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COMICS! |OT| August 2016. That's Rare Groove. Volume is Crucial.

Thank you for this, I appreciate it. I'll probably start volume 2 soon.

Oh, just a quick thing on the Lex Luthor front:

Lex Luthor is the owner of LexCorp, a weapons tech company, based out of Metropolis. He's typically depicted as Superman's arch-nemesis. The thing with Mockingbird is that the old school Secret Six books (Silver/Bronze Age) were propelled by a bunch of people (six) being controlled by a person called Mockingbird. Typically, Mockingbird was an alias of someone within the group. In this case, Lex is using it. The reason this is important is, due to a previous event, a Lex Luthor from an alternate Earth had come to this Earth and decided to start uniting all the villains by impersonating the main Earth Lex. The main Earth Lex was upset by someone imitating him and usurping his power, so he decided to use the Secret Six to undermine them.

I tried to make it as simple as possible, but once DC goes multiversal, it's hard to explain.
BK whats going on in Extraordinary lately?

They just got back from the Omega World (the new Age of Apocalypse), dragging along Apocalypse and Colossus. They dragged back Apoc to help cure Colossus, but Kurt had already stabbed the fuck out of Apoc for destroying like a thousand mutant fetuses. Colossus, who was Death in the future, was immediately teleported to some sort of Akkaba temple, where they start worshipping him as War. Apocalypse claiming "he's right where I need him.

Cool shit, though a bit contrived. I also have a theory regarding Moon Knight #5 that ties into Extraordinary.
Seven Soldiers of Victory by Grant Morrison

This was a pretty great read. I'd put this on the lower end of things from Morrison I enjoy but that's not a bad thing since I'm a pretty huge fanboy.

Felt really dense and I enjoyed how the story really unraveled and came together. Probably enjoyed the Zatanna/Bulleteer/Frankenstein series the best and the Mister Miracle one the least due to it's poor art.

My one complaint would be that Klarion felt a bit of unnecessary (despite what he actually ends up doing), probably because issue #1 of the main series kind of glosses right over him.
Given that the November solicitations should be coming out soon I wonder if that means we'll be getting press on Nova's creative team soon assuming it isn't a December title.


I'm big on Spider-Man books in general and I liked how the issue set up Civil War 2099, but not everyone is going to agree. I do wonder where the book is going to go after Clone Conspiracy though.
Didn't they say books like Captain Marvel, Kingpin, Bullseye etc are first coming out early next year? I'm betting on Nova being a 2017 book.


According to Bendis the delay for Civil War 2 is due to Marquez's wife having a baby and Bendis asked Marvel for an 8th issue because he "needed more pages" because he came up with a better ending.


Has everyone dropped Uncanny X-Men by now? I read the most recent issue last night and this arc seems much more promising than all that bullshit with Angel. Land is back on the art, I know some people dislike him, but I think he's doing a good job with this book.
Still torn on whether I should check out Death of X when this ends, as I haven't been reading any of the other X books...
I read a different ASB than you guys. Thought it was alright but it mostly felt like a mess and Bats acting like Spiderman out of nowhere throwing one-liners all over the place and not shutting up just seemed weird. I liked seeing Two-Face and liked the Duke stuff though.
I read a different ASB than you guys. Thought it was alright but it mostly felt like a mess and Bats acting like Spiderman out of nowhere throwing one-liners all over the place and not shutting up just seemed weird. I liked seeing Two-Face and liked the Duke stuff though.


did you not see how they let the colorist reveal Two-Face's locashe on the first page before you even know what was going on? That shit is like if Frank Quitely colored comics instead of drawing them.

Best comic of the last 10 years.

did you not see how they let the colorist reveal Two-Face's locashe on the first page before you even know what was going on? That shit is like if Frank Quitely colored comics instead of drawing them.

Best comic of the last 10 years.

Colors were fine, it was the writing and structure I had more of a problem with. It will probably turn around, but I didn't really think much of that first issue other than it being ok.
Happy Birthday Ed! :D
Thank you Psych. Top of the page too. You're the real MVP of wishing people a happy birthday
Happy Birthday Ed

Happy birthday ed

Ed! Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday Ed!

Happy Birthday Ed.

Happy birthday Ed!

His name is Ed.

What were the stated reasons for the Secret Wars delays and more issues being added? Feels strange that the same thing happens twice in a row.

Oh, and happy birthday Ed!

Edit: Preview for Tynion's Boom book, The Backstagers.

Just hit me who it was.

Happy birthday!

Just celebrated my girlfriend's birthdays yesterday

Happy birthday, Ed

Go Ed, it's your birthday

Gonna party like it's your birthday...

(Who is Ed?)

also seems like DC squeezed out a win in July comic sales

Thank you gentlemen

I went out to the strip club twice this weekend and got kicked out for making it rain with floppies. I don't get it. There were some Frank Cho variants in there. Those are worth at least a handy.
Thank you Psych. Top of the page too. You're the real MVP of wishing people a happy birthday

Thank you gentlemen

I went out to the strip club twice this weekend and got kicked out for making it rain with floppies. I don't get it. There were some Frank Who variants in there. Those are worth at least a handy.





Thank you Psych. Top of the page too. You're the real MVP of wishing people a happy birthday

Thank you gentlemen

I went out to the strip club twice this weekend and got kicked out for making it rain with floppies. I don't get it. There were some Frank Cho variants in there. Those are worth at least a handy.

Happy birthday ed, may you receive all the Cho variants, Liefeld comics, and issues of Strange Fruit your heart desires!

Consider yourself lucky that CMX disabled gifting... :D


Why does he wear the mask!?
I liked ASB

But why was Batman talking about moth facts in the middle of fighting

such a weird panel




So that happened.
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