God damn, Marvel has too many pretty books for me to buy
Not worth it, you'll never live long enough to read all of BPRD no matter what age you start.
Worst advice evs. I caught up in a month of concentrated study. And it's beyond worth it. The most exciting engaging and consistent universe in comics.
Worst advice evs. I caught up in a month of concentrated study. And it's beyond worth it. The most exciting engaging and consistent universe in comics.
Decent female representation or sausage fest?
Read Abe Sapien #1 today and really liked it. Sometimes I think I should just quit the monthly game and dedicate myself to reading through Hellboy, BPRD and the rest.
Decent female representation or sausage fest?
^What Birdie said. The first time Liz met Hellboy will give you feels.Liz Sherman is a phenomenally well rounded charac, the head of BPRD is female, a bunch of great female agents, lots of weird female protagonists over the course of the series. No worries on that front.
It happened during Spencer's run. I read 'till the third one before dropping it, I'm pretty sure that happened during one of those.
"And this guy is your leader."
I think Elektra is still a few months away which might explain things (March maybe?) but Wells says he's gonna try to do something a bit forward-moving for her, which I'm excited for. People have tried it before, obviously, but Zeb Wells is actually good at writing her instead of terrible.
Is The Activity good?
So I got all four Green Lanternverse 21s. When they swapped in the new teams. First off, GL might be mildly interesting but god damn worst art ever. Really a shame.
That said; Corps, New Guardians (?!?!), and Redz were all really solid/great reads. Totally the crazy galactic DC I love. Do they ever get a good artist on mainline GL? It's a shanda to have that trash on the flagship book. A book that Mahnke once drew damn it!!!
DO IT! I plan on re-reading Hellboy and BPRD by the end of th year, well BPRD mostly since its the only book that's been continuing its story, and I need to catch up.
Hellboy in Hell just started up again.
Read Abe Sapien #1 today and really liked it. Sometimes I think I should just quit the monthly game and dedicate myself to reading through Hellboy, BPRD and the rest.
I think Billy Tan draws the main GL title right? What is it you don't like?
I think Billy Tan draws the main GL title right? What is it you don't like?
His art.
The Billy Tan aspect of it, surely
Guru Fucking FX. Brah is so fucking horrible he won't even use his real name. They do damage to Disney's name by employing him.mIt doesn't. It sure looks like it was coloured by whoever did Land on Iron Man though.
I was about to hunt down Annihilation but I just saw an omnibus is being released next year.
oh shit
Oh ok, that makes sense. I didn't realise it was still that far away. When did Wells write Elektra, by the way? The only thing I've read by him was the New Warriors mini-series he did with Skottie Young that lead to Civil War.
$125 though. I would've preferred they collected the whole DnA saga in the Complete Collection format. They're never going to sell enough of these to justify doing Conquest, War of Kings, etc.
He's done a Dark Reign mini with Clay Mann, a Shadowland one-shot with Emma Rios, and a recent Savage Wolverine arc with Joe Mad. All are pretty dope reads.
62.50, half off, at dcbs this pre-order cycle, we'll see how much it is at instocktrades on the week it releases, if they are still doing half off popular select new books. IST has free shipping with $50 orders too.
Love it.Skottie young fear agent drawing
Started reading Forever Evil #3 and i got to the first page with Lex in it. What's up with each issue telling a narrated Lex story at the start? Cat in the tree in issue 1, rats in a trap in issue 2, now flowers.
yo, I was banned but Infinity sucked. Like really bad.
yo, I was banned but Infinity sucked. Like really bad.
It wasn't bad, but I just can't agree with Hickman's style.
Red Lanterns #25: Continues to be a great turnaround for this title. My only little quibble, did I miss where the agreement on jurisdiction over 2814 happened?.
at the end of thier Lights Out issue when Hal went to get them to help
Right. I remember that Guy said there would be a cost for their help. I just don't remember where the exact details of that cost were laid out. I'm going to have to go back and read that issue again, I think, to see if you are correct.
You know you've made a comics buying mistake when you don't want to read the books you bought, namely Indestructible Hulk and Infinity:The Hunt.
Do you buy from a LCS? Do they not allow you (occasional) returns? Mine does. I've rarely had to use it but they allow it and it's great.
is The Hunt that one with the kids from the various schools? How was that even supposed to connect to infinity?