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COMICS! |OT| August 2016. That's Rare Groove. Volume is Crucial.

So what I've gathered catching up to the thread is...

I shouldn't read past Avenge the Earth in Uncanny Avengers? And I definitely shouldn't read Axis?
Thanks :)

Yeah, I'm not worried. It's a lump thats mainly on my "tubes" but there it does go onto the body of the testicle so the doctor was slightly concerned.

only 4% of lumps are cancerous though, so I'm not worried yet.

Tbh the worst thing was probably the fact that, due to nerves, it totally shrivelled ahaha :(

Hahaha, during check up? Yea, it's a pretty awkward moment. If you look at it this way, I think it would be much worse if you'd had the opposite reaction :L

I hate these redesigns, the newsarama redesign was horrible, and still is. Why can't everything stay the same :/
Ongoing Van Lente interview on Reddit.


Well, I have another mini I'm working on for Valiant which hasn't been announced yet... But it shouldn't be too shocking as to what it is when you hear it...

I'm also doing SLAPSTICK with Reilly Brown for Marvel, that drops digitally in October as an Infinite Comic, then in print a few months later.

Ryan and I brought back our series COMIC BOOK HISTORY OF COMICS which will be in all-color with new stories (and variant covers), that's in November!

Thank you for the kind words!

Somewhat frustratingly for me personally, but I think best for the overall series, Harper has decided to push ACTION PRESIDENTS for the week of Presidents Day 2017, so we'll have to wait more 8 months. But on the bright side, all four volumes will come out in 2017 now. WASHINGTON and LINCOLN first, and I am wrapping up my personal fave TEDDY ROOSEVELT script right now, then moving on to JFK. Hopefully we will do more! Andrew Jackson was a bastard-person, but super interesting. And you kind of have to do FDR.

I spent much of the 90s sitting behind a con table, ignored. Cons really are for promoting the already-well-known. Once you have a few issues of a genuine comic under your belt, not just mini-comics but something professional-looking and polished, that's when I'd dip your toe in.

Writers shouldn't go into cons with a profit motive, we can't draw commissions like the artists, that's how they make bank. Think of it as pure promotions, meeting new fans and reintroducing yourself to your pre-existing ones.

Hadn't heard ACTION PRESIDENTS was in the works!
New Terry Moore book?


According to Moore, the series centers on a girl and her best friend, a gorilla. The pair work together fixing cars at a gas station in the desert, and one day, they're approached by an alien with a damaged UFO. She helps him on his way, and word of mouth about her excellent services makes her little garage a UFO hot spot, attracting the attention of an investigator from Area 51.

Got to say, I've found Moore's font/logo choices very 90s clip-art/geocities like.
So what I've gathered catching up to the thread is...

I shouldn't read past Avenge the Earth in Uncanny Avengers? And I definitely shouldn't read Axis?
I mean you could. There is an arc that everyone forgets about that follows AXIS with a completely different Avengers team, but it's Remender and Acuña on it all the same.
I just read Batman/TMNT.
That was pretty good, though over a bit faster than I expected.
Awesome art, good humor.
If I have a complaint, it's that the part where
the Arkham inmates / Batman villains get mutated doesn't last longer. When they revealed Penguin, I thought we were going to get a lot of mileage from that kind of thing, but they went through it really quickly. And why was Joker a snake? I loved Freeze as the polar bear though :p

I now own a whole 2 DC books. This and The Doom that Came to Gotham.


Why does he wear the mask!?
Oh God

They've had a cancellation for that scan tomorrow, 6pm

She said it'll be female doctors
Well. For my serious contribution ot the thread this week, I thought I'd write a little something about what I've been rereading, which is LL-3, or Living Level 3. Sadly I was accountless when it dropped so I couldn't say much then, but it was in my mind this week and thought why not. LL-3 is a free, graphic novella of sorts (around 35pg from beginning to end) by the terrific team of Joshua Dysart & Alberto Ponticelli. Anyone who remembers me posting a few years ago will probably remember how much I love the book they worked on previously, Unknown Soldier, at Vertigo. I still can't get across how brilliant that series is, but I tried, and I wrote this at the time - Click. I have to admit, nothing about those thoughts have changed, if anything the book has became more powerful to me over time; as I've watched my boy grow, saw more and more horrible things happen around the world, and as I've continued to be lucky enough to have a safe secure home and future. Go read it if you haven't , pick your jaw back up off the floor afterwards, and read it again.

Back to LL3. The team reunited after Dysart visited the Kurdistan Region in Iraq, to present 4 free story chunks hosted on the huffington post. Without spoiling or getting into two many details, the story follows the displacement of the Kurdish people by the civil conflict in Syria, from two view points. One is from the eyes of a man who has lived his whole life in Iraqi Kurdistan, a designated space which cover Iraq, Syria, so on, who finds himself and his family directly impacted and endangered by the conflict, and another by a young american woman of Arabic descent, who goes to Iraq to support the relief effort. Now, LL3 is a little more obviously educational than Unknown Soldier. As a much much shorter piece of fiction, there are parts that really just act to describe and help understand exactly what it going on right now in that part of the world, but there is a *story* for as much as you can call something that happens every day a story, and I found it very engaging and compelling. Dysart has a way of writing about this stuff that avoids being crass or flashy but at the same time, very on the nose. There is no hiding from the reality of the truth as you read this, and similar to Unknown Soldier, some of the subject matter might be a bit much for some people. I definitely remember some people feeling that way, and this is no different. In many ways this is an extremely focused version of a lot of what Unknown Soldier is getting at and deals with, concentrated into an oversized issue. Fantastic writing, and it really makes you sit back for a moment after reading and think about - well, everything.

Ponticelli is really great as well, I think he is a perfect match for this kind of stuff, and there's some great techniques used in the story to further explore the theme of the narrative. I find it really interesting the way faces of the islamic front are scrubbed out, even when the story is being told from the father's point of view. This story is really about these refugees being recognised by the rest of the world, and in within the narrative itself, by story.so not only is it an interesting technique in terms of how the characters must feel about their aggressors, but it's also difficult not to take it as a commentary from the creative team on how these people should be considered.

Anyway, without rambling on too much long, the whole 4 chapter story is up on the huffington post right now, along with a great interview. Ironically, a lot fo you guys are probably more familiar with Dysart than me these days given that a good few seem to read Valiant, and I know he's done a bunch of work there. If everyone has read this and I'm preaching to the choir, then yay. If not, go check it out. It's free, a thoroughly interesting and engaging read, and I dunno, it might leave something behind with you.

Link to the first part: Click

She said it'll be female doctors

female doctors

Uh oh. Better check they can chill the room for you beforehand.
Good luck with your scan Lashley.

(The opposite is definitely worse but depending on what kind of scan they will probably have you pin your monster down yourself with a towel so it's NBD.)
I haven't really loved her work in the last few years (Although her initial BoP and Secret Six runs were some of my all time favorites), but I'd be excited to give something like that a shot.

Not getting my hopes up. Would be awesome, though.

It was a five-issue arc, I think. It was okay. I wish more had been done with this team.

She's also going on that cruise con that a bunch of DC and Marvel artists and writers are coming to. Looks like they count her as a DC writer.



Why does he wear the mask!?
Good luck with your scan Lashley.

(The opposite is definitely worse but depending on what kind of scan they will probably have you pin your monster down yourself with a towel so it's NBD.)

Cheers bud

I'm not sure whether I get to cover myself with a towel or go stark bollock naked
Cheers bud

I'm not sure whether I get to cover myself with a towel or go stark bollock naked

Hahaha ultrasound goop fetish, jesus.

When I went, I basically just had one doctor and a nurse in the room. They averted eyes while I dropped my trousers while lying on the bed and covered up with a big disposable paper towel thing, and they literally applied the gel and did the ultrasound without ever looking under or touching my tackle. it was very no talking, maximum respect, only put hands under to apply and thats it. Doctor spent his time staring at the screen thing ha. It'll be chill.
oh shit, yeah
I think people forget about it because it was renumbered and it followed AXIS, which was pushed as a conclusion. I actually read that whole arc before I had read any of the stuff before it. Thought it was boring. I should go back to it now that I've read all the preceeding stuff.
I'm very excited


Why does he wear the mask!?
Hahaha ultrasound goop fetish, jesus.

When I went, I basically just had one doctor and a nurse in the room. They averted eyes while I dropped my trousers while lying on the bed and covered up with a big disposable paper towel thing, and they literally applied the gel and did the ultrasound without ever looking under or touching my tackle. it was very no talking, maximum respect, only put hands under to apply and thats it. Doctor spent his time staring at the screen thing ha. It'll be chill.
Thank Christ. Doesn't sound too bad

I had to try and crack a joke about buying me dinner first at the doctors today because it was so awkward


I think people forget about it because it was renumbered and it followed AXIS, which was pushed as a conclusion. I actually read that whole arc before I had read any pf the stuff before it. Thought it was boring. I should go back to it now that I've read all the preceeding stuff.

Yeah, I read it too at the time and remember thinking it was a slight return to form after Axis. This was also around the time Rage of Ultron came out too and when we found out that pretty much none of this was gonna be followed up on so I guess I that's why it slipped my mind.
Yeah, I read it too at the time and remember thinking it was a slight return to form after Axis. This was also around the time Rage of Ultron came out too and when we found out that pretty much none of this was gonna be followed up on so I guess I that's why it slipped my mind.

Rogue, Brother Voodoo, and Quicksilver were the only things that carried over to the current book.
Bought my kid some pretty cool legos yesterday. Just small sets, but one has Miles Morales and Carnage, one had the Flash & Captain Cold. Love the superheroes are so popular now we get these characters you would never expected in any media outside the actual comics. The captain cold figure is especially cool.
Bought my kid some pretty cool legos yesterday. Just came sets, but one has Miles Morales and Carnage, one had the Flash & Captain Cold. Love the superheroes are so popular now we get these characters you would never expected in any media outside the actual comics. The captain cold figure is especially cool.

It's the 90's all over again
Its not the 90s unless Street Sharks and Extreme Dinosaurs get their Michael Bay Live Action movie

Damn, street sharks. Totally Jawesome.

It's the 90's all over again

Haha, I wish I'd had stuff like that in the 90s man. As a kid, I had hundreds of variant suit batmen and Spiderman, but no nightwing, no azrael haha. Maybe it was being in the uk, maybe my folks just saw the obvious characters and went with those.
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