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COMICS! |OT| August 2016. That's Rare Groove. Volume is Crucial.

I couldn't disagree more with this. The actual difficulty level of getting into comics is so overblown, particularly in the age of detailed wikipedia articles for even minor comic book characters.

When these relaunches happen, it's like they're lighting a signal that my wife and daughter both respond to immediately. Happened with ANAD, happening with Rebirth, and it'll happen again with Shattered Now. I understand this is anecdotal, but I could never get either of them to try a comic that wasn't a #1 issue.
It's not about actual difficulty, it's about perceived difficulty and relative difficulty. The people in your life are going to have a different experience because they have you there to offer guidance and advice. There are a lot of people out there that try to look up comics after seeing a movie or something, and they see so many different things with no sense of what is what, and just go "nope" and move on. It doesn't matter how easy it is to ask for help on a message board or look something up on Wikipedia, because people very reasonably don't want to have to resort to any of that stuff in the first place when they just want to relax and be entertained. That's just not how any other kind of entertainment works. You don't have to ask for help to read a manga or watch all of Mad Men or whatever. American superhero comics are almost uniquely off-putting in that regard.

I've been reading comics for like 30 years and that shit can frustrate me.

Like if I want to reread the Bendis era of Avengers books, which is material I already own, have already read, and have a good sense of how it all went together and the context around it, it would take me a solid hour to search for reading orders, compare a couple orders to get a sense of which are bloated with a bunch of superfluous stuff, which are too lean and leave out stuff that's good for context, and then try to think of things I might want to change myself. Between the amount of times that stuff relaunched, plus the times Bendis was doing more than one book at a time, plus the stuff that he didn't write that is directly related to his work, it all adds up to be a pretty big clusterfuck.

I decided I wanted to do a thorough deep-dive on post-Crisis Superman, starting at the very beginning, and I still haven't gotten around to it four years later because there are so many more convenient things I can do with my free time instead. Because even if something only takes 15 minutes of research to understand, the thing that takes no research wins. And the thing that takes no research is almost everything else.
OK, then I was wrong and the guy just looks like Talon or something else.
The Talon was introduced in Batgirl:

Edit: Superman #5 preview.
Batman has a bat moonbase.


I just realised I haven't actually read Villains United before I just started with issue 1 of Simone's run so this should be interesting.


OK, then I was wrong and the guy just looks like Talon or something else.

Its Strix. Gail Simones fave character btw.

This bit made me smile in Batgirl and I was floored that Gail came back to it in secret six as a little nod.


In Secret Six they go on an undercover mission and Strix brings :




The first arc in Batman/Superman was super cool and I loved Earth 2 Bruce and Clark.

And the art. Man.

Yeah I haven't read anything past the first arc but I really enjoyed it. He can be an acquired taste but Jae Lee was a great choice for interiors. I love how he draws Catwoman.

Its Strix. Gail Simones fave character btw.

This bit made me smile in Batgirl and I was floored that Gail came back to it in secret six as a little nod.

In Secret Six they go on an undercover mission and Strix brings :


She's such a fun character. I'm looking forward to whatever Simones new book is.
I don't think anyone here got particularly excited over the ANAD leaks. I think collectively the place was like "this is pretty bad." I was still hopeful but a year later I'm like

"This is pretty bad."

aint a single person here that wasnt hyped for ultimates.


Splash Mountain is my daughter's favorite ride because Daddy always sits in the front and gets drenched. ;p

Neither of them has ever been to Disneyworld so I'm pretty excited. None of us have been to Wizarding World. I've been reading those to the kid (we're in book 6) so that should be a lot of fun too, though I'm assuming they're gonna hold a gun to my head as soon as I walk in there and get me to fork over some insane amount of money so she can get a proper wand
Yea splash mountain is just simple fun. And nice after you have been sweating all day.
Oh lord you are reading the books wth them and it is your first time!? R.i.p to your wallet. The main ride is worth the wait. Even I ended up buying a wand. Butter beer is cream soda and some other stuff but it is sooo delicious.

I plan to go back for sure now that everyone is back in school.


Batman has a bat moonbase.

Though I never read a story with HellBat in it, I love the design.

Looks like I'm buying two copies of Superman #5. The covers are amazing.
I'm back to rereading Starman. Just finished issue 50 one of the standout single issues for sure. This is the 3rd time I've read this run and what always stands out especially in rereads is how well planned out the whole thing seems to be. He's dropping foreshadowing and hints that takes 30-50 issues to payoff. And yet he never seems to contradict his teases either. I can't think of many runs like this. Gaimans Sandman had events tied together but that was more he'd throw things up in the air at one point, and down the line pluck them down when needed. This is way more explicit in what he's teasing/hinting.


Marvel's current line is better than people give it credit for by saying things like they only have five good books, though I agree that quite a few of the flagship titles are meh. To me it looks like Now is either fixing or laying the groundwork to fix a nice amount of things I didn't like about Now.

Rebirth selling as well as it did was to be expected and we'll see how DC plans to keep people interested in the long run, because that seems to be their main struggle based on recent history.


Marvel's current line is better than people give it credit for by saying things like they only have five good books, though I agree that quite a few of the flagship titles are meh. To me it looks like Now is either fixing or laying the groundwork to fix a nice amount of things I didn't like about Now.

Rebirth selling as well as it did was to be expected and we'll see how DC plans to keep people interested in the long run, because that seems to be their main struggle based on recent history.

Would it be so wrong to say that both companies have good to great books with a few stinkers without stoking this console wars style bullshit. We don't need Marvel vs DC in here. Honestly. Its tiresome.
I'm back to rereading Starman. Just finished issue 50 one of the standout single issues for sure. This is the 3rd time I've read this run and what always stands out especially in rereads is how well planned out the whole thing seems to be. He's dropping foreshadowing and hints that takes 30-50 issues to payoff. And yet he never seems to contradict his teases either. I can't think of many runs like this. Gaimans Sandman had events tied together but that was more he'd throw things up in the air at one point, and down the line pluck them down when needed. This is way more explicit in what he's teasing/hinting.
What do you think of the art?


Would it be so wrong to say that both companies have good to great books with a few stinkers without stoking this console wars style bullshit. We don't need Marvel vs DC in here. Honestly. Its tiresome.

Arguing over the that stuff is annoying.


Would it be so wrong to say that both companies have good to great books with a few stinkers without stoking this console wars style bullshit. We don't need Marvel vs DC in here. Honestly. Its tiresome.

Make a list comparing exclusives.


The same thing always happens. Someone calls one of the big two shit then another cat says "well they aren't as bad as this" and then the list and comparisons start happening.

Yah to quick to jump on the trigger.


aint a single person here that wasnt hyped for ultimates.

There were exceptions for sure. But the initial response as a whole was incredibly tepid. I didn't start getting hyped until that Marvel shill indoctrination thing I went to, and then I was gunho about it. A year later I'm kind of burned out. I also don't think that a good idea for every single book is

"Imagine of X was actually Y for a while."

Which is what ANAD is coasting on incredibly hard.


Would it be so wrong to say that both companies have good to great books with a few stinkers without stoking this console wars style bullshit. We don't need Marvel vs DC in here. Honestly. Its tiresome.

That's too easy.

You're drinking the Marvel kool aid something something Marvel formula LOL LOL laugh out out loud

Sometimes they are trying to hard with Batman

They just have fun with the ridiculousness.
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