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COMICS! |OT| August 2016. That's Rare Groove. Volume is Crucial.

Movie just ended.

It's................a complicated mess.


A Bruce Timm cartoon showing 9 of the taboos that Batman The Animated Series wasn't allowed to do. Bullet holes, drugs, breaking glass, alcohol, smoking, nudity, child endangerment, religion and strangulation.
can I say it?


Nigga makes Hal Jordan look like Plastic Man, with his old McDonalds coffee 1 cream 1 sugar lookin ass

I always thought this was one of those comic constants that everybody accepts as truth like the only push Cyborg should get is off a steep cliff.
See, Marvel got most of their Silver Age characters out of that samey stoic "I'm a hero who makes jokes sometimes!" mentality. In fact, most of Marvel's characters weren't really like that. What I like about DC is that they said, "we have no idea what to do with some of these, so fuck it, we'll kill'em and pass the mantle." Then DC keeps bringing these fuckers back...
Her death is referenced in the recap page and it is implied therein that
there might be a connection between her resurrection and however Daredevil got his secret identity back and moved back to Manhattan.
Of course this little factoid has no actual bearing on the "story," it's just there.
Shame. I like hearing that Echo is back, though.
Nah, Barry Allen da bes

After my man Wally and my boy Jay
How? How does Barry not fucking bore you every single time? HOW?
Forever sad we didn't.

A Bruce Timm cartoon showing 9 of the taboos that Batman The Animated Series wasn't allowed to do. Bullet holes, drugs, breaking glass, alcohol, smoking, nudity, child endangerment, religion and strangulation.
That kid is straight up dead
Who is that with her?

I don't think you're supposed to know the answer to that question.

If he's talking about the latest volume, yeah he is.

Spoilers for N52 #52
The pre-52 Supes came over to this universe, and quickly went into hiding to protect his family, because everybody here knows Clark Kent is Superman. At the end of 52, N52 Supes was killed by a villain and old Supes has reclaimed the mantle, though he is still in hiding

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
ok great, thanks! that clears it up for me.

wonder why fans didnt like N52 Supes... seems like a good characterization to me in these first few issues of Pak's Action Comics


I'm seeing it at 9, my friends talked me into buying tickets. I'm a bit mad at them.

It's a fun movie with a lotttttttttt of fat. You know how you're supposed to get some corned beef with nice marbling but not too much? This movie has way too much and it sort of make it a bit rubbery. Also, it was cooked backwards so the cabbage isn't ready and it's a little too hard, and your waiter is Jared Leto's corny ass and he says some stupid shit while he serves it to you.

I'm still gonna leave a tip anyways because I'm polite and I love the restaurant. I hope next time I come they give me a better cut.
The movie looks like it was edited by someone with ADHD. The soundtracks from songs ranging from hip hop like Without Me to classic rock like Spirit in the Sky are playing every 5 minutes. I'm not joking. They have some song constantly playing in the background to make up for the lack of an original score. Half of the movie feels like your watching a music video. From the title opener things don't slow down. Your immediately introduced to the Squad and their backstory and it never slows down to take a breather. Things in this movie are happening so fast you might miss details. The pacing is way off. The first 30 - 45 minutes is fast and then the rest of the movie is just the Squad walking down empty streets going to different location to different location.

Deadshot, Harley, Diablo, and Waller are the only characters you will care about. Deadshot and Diablo go through a character arc that has them learning something about themselves in the end. Harley She was ok. Her accent is inconsistent but when she has it she sounds and acts almost close to the animated version. She along with Deadshot provide the majority of comedy relief. Waller is her usual badass self. Viola Davis has that character down to the teeth. Killer Croc, Captain Boomerang, and Enchantress are all wasted. They don't really have much to do and say so little. Croc is straight up a black stereotype with some of his lines. Spoilers for Enchantresses role:
She sucks as the main villain.
Rick Flag is the typical army dude and Katana speaks Japanese and slices people up. That's pretty much their roles. Joker is...............hit and miss. I like that Leto is going for a mobster Joker that is a little easier to understand his motivations but he also tried way too hard with certain lines that end up being overdone.

The plot is weak. Stuff happens cuz the plot demanded it and a lot of times it never makes any sense. The plot is that Waller and Flag fuck up and have to assemble the Squad to clean up. There's a part where the Squad completes a mission, only for something stupid to happen to where they gotta do the mission again. The Joker really doesn't need to be in this movie and his presence feels very crammed in.

I'd say the strong parts are Deadshot, Harley, Waller, and Diablo. There is some funny jokes although not a lot. Characters are sarcastic but because the movie moves at a weird pace your never given time to have the character really get to know each other. But yeah overall it's just, disappointing. It's not terrible. but compared to something like Guardians of the Galaxy it nowhere near get's close to the quality of that movie.

Oh, Slipknot was cool.
ok great, thanks! that clears it up for me.

wonder why fans didnt like N52 Supes... seems like a good characterization to me in these first few issues of Pak's Action Comics

Personally, I'm not very interested in a less experienced Superman. Plus, they brought back DCU Supes so there was no real reason to keep him around.

I thought he was fine in Johns Superman run, but that was the extent of my New52 Superman experience.


It's a fun movie with a lotttttttttt of fat. You know how you're supposed to get some corned beef with nice marbling but not too much? This movie has way too much and it sort of make it a bit rubbery. Also, it was cooked backwards so the cabbage isn't ready and it's a little too hard, and your waiter is Jared Leto's corny ass and he says some stupid shit while he serves it to you.

I'm still gonna leave a tip anyways because I'm polite and I love the restaurant. I hope next time I come they give me a better cut.

bro why you eatin' at Chili's


Personally, I'm not very interested in a less experienced Superman. Plus, they brought back DCU Supes so there was no real reason to keep him around.

I thought he was fine in Johns Superman run, but that was the extent of my New52 Superman experience.

I liked the idea of a working class Superman but I dunno if it ever worked out in practice


Cause when it works, it really works.

Cause you want to know what happens.

Cause McKelvie draws some of the best expressions in the business.

So. This past arc his art has ranged from stunning to oh he rushed this to just get it over with. Every fight is so beautiful as is
Persephone / Laura
but anything with woden looks like crap.
ok great, thanks! that clears it up for me.

wonder why fans didnt like N52 Supes... seems like a good characterization to me in these first few issues of Pak's Action Comics

It's so that we could get a better Death and Return of Superman. Well, it was better. Action Comics has been failing on its promise.


Unconfirmed Member
So. This past arc his art has ranged from stunning to oh he rushed this to just get it over with. Every fight is so beautiful as is
Persephone / Laura
but anything with woden looks like crap.

I can't say I've notice too much of that, but the
Valykyrie Voltron
in the latest issue was a smidge underwhelming.

Oh, I just looked at one panel and saw a little of what you were talking about. There was a weird reflection on Woden's Helmet that wasn't his best work.
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