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COMICS! |OT| August 2016. That's Rare Groove. Volume is Crucial.


I feel like if DC were as successful as Marvel has been then it would bring out the best in both of them. Competition is good.
This! This is why I am disappointed and a little bit afraid.
But then again, it seems with all the casting announcements, that Marvel free from Perlmutter can finally power up a bit.


That will probably depend on who's writing her in the future. I like the costume you posted, but her current one doesn't come off as regression to me.

Can't imagine marvel will allow anyone to do anything outside of the box with her again. Wouldn't want to ruffle Axel Alonsos feathers again. But that's just my interpretation .
I have to admit, it was really funny in the beginning.
And I also obiviously made my jokes in the reviewthreads, but at somepoint its not fun anymore... Like I said, its kinda sad to see that this movie bombed on a critical level and people who were big fans of the DCEU start to lose their faith.

DC seems to be having a hard time finding their movie mojo the way that Marvel did. Outside of the Batman films, they just can't seem to put out a movie that people fall in love with. On the other hand, they've had considerable success with their straight-to-home animated films.


DC seems to be having a hard time finding their movie mojo the way that Marvel did. Outside of the Batman films, they just can't seem to put out a movie that people fall in love with. On the other hand, they've had considerable success with their straight-to-home animated films.

The need to have someone who heads up the DCEU stuff, knows and loves the comic book characters, and gives the line a consistent vision. Hope they get it turned around soon. I'm a huge DC comics fan so it does bum me out to see all of these DC universe movies being subpar.
The Chris Evans backlash is upon us. Birdie is a prophet.

In defense of the supposed "reveling." You know, Donald Trump scares the shit out of me, deep down, but I still find myself laughing at him a lot of the time. It's because he's so damn ridiculous. Likewise, it is damn ridiculous that WB/DC made a movie starring Superman and the fucking Batman and it was, critically and personally, a massive disappointment. So yeah I spent too much time in the RT thread for that movie and laughed at it. A lot. But it was coming from a place of pain, my friends. In no way, shape or form did I want that movie to bad. In fact I so wanted it to be good that I bought two tickets anyway - after laughing at the movie (<3 Sad Affleck<3) - just in case. Just in case I could be one of the outliers who really liked it. Even today I am somewhat envious of their take on the events that played out on screen.

With Suicide Squad I am less invested. I made a couple of comments in here but haven't set foot in the RT thread. I had a couple of chuckles, yes, but I am still bitter that BvS was so fucking bad. And, once again, I really wanted Suicide Squad to be good, and who knows maybe I will still like it when I eventually get around to seeing it. I suspect most, if not all, of the people in there are invested in the movie in some way, and the resulting sadness is expressed either as a defensive lashing out or as laughter. I believe there are people who truly do engage in reveling and do enjoy the disaster that the DCEU has been so far, just like there are people on hand to point and laugh every time the MCU misses a step. But I think that is probably a minority of posters in those threads.

Now, would I feel the same way about a Marvel RT thread that runs so deeply into "Rotten" territory? I dunno. Incredibly, more than a dozen films into this we haven't been tested yet (that is not to brag or say "ha! Up yours DC fans," I believe it is legitimately staggering, though if Iron Man 2 or Thor 2 had come out even a couple years later than they did they wouldn't have fared so well). But I like to think I'd still be laughing. What else can you do when a movie you were really pulling for turns out to be so much less than you'd hoped?


The need to have someone who heads up the DCEU stuff, knows and loves the comic book characters, and gives the line a consistent vision. Hope they get it turned around soon. I'm a huge DC comics fan so it does bum me out to see all of these DC universe movies being subpar.

Johns is there now. I think his influence will be first felt with JLA. Or maybe later, no idea how much still can be changed.
Now, would I feel the same way about a Marvel RT thread that runs so deeply into "Rotten" territory? I dunno. Incredibly, more than a dozen films into this we haven't been tested yet (that is not to brag or say "ha! Up yours DC fans," I believe it is legitimately staggering, though if Iron Man 2 or Thor 2 had come out even a couple years later than they did they wouldn't have fared so well). But I like to think I'd still be laughing. What else can you do when a movie you were really pulling for turns out to be so much less than you'd hoped?

I think at least some of it is that when things become routine, people get hungry for a different outcome. It would often happen in the UFC where one fighter would keep winning and winning until their own fanbases turned against them and wanted to see them lose. Marvel movies are continually successful, so I'm sure there's a portion of the audience out there that just wants to see one bomb. The case for DC now is that their movie efforts are in danger of turning into a running gag. See, I thought Batman versus Superman was entertaining, but I don't take that to mean it was a good film. And this may very well be the case with Suicide Squad as well. I don't think this is a bias against DC specifically, but more that there are people that want to take pleasure in the failure of a comic book film.
Of course. DC aren't killing that golden goose.
Naturally. I was just making sure
Marvel continuing to act like Angela's awesome post crotch belt costumes don't exist. God forbid they would acknowledge that run. Wouldn't want to be seen as progressive in any way. Please don't ask us about Angela's special lady friend.

This costume would never do... Right marvel.

Bring back the panty belt! Guys love the panty belt.

I hate that fucking costume
I should really read her solo stuff.


My biggest problems about the reception of BvS and Suicide Squad are:

1) The tomatometer, and aggregations in general, are the most useless bullshit. They're an arbitrary number, obtained from an arbitrary reading of every single critic out there, independant of quality, history or, most importantly, meaning to any one reader. You can't know if you're gonna like a movie from a number. That's not how it works. To pretend there's any kind of objective value from the tomatometer is bullshit. Note: that also goes for Metacritic. The whole process is the same bullshit we call console wars on the gaming side.

2) The internet, and the rise of fans-as-critics (your Devin Faracis, your Ain't It Cools and all that) have changed the form of movie critique in a super-skeezy way. It's a fucking Take Contest now, where your piece has to be either the most glowing in-depth gushing tribute to a masterpiece or the most scathing, knives-out mean takedown, where you shit on a film in the most elaborate ways. Hyperbole is fine, you can check my post history and see that for yourself, but if you're a movie critic, you're supposed to be a bit above that.

There's a dichotomy there, the idea that a film is either an all-time classic or the worst piece of shit ever, and, guess what? It's fucking compounded by Rotten Tomatoes' binary fresh/rotten system.

Batman was so amazing why are we talking about shitty movies and the delicate and right protocol to talk about how shitty they are instead of that
I hate being up around this time on New Comic Day. Ugh. I'd so much rather buy everything all at once in the morning when it's up, but I'm tempted this week because I'm out of things to read and comics help me sleep like a baby. UGH.

Maybe I'll just buy the first arc of Invincible. I'm sure I won't get addicted to it and spend two hundred dollars on it in the space of a few weeks. Nah, that's not gonna happen. Silly thing to worry about.

edit: lol, typical, cheaper to buy the singles on friggin' CMX. OH IMAGE
Nightwing #1
I kind of do and don't like the way this is starting out. Maybe it's because I'm thinking too much in power levels, but
Dick's on the level of a Talon at this point, right? He's well-trained and skilled enough to not be goaded like this. He could take Raptor easily, I feel like. And that's not to say Raptor's invincible or anything, but he's clearly attached to that gimmick. It's why I was shaky on the pitch for the new series being that Dick has a new mentor. HE DOESN'T FUCKING NEED ONE. HE'S DICK FUCKING GRAYSON. HE WAS BATMAN AND THE SOLE SUPERHERO IN AN ENTIRE CITY THAT WAS WORSE THAN GOTHAM. HE DOESN'T NEED A MENTOR.

I like that the arc is called "Better than Batman," but I'm pretty sure that title is referring to Raptor's ego and not Dick. It bugs the shit out of me, and it bugged the shit out of me with the New 52 run. For fuck's sake, he can be a solo hero on his own. Up there with the greats.

That said, I like to think he's playing Raptor in some way.

Otherwise it was a really good issue and I'll look forward to it no matter what because it's Nightwing.

Titans #1
I liked this. A lot of set-up, granted, but it's a number one. I also have zero problems with Booth's art aside from his faces (Roy's fucking goggles are like looking at a dudebro Cyclops and Donna's face is...off), but even then they aren't really all that offensive to me. I'm looking forward to the next issue.
So is the truth somewhere in the middle?

Yeah, I'd say it's been about a 7 so far, though I haven't read #4. I'm enjoying it but it's not Vision, Vader or Black Widow levels of good and it doesn't compare to Snyder and Capullo's first arc so far.

Happy Birthday for yesterday as well. I'm a bad person.


I hate being up around this time on New Comic Day. Ugh. I'd so much rather buy everything all at once in the morning when it's up, but I'm tempted this week because I'm out of things to read and comics help me sleep like a baby. UGH.

Maybe I'll just buy the first arc of Invincible. I'm sure I won't get addicted to it and spend two hundred dollars on it in the space of a few weeks. Nah, that's not gonna happen. Silly thing to worry about.

edit: lol, typical, cheaper to buy the singles on friggin' CMX. OH IMAGE

Invincible goes on sale on CMX a lot, so I'd be inclined to wait if you're going to go big.

Also the omnibus is pretty cheap, and has been in a Humble Bundle before.
Invincible goes on sale on CMX a lot, so I'd be inclined to wait if you're going to go big.

Also the omnibus is pretty cheap, and has been in a Humble Bundle before.



Batman #4 was dope, sorry haters. Now it's a fucking Tom King book, with the twists and the cruelty you want. He had to set it up so it could knock it down, you dopes, and this is where it goes downhill to the fireworks factory.
Batman #4 was dope, sorry haters. Now it's a fucking Tom King book, with the twists and the cruelty you want. He had to set it up so it could knock it down, you dopes, and this is where it goes downhill to the fireworks factory.


All right all right one more issue, it's Batman and Tom King after all
Batman #4 was dope, sorry haters. Now it's a fucking Tom King book, with the twists and the cruelty you want. He had to set it up so it could knock it down, you dopes, and this is where it goes downhill to the fireworks factory.

lmao yesss

King is today's Bendis.
Good day everyone.

@Angela: Did you see the way Bendis handwaved everything from the last two years away? "Oh hey, she's in prison with Sera nowhere to be seen or mentioned. Oh, they found her clothes. Why is her outfit almost a copy of what she wore before she got a solo? Don't matter." Is she even in the "Gotg stuck on Earth for the final Bendis arc" promotional art?

@Freeza: Late happy birthday from Sweden!
Hated because of predisposition of hater not because of lack of talent.

Please. I was so hoping that wasn't where you were going with that.

First of all the dude is barely established as a comic book writer. Bendis didn't become lolBendis until probably Avengers Disassembled (not everybody was on board the Daredevil train but there were no cries of LOL BENDIS before Disassembled at the earliest), at which point he was already well established, having won several awards and produced or started several master runs.

Second who hates The Vision? Oh that's right nobody. Nobody hates The Vision.

So...who is predisposed to dislike a book by relatively-untested writer Tom King whose only major work is loved by all who are blessed to read it? People that took the CIA joke a little too far? I mean really. I haven't read #4 but there are reasonable criticisms of the first three issues. It's downright silly to suggest anyone is in a position to be "predisposed" to dislike a Tom King book. lolKing is not a thing.


Hated because of predisposition of hater not because of lack of talent.

Nobody hates on Tom King lol. I don't think anyone has said his Batman run is bad or anything and people absolutely rave about everything else he has written.

Good day everyone.

@Angela: Did you see the way Bendis handwaved everything from the last two years away? "Oh hey, she's in prison with Sera nowhere to be seen or mentioned. Oh, they found her clothes. Why is her outfit almost a copy of what she wore before she got a solo? Don't matter." Is she even in the "Gotg stuck on Earth for the final Bendis arc" promotional art?

@Freeza: Late happy birthday from Sweden!
I'm surprised that they didn't just give her the current costume when they first changed her original one.

Please. I was so hoping that wasn't where you were going with that.

First of all the dude is barely established as a comic book writer. Bendis didn't become lolBendis until probably Avengers Disassembled (not everybody was on board the Daredevil train but there were no cries of LOL BENDIS before Disassembled at the earliest), at which point he was already well-established, having won several awards and produced or started several master runs.

Second who hates The Vision? Oh that's right nobody. Nobody hates The Vision.

So...who is predisposed to dislike a book by relatively-untested writer Tom King whose only major work is loved by all who are blessed to read it? People that took the CIA joke a little too far? I mean really. I haven't read #4 but there are reasonable criticisms of the first three issues. It's downright silly to suggest anyone is in a position to be "predisposed" to dislike a Tom King book. lolKing is not a thing.
Disassembled is an interesting story because even if people didn't like that or Bendis' Avengers run he had one of the biggest impacts of any writer on the line.
Please. I was so hoping that wasn't where you were going with that.

First of all the dude is barely established as a comic book writer. Bendis didn't become lolBendis until probably Avengers Disassembled (not everybody was on board the Daredevil train but there were no cries of LOL BENDIS before Disassembled at the earliest), at which point he was already well established, having won several awards and produced or started several master runs.

Second who hates The Vision? Oh that's right nobody. Nobody hates The Vision.

So...who is predisposed to dislike a book by relatively-untested writer Tom King whose only major work is loved by all who are blessed to read it? People that took the CIA joke a little too far? I mean really. I haven't read #4 but there are reasonable criticisms of the first three issues. It's downright silly to suggest anyone is in a position to be "predisposed" to dislike a Tom King book. lolKing is not a thing.

Nobody hates on Tom King lol. I don't think anyone has said his Batman run is bad or anything and people absolutely rave about everything else he has written.

I'm surprised that they didn't just give her the current costume when they first changed her original one.

Disassembled is an interesting story because even if people didn't like that or Bendis' Avengers run he had one of the biggest impacts of any writer on the line.


When people hate an awesome book, I wanna see the receipts


Is it worth reading King's Omega Men? I have no idea who the Omega Men are but I hear great things about it so I'm willing to give it a shot.


Is it worth reading King's Omega Men? I have no idea who the Omega Men are but I hear great things about it so I'm willing to give it a shot.

Omega Men is a fucking comics masterclass, and it's fucked up that Bagenda still has no Rebirth book announced, what the fuck.
Johns is writing the Wonder Woman script iirc, so I'm using that as a metric for the universe going forward.

edit: Looks like it's only co-writing the screenplay, story is by Zack and Heinberg :/.
Man the Suicide and Harley logos on the series boxes on the CMX app are Marvel tier.

Um, far as Batman, I remember tons of people hating on the perfect Rebirth special so I honestly stopped listening after that. Glad people turned around on it.
Just catching up on some of last weeks Marvel books.

Civil War II #4: I actually really liked this issue, I just hate the whole idea of the argument. So many reaction and tempers seem so forced and I just really hate what they're doing with Carol.

Ext X-Men: Glad this arc is over, but also really interested in where it leads.

Is it worth reading King's Omega Men? I have no idea who the Omega Men are but I hear great things about it so I'm willing to give it a shot.

Fuck yes!




it's the good stuff, the stuff you need, the stuff you CRAVE

Man the Suicide and Harley logos on the series boxes on the CMX app are Marvel tier.

Um, far as Batman, I remember tons of people hating on the perfect Rebirth special so I honestly stopped listening after that. Glad people turned around on it.

I thought the Rebirth one-shot was pretty underwhelming, but it's been good since.
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