Suicide Squad is terribad.
My knee-jerk reaction was to blame it on the editor and whoever the editor was getting their orders from, but the more I think about it, the gratuitous use of flashbacks makes me skeptical that a good version of the movie exists or could exist. It's constantly taking breaks from what little story it has to go to flashbacks that either don't contribute anything or spend too much time on things we already get.
The way it jumps around arbitrarily between scenes that don't form anything greater when viewed as a whole, it comes off feeling more like a feature-length trailer than an actual movie. It's like there's an eight-episode Suicide Squad TV season out there somewhere and this movie is a clip show from that.
Margot Robbie and Will Smith deserve better. Robbie should have her own movie. She is a living comic book character in the best way. But the thing is, you know that as well as I do even if you haven't seen the film.
Also, I saw this thing at 10:45am, which is a great time to avoid crowds, and there were still like 25 other people there. Usually when I see a movie at that time at this theater (and I do that frequently), there's like 3-4 other people.