None of them ever mattered.We're getting close to having the all the New Warriors that actually matter around.
They matter to a small group of people lol.None of them ever mattered.
It's nostalgia.They matter to a small group of people lol.
I agree and I don't want to see another New Warriors ongoing for various reasons. I just think it would be cool if they weren't all dead lol.It's nostalgia.
Nova was in the first Spider-Man comic I ever owned, so I have a sentimental fondness for him, but that doesn't mean he was ever a good character. Before Annihilation, he wasn't shit.
The best: the original Suicide Squad run by John Ostrander and Kim Yale
More modern: the original Secret Six run by Gail Simone and co.
The deep cut: the few recent issues of Suicide Squad by Alex Kot and Patrick Zircher
The avoid at all costs: Adam Glass Suicide Squad
The best: the original Suicide Squad run by John Ostrander and Kim Yale
More modern: the original Secret Six run by Gail Simone and co.
The deep cut: the few recent issues of Suicide Squad by Alex Kot and Patrick Zircher
The avoid at all costs: Adam Glass Suicide Squad
I just want to read the best volumes of Snyder's Batman. I tried to get through Court of Owls again and I really hate the concept of the Owls.
I heard I should read the 2 Zero Year trades & Endgame - are those decent stand alone stories?
I loved Snyder's Black Mirror, but hated Owls if that helps.
I just want to read the best volumes of Snyder's Batman. I tried to get through Court of Owls again and I really hate the concept of the Owls.
I heard I should read the 2 Zero Year trades & Endgame - are those decent stand alone stories?
I loved Snyder's Black Mirror, but hated Owls if that helps.
Hello, everyone. I'd really like to get a recommendation on something to read from you guys. I'm a bit of a comic novice. I read the occasional comic growing up and I took a course on graphic novels in college (we read Persepolis, Maus, etc.). Other than that, I've read a few Transformers comics and I kept up with Saga for a while. But today I watched Suicide Squad and aside from some overall issues with the movie, I realized that I really liked the concept and the cast, especially Harley Quinn, who I really had no exposure to otherwise. My problem is that I really don't care for Batman at all. Of course, my main exposure to him is the Batman trilogy (the 80s-90s one), the Nolan trilogy (didn't really care for), and The Dark Knight Returns, by Frank Miller, I think. I didn't care too much for Batman in any of them, but I did tend to like some of his villains.
tl;dr For someone with almost no superhero comic background aside from TDKR, is there something I should check out if I really enjoyed the premise and characters of Suicide Squad? Thanks a bunch!
Read Secret Six by Gail Simone. There are four paperback volumes. AMAZING stuff in the vain of Suicide Squad.
What would you say you don't like about Batman? I do think it would be good to try some newer Batman comics like Scott Snyder's stuff.
Thanks a bunch for the recommendations, everyone. I'll definitely check this stuff out.
I think he tends to take himself way too seriously. His daytime playboy millionaire schtick doesn't appeal to me at all. And he's almost too brutal. Often times I don't actually feel like he's worth rooting for at all. I dunno. I could probably be swayed by something good. I'm just mainly looking for something Suicide Squad-esque/something with Harley Quinn right now, but I wouldn't be opposed to trying something with Batman in the limelight.
Yeah I would start out with stuff outside of Batman but you could always go into that eventually. I definitely recommend Secret Six though. Villains trying to be "good" guys. Doesn't have Harley Quinn but you'll really like the characters that are in it. Gail Simone's characterization of these characters is fantastic.
What scares me about Detective Comics is that I don't have the money for the can of worms I know I'd be opening. I don't know shit about those characters, so if it's good, I'm going to want to read all kinds of old stuff.Holy shit, one issue of Detective Comics (Rebirth #1) and I am in love. Just made me purchase:
Batman (Zero Year)
Batgirl (Stephanie Brown), vol 1
Batgirl (Cassandra Cain), vol 1
already know Tim & read Batwoman Elegy but I might dig up some old Batman TAS Clayface episodes.
Holy shit, one issue of Detective Comics (Rebirth #1) and I am in love. Just made me purchase:
Batman (Zero Year)
Batgirl (Stephanie Brown), vol 1
Batgirl (Cassandra Cain), vol 1
already know Tim & read Batwoman Elegy but I might dig up some old Batman TAS Clayface episodes.
Both Batgirl series are dope. They're so much fun.
Holy shit, one issue of Detective Comics (Rebirth #1) and I am in love. Just made me purchase:
Batman (Zero Year)
Batgirl (Stephanie Brown), vol 1
Batgirl (Cassandra Cain), vol 1
already know Tim & read Batwoman Elegy but I might dig up some old Batman TAS Clayface episodes.
Awesome, thanks a bunch. I'll definitely give it a try. I checked my local comic shop's website and it looks like they have two different trade paper backs of volume 1. One is Friends in Low Places and the other is Villains United. Which do I want?
Villains United is the one you want.
Oh yeah. ANAD Avengers Annual confirmedMiles has feelings for Kamala, right? Cause he wrote that shipping fanfic.
Also, I think Ima hop off that book if Miles, Kamala, and Sam all leave for Champions.
Also, I think Ima hop off that book if Miles, Kamala, and Sam all leave for Champions.
They are losing almost all of the characters Mark Waid actually has a handle on, which is unfortunate, but they are gaining Iron Doom and Hercules. I'm gonna give that team a couple issues. Waid writes a fantastic Doom.
What scares me about Detective Comics is that I don't have the money for the can of worms I know I'd be opening. I don't know shit about those characters, so if it's good, I'm going to want to read all kinds of old stuff.
I'm reading Cassandra right now.
Oh yeah. ANAD Avengers Annual confirmed.Miles has feelings for Kamala, right? Cause he wrote that shipping fanfic.
Wasp has been really good in ANAD and she'll be on the team.
They are losing almost all of the characters Mark Waid actually has a handle on, which is unfortunate, but they are gaining Iron Doom and Hercules. I'm gonna give that team a couple issues. Waid writes a fantastic Doom.
Wasp has been really good in ANAD and she'll be on the team.
Shit... They had almost lost me
Well the book is also going to be drawn by Del Mundo so that's another thing going for it.
Didn't Paul Cornell say this about Action Comics?I had completely forgotten that. Finally a Del Mundo book that can't be cancelled unless it does catastrophically bad. Which... It being a Del Mundo book..
Didn't Paul Cornell say this about Action Comics?
"Well, they're not going to cancel Action Comics."
And then those stupid motherfuckers canceled Action Comics.
I dont want to live in a world where comic gaf is shitting on Del Mundo.
Edit: wait youre saying his books get canceled not that hes shit per se, good. Bad, but good. Its late![]()
He is stunning. He was why is stayed with Wierdworld to the bitter end. But his books sell like dogshit
Overwatch is fuckin' garbage for people who like garbage
(bad games tonight)
It's such a shame. He's got style coming out of his pores.
Also check out:Cool, thanks!