The Chris Evans backlash is upon us. Birdie is a prophet.
In defense of the supposed "reveling." You know, Donald Trump scares the shit out of me, deep down, but I still find myself laughing at him a lot of the time. It's because he's so damn ridiculous. Likewise, it is damn ridiculous that WB/DC made a movie starring Superman and the fucking Batman and it was, critically and personally, a massive disappointment. So yeah I spent too much time in the RT thread for that movie and laughed at it. A lot. But it was coming from a place of pain, my friends. In no way, shape or form did I want that movie to bad. In fact I so wanted it to be good that I bought two tickets anyway - after laughing at the movie (<3 Sad Affleck<3) - just in case. Just in case I could be one of the outliers who really liked it. Even today I am somewhat envious of their take on the events that played out on screen.
With Suicide Squad I am less invested. I made a couple of comments in here but haven't set foot in the RT thread. I had a couple of chuckles, yes, but I am still bitter that BvS was so fucking bad. And, once again, I really wanted Suicide Squad to be good, and who knows maybe I will still like it when I eventually get around to seeing it. I suspect most, if not all, of the people in there are invested in the movie in some way, and the resulting sadness is expressed either as a defensive lashing out or as laughter. I believe there are people who truly do engage in reveling and do enjoy the disaster that the DCEU has been so far, just like there are people on hand to point and laugh every time the MCU misses a step. But I think that is probably a minority of posters in those threads.
Now, would I feel the same way about a Marvel RT thread that runs so deeply into "Rotten" territory? I dunno. Incredibly, more than a dozen films into this we haven't been tested yet (that is not to brag or say "ha! Up yours DC fans," I believe it is legitimately staggering, though if Iron Man 2 or Thor 2 had come out even a couple years later than they did they wouldn't have fared so well). But I like to think I'd still be laughing. What else can you do when a movie you were really pulling for turns out to be so much less than you'd hoped?