Tyrant Rave
Joelle Jones liked my tweet
She is too good for this world
She is too good for this world
New Snyder teaser. This time concept art for #4 with the caption "Wheel of Villains. Play your coin...":
I heard she's DC exclusive now? at work cant confirm right now
Anyone pick up the Timm or Conner Wonder Woman statues yet?
Gamestop had the Chiang one for 40 so I grabbed that and took a chance of the Femme Fatales animated Ivy for 15.
Gamestop also has the Dini concept Harley for 30 now.
Kill or Be Killed #1 swerved me a couple of times because i had no idea what the premise was before reading it and i'm still not sure where it's gonna go. It's pretty good though
I have all of them. Timms Wonder Woman is stunning.
Got Assault on Arkham today in the mail. Cant wait to see it.
Plus the premisse should be that animals got sentience and speech capabilities.
But half of them started to act like humans, not talking animals. It should not change their behaviour. Exemples include the polar bear (why he should be ashames from eating seals?), the chickens and rooster (that they would not suppport that kind of abuse/dominance animore), and so on... Only the tiger acted like a tiger, with a tiger mentality. And, of course, the hound.
Got Assault on Arkham today in the mail. Cant wait to see it.
Is the original Harley Quinn voice actor involved here?
I think i want that one.
Can you take a picture of your statue?
Jesus I just read the first issue of Sheriff of Babylon. That was rough.. It has a realness that only a former CIA Seal could give it.The woman in the cafe
What Ive been looking for since I left the Army six or so years ago is a story about the war that provides both granular accuracy and a birds-eye perspective normally unavailable to me, an American who is confined in many ways to an American perspective, even (especially?) as a soldier. Iraq is, after all, more than just the name of a region where American military ambitions are exercised and foiled. Iraqi people were part of the war, too, and just as American history doesnt begin with 9/11, the contemporary history of Iraq doesnt begin as a blank slate with the American invasion. I always desired a story that would acknowledge and defy these artificial parameters in order to convey the complexity of the American invasion of Iraq. In essence, I was searching for an Iraq War version of War and Peace. I did not expect to find it in a comic book.
I worked the Iraq issue from the States, from abroad, and from Baghdad itself, King told me during a phone interview. I dont have simple thoughts about it. I dont think, Oh, it was a good thing or Oh, it was a bad thing.' I know Saddam was a horrible person and its better that hes gone. I also know that what came after was worse than what had happened before. But those thoughts dont seem to add up to a cogent whole. I knew I wanted to write about that how you could have two conflicting thoughts in your head at once. Thats a lot of what Sheriff is about: the idea of the invasion not being a good thing or a bad thing but a thing my entire generation had to go through.
I think I'm making a thread out of this.
I think I'm making a thread out of this.
Neither main Harley voice actors (Arleen Sorkin or Tara Strong) are involved. Harley sounds bad in this movie. Yahtzee ! I say this as someone who likes the movie.
It's in Ireland. I will get you a pic when I get home
Hey, no one else does. Someone has to inform the larger world about things!you make a thread out of everything
Babylon deserves one though
I think I'm making a thread out of this.
better than a non comic-gaf person making them. It always gets ugly real quick.Hey, no one else does. Someone has to inform the larger world about things!
Okay. It seems clear to me that the book is meant to subvert expectations. Note your use of the word "should" here, as though any story in which animals gain human-level intelligence and the capability to speak should be a certain way (in fact you say that the premise should be a specific thing when it's clearly meant to be something else). But the concept is fundamentally silly so there is a lot of room to play in outside of what we've come to expect of talking animals in Disney movies. How does a tiger or a dog even speak without the proper anatomical properties to produce those sounds? Why don't their skulls enlarge to allow room for a larger brain with the capability of higher thought? It doesn't make sense...so in a setting where they do have higher intelligence and can speak, doesn't the author have license to experiment with different interpretations far afield from stereotyped expectations? This isn't Zootopia.
Also, dcbs canceled issue #12 of Doctor Strange from all orders because it is being put up as Now Doctor Strange or whatever in the August pre-order cycle, i save $2.39 yayyyyyyyy.
Now Dr Strange what...
Sherrif of Babylon is so ridiculously good.
I read that Tom King Ringer interview and if HBO picks up the show it will be their next GoT, guaranteed.
actually the Iraq War was extremely bad imo
2.39$ is a good price, tho!Thanks.
Also, dcbs canceled issue #12 of Doctor Strange from all orders because it is being put up as Now Doctor Strange or whatever in the August pre-order cycle, i save $2.39 yayyyyyyyy.
dcbs or marvel are drunk, they list all the new Marvel books as "Now Champions" or "Now Doctor Strange"
this guy knows whats up
I forgot it existed, so...yay?Brace yourselves for some heartbreaking news.
The Powers TV show has been cancelled.
did they just call Kamala a side kick?
Harley/Deadshot shouldn't have happened though.
Well, the new Moon Kinght arc face-planted at the end.
So now I'm only reading one series from Marvel for the first time ever. Any recommendations?
hot takes, get ya hot takes here folks
can't believe people didn't dig this issue
so brilliant