Earth 2
Yep. This series is still a keeper.
Any takers on who Earth 2 Batman is? I am really hoping for reanimated Thomas Wayne.
Tim1138 said:A Twitter post from DC involving the action figure said it wasThomas
Yeah, that is definitely why they are changing the team on the book. Can't believe it hasn't been announced yet. Just oes to show how little Rich knows.
Yeah, what is the consensus on this? Earth-2 Batman was taking gunshots and overpowering Lois-nado like it was nothing, yet has a history with the Joker. I guess it wouldn't need to be someone in the Bat-family but I'd feel gipped if it wasnt.maybe? As I think that Twitter spoiler isn't likely seeing as what this Batman is capable of...Martian Manhunter
"Tell me why I shouldn't pull the trigger."
"I don't know. Let's find out together."
Fucking Scalped. Is anything better, ever?
I kinda hope he ends up being a combination Flashpoint/Black Lantern Batman. I've seen some people interpret the"Bruce..." line as him not knowing who was under the cowl originally.
Really? I kind of took that line to mean that he just knew and had a history withBruce
"Tell me why I shouldn't pull the trigger."
"I don't know. Let's find out together."
Fucking Scalped. Is anything better, ever?
Diamond and Dark Horse not matching up on Emp's release has happened before, as i recall with both sides erring on occasion. Adam still posts as though the book releases to stores this week as of this morning.Also, did Empowered Vol.8 get kicked back a week? It's on Diamond's list for next week, but I could have sworn Dark Horse had it listed for this week.
He's got an image title coming out next year so look forward to it.It's so good. Jason Aaron's Marvel stuff is mostly over-the-top and borderline zany, but I wish he would go back to primarily writing stuff like Scalped.
He's got an image title coming out next year so look forward to it.
Just started reading Grant Morrison's book, Supergods. It's pretty good so far.
Supergods is really interesting. It drags in some parts. It added a ton of books to my "To Read" list though.
Just started reading Grant Morrison's book, Supergods. It's pretty good so far.
Just wait til you get to his experience in Kathmandu (provided you haven't already heard the story).
It's really a great read, I treasure my signed copy of it.
Just wait til you get to his experience in Kathmandu (provided you haven't already heard the story).
It's really a great read, I treasure my signed copy of it.
YO, seriously, that Kathmandu story is so damn exciting and absurd. Also, where'd you get yours signed, Tim?
GrandHarrier said:Nope, not there yet, still rather early. Looking forward to it; I do think I'm going to get a copy of this for my roommate as a Christmas gift. He is notoriously hard to shop for as he has Infinite dollars and owns everything. - I have my issues with some of Morrison's work but damn if he isn't a compelling orator. Sorry for gushing over something many of you have already read in the past. I just don't normally read this kind of book.
I'm really happy with Earth 2 hawkgirl figure. I hope we get Seaking and then I would be super duper.
Hi, ComicsGAF.
I read this last night:
I've been reading some of the run-up to it, and I'm curious: How was the debut of Blackest Night received? I'm having mixed feelings about it.
Batman #28 to take a break from ZY and go into the future of the DCU.
Astro City #7
Batman #27
Batman Black & White #4
Federal Bureau of Physics #6
Justice League #25
Justice League 3000 #1
Justice League of America #10
Suicide Squad #26
Superman Wonder Woman #3
Archer & Armstrong #16
Lazarus #5
Satellite Sam #5
Three #3
Über #8
Cable and X-Force #17
Captain America #14
Mighty Avengers #4
Nova #11
Superior Foes of Spider-Man #6
Thunderbolts #19
Uncanny X-Men #15
Wolverine and the X-Men #39
For me at least it was the Four Toed Statue of Johns' Green Lantern (to give it to you in LOST). Sinestro Corps War had lead to a really great expansion of the mythology but Blackest Night was where started to feel it bump against its limitations, straining to be big enough to fill the whole DCU. The big, main villain isn't as good, it just feels like a staging exercise to resurrect dead characs.
Reis is typically incredible on it and he creates some great moments, but overall, the bloom is coming off the rose at this point.
Best I've seen so far:
I don't get it. Am I missing something?
I was wondering why I couldn't buy any comics off the Marvel website. I just read their terms of use and it says it doesn't accept Visa or debit cards. Wish I knew that before.
I was wondering why I couldn't buy any comics off the Marvel website. I just read their terms of use and it says it doesn't accept Visa or debit cards. Wish I knew that before.
Is there any other place with good prices for digital comics? Marvel had them as low as $2. I'm trying to pick up Captain America Vol 7 #1.
What the fuck is wrong with them? EVERYONE accepts Visa. American Express is the one that's a bit iffy in some places.
Nope, not there yet, still rather early. Looking forward to it; I do think I'm going to get a copy of this for my roommate as a Christmas gift. He is notoriously hard to shop for as he has Infinite dollars and owns everything. - I have my issues with some of Morrison's work but damn if he isn't a compelling orator. Sorry for gushing over something many of you have already read in the past. I just don't normally read this kind of book.