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COMICS! |OT| August 2016. That's Rare Groove. Volume is Crucial.


Pot calling a kettle black what's new.


You should change your avatar to Carol, you are the true villain of this thread.


There were exceptions for sure. But the initial response as a whole was incredibly tepid. I didn't start getting hyped until that Marvel shill indoctrination thing I went to, and then I was gunho about it. A year later I'm kind of burned out. I also don't think that a good idea for every single book is

"Imagine of X was actually Y for a while."

Which is what ANAD is coasting on incredibly hard.

So what you're saying is that it's all new and all different.
Harris's art is good. Then when he wandered off the book it got a bit off the rails. But in the last quarter Snejbjerg does settle things well. Has a much cleaner look but it works well
Harris actually did a few pages in the newest Earth 2 Society issue that was out this week. Was a big surprise.


So in the book I now read, Batman was killed by Mogul while beeing controlled from a Oculus Rift using Jimmy Olson who got his tech from a stupif looking Toymaster-Brat and now he can fly because #reasons, shoot silver storms and is white like Morlun on a bad day. And is fighting Superman while there are jokes about Man of Steel careless Clark and Preptime. And now thousands and thousands of gamers are joining a Batman MMO which feeds on your hate while you try to kill Superman via the remote controlled Batman.

Sorry I said anything good about Batman/Superman.

Edit: And now they "defeated" Superman (threw him at a bin) and suddenly nobody wants to fight him anymore because "its a trope".

Guys, are you aware that Game over by Greg Pak is the secret template for BvS? Mogul even looks a little bit like Doomsday
Maybe the next time they use Arcade he can trap them in VR. And they'll defeat him when they get an opening when some new Xkid asks What's an arcade? And he gets distracted and loses his shit on him.


Omagne if the book replacing Vader is a Empire specific book that follows a lone star destroyer in the empire post rose and features those stormtrooper Bros.


FF15 getting delayed :/ they might as well make it early 2017 and actually improve the combat. Destiny gotta hold a scrub for next month


Wonder Woman #1: I was most hopeful for this book out of the DC relaunch but i find it dull, the legacy DC was trying to re-inject into their universe weights the book down, it has no interesting premise right now two issues in. I don't care which version of Diana's history is true, i want to read an interesting story and this is not it. This is a Wonder Woman book like Batman is a Batman book and that's about it, they both totally have Wonder Woman and Batman in each book. Mission accomplished.


The preview for the next issue of Sam Wilson: Captain America is certainly interesting lol.

Wonder Woman #1: I was most hopeful for this book out of the DC relaunch but i find it dull, the legacy DC was trying to re-inject into their universe weights the book down, it has no interesting premise right now two issues in. I don't care which version of Diana's history is true, i want to read an interesting story and this is not it.
I think people like the Year One story more.

Solo. Getting his own book in marvel 2.0.
I'm interested in that book because of the creative team.
Wonder Woman #1: I was most hopeful for this book out of the DC relaunch but i find it dull, the legacy DC was trying to re-inject into their universe weights the book down, it has no interesting premise right now two issues in. I don't care which version of Diana's history is true, i want to read an interesting story and this is not it. This is a Wonder Woman book like Batman is a Batman book and that's about it, they both totally have Wonder Woman and Batman in each book. Mission accomplished.
It feels like editorial cleanup more than a creative work.


It feels like editorial cleanup more than a creative work.

Yep, if Rucka was supposed to be excited for this book it reads like something Soule took over after someone else dropped the project.

Out of WW, Batman and Suicide Squad, Suicide Squad was probably the best, if issue #1 is good i will continue, if it's still kinda playing it safe as people said i'll trade wait based off reviews of full arcs.
Rucka has basically decided that the most interesting thing to do with Wonder Woman right now is to spend 13 issues dismantling continuity and retelling the origin instead of just doing something like this and getting on with it.

Does he think we're stupid and that if he just ignores the Azzarello stuff that we won't get it?


Rucka has basically decided that the most interesting thing to do with Wonder Woman right now is to spend 13 issues dismantling continuity and retelling the origin instead of just doing something like this and getting on with it.

Does he think we're stupid and that if he just ignores the Azzarello stuff that we won't get it?
Rebirth is weird in that regard because you have things straight up being ignored.
It's good but Rucka's current Wonder Woman pales in comparison to The Hiketeia and the first ten issues of his original run. That trade is the best thing I've read for a while.


It's good but Rucka's current Wonder Woman pales in comparison to The Hiketeia and the first ten issues of his original run. That trade is the best thing I've read for a while.

that came in my last dcbs order and lives on my shelf. A couple pages had tiny creases on the corner tips but outside of that it looks pretty good, 8/10.

Hmmm i should probably read it too.
Reading up on what's coming in the next arcs of 'Tec after Night of the Monster Men:
  • First arc we're still in is Kate focused but the second will be focused on Spoiler and Clayface. Tynion is going to clean up his messy N52 origin and explain how he got his powers among other things.
  • Harper is showing up in #943.
  • Third arc is focused on Cass and will deal with her past trauma, neurodivergence, family and more. Lady Shiva is going to show up.
  • Members will leave and return as time goes on but the book will be mainly a book for the characters without one so don't expect arcs focused on Nightwing, Jason, Batgirl or Damian while they still have books.
  • Tim is Tynion's favorite comic book character.


Reading up on what's coming in the next arcs of 'Tec after Night of the Monster Men:
  • First arc we're still in is Kate focused but the second will be focused on Spoiler and Clayface. Tynion is going to clean up his messy N52 origin and explain how he got his powers among other things.
  • Harper is showing up in #943.
  • Third arc is focused on Cass and will deal with her past trauma, neurodivergence, family and more. Lady Shiva is going to show up.
  • Members will leave and return as time goes on but the book will be mainly a book for the characters without one so don't expect arcs focused on Nightwing, Jason, Batgirl or Damian while they still have books.
  • Tim is Tynion's favorite comic book character.

Can't wait for that third arc! hopefully by then they have got rid of the full face mask as it looks dumb without the ears.
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