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COMICS! |OT| August 2016. That's Rare Groove. Volume is Crucial.





Unconfirmed Member
Woah. Just did the math on how much I've spent on comics over the last couple of months and I definitely need to scale back. Jesus, that was sobering.

Edit: looked more into. It's the sales that kill me.
Civil War 2: Kingpin #2
Janus has to be fucking with Fisk. Has to. I can only assume he probably was poisoned or has a very major disease. Judging by the next cover, Punisher blew up Fisk's car. Maybe he poisoned Janus? Or convinced Janus to turn? Janus is shady, is my point.


Civil War 2: Kingpin #2
Janus has to be fucking with Fisk. Has to. I can only assume he probably was poisoned or has a very major disease. Judging by the next cover, Punisher blew up Fisk's car. Maybe he poisoned Janus? Or convinced Janus to turn? Janus is shady, is my point.

This is a cool little book I'm sure a lot of people are sleeping on but I'm really enjoying it.
The Vision: How can this continue to be so damn sad and so damn good at the same time?!

Action Comics: Why did I keep reading this? I said I was done, but then the end has to rope me back in!

Superwoman: Well that was a shock... This was a really awesome start.

All Star Batman: This felt really weird. I really hated the art so that didn't really help, but it also just didn't feel like the same Batman that's in the other books. This Batman is chatty and almost light hearted. He's bringing up villain anecdotes while taking them down? What is this Spider-Man? I liked the little side story with Duke but for fuck sake give it a name. We get it that you're doing something "new" but stop saying it and give it a name if that's what you're going to say everyone brings up Robin.

Flash: I really liked this issue, it was fun and kind of light hearted but at the same time it feels like a weird chapter to have in the middle of an arc.

Detective Comics: This took a little dip this week because it seemed a little plodding. It mostly felt like rehash while giving some good action. The book is still great but this felt a bit below the rest in the series so far.


Almost asked "How is Deathstroke rebirth?"

Think I'm starting to settle with Rebirth books. Found the ones I enjoy for the most part. I might not get everything anymore, but Rebirth did its job because I went from 0 bi-weekly/monthly books, up to about 6 or so.
It just hit me that Flash is basically a different application of the plot of the show.
Instead of hopping realities to find more speedsters there was a storm, instead of a convoluted plot to steal their speed there is a plotted way as why it makes sense for the speed force to flow from person to person. It could even end up having the friendly good guy turning out to be the mastermind bad guy.

It's all around just a better thought process applied to the same basic plot of the show.


Woah. Just did the math on how much I've spent on comics over the last couple of months and I definitely need to scale back. Jesus, that was sobering.

Edit: looked more into. It's the sales that kill me.
Once October comes around I am dropping my pull down to about 8 titles and everything else cans wait till the Christmas sale


Finished reading Bloom arc in the Batman New 52.
That was... lacklustre.

They should have ended with Endgame, and even that wasn't as strong as Zero Year. Batman is at it's best when the arcs try not to make Batman feel like Superman in Power armor.
All-Star Batman #1: I like the overall direction of this arc but structurally, I felt this issue was lacking because the scattered presentation didn't really add much to the story. Batman was way too chatty and that immediately stood out. I like the coloring overall and the art impresses on certain pages but overall, it's quite poor and currently detracts.

On the plus, this is precisely the type of artstyle I would expect if Batman was like Spidey and talked every two seconds.

Detective Comics #938: Solid issue if a bit lacking in the beginning. I can't say I'm particularly enjoying the focus on Batwoman, which I would say largely comes down to the execution. What really holds it back is how much the team angle is utterly failing.

This feels like Batwoman and Friends and not the team book I thought it would be, or even Batman and friends.

Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #2: This was pretty good. As someone who hasn't read a GL book in over 5 years, it almost feels like a mystery unraveling trying to figure out how the current status quo came to be. Though I feel like this is largely because I haven't read the prior GL stuff and doubt the author will keep that in mind as future issues come out...

Wonder Woman #4: Great issue. I'm glad I stuck through the first issue which I wasn't a fan of because I've started to enjoy both the year one story arc and the present day one (though the former far more). The art's fantastic and this is probably my favorite DC book right now, if not tied for first.
Woah. Just did the math on how much I've spent on comics over the last couple of months and I definitely need to scale back. Jesus, that was sobering.

Edit: looked more into. It's the sales that kill me.
The clear solution is to spend even more on sales. Then you will eventually get to a point that when sales come around, you can't buy anything, because you already have it all.
Tmnt Idw collection vol 3 delayed from August to January.

That's what amazon told me. Canceled and ordered at Barnes and noble which still said august. Then they email me saying its delayed until January. Thanks for not updating the store page so i went through all that trouble :/

Amazon gave me a month of prime for inconvenience. B&N gave me nothing for even higher inconvenience. Not gunna try them again.


Dropped Deathstroke cause it was a confusing first issue. Like what even happen?

All the other regular books I brought are still pretty good. However Wonder Woman #4 was the weakest of the four issues that can out.

Detective Comics is Gotham X-men and I'm loving. Go ClayFace and Cain. Love the fact it's more a Batwomen than a Batman one.

New Superman - Kong's a lovable asshole.

Flash - Thumbs up.

I just have to read ASB and The Black Monday Murders


I'm so glad to hear that Hal Jordan and the GL Corps is generally pretty positive from people. I need more GL in my life, so I will likely pick it up when the trade comes out.
I wasn't a fan of Vader Down. Probably my least favourite arc of the run. I thought it picked up again during the Shu-Torun War and has improved again since.
The Flash #4: Superb artwork from Neil Googe but a slightly boring story so far. The amount of speed force talk in this issue was pretty insane, it felt like an entire episode of Star Trek devoted to flux capacitors. I like Meena but here's my weird prediction:
she's Godspeed!

Action Comics #961: I understand why people might not like this but I'm having a tremendous amount of fun every issue despite almost nothing happening. 20 pages of brutal and insane action beautifully rendered by Segovia (and a great cover by Gary Frank). It's like a fun and mindless b-movie. 3.5/5

Wonder Woman #4: So goddamn good! WW's origin really is fantastic here (I loved Pérez's interpretation as well and also The Legend of Wonder Woman version) and I can only hope that the movie will have a similar rendition of it. Rucka even managed to give a decent explanation for the invisible plane, that's quite the tour de force. 4/5

Batman #4: Eh. I enjoyed the previous issues even though I was a little bit puzzled by King's approach but at least it was a relatively fresh take on the main Batman book but it doesn't feel like this story is going anywhere that interesting. And now we're about to get a crossover in a few Bat-titles develloping it further? I hope DC doesn't ruin the Batman line like they did the Superman books before Rebirth. Not a fan of Finch usually but he's pretty great here. 2/5
The Bat characters, for better or worse, are the reason the Injustice games even exist. In my mind, the number of slots they occupy in the roster is just a small concession to make in order to play a game where Green Arrow can battle Gorilla Grodd. I think it's a good bargain.

And I bet we'll end up getting both versions of the Red Hood, Ed Boon likes to play with the fans. But we probably will have to pay for those skins though.
They still had obscure characters, and they had shitty ones. Whose fantasy roster includes Killer Frost? They have room for a handful of weird characters.
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