Sweet, you guys are fans of shadowrun too?
Good news: CBR is back up. Bad news: Nothing changed.
Good news: CBR is back up. Bad news: Nothing changed.
Looks a lot better than the previous design but what's happened to the Comics Should Be Good and Robot 6 blogs? They're the only reason I visited the site.
Looks a lot better than the previous design but what's happened to the Comics Should Be Good and Robot 6 blogs? They're the only reason I visited the site.
EDIT: oh just seen on Twitter the've just been folded into the site's main content :/
There was a period after their last redesign where I literally couldn't visit BC because whatever new adware they installed was instantly crashing my browser.The only thing funnier than the utter shitshow that is the CBR redesign is Bleeding Cool talking about it. Kettle, thou art black. BC has been literally broken for the better part of a year.
There was a period after their last redesign where I literally couldn't visit BC because whatever new adware they installed was instantly crashing my browser.
Damn it's burger day in the UK, getting emails from all sorts of places this morning for 25% off. Eating burgers is like reading comics. It's so good.
Yeah none of the old links work now which is annoying because I had a lot of their old 100 Greatest list stuff bookmarked. The CSBG twitter will still be posting articles that would've appeared on the blog, it looks like the various Comics Should Be Good articles were merged into the main list of "Comic News", but can still be accessed. The URLs have changed so that is a pain.
I didn't get it either :/
How do I not have this coupon. CMX!!!!!
any great comics with the new power girl Tanya Spears?
I don't know if she's in anything besides the second Teen Titans run. Not really a comic worth going out of your way to read.
any great comics with the new power girl Tanya Spears?
Most stupid scene and weakest ass thing to have a reason to bring the Ultimate Universe back at some pointNot when they're three weeks old.
Most stupid scene and weakest ass thing to have a reason to bring the Ultimate Universe back at some point
If they do they will take this route since Molecule Man now owns Miles a reason.I thought it was funny. Why does it suggest they'll bring the Ultimate universe back?
The UXF plot threads and cosmic stuff in that series were great. Unfortunately everything from the Red Skull stuff isn't wrapped up and it basically ends with "What happens next? Find out in AXIS #1!" I've said this before but it's so obvious AXIS was just meant to be the final arc in Uncanny Avengers but editorial decisions changed it onto a crossover event with its own book (Remender hinted at this in an AMA). It was a real shame because it kinda soured me on the last arc of that run.fair enough, back to Uncanny Avengers!
glad i powered through volume 1 because volume 2 (just read issue #8 this AM) is so, so good. love the call backs to UXF, love Thor doin cosmic shit. does this story wrap up nicely before AXIS shits all over everything?
The UXF plot threads and cosmic stuff in that series were great. Unfortunately everything from the Red Skull stuff isn't wrapped up and it basically ends with "What happens next? Find out in AXIS #1!" I've said this before but it's so obvious AXIS was just meant to be the final arc in Uncanny Avengers but editorial decisions changed it onto a crossover event with its own book (Remender hinted at this in an AMA). It was a real shame because it kinda soured me on the last arc of that run.
So if I want to start collecting physical trades for comics, what's the best place to buy em for cheap? Amazon?
I'm not really looking to switch away from digital (way too convenient, especially when travelling out of the country) but I'd like to start a small collection to compliment my book stuff.
Are you in the US?
eBay/ and other websites.
(In that order).
Anka fan art of everyone's favorite gal pals:
I mainly use instocktrades for new releases or easy to find stuff. Their prices are usually better than Amazon and they do free shipping for orders over $50. Their packaging is great too, and your books won't be damaged.So if I want to start collecting physical trades for comics, what's the best place to buy em for cheap? Amazon?
I'm not really looking to switch away from digital (way too convenient, especially when travelling out of the country) but I'd like to start a small collection to compliment my book stuff.
Not when they're three weeks old.
Most stupid scene and weakest ass thing to have a reason to bring the Ultimate Universe back at some point
I'd like to start a small collection to compliment my book stuff.
Captain America: Steve Rogers #4
If there was ever an issue that said, "here's all of the everything," it's this one. It also says something about the character of Steve Rogers and the theme of the book that I'd like to go into more detail about, but I'm super sleepy. Great issut though.
The Ultimates #10
Extraordinary X-Men #13
Interesting, if a bit of a catch-all solution. Better be a good reason for this, as it feels anti-climactic. Also, I like the individual pairings that they have. Fuck Forge, though. Also,the dimensional travelling sequence with Storm and Rogue looked an awful lot like Eva Bell's time travel in the All-New/Uncanny X-Men annuals. Solid issue
There was a period after their last redesign where I literally couldn't visit BC because whatever new adware they installed was instantly crashing my browser.
Ugh, what an awful day.
Comics should hopefully cheer me uplol
Fabok's Trinity variant:
It's national burger day! What's up?
Hope you'll be fine.Found a lump and have been referred to an oncologist for the 7th
It'll just be a cyst, but it has my family worried. Even the doctor didn't seem too worried. Hasn't been a great year, lost my Grandma and my great Auntie to cancer.
Found a lump and have been referred to an oncologist for the 7th
It'll just be a cyst, but it has my family worried. Even the doctor didn't seem too worried. Hasn't been a great year, lost my Grandma and my great Auntie to cancer.
Found a lump and have been referred to an oncologist for the 7th
It'll just be a cyst, but it has my family worried. Even the doctor didn't seem too worried. Hasn't been a great year, lost my Grandma and my great Auntie to cancer.
That sucks man! Don't be too worried man. Peopel don't talk aobut these things but cysts etc. are super common, especially as you get older. I've got no shame, I'll share.back around February time. I got so stressed during the wait to be referred and seen etc. I gave myself TMJ (locked up my jaw joint from gritting my teeth in my sleep haha). And it was literally nothing. Even on the off chance it is anything, you've done the extremely sensible thing of going, getting checked, and starting a process to check it out. Sorry to hear about the family, even better the reason to get checked though. Comics will definitely cheer you up, try not think about it too muchI had a small cyst on my spermatic cord, so not the testicle, but a ways up what they hang by![]()
Ah, man. Hope it all turns out like you expect it to.