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COMICS! |OT| August 2016. That's Rare Groove. Volume is Crucial.


Did they release a third version of Hush? I have the Unwrapped version which is just Jim Lee's art not even inked.

While I'm sure it fits some stories I can't really imagine reading Long Halloween or Killing Joke in black and white. The latter especially the original colouring makes a world of difference to the book for me. DC really screwed the pooch when they recoloured it for the last release.
Besides East of West*, what are some other good western comics?

I think the last western comic I read before that was the Justin Gray / Jimmy Palmiotti Jonah Hex comics, which were good. Also maybe Copperhead, which is a sci-fi western.

Did they release a third version of Hush? I have the Unwrapped version which is just Jim Lee's art not even inked.

There's a Noire version of Hush, yes.
What's a good comic review site? I don't wanna keep coming in here bothering y'all with "How are these comics?" posts.
Honestly no one here minds if you ask for opinions on comics. Comic review sites review issues instead of reviewing a story arc so if your looking for a review for a story arc they're not gonna help you.
Online comic reviews are all over the place due to a difference in tastes among other things.

It's more that it's 90% reviews and 2% criticism.

I mean, the fact that IGN "reviews" comics should tell you everything you need to know.

Comics is a form of literature. It deserves to be criticized, not scored.

That's why when I really had a lot to say at CBR I just gave the shit a 5 and started on the real work. My editors fucking hated that shit.

But it's like The Get Down Brothers. You gotta break the shit from the inside out.
I read a lot of good comics!

Detective Comics #938: So rad! Cass <3
Hillbilly #2: OMG what a rad comic!
New Super-Man #2: This book is fucking rad
Old-Man Logan #10: RAD
where is a good place to find out release dates for DC tpbs? like the rebirth stuff

Here's the Spring 2017 catalog where the Rebirth trades are listed.


Comic list maintains a decent list looking a few months forwards though the rebirth trades haven't been added yet. (I think they update this after the solicits are out).


jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
Been reading more stories of the Batfamily lately. Cass was dope, but I have to say thanks to the poster who suggested Robin 126

written by Fables scribe Bill Willingham, this offers a really fun contrast to Cassandra's Batgirl. it had great art, snappy dialogue & some charming school-aged drama. i'm really looking forward to 127, 128 and checking out Stephanie Brown's solo book.

Been reading more stories of the Batfamily lately. Cass was dope, but I have to say thanks to the poster who suggested Robin 126

written by Fables scribe Bill Willingham, this offers a really fun contrast to Cassandra's Batgirl. it had great art, snappy dialogue & some charming school-aged drama. i'm really looking forward to 127, 128 and checking out Stephanie Brown's solo book.


Glad you liked it! That's all I read from that Robin series but it was fun stuff.

All of Steph's run is worth reading BTW. It was really, really good.


Another "how are these comics" post!

How are:

Deadly Class
East of West
Criminal Macabre
Blue Estate
Rat Queens

You know something? There are a lot of comics out there.
Another "how are these comics" post!

How are:

Deadly Class
East of West
Criminal Macabre
Blue Estate
Rat Queens

You know something? There are a lot of comics out there.

Deadly Class is one of my favorite ongoings each month. Can't recommend it enough.


Ah, Batgirl Steph, such a hidden gem. I loved it when I read it a few years ago. 'Twas too good to last.

Steph was pretty much the best part of Batgirl V4. I would love for her and Cass and Misfit to have a book together. Or end up in Gotham Academy.


Am I the only one who finds Damian Wanye completely insufferable?
(excepting the cute moments with Maps in GA)
I dislike him as much as I dislike Amadeus Cho.


Superman #5 (x2) The covers look so damn good
Batman #5
Green Arrow #5
Nightwing #3
Supergirl Rebirth #1
Superwoman #1 (I missed the boat on this one)
Harley Quinn #2
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