God. I couldn't even finish Harley Queen #1.
I liked Mario Galaxy so much that i still haven't started Mario Galaxy 2 because i don't want to be done with the series.
Is it like that?
God. I couldn't even finish Harley Queen #1.
the serial numbers on the dog tags themselves all up to 24. Apparently Waller was like "ah yes, 24 like the 24th letter in the alphabet, which is the letter X, which is us! Make sure all are super secret guards have this so somebody can trace this back to us on some scooby doo shit, General Lane"
Still wondering why that All-Star Superman allusion happen if they werent gonna follow up on that. Gothamfreaks out about killing 27 people(that batman had to remind him about I guess cuz psycho pirate off-panel something something), but both seemed not to show any concern about the OTHER group of soldiers and firefighters on the roof that just blew up.
Or plot holesovethinking fictional details can lead one down a big rabbit hole.
No. Not at all.I liked Mario Galaxy so much that i still haven't started Mario Galaxy 2 because i don't want to be done with the series.
Is it like that?
Still wondering why that All-Star Superman allusion happen if they werent gonna follow up on that. Gotham freaks out about killing 27 people(that batman had to remind him about I guess cuz psycho pirate off-panel something something), but both seemed not to show any concern about the OTHER group of soldiers and firefighters on the roof that just blew up.
I liked Mario Galaxy so much that i still haven't started Mario Galaxy 2 because i don't want to be done with the series.
Is it like that?
I like my explanation better, sorry. She's the Riddler. Head-canon, now
It's Thursday. One day after Wednesday. Maybe y'all need to use some spoiler tags.
Kill or Be Killed #1...damn that was cool. I don't know how muchBut I do like where the story is going. I'm ready for more and September is still so far away...I enjoyed the twist where he kills because he's possessed by a demon who makes him collect souls.
Count me in as someone who was confused about how events played out between Batman #3 and #4. I did read them at like 2am but the the twist in the latest issue left me scratching my head a little. I've found the book to be a bit dry to be honest, enjoying Detective Comics a lot more.
Might drop Moon Knight. Just don't understand anything that is happening.
First rule of holes: stop digging.Or plot holes
Still wondering why that All-Star Superman allusion happen if they werent gonna follow up on that. Gotham freaks out about killing 27 people(that batman had to remind him about I guess cuz psycho pirate off-panel something something), but both seemed not to show any concern about the OTHER group of soldiers and firefighters on the roof that just blew up.
That makes sense, Tec is a much better book right now.
I'm just disinterested in it. Don't like the story it's telling.Well
okay no you know what fuck it
I'm taking the L on this one
First rule of holes: stop digging.
I'll pick up Lemires run when the first trade hits because that worked out well for me with the Ellis run. You make it sound really interesting echo.
I'll properly pick up the Moon Knight trade as well. Is it still ongoing this fall with the re-shuffle?
What happened to Peter Davids Supergirl TP. It is no longer listed on Amazon as coming out.
oh it's good. Black Panther and vision good
East by West 27-28
Hickman is good at what he does. The puzzle pieces are coming together.
Honestly I'm content either way. This would be a perfect fucking ending. Even if we never see him again.
They have volume 2 up for preorder but it has the synopsis for what I assume is volume 1. I think there is some fuckery because 2 isn't supposed to be out till next year while it's listed as 22nd of December.
Waiting for the latter to finish but Black Panther was alright for the one issue I've read so far.
its not for everyone, but the buildup at #3 is the highlight of the whole arc.
Can't wait to read this book & The Manhattan Projects when they're done.
I agree. Issue #4 raises the stakes even further.
The whole series has me excited for World of Wakanda. For a land shrouded in mystery and victim to numerous invasions, getting to know the inner workings has been awesome.
I'll properly pick up the Moon Knight trade as well. Is it still ongoing this fall with the re-shuffle?
You're right. He is worse than Walter WestBarry is the fourth.
To parrot a previous post in another thread on GAF: Barry works when he is the personification of the Silver Age stoicism that was prevalent in pretty much every single hero back then. That wholesome, pure stoicism. When he's the only one in a room that's like that (like the show Young Justice), he works magnificently. When you stick him with a bunch of other characters with that, like say Superman, he loses that. He has to be the comic relief, but he's the most vanilla "well we need a comic relief character and it might as well be the fast dude" that I've ever seen. He's a cardboard cutout. So the only other option is what they're doing with the show and the movies: making him as close to Wally West without him actually totally being Wally as possible.I'm starting to think that Barry just sucks compared to Wally and that's why Flash has been meh since he came back outside of Flashpoint.
DD/Punisher was garbage. Stopped after issue one. Had no urge to even touch the main book after that.That's seriously going to go down as one of the worst comics I have ever read
Echo's back? To be fair though, last time I saw her she was a corpse next to Moon Knight.Even the art was shit
They try to do this Samnee thing with Echo's powers and it just. fucking. sucks.
I think Soule's work with the Inhumans has been really great, actually. He's Red Lanterns run was awesome, too. Maybe he doesn't know how to deal with something small scale and street level like DD.Uncanny Inhumans isn't bad.
You're right. He is worse than Walter West
To parrot a previous post in another thread on GAF: Barry works when he is the personification of the Silver Age stoicism that was prevalent in pretty much every single hero back then. That wholesome, pure stoicism. When he's the only one in a room that's like that (like the show Young Justice), he works magnificently. When you stick him with a bunch of other characters with that, like say Superman, he loses that. He has to be the comic relief, but he's not the most vanilla "well we need a comic relief character and it might as well be the fast dude" that I've ever seen. He's a cardboard cutout. So the only other option is what they're doing with the show and the movies: making him as close to Wally West without him actually totally being Wally as possible.
DD/Punisher was garbage. Stopped after issue one. Had no urge to even touch the main book after that.
Echo's back? To be fair though, last time I saw her she was a corpse next to Moon Knight.
I think Soule's work with the Inhumans has been really great, actually. He's Red Lanterns run was awesome, too. Maybe he doesn't know how to deal with something small scale and street level like DD.
can I say it?
Nigga makes Hal Jordan look like Plastic Man, with his old McDonalds coffee 1 cream 1 sugar lookin ass
Echo's back? To be fair though, last time I saw her she was a corpse next to Moon Knight.
can I say it?
Nigga makes Hal Jordan look like Plastic Man, with his old McDonalds coffee 1 cream 1 sugar lookin ass
Nah, Barry Allen da bes
After my man Wally and my boy Jay
And both of them, as well as the rest of the Flash family got screwed over to in order to push Barry lol.
Not Barry's fault though, but yes that is definitely unfortunate. I just want a book with Barry, Wally, and Jay and their wives and stuff. Just having a blast together.
Uncanny Inhumans/Iron Man
This week sucked comic wise.
Well we almost got this:
This week sucked comic wise.