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COMICS! |OT| August 2016. That's Rare Groove. Volume is Crucial.

I think i'm dropping Doctor Strange, just finished issue #9 and i should have given up awhile ago but i stayed for Bachalo art that wasn't attached to Bendis.

Yeah, the ending to the Last Days of Magic story was pretty underwhelming.

The new Lady Killer was great. Art was gorgeous and it had a nice hook at the end. Really looking forward to seeing where this one goes.

I still have to read the first trade. Will probably pick this issue up right after.
It wasn't fake, I think it was made by Hasbro.

Fake as in cheaply made toy. Probably costs the company $7.50 per shield to make. But my point was: every bit as nerdy as Pokemon cards.

Okay I think I'm finally ready to read other comics

First Wednesday in a long time that I haven't read all my purchases. But the damn iPad arrives tomorrow, so I'm committed to holding off until after work.

I guess I'll read some Valiant stuff on Scribd. They don't need any special treatment.
I'm gonna finish up my last few books from today, then either read the Lady Killer TPB or start the Rachel Rising Black Edition that arrived this afternoon.

Rachel Rising was just one of my favorite things every single month and I wish it had gone on at least another thirty issues
Rachel Rising is SO good, Freeza. You're gonna really like it.

I need to finish it myself, I have the last three issues left. Maybe this weekend.


I just looked at some Rachel Rising art and it's stunning. Terry Moore is an incredible artist. I don't know if I'm very interested in the premise, though.
Oh you're gonna love this then

Most of it anyway. It gets weird sometimes.

The book is nice, too. I'm assuming the Black Edition is the same as what the omnibus will be like, aside from the black cover and the limited nature (I got 141/750). It's a normal-sized hardcover with the softer paper stock like the old Vertigo books used, so it's not glossy and heavy like the paper a lot of publishers use.
Ms. Marvel November variant by Joelle Jones.

Meh. Doesn't even look like her art. She has been doing Amazing work on the Mockingbird covers.

Admittedly, I thought this at first too and had to look up one of her Mockingbird covers to compare the signature. It's hers.

If only all Kamala's art looked that good.

Soon, you'll have to buy a DC book to see art like this. But I have no complaints about the current artist on Ms. Marvel. It suits the book really well, I think.


Soon, you'll have to buy a DC book to see art like this. But I have no complaints about the current artist on Ms. Marvel. It suits the book really well, I think.

I was very worried about the artist because you told me the original one left, but when I read the first trade, it looked exactly the same for me.
Okay, so from now on as soon as the next month's OT pops up, the previous one should be locked.

People posting in the June OT SHIT'S TWO MONTHS OLD.



Cross-posting for the new thread:
Moon Knight #5: A thoroughly disappointing ending issue to a thoroughly disappointing start for Lemire's take on Spector and crew, and that's without getting into the ending of the issue itself.
So it turns out it was all a dream...or was it just us witnessing Marc break free from Khonshu's hold on Marc's mind as he ventu-no. You didn't earn that ending, comic.
Lemire's attempt to recreate the mystery from the Moench era in a modern comic arc is certainly admirable for what it's trying to do, but between bad pacing and very light characterization, it's hard to care about any of the intruige he's trying to raise. I realize i'm in the minority since a lot of people seem to be enjoying this read and will give credit where it's due for the fantastic artwork, but this has been nothing short of underwhelming and does not instill any incentive to keep reading the ongoing that starts this September. I'll stick with Ms. Marvel since the latest issue in that series was pretty solid with a cliffhanger that left me wanting to see what'll happen in the next issue instead of annoyed that I wasted my time reading it, to say nothing about how well it holds up as a single issue.

Ms. Marvel November variant by Joelle Jones.

Ooh, pretty.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Omega Men was just recently recommended to me; I'll get on both of those. I now regret ever doubting his takeover of Batman (which is also great).

Bummer, I imagine that kind of sucks the impact out of it. I knew literally nothing about it (I judged a book by its cover because it looked different....) so that had a lot to do with the wow factor for me.

But yes, Vision isn't really a character I usually have much interest in, so it was a shock that this is one of my must-read titles

It's still my 3rd favorite ANAD Marvel title only behind AN Wolverine and Spider-Woman.
Kill or Be Killed #1 swerved me a couple of times because i had no idea what the premise was before reading it and i'm still not sure where it's gonna go. It's pretty good though
I had a productive night. I read the Ladykiller tpb before doing the unthinkable... I played some Overwatch. Not much, just a game of Lucio ball and the first of my placement matches for competitive mode. Utter domination. Sillymonkey will be pleased to know I've got less ring rust than Roman Reigns.


The Walking Dead #157

Here we go! Another war and now we get some zombies in the mix! Wonder how many of Rick's new army will survive. And lol, Negan continues to entertain. Sounds like a sweet deal for the guy.
The Walking Dead #157

Here we go! Another war and now we get some zombies in the mix! Wonder how many of Rick's new army will survive. And lol, Negan continues to entertain. Sounds like a sweet deal for the guy.

Loving the 16 panel grid on this motherfucker
The Walking Dead #157

Here we go! Another war and now we get some zombies in the mix! Wonder how many of Rick's new army will survive. And lol, Negan continues to entertain. Sounds like a sweet deal for the guy.

I've got some theories on this one. I noticed
that they made it a point not to mention Alpha's death around Lydia. Obvious reasons, sure. But what are the odds of her finding out anyway and rejoining her people? Maybe as Alpha considering the torch that Beta carried for Lydia's mom? Then we have Magna and her people, who we still know nothing about. Could they be Whisperers sent to infiltrate Rick's community?
So I realized recently that, for the preservation of money and the quality of my entertainment, I must drop three out of the four X-team books.

-All-New because the drama is bad, the pace is killing me, and I don't care about the story arcs thus far. Props for the Toad and Dr. Strange issues though

-'92 because it's worn out its welcome and isn't fun anymore

-Uncanny because the writing is just not good. While Land's art definitely hurt it, Lashley's certainly isn't saving it.

I'm keeping Extraordinary, though. It's the
most fun I'm having out of all of them, and I feel it's progressively getting better as it goes. Problem is that while I love most of the characters, but there's too fucking many.
-The X-Men consisting of Iceman, Colossus, Young Jean, Old Man Logan, Magik, Storm, Forge, Nightcrawler, and Cerebra
-New Mutants consisting of Anole, Glob, Ernst, and No-Girl. Sapna as well, I suppose.

That's too many characters! Dial that shit back and there's a significantly better book in there. Ewing is managing a pretty big team as well with New Avengers, but he's done a significantly better job of compartmentalizing. I mean he's got Wiccan, Hulkling, Songbird, Squirrel Girl, White Tiger, Power Man, Kevin Brashear, Cannonball, Sunspot, POD, and Toni Ho. Sadly Hawkeye is no longer on the book, but still. That's a big ass team. Lemire doesn't know how to juggle that many.


Bought a deck of Pokemon cards today. I can not fathom buying something nerdier this year

You buy Gunpla, man. I don't know if Pokemon cards are some how more niche and nerdy than plastic robots that you spend hours building and articulating their hands just right. (I need to finish my beam gatling gun, but that ammo ribbon thing is a pain.)

Soooooo, haven't been to the comic store in a month, just picked up and read my subs. Pretty much all DC stuff.

Thoughts so far
Batman: Was thinking about dropping it after issue 2, but had already paid for 3 and 4. Glad I did. This is starting to get good.

Nightwing: All that Nightwing booty. This is really enjoyable stuff. I just want Babs and Dick to date and get married and have a little Bat-baby family. Is that so much to freaking ask?! Make it so, comics. Please.

Heckblazer Rebirth: I don't know what I even want out of this title. I really don't. I think I need to stop buying Hellblazer stuff as it so frequently makes me sad. This wasn't even bad or terribly off tone. Maybe it is the art? I have no idea. I guess I wish it were more horror comic-y? At least John is back in London.

Aquaman: I think I'm dropping this. Not terrible, but not worth $6 a month for this quality of story. I'm glad that they pointed out how much Mera
wants to use the waterbed and get down to doing it with Arthur
. I would probably be more into this as a slice of life comic with Mera and Arthur than a kinda bad political story that it is turning out to be.

Titans: I want to like this. I really do. The art is serviceable. The story is really blah. It feels more like a Wally West book than a Titans book. I'll give this another issue. Maybe Abnet really needs Lanning to make great work. It probably doesn't help that this books main focus is on the overarching DC Rebirth plot, which is garbage. Hot stinking garbage.

Power Rangers #5: This comic continues to be an enjoyable read. It feels fluffy, and easily dropable, but I'm getting just enough nostalgia out of it to keep spending the cash on it. The Zack story arc was a lot of fun. Certainly a nice One-shot. It reminded me that I need to pick up the most recent issues of Pink.

New Super-man: I really like this. A lot. Maybe I should pick up some of the other Superman stuff. Chinese Super Hero Squad. I'm all about that. I really hope they got some inspiration for the designs of the League from some random old knock off toys. Can't wait to see where they go with this.

I think I need to start picking up Detective again. All the Bat-fam goodness.
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