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COMICS! |OT| August 2016. That's Rare Groove. Volume is Crucial.


The Inheritors are so awful. Seriously, I cant stand their banter.

The different Spider-People are still fun to watch because of the creativity and I cant wait to see Peter beat the shit out of SpOck.


Unconfirmed Member
He seems to be doing better with getting things out since he left Marvel.

Starting a title he's both writing and drawing does seem like it could be problematic though.

I just started The Manhattan Projects, which is great, after being introduced to Hickman by The Black Monday Murders. Which project is he writing/drawing?

Also, does The Manhattan Projects just stop dead narrative? Is that what tim1138 is referring to in his post?

And The Old Guard from Rucka sounds good.


I kinda want to check out Prowler now based on the the solicitation for the second issue. My only issue is that Sean Ryan is a writer that can write a really good issue followed by something that makes you question following it the very next month and repeat this throughout a run.
Deus Ex is solid. Much less of a disappointment than No Man's Sky.

The good: It plays exactly like Human Revolution.

The bad: It plays exactly like Human Revolution. A game that came out in 2011.

That said, it's a really good game so far. The AI feels a little bit janky, as does some of the movement when you're trying to move cover-to-cover or jump over things. But considering those are the biggest problems with the game so far, I'd say that's a relief. This one hasn't crashed once yet. If I were playing No Man's Sky, I'd probably be on my 45th crash by now.

Boy, that lady sure likes fuckin'.

I have a 30% off thing at cmx, allegedly, might not work on discounted stuff.

Is COPRA worth buying all of if i do? Is it that good to buy a lot or a bunch of birdie?

I wasn't a big fan of COPRA, so maybe try a few issues first to see if it's in your wheelhouse.

I don't think there's enough TIEs on this cover.

Well, with the marksmanship scores of the average TIE pilot, if they all fire simultaneously, one of them might get lucky and score a hit.


I just started The Manhattan Projects, which is great, after being introduced to Hickman by The Black Monday Murders. Which project is he writing/drawing?

Also, does The Manhattan Projects just stop dead narrative? Is that what tim1138 is referring to in his post?

And The Old Guard from Rucka sounds good.

i thought the main Manhattan Projects wrapped up decently enough while still leaving some plot threads for growth for the minis which are dead? It's still a great read.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
I just started The Manhattan Projects, which is great, after being introduced to Hickman by The Black Monday Murders. Which project is he writing/drawing?

Also, does The Manhattan Projects just stop dead narrative? Is that what tim1138 is referring to in his post?

And The Old Guard from Rucka sounds good.

Frontier which is in the Image solicits I posted the previous page.
Speaking of solicits, this also sounds great:

NOVEMBER 9 / 40 PAGES / FC / M / $3.99
Daisy Jane and Rock Bradley were two of the most notorious bank robbers in the American Southwest. And then they fell in love.
Join FRANK J. BARBIERE (FIVE GHOSTS, The Revisionist) and VICTOR SANTOS (THE MICE TEMPLAR, Polar) for a pulp-infused criminal romance oozing with style and action! Double-sized debut issue!



its image so expect everything to be decent-goat.

can't wait for that chew sale in November. going to binge the whole series
Astro City #12: There have been similar villain's stories in Astro City before (Junkman) but this was decently told even if the Red Riding Hood metaphor didn't really connect with me. A pretty solid issue.

Astro City #13: This was really good. I was a bit leery to start with due to the many "told out of sequence" I've read in the recent past. But this was so expertly done, I can't really complain. 24 pages, with each page depicting the moments at the top of the hour in a day in Astro City. And the art was so good.



Deus Ex is solid. Much less of a disappointment than No Man's Sky.

The good: It plays exactly like Human Revolution.

The bad: It plays exactly like Human Revolution. A game that came out in 2011.

That said, it's a really good game so far. The AI feels a little bit janky, as does some of the movement when you're trying to move cover-to-cover or jump over things. But considering those are the biggest problems with the game so far, I'd say that's a relief. This one hasn't crashed once yet. If I were playing No Man's Sky, I'd probably be on my 45th crash by now.

I wasn't a big fan of COPRA, so maybe try a few issues first to see if it's in your wheelhouse.


What did you not like about COPRA again? Is it the caps?

I have Deus Ex coming from Gamefly, outside of wanting to tinker with overwatch control sensitivity i don't want to play much until season 2, so plenty of time to finally play Uncharted 4 and that.


I love the Hellcat solcit

No cat puns here, I promise: Hellcat and Black Cat face off as our heroine and friends fight to save the city from cat-astrophe! • They -- oh, wait. I did it, didn't I? I cat-punned. Dangit! Okay, okay, hear me out: Patsy puts Felicia's schemes on paws when she -- WAIT, I SWEAR I CAN DO THIS. DON'T PRINT.
I do admit that it was very entertaining in a 'disaster film' sort of way in a few parts. I did not care in the slightest during the Dick and exploring fire pit sections though.
Only part I didn't get was Constantine. I had read all the Constantine and JLD stuff up to that point and I didn't understand it at all. No point to that storyline
Here's hoping the inhumans win ivx.
I believe Beast is supposed to have a major role, so believe it
so is Doom still going to rock the cloak or what?
He'll be fucking sick is what he'll be


watching cnn, trump rally, people behind the podium have Invincible Iron Trump shirts on with him in the armor

Comics were a mistake.


Well neither of them are a part of Marvel Now. Mockingbird will be going a while longer and I'm expecting a new SHIELD book given what I have read is happening in the book now.

Scarlet Witch isn't part of NOW at first but I assume because of the way they do the issues, it may be tricky to claim if it is NOW.
Pence took a picture of himself eating kfc on a plane to earn trump's affection and trump didn't even notice, sad! Choosing Pence over Reigns was a Smackdown move.

It's true. I fully expect Pence to be the guy that gets fed to Braun Strowman next week.

Pence was everyone's fourteenth choice for VP. He was also the only one to return Trump's call.

The news cycle surrounding his announcement was the Trump campaign in a nutshell. Hillary was running anti-Pence ads BEFORE Trump had formally announced him. And then Trump tried to backtrack the decision with the GOP by saying that Pence wasn't the guy. Then we got a simple Twitter update about Pence as VP and a slightly homoerotic Trump/Pence campaign logo that immediately went back to the drawing board. Pence's career as governor was already toast, but that doesn't make his apologist work any less ridiculous.

Very WWE.


Started the Orion Omnibus and it just wasn't grabbing me. I don't think it's bad but it's just not what I want right now. Going back to the 52 Omnibus. Had to take a break from it awhile back because I had some major binding repair to do. Seems to be good now, though.


Junior Member
With the November solicitations being out for Marvel, one of the variant covers for Champions #2 may give us a hint as to how Richard Rider may look upon his return (which, barring a few minor changes, may not be much different from his Annihilation design).


Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Started Wytches tonight. I'm about an issue and half in and so far the story is fairly interesting. I could without all the transparent paint splotches in Jocks art though
With the November solicitations being out for Marvel, one of the variant covers for Champions #2 may give us a hint as to how Richard Rider may look upon his return (which, barring a few minor changes, may not be much different from his Annihilation design).

I am so jacked for that book you all have no idea god I want it need it so bad
Skottie Young the prophet.
Why didn't Tony keep his Superior armor? Although, his current armor actually adapts a lot of the advantages his Superior armor had, so I suppose there was never a reason.


I am so jacked for that book you all have no idea god I want it need it so bad

Why didn't Tony keep his Superior armor? Although, his current armor actually adapts a lot of the advantages his Superior armor had, so I suppose there was never a reason.
They probably wanted a new design for the new book and then came up with the transforming armor.
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