Overwatch has been awful tonight and i blame Messi.
It continued into this morning. That asshole.
Overwatch has been awful tonight and i blame Messi.
What a fuckin' nerd
How is Nightwing?
How much did you like Grayson and what did you like of it? Story seems structurally a lot like Grayson in the set up, but the dialogue and writing comes off really bad to me. So like...a less good Grayson. At least 2 issues in.
Bill Sienkiewicz Harley Quinn #2 variant. He is doing the first year of Harley variants it seems and as much as I dig his art it is so tonally wrongful the book and so many other artists are more suited to it. This book is fun. He isn't a fun artist. He is a gritty and realistic artist.
WOW. Can't get over how much I'm loving this JRJR art in ASB. That colorist is just bringing out the absolute BEST in him.
I really like Grayson, but I admit ly like night wing the most when he's a potent blend of Batman, spider-man, and daredevil.
the fucking swerve in Superwoman, holy fuck
see Marvel that's the kind of feelings you can instill in people by not blabbing to the press about everything in hopes people will somehow decide to go to a comic shop all of a sudden
yo, drop everything, pick up Black Monday Murders
Hickman does it again with the impeccably designed thick book that builds its world and the rules of that world with ruthless efficiency. It is way my shit.
New artist, right? The books looks to be ending in 2 issues and wasn't announced as returning in Now! 2.0 at the Women Of Marvel panel where it was first unveiled last year IIRC so its probably dead. Without GWW fighting for it as the main writer while also doing Ms. Marvel, Marvel not hiring a bunch more female writers and sales dropping, Thompson probably had to leave to do Hawkeye instead.A-Force #8 is not a very good comic, perhaps the worst version of a story playing out in numerous tie-ins as well as the main event:The story has little dramatic weight as the main event has left it in the dust; we already knowonce again we have a hero accused of futurecrime, once again we have a character thrust into the predicted circumstances by the vision itself.I'm really disappointed at the lack of imagination here. This team is stacked with characters that are directly involved with the events of Civil War II...this should be a premiere tie-in, instead it is an things work out with She-Hulk, we already know that Captain Marvel is actually a nefarious villain.
Paulo Siqueira does a fine job on art, but it's still a downgrade from Caldwell's more interesting work, to say nothing of Molina.
I'm going to hit myself in the shins with a baseball bat once for every dollar I spent on The Accused, to discourage myself from buying tie-ins that sound bad from the moment they are announced.
Having Daredevil act as prosecutor in the trial of Clint Barton makes no sense and it's dumb to publish a comic that wants me to think about that for more than half a second. The comic justifies it by pointing toMatt's experience with super hero cases, when this is actually the first thing that would disqualify him. It would be relatively simple to point to several comics in which Matt acted as defense attorney for Hawkeye's superfriends, and it wouldn't surprise me if he has represented Hawkeye himself at some point.
The trial story is robbed of its natural narrative drama because we already know from the main event thatso of course there has to beHawkeye will be acquitted,a grand conspiracy working to ensure Hawkeye is convicted. Apparently they feel they need to lock Hawkeye up to justify bringing back the Superhuman Registration Act. First of all fuck Marvel for referencing the SRA in CWII and for actually calling it SRA II (they try to throw a lampshade on this but it's still dumb). Second, I don't know why the hell they need to convict Hawkeye to warrant this legislation given the way these characters have been conducting themselves lately. The terrigen mist fiasco alone should be enough to whip people into a frenzy.
Oh, and it turns out the real reason these conspiring forces recruit Murdock for the case is that they think he'll be easy to manipulate, so apparently they didn't actually do any research on him at all and simply drew his name from a hat.
One blind lawyer out of five blind lawyers
And I will forget all of it between issues if I don't want for it to be over first.yo, drop everything, pick up Black Monday Murders
Hickman does it again with the impeccably designed thick book that builds its world and the rules of that world with ruthless efficiency. It is way my shit.
New artist, right? The books looks to be ending in 2 issues and wasn't announced as returning in Now! 2.0 at the Women Of Marvel panel where it was first unveiled last year IIRC so its probably dead. Without GWW fighting for it as the main writer and Marvel not hiring more female writer Thompson probably had to leave to do Hawkeye.
Maybe it is time to for you to take a break from all books that have Daredevil in it...
Is anyone picking up Flintstones #2 today?
School is starting in a couple of weeks so my CMX buy list has had to shrink.
Waiting for an inevitable sale on the whole Hanna Barbera line.Is anyone picking up Flintstones #2 today?
School is starting in a couple of weeks so my CMX buy list has had to shrink.
Since nobody answered my questioned regarding TT: EO 2's art I bought it and can safely say it doesn't look bad. Still a downgrade to Dodson.
The 2000th issue of "2000 AD" includes:
A special one-off Judge Dredd story from creators John Wagner and Carlos Ezquerra
Pat Mills and Kevin ONeill reunite for a special Nemesis the Warlock story
Psi-Judge Anderson has another psychic case from Alan Grant and David Roach
Sinister Dexter hit the road, courtesy of Dan Abnett and Mark Sexton
A mysterious prisoner has a tale to tell in Rogue Trooper: Ghosts of Nu Earth by Gordon Rennie and Richard Elson
Brand-new identity-theft thriller Counterfeit Girl by Peter Milligan and Rufus Dayglo debuts.
Plus, interlude pages from Brian Bolland, Mick McMahon, Dave Gibbons, Robin Smith, and more.
"2000 AD" Prog 2000 hits stands on September 28.
Burnham covers 2000 AD Prog 2000:
Thanks! It's really crazy how we thought the books would be generic at best and ended up so great in most cases. This has truly been DC's year.I did. I'll let you know what I think.
New artist, right? The books looks to be ending in 2 issues and wasn't announced as returning in Now! 2.0 at the Women Of Marvel panel where it was first unveiled last year IIRC so its probably dead. Without GWW fighting for it as the main writer while also doing Ms. Marvel, Marvel not hiring a bunch more female writers and sales dropping, Thompson probably had to leave to do Hawkeye instead.
Alan Grant...that's not a name that I've heard in a long time.
Nice. Was hoping to see Grendel in there but I think I'll still bite on it.
Humble Comic Bundle for Dark Horse's 30th Anniversary
So when Cyclops wakes suddenly up at night, does he blast through the floor with his beam or does he sleep with visior?
Or is it the job of his current girlfried to turn his beam off?
Emergency rose quartz contacts? I think those were a thing once.
Edit: I got rose quartz from Steven Universe, but I can't for the life of me remember the actual thing.
Ruby quartz.
I love Comicbooks <3Emergency rose quartz contacts? I think those were a thing once.
Edit: I got rose quartz from Steven Universe, but I can't for the life of me remember the actual thing.
Ruby quartz.
So when Cyclops wakes suddenly up at night, does he blast through the floor with his beam or does he sleep with visior?
Or is it the job of his current girlfried to turn his beam off?
Ah, I knew I have seen this somewhere, thanks
Maybe he is dead becaue forgot his'd have to ask Scott Summers that
but you cant cuz he's dead rip