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COMICS! |OT| August 2016. That's Rare Groove. Volume is Crucial.

Ext X-Men: Glad this arc is over, but also really interested in where it leads.

Wait it's over? That was the end of the arc?

In that case, I have a gif review in mind for Apocalypse Wars. Here's a hint, it's fucking nothing.

X-Men Editors: "There's an Apocalypse movie coming out this summer, you ALL need to write an Apocalypse story, we're going to sell them at the same time and pretend it's an event. Sorta."

X-Men Writers: "Er okay."

X-Men Editors: "Oh and only JEFF LEMIRE gets to use
actual Apocalypse

X-Men Writers: "Fuuuuuck"

Jeff Lemire: "But I was already doing
time travel...
Man the Suicide and Harley logos on the series boxes on the CMX app are Marvel tier.

Um, far as Batman, I remember tons of people hating on the perfect Rebirth special so I honestly stopped listening after that. Glad people turned around on it.

It was really a bleh issue. Mostly about Duke who then wouldn't be around in the main Batman story almost at all, and was more of a meta commentary on this all new Batman. It was also way too obviously a Snyder issue even though it was supposed to set up King's run. It was just bleh.

I've loved it since though even though I had a lot of issues with the actual first issue.

Wait it's over? That was the end of the arc?

In that case, I have a gif review in mind for Apocalypse Wars. Here's a hint, it's fucking nothing.

X-Men Editors: "There's an Apocalypse movie coming out this summer, you ALL need to write an Apocalypse story, we're going to sell them at the same time and pretend it's an event. Sorta."

X-Men Writers: "Er okay."

X-Men Editors: "Oh and only JEFF LEMIRE gets to use actual Apocalypse"

X-Men Writers: "Fuuuuuck"

That's kind of how I took it? Maybe not actually over but sort of a stop gap leading to something bigger? I could be completely wrong, it just seemed like their way to end this little arc while setting up for stuff down the road.


I feel like SS would have been a great book if Jim Lee had drawn it tbh

The art he did for the Harley Quinn special was the worst part of that book. Dude shouldn't even be drawing if he cant give it his all.

You guys talk abput tan but his art is way better than lee's right now.


Fantastic and brutal. First time I actually felt like we've gotten to see Batman be a master detective. Also, prep time. Enjoyed it way more than I enjoyed Arkham Knight.

This sells me on it.
I just dont know if I should buy it now or wait until next month when the sale for the Season Pass comes online.
That's kind of how I took it? Maybe not actually over but sort of a stop gap leading to something bigger? I could be completely wrong, it just seemed like their way to end this little arc while setting up for stuff down the road.

You're completely right, I checked. New arc next issue, but why call them arcs when they don't, well, have an arc


Dude did you see the letters page?

The guest artists will be in every issue now

For all the shit I throw at Lemire on a daily basis on this here forum,
getting Stokoe on a monthly, even for a few pages
, is the kind of thing that means I can't write him off like I would a Lobdell or a Waid.
A way to age up the kids? They kind of had an arc, went from training to now being war torn vets.

Fair enough. I just don't like where things ended with
Piotr and Apocalypse
, there's dangling threads and then there's this. I know we always have to be setting up for the next thing, it's the comics way, but not to an extreme that leaves one feeling dissatisfied with a chunk that should stand on its own.
Fair enough. I just don't like where things ended with
Piotr and Apocalypse
, there's dangling threads and then there's this. I know we always have to be setting up for the next thing, it's the comics way, but not to an extreme that leaves one feeling dissatisfied with a chunk that should stand on its own.

I'm ok with the
Piotr part more than the Apocalypse part. I'm OK with Colossus going missing and being found by some cult, but the Apocalypse part just seems dumb. He was a no-show until the very end and then he just gets brought back and he's going to be protected and kept around because of Piotr now missing? Come on... I really don't like that part at all.
I'm ok with the
Piotr part more than the Apocalypse part. I'm OK with Colossus going missing and being found by some cult, but the Apocalypse part just seems dumb. He was a no-show until the very end and then he just gets brought back and he's going to be protected and kept around because of Piotr now missing? Come on... I really don't like that part at all.

Yeah it's quite a stretch. Low point for the book, in my opinion.

I did enjoy most of the arc despite this but Lemire really needed to
integrate Apocalypse into the story more cleanly, use him more effectively, and justify where we ended up with the character, which they didn't do at all.
I guess that's why I was surprised this was the end of the story, I thought we were getting that...and I'm sure we still will, at least to some degree, but this arc doesn't get brownie points because the next arc cleans up the mess.
Tom King is lit with Batman #4. You can tell he is in it for the long haul now as that was the longest setup he has had to get to Tom King shit in his career. This issue just exudes that intelligent writing that we are use to and reminds us this is a Tom King book on par with his best work to date on Vision.
Tom King is lit with Batman #4. You can tell he is in it for the long haul now as that was the longest setup he has had to get to Tom King shit in his career. This issue just exudes that intelligent writing that we are use to and reminds us this is a Tom King book on par with his best work to date on Vision.

I feel like that became apparent last issue, but maybe I'm alone on that.
Tom King is lit with Batman #4. You can tell he is in it for the long haul now as that was the longest setup he has had to get to Tom King shit in his career. This issue just exudes that intelligent writing that we are use to and reminds us this is a Tom King book on par with his best work to date on Vision.

I just got Batman Rebirth and the first three issues of this run yesterday, so good to hear it's taking off. Gonna read those after I finish off Morrison. Speaking of which...

Return of Bruce Wayne was an unbelievable bore. The idea was interesting, sure, but the middle of the book just seemed to go nowhere. It definitely explained a lot of things in Batman & Robin that I never understood when just reading those books a few years ago, but the payoff didn't feel quite worth it. All that's left it Batman Inc. and I'm done.

Also read Nightwing #1 last night. A lot of setup, but a fun read for sure. As good as Grayson was it just feels good to have Dick back in costume.


Bendis is Today's Bendis.

King has 3 books at 3 different publishers in a sense if you don't count Vertigo as part of DC

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
can't wait to read Invincible Iron Man tonight. this is all just lead up to Riri for me.

Also on the docket is more Thor: God Bomb & the first trade of Pak's Action Comics. I love comic books.
Well sheriff is going to be 60 issues but I can see him writing one more book at DC

Huh, for some reason I thought I just read it was ending soon. I thought someone in this thread mentioned it or something.

Never mind then.

But I also meant, would he want to do another Superhero thing on DC, something on Young Animal would be awesome, but I could also see them wanting him on the "new" Vertigo or whatever they're doing with it.


I'm going to read comics tonight, I'm worried that Trump is slipping in the polls and I need to distract myself by something worse. MU, I'm ready for you.
Well sheriff is going to be 60 issues but I can see him writing one more book at DC
Would he be a good fit for a JSA or LoSH book? I'm guessing we won't hear anything about new books from him before the final issue of Vision is in shops and he can focus more on Batman.
TC said it best

I'm a prophet.

Hated because of predisposition of hater not because of lack of talent.

Find me a single post where anyone has shown a predisposition to hate on King. I'll happily wait.

I love your eternal optimism as much as anyone, but this claim is absurd. Everyone praises the living shit out of King, and i can't think of a single person who wasn't hyped for his Batman run. It was the most talked about Rebirth announcement, bar none, universally positive.

I want his Batman to be amazing. Instead, it has been consistently bland. It doesn't make me a hater to point that out. I'm holding off on reading today's releases until my new iPad shows up tomorrow, but my fingers are crossed.


Huh, for some reason I thought I just read it was ending soon. I thought someone in this thread mentioned it or something.

Never mind then.

But I also meant, would he want to do another Superhero thing on DC, something on Young Animal would be awesome, but I could also see them wanting him on the "new" Vertigo or whatever they're doing with it.

Young Animal/Vertigo is the only thing I can picture him on atm.
I'm really not a fan of Less Croc and Headshot deigns and that special plus his Squad covers haven't been all that seller.

Still. Check out SS Rebirth. It's...difficult...looking.

Also, today I read my first Harley comic. Is it always...like this?

Find me a single post where anyone has shown a predisposition to hate on King. I'll happily wait.

I love your eternal optimism as much as anyone, but this claim is absurd. Everyone praises the living shit out of King, and i can't think of a single person who wasn't hyped for his Batman run. It was the most talked about Rebirth announcement, bar none, universally positive.

I want his Batman to be amazing. Instead, it has been consistently bland. It doesn't make me a hater to point that out. I'm holding off on reading today's releases until my new iPad shows up tomorrow, but my fingers are crossed.

ok sorry jeez guys
I'm surprised that anyone can love Snyder's run and dislike this. It seems like a pretty direct sequel. The decompressed style, the polished 90s Image comic look, characters acting in stupid ways because of the plot demands, the unnatural repeating of dialog because "theme"(fixitfixitfixitfixit), its moments of empty spectacle, the "BIG IMPORTANT" dark tone behind it all.

lowkey best thing about it is John Workman's letters, but props to DC for finding a perfect replacement team, an almost seamless transition.


I'm surprised that anyone can love Snyder's run and dislike this. It seems like a pretty direct sequel. The decompressed style, the polished 90s Image comic look, characters acting in stupid ways because of the plot demands, the unnatural repeating of dialog because "theme"(fixitfixitfixitfixit), its moments of empty spectacle, the "BIG IMPORTANT" dark tone behind it all.

lowkey best thing about it is John Workman's letters, but props to DC for finding a perfect replacement team, an almost seamless transition.

if anything, I'd say Tom King is better at all those things, but that might be because, unlike Snyder, there's no immediate trademark we associate with him

Like, you know the flow of a Scott Snyder comic, you know you're gonna get an opening narration with an anecdote that, more often than not, will mention a dad, and that that narration is gonna get reprised for the last issue of the story in a different context, recapping the events so as to expose clearly the theme and ideas of that story.
I'm surprised that anyone can love Snyder's run and dislike this. It seems like a pretty direct sequel. The decompressed style, the polished 90s Image comic look, characters acting in stupid ways because of the plot demands, the unnatural repeating of dialog because "theme"(fixitfixitfixitfixit), its moments of empty spectacle, the "BIG IMPORTANT" dark tone behind it all.

lowkey best thing about it is John Workman's letters, but props to DC for finding a perfect replacement team, an almost seamless transition.
But does King do Wikipedia info dumps in his text boxes? Check mate.


I'm surprised that anyone can love Snyder's run and dislike this. It seems like a pretty direct sequel. The decompressed style, the polished 90s Image comic look, characters acting in stupid ways because of the plot demands, the unnatural repeating of dialog because "theme"(fixitfixitfixitfixit), its moments of empty spectacle, the "BIG IMPORTANT" dark tone behind it all.

lowkey best thing about it is John Workman's letters, but props to DC for finding a perfect replacement team, an almost seamless transition.


Snyders run>JC salt
I'm surprised that anyone can love Snyder's run and dislike this. It seems like a pretty direct sequel. The decompressed style, the polished 90s Image comic look, characters acting in stupid ways because of the plot demands, the unnatural repeating of dialog because "theme"(fixitfixitfixitfixit), its moments of empty spectacle, the "BIG IMPORTANT" dark tone behind it all.

lowkey best thing about it is John Workman's letters, but props to DC for finding a perfect replacement team, an almost seamless transition.

Coming off just reading all of Snyder's run I can see someone loving Snyder's DENSE feel of those books and feeling a little underwhelmed and getting a lot less from those first couple issues. What is it like the third or fourth issue of Snyder's run you have Batman in a labyrinth and going crazy? Shit happened fast.

I can see going into this run already expecting a lot from King and feeling like there is just very little there or going on. That being said I thought Snyder's run was a little draining and thought he always built his stories up and then ended them underwhelmingly so I was ready for a big change.


I think the biggest thing for me feeling underwhelmed with King's run so far compared to Snyder's is because each issue of Snyder's felt like a legitimately meaty chapter in an arc. It could be due to the twice monthly shipping but King's issues so far feel sort of bite-size for me. Also in the way the first few issues are written, they feel like they take simpler approaches to themes whereas Snyder went for a more dramatic narration.
I think the biggest thing for me feeling underwhelmed with King's run so far compared to Snyder's is because each issue of Snyder's felt like a legitimately meaty chapter in an arc. It could be due to the twice monthly shipping but King's issues so far feel sort of bite-size for me. Also in the way the first few issues are written, they feel like they take simpler approaches to themes whereas Snyder went for a more dramatic narration.

The lack of narration is definitely a drastic shift for sure.
I think the biggest thing for me feeling underwhelmed with King's run so far compared to Snyder's is because each issue of Snyder's felt like a legitimately meaty chapter in an arc. It could be due to the twice monthly shipping but King's issues so far feel sort of bite-size for me. Also in the way the first few issues are written, they feel like they take simpler approaches to themes whereas Snyder went for a more dramatic narration.

Yeah, I'd say the twice monthly schedule is probably a big reason. Hopefully these two issues mark them getting used to the pacing.
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