
Yeah, even on IST, volumes are really expensive. I don't understand how comic shops stay in business with how much they normally cost.Nah I get that they do it as an official intro thing, I just mean it's heart rending to be thinking how I could literally buy double the books I do if they did it for all trades haha
He's gonna be gone completely after a while, and the backup stories will go with him.Suicide Squad #1 was decent. Not sure why Lee's doing the art if he can only do thirteen pages though. Croc.barfing in his own space suit was a sight
Suicide Squad #1 was decent. Not sure why Lee's doing the art if he can only do thirteen pages though. Croc.barfing in his space suit was a sight
The set seems to go for $250 - $300 on eBay!
If there's one thing Rick from Pawn Stars said that resonated with me:
"Asking for or selling for? You can ask for whatever you want but that doesn't mean you'll get it."
Yeah, even on IST, volumes are really expensive. I don't understand how comic shops stay in business with how much they normally cost.
It'll never happen but I wish the industry would agree to lower the price on trades.
Didn't know that FF vol 1 Omni by Hickman went OOP. I'm surprised that I actually got that before it happened. Picked up vol 1&2 maybe a year or so ago.
Totally agree, although I will also admit at the same time that I'm totally ignorant to what their actual profit margins are with books,and so on. Sad that DC are ditching hardcover for all rebirth collections to bring price down, because I don't really want that either haha.
Selling. Look at sold listings. Strongly considering listing my set.
It's been out of print for a loong time. I'd love to have it but no way I'm paying OOP prices. Doubt it will go back in print either since Marvel doesn't care about FF right now.
Yeah, I wonder about the profit margins at IST, as well-- some of their prices are crazy cheap. And I didn't realize DC is out of the HC market for the Rebirth trades... I was actually going to go all HC for those... the omnibus of Rebirth's #1s is hardcover at least.
Totally agree, although I will also admit at the same time that I'm totally ignorant to what their actual profit margins are with books,and so on. As the end consumer i definitely want cheaper regardless of reasoning haha but I don't actually know what the publishers can realistically do on their end. There are certainly publishers that put out books though that I basically have to skip because they surpass my own personal comfortable levels on price per book, and I wonder how they wrestle with that k ow ledge on their end. Sad that DC are ditching hardcover for all rebirth collections to bring price down, because I don't really want that either haha.
Yeah, I wonder about the profit margins at IST, as well-- some of their prices are crazy cheap. And I didn't realize DC is out of the HC market for the Rebirth trades... I was actually going to go all HC for those... the omnibus of Rebirth's #1s is hardcover at least.
Wow. I mean, all signs say I should sell it but I didn't get into this hobby to make money. I love that run too much to let it go for a couple hundred bucks I'll legit spend on nonsense.
Variant cover by FIONA STAPLES
Could it be? Maps Mizoguchi has abandoned Detective Club for Witch Club?! The gang refuses to believe that their fearless cartographer would ever betray them. A mystery must be afoot! But who is behind it and what sinister plans do they have for the Academy?
On sale NOVEMBER 9 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US RATED E
The first line makes me think Hush is showing up. But damn at that lineup and page count!BATMAN ANNUAL #1![]()
SILENT NIGHT! A hush of winter snowfall has fallen over Gotham City but a quiet night in this place is never truly quiet. Batman and his alliesand his many foesstalk the streets in this icy showcase of top talent.
On sale NOVEMBER 30 48 pg, FC, $4.99 US RATED T
Do the benefits of digital outweigh being able to sell penciled pages?
The first line makes me think Hush is showing up. But damn at that lineup and page count!
Interesting article by Jim Zub a few years back that I found on Google there, this is more about single issues but very eye opening. It's also different with bigger writers that sell more copies, and big two books, but still very interesting. Makes me feel cheeky for asking for cheaper haha
Yea Didio did an interview with comicvine I believe where he said all books would ve paperbacks to start with. I guess that means they will do HCS afterwards but I won't have enough to buy twice and I'd rather not wait. Didio said they were doing it to make prices cheaper for consumers and they'd be pushing to get trades out quicker. The first king batman trade drops in Jan! I like that ay least haha
I remember reading somewhere that the highest tier of discount for retailers at Diamond is 55% for DC/Marvel. So for a $100 omnibus, they pay $45 (plus whatever bulk shipping may be). So if IST sell it for their regular 42% discount, that is a $13 profit (minus their warehouse/shipping/personnel costs,etc of course).
Can you imagine a world where every company released every volume at 5 dollars? Brings a tear to my eye just thinking about it.
It's been out of print for a loong time. I'd love to have it but no way I'm paying OOP prices. Doubt it will go back in print either since Marvel doesn't care about FF right now.
I think I bounced off it a little harder than you, but this is basically my experience, and I'd wager the same reason. Huge fan of Batman: Year One also (who isn't!) and I'd actually bought my partner both books because she was looking to get into batman comics. I'd never read Robin YO before so I picked it up after her. My only history reading Dixon to my memory is his Prophet run with Stephen Platt which I read as a youngster around the age of 10-11, and Robin Year One about 5 years ago. Just found it the passion you guys have for him interesting, wanted to probe a little there, maybe something I'm missing, or worth going back to. I'm always on the lookout for good bat runs I've missed.
Always disappointed when I go to grab a second volume of an image series, can't beat that £5 price tag, if only it lasted >_<
Kubo and the Two Strings was bloody amazing y'all.
It certainly was amazing. Stunning, not dumbed down for kids, and fairly moving at times as well. It was a bit scary for my 7 year old daughter, but she liked it quite a bit as well. Watching previews for Monster Trucks, Storks and the Wild Life beforehand helped to solidify just how special it is for a children's movie to not appeal to the lowest common denominator.
Okay, this Ivar Timewalker book is pretty fantastic. I'm only about halfway through but it's really really good.
He's okay. I think he does great covers, but his interiors feel a bit too schizophrenic to me to carry a narrative. I think David Mack has the same problem in some areas of Kabuki.
So jealous of all you guys who have seen Kubo. Really can't wait to see it. Is anyone a fan of the cartoon saloon studios stuff, secret of kells/song of the sea? Those are some great genuinely all ages movies too, not dumbed down at all, really beautiful, very folklorey. Those are a big hit with us too.
X-Statix almost feels like a satire of team superhero comics. It's very raw at times. I'm really loving this omni.
X-Statix almost feels like a satire of team superhero comics. It's very raw at times. I'm really loving this omni.
No "almost" to it, that's exactly what it is.
That's because it is
Trade or deluxe edition?