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COMICS! |OT| August 2016. That's Rare Groove. Volume is Crucial.


Quite a few people on here like it.

Have you read Fear Agent? That is by Remender too, sci-fi and the series is actually complete.

I've read almost nothing tbh. I got an iPad Pro and decided I wanted to read comics on it so I'm spending way too much money on stuff I have no idea if I'll like or now. Been spending the last few days browsing comics and seeing what catches my eye. Staying away from Marvel and DC superhero stuff for now. Despite what people say, that stuff is a bit overwhelming, so I'm mainly just going with standalone stuff right now.
What's the reasoning for this? Is this normal for older comics?

Seems to be for DC anyway. I always see a "New classic issues have been added!" type post on my feeds every week or so and it mostly seems to be the next issues of the same series.

I really loved Rat Queens, but I cannot in good conscience recommend it to a newer reader. It's also likely to go unfinished, and if it doesn't there's talk of a webcomic so you may be able to read the older issues for free eventually if they are serialized. Damn, now I'm nostalgic for when it was good. Time to change back to my ed-drawn av for awhile I think.


Steph was pretty much the best part of Batgirl V4. I would love for her and Cass and Misfit to have a book together. Or end up in Gotham Academy.


Am I the only one who finds Damian Wanye completely insufferable?
(excepting the cute moments with Maps in GA)
I dislike him as much as I dislike Amadeus Cho.

He's cool when paired with Steph and Supergirl.


Steph was pretty much the best part of Batgirl V4. I would love for her and Cass and Misfit to have a book together. Or end up in Gotham Academy.


Am I the only one who finds Damian Wanye completely insufferable?
(excepting the cute moments with Maps in GA)
I dislike him as much as I dislike Amadeus Cho.

I don't like Damian, but Amadeus cool.
that's twice now i've heard of Superman #5's covers

anyone got hi res pics of each?



For some reason I thought Rocafort was exclusive to Marvel these days. Guess not.
If your exclusive does that prevent you from doing variant covers for other companies?

Other companies as a whole? Probably not. But "exclusive to Marvel" generally means "not working for DC" and vice versa.


Dark times.

I still have my PS1 copy of this. I found it while I was rooting through the random boxes of stuff I still have at my folks. I also found my Mega Drive copy of Shaq-Fu. I had shocking taste it must be said.
I've read almost nothing tbh. I got an iPad Pro and decided I wanted to read comics on it so I'm spending way too much money on stuff I have no idea if I'll like or now. Been spending the last few days browsing comics and seeing what catches my eye. Staying away from Marvel and DC superhero stuff for now. Despite what people say, that stuff is a bit overwhelming, so I'm mainly just going with standalone stuff right now.

Cool. Personally, I liked Fear Agent a lot more than the first volume of Black Science. But that could just be because I like completed series than ongoing series.

Have you jumped on Comixology Unlimited? The free trial would be perfect for you, you can try the first volumes of many series.

Also look up Scribd and try them out too. (First month is free). They have a lot of stuff on there, including Valiant. Some good superhero comics without that feeling of being overwhelmed like with DC/Marvel.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Another "how are these comics" post!

How are:
Deadly Class
East of West
Rat Queens

Deadly Class and East of West are great.
Nailbiter is good.
Black Science is okay. Art is always top notch though.
Rat Queens really not worth it at this point.


Steph was pretty much the best part of Batgirl V4. I would love for her and Cass and Misfit to have a book together. Or end up in Gotham Academy.


Am I the only one who finds Damian Wanye completely insufferable?
(excepting the cute moments with Maps in GA)
I dislike him as much as I dislike Amadeus Cho.

Damian is great he's really grew into a fantastic member of the bat family the last few years. Can't wait for super sons and teen titans.
I still have my PS1 copy of this. I found it while I was rooting through the random boxes of stuff I still have at my folks. I also found my Mega Drive copy of Shaq-Fu. I had shocking taste it must be said.
I pre-ordered the Fantastic Four game on PS1. Back before pre-ordering was an official thing and it was just the people at the store doing you a favor.

I was 15, which was more than old enough to know that an Acclaim-published Fantastic Four game would be unplayable garbage, but I was at the height of my John Byrne obsession at that time, and the idea that someone was finally making a Fantastic Four video game was so exciting that I didn't allow logic to play into my decision.

I think I even convinced myself that this one wasn't going to be bad, and that it must have been made by real fans who cared and wouldn't let anything bad happen because She-Hulk was a playable character.

I don't know how I was still so stupid at 15, but it explains why I was listening to nu-metal at the time.

That's one of the worst games ever made.


It's your favorite? Damn I think everyone here thinks it is remenders weakest.

There are certain a arcs and issues I would put above deadly class but overall think black science is his third best with Tokyo ghost in last


I like it better than Deadly Class but I've always veered more to sci-fi. Low is probably my favourite of his running books.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
What keeps Black Science out of the panthy for you?

Just curious, as it's my favorite Remimage book.

I think it sufferers from a lack of likable and or interesting characters.

The reality hopping aspect has been largely wasted. It's mostly used as lazy excuse to bring back new versions of characters he's killed off.

The Godworld arc was particularly unbearable for me since it was all about Grant who is (was) my least favorite character. Not to mention it read more like a transcript from a Remender therapy session.

That said I am really enjoying this weird fairytale arc that is going on right now. I prefer bumbling gallant knight Grant to the smug d-bag he was before.
What keeps Black Science out of the panthy for you?

Just curious, as it's my favorite Remimage book.

Based on volume 1? Everyone seems like annoying whinging unlikable people. The writing seems very cliched, going for the "WHO MAY DIE NEXT?! WHO MAY GET LEFT BEHIND FOREVER NEXT?!" narrative. Unfortunately, for that kind of plotting to work, I need to care about the characters. If I wanted teenage angst and family drama, I would rather watch The OC instead.

At least the art and colouring is great.


Hunky Nostradamus
I've heard great things about The Sixth Gun

I think the last western comic I read before that was the Justin Gray / Jimmy Palmiotti Jonah Hex comics, which were good. Also maybe Copperhead, which is a sci-fi western.

Thanks bros!

Another "how are these comics" post!

How are:

Deadly Class
East of West
Criminal Macabre
Blue Estate
Rat Queens

You know something? There are a lot of comics out there.

East of West is really good~
It's your favorite? Damn I think everyone here thinks it is remenders weakest.

There are certain a arcs and issues I would put above deadly class but overall think black science is his third best with Tokyo ghost in last

oh jeepers i guess i better change my mind lmfao

I like it better than Deadly Class but I've always veered more to sci-fi. Low is probably my favourite of his running books.

Low is awesome but for some reason the surface dudes being anthropomorphs was kind of a Four Toed Statue Moment* for me.

I think it sufferers from a lack of likable and or interesting characters.

The reality hopping aspect has been largely wasted. It's mostly used as lazy excuse to bring back new versions of characters he's killed off.

The Godworld arc was particularly unbearable for me since it was all about Grant who is my least favorite character. Not to mention it read more like a transcript from a Remender therapy session.

That said I am really enjoying this weird fairytale arc that is going on right now. I prefer bumbling gallant knight Grant to the smug d-bag he was before.

See, I like that a lot of these characs are shitty. That's an interesting type of person for me to see in such a full throttle adventure. I also think it's Remender's best narration. The tragic voice of all his characters against the backdrop of these incredible worlds never ceases to amaze.

*In LOST's S2 (3?) finale, there's a moment where Sun and Jin and Sayid first see the four toed statue from their little boat. After pretty much endless and fascinating DHARMA Initiative mythology, this development instantly looked like it was completely antithetical to that defness and I knew immediately this new line of mythology would never go in any interesting direction.

And it never did.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Thanks bros!

I'll also second The Sixth Gun and Copperhead.

I'm reading The Sixth Gun right now. Only 6 issue left. I'm gonna miss it when I'm done.

Copperhead disappeared for a while but they are currently working on the 3rd arc now. First two arcs were really good.


I'm getting worn out on Overwatch again, too many frustrating matches that go poorly, like an Ana/Widowmaker defense on gibraltar, or a Reinhardt on defense who starts off at the front door of the El Dorado spawn. Why are you there! Why on earth would you start there? If you get one kill and die, is that a win?

As a result of this i've painted wonder woman's sword some more and read Doctor Strange #10, which was okay perhaps, but i still regret buying this whole arc and some of his lines were fun but didn't seem Dr. Strange-ish.

I'm going to read more comics if it keeps me away from Overwatch losing.


I finished reading volume 1 of Secret Six. For those of you just tuning in, my only experience with comics is stuff like Maus and Fun Home. Here are my thoughts:
There were things I really liked and really didn't like about it. As far as the main cast goes, Deadshot and Scandal were the most compelling characters. Cheshire's get-pregnant scheme is so overplayed at this point, IMO. Catman feels like a generic good guy, and Ragdoll...Ragdoll was just annoying. Wildcard characters are sometimes well done, but other times they just miss the mark, and I'm afraid that's the case with Ragdoll for me. I thought I might like him at first, and he had an interesting backstory, but he ended up just waffling uninterestingly between harmless nut and almost-turncoat. I actually liked the Mad Hatter and how he was developed, but I knew it wouldn't last. Thanks a bunch, Ragdoll. One issue I had wasn't the comic's fault, and it was one I expected. Lots of references and names to people and organizations I knew nothing about. The name Lex Luthor rung a bell, but I still have no idea who he really is, and so the Mockingbird reveal fell completely flat for me because it wasn't anything I would have any reason to have guessed. But again, that's more on me. I'm gonna stick with it since I did enjoy it, but it wasn't entirely a smooth ride. Also, are Deadshot and Deathstroke basically identical? Their striking similarity was basically a plot point with Catman's pack, right?
I'm getting worn out on Overwatch again, too many frustrating matches that go poorly, like an Ana/Widowmaker defense on gibraltar, or a Reinhardt on defense who starts off at the front door of the El Dorado spawn. Why are you there! Why on earth would you start there? If you get one kill and die, is that a win?

As a result of this i've painted wonder woman's sword some more and read Doctor Strange #10, which was okay perhaps, but i still regret buying this whole arc and some of his lines were fun but didn't seem Dr. Strange-ish.

I'm going to read more comics if it keeps me away from Overwatch losing.
I'm getting frustrated that I still don't have Zarya's Olympic skin. It's the only skin I want cuz it's the only skin that makes her look cool and I do not want to pay $10 just so I can have a better chance at getting it.
Spider-Man 2099 #13: Not a great start to CW II 2099. This book is circling the drain for me, honestly. I didn't care much for the last arc and this issue does nothing for me. Yeah
fuckin Ravage
is in it but only for a page. The promise of
more Ravage
will keep me for at least another issue.


I finished reading volume 1 of Secret Six. For those of you just tuning in, my only experience with comics is stuff like Maus and Fun Home. Here are my thoughts:
There were things I really liked and really didn't like about it. As far as the main cast goes, Deadshot and Scandal were the most compelling characters. Cheshire's get-pregnant scheme is so overplayed at this point, IMO. Catman feels like a generic good guy, and Ragdoll...Ragdoll was just annoying. Wildcard characters are sometimes well done, but other times they just miss the mark, and I'm afraid that's the case with Ragdoll for me. I thought I might like him at first, and he had an interesting backstory, but he ended up just waffling uninterestingly between harmless nut and almost-turncoat. I actually liked the Mad Hatter and how he was developed, but I knew it wouldn't last. Thanks a bunch, Ragdoll. One issue I had wasn't the comic's fault, and it was one I expected. Lots of references and names to people and organizations I knew nothing about. The name Lex Luthor rung a bell, but I still have no idea who he really is, and so the Mockingbird reveal fell completely flat for me because it wasn't anything I would have any reason to have guessed. But again, that's more on me. I'm gonna stick with it since I did enjoy it, but it wasn't entirely a smooth ride. Also, are Deadshot and Deathstroke basically identical? Their striking similarity was basically a plot point with Catman's pack, right?

That's the one by Gail Simone?


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
You lasted way longer than I did Echo, the book is already not doing much for me a few issues in :/


Spider-Man 2099 #13: Not a great start to CW II 2099. This book is circling the drain for me, honestly. I didn't care much for the last arc and this issue does nothing for me. Yeah
fuckin Ravage
is in it but only for a page. The promise of
more Ravage
will keep me for at least another issue.

You're killing me smalls.
You lasted way longer than I did Echo, the book is already not doing much for me a few issues in :/

I have a lot of fondness for the character, and for Peter David, or I would have dropped it a long time ago, maybe even in the first volume. It has its moments but it has never been a great book.

You're killing me smalls.

Ha ha, thought to myself "Sandfox isn't going to liiiiiike this" as I posted it


Given that the November solicitations should be coming out soon I wonder if that means we'll be getting press on Nova's creative team soon assuming it isn't a December title.

I have a lot of fondness for the character, and for Peter David, or I would have dropped it a long time ago, maybe even in the first volume. It has its moments but it has never been a great book.

Ha ha, thought to myself "Sandfox isn't going to liiiiiike this" as I posted it


I'm big on Spider-Man books in general and I liked how the issue set up Civil War 2099, but not everyone is going to agree. I do wonder where the book is going to go after Clone Conspiracy though.


oh jeepers i guess i better change my mind lmfao

Low is awesome but for some reason the surface dudes being anthropomorphs was kind of a Four Toed Statue Moment* for me.

See, I like that a lot of these characs are shitty. That's an interesting type of person for me to see in such a full throttle adventure. I also think it's Remender's best narration. The tragic voice of all his characters against the backdrop of these incredible worlds never ceases to amaze.

*In LOST's S2 (3?) finale, there's a moment where Sun and Jin and Sayid first see the four toed statue from their little boat. After pretty much endless and fascinating DHARMA Initiative mythology, this development instantly looked like it was completely antithetical to that defness and I knew immediately this new line of mythology would never go in any interesting direction.

And it never did.
Lol I like the book, just stating the general consensus here.

And yea remender makes shitty people appealing like no one else.


Another "how are these comics" post!

How are:

Deadly Class
East of West
Criminal Macabre
Blue Estate
Rat Queens

You know something? There are a lot of comics out there.
All of those are worth reading but don't get in a rush buy rat queens due to the creative changed later on.

Start deadly class and easy by west asap!

Have you read stray bullets? If not stop and read all of that first since it is one of the greatest comic of the 21st century.
I finished reading volume 1 of Secret Six. For those of you just tuning in, my only experience with comics is stuff like Maus and Fun Home. Here are my thoughts:
There were things I really liked and really didn't like about it. As far as the main cast goes, Deadshot and Scandal were the most compelling characters. Cheshire's get-pregnant scheme is so overplayed at this point, IMO. Catman feels like a generic good guy, and Ragdoll...Ragdoll was just annoying. Wildcard characters are sometimes well done, but other times they just miss the mark, and I'm afraid that's the case with Ragdoll for me. I thought I might like him at first, and he had an interesting backstory, but he ended up just waffling uninterestingly between harmless nut and almost-turncoat. I actually liked the Mad Hatter and how he was developed, but I knew it wouldn't last. Thanks a bunch, Ragdoll. One issue I had wasn't the comic's fault, and it was one I expected. Lots of references and names to people and organizations I knew nothing about. The name Lex Luthor rung a bell, but I still have no idea who he really is, and so the Mockingbird reveal fell completely flat for me because it wasn't anything I would have any reason to have guessed. But again, that's more on me. I'm gonna stick with it since I did enjoy it, but it wasn't entirely a smooth ride. Also, are Deadshot and Deathstroke basically identical? Their striking similarity was basically a plot point with Catman's pack, right?
The first volume can be pretty shaky if you're not someone who has experience with DC mythos. The next three volumes are free of that, though, so you should be good to go.

The Luthor stuff was due to an event called Infinite Crisis going on, which a lot of stories were building to. Villains United was one of the major arcs used to build to Infinite Crisis.

Also, Catman dislikes Deadshot because Deadshot is an asshole who lacks empathy. Trust me when I say this, Catman is NOT a good person. The only good person is Scandal, and even then she does some shit. Also the Cheshire plot is important later on. It's also important to note that Cheshire had a baby with Roy Harper (you may recognize the name as Green Arrow's sidekick), but she didn't get to leep the kid. So her wanting a baby is actually within her character.

Also Parademon's death and Ragdoll's wildcard nature also plays a huge role later on.


The first volume can be pretty shaky if you're not someone who has experience with DC mythos. The next three volumes are free of that, though, so you should be good to go.

The Luthor stuff was due to an event called Infinite Crisis going on, which a lot of stories were building to. Villains United was one of the major arcs used to build to Infinite Crisis.

Also, Catman dislikes Deadshot because Deadshot is an asshole who lacks empathy. Trust me when I say this, Catman is NOT a good person. The only good person is Scandal, and even then she does some shit. Also the Cheshire plot is important later on. It's also important to note that Cheshire had a baby with Roy Harper (you may recognize the name as Green Arrow's sidekick), but she didn't get to leep the kid. So her wanting a baby is actually within her character.

Also Parademon's death and Ragdoll's wildcard nature also plays a huge role later on.

Thank you for this, I appreciate it. I'll probably start volume 2 soon.
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