faux pls, Grant has made it his life mission to outlive us all. Or at least Alan Moore.
If Watchmen is Follow the LeaderPax Americana is... wow. Moore's gonna be pissed.
I still pour one out for former NBAGAF and Footy GAF.or maybe it gets us locked down, several key members banned, and becomes a shell of its former self like NBAGAF
How old is Morrison these days?
How old is Morrison these days?
Morrison and Gaiman are both 54.
Whoa. He doesn't look nearly that old.
Vimanarama is the secret best Morrison book
Young Morrison is probably GOAT but Clay Mann is pretty underrated on the handsome comics creator scale imo
back on the X-boards, Clay Mann won more "X-Artists on the Year" awards than anybody, I think it was mostly an excuse to just post more pictures of him
Here's Paul Pope, the quintessential rock star cartoonist, with some strategic unbuttons
I think I'm gonna put the blame on Tyrant Rave for this MidnightGAF digression. Thanks Rave.
Also, I think Jordie Bellaire is adorable on top of a masterful job of coloring half a dozen books at the same time
Jordie Bellaire said:I remember days where I didn't sleep at all, and then I'd catch up and get six hours after two or three days. In September I was a zombie. It was an awful time. After that I met Matt Hollingsworth in person for the first time. He said to me, "How many books are you coloring, like 17?" I looked at him and said, "Who told you?" He'd been kidding. "Are you serious? Jordan, you should not be coloring 17 books."
Yeah, and you can tell that the planets that they'll be exploring are going to be incredible. This is also easily the most different I've seen Fraction's writing get, and he has to be busting ass to get these dense scripts to read so well.
Also, I have no clue what this Antistar book by Ales Kot and Christian Ward is, but I'm 100% in.
my dude... (her workload last year but still)
jordie is hard fucking core
e: okay we doing ladies now?
Marjorie Liu should do some more comics I think
Oh yes her too.edit: and the artist from all those Ron Marz Top Cow books, Laura Braga? Yeah she's hot
I think I'm gonna put the blame on Tyrant Rave for this MidnightGAF digression. Thanks Rave.
I think I'm gonna put the blame on Tyrant Rave for this MidnightGAF digression. Thanks Rave.
Also, I think Jordie Bellaire is adorable on top of a masterful job of coloring half a dozen books at the same time
edit: and the artist from all those Ron Marz Top Cow books, Laura Braga? Yeah she's hot
guess I have a thing for female artists in this pose
whoaYoung Morrison is probably GOAT but Clay Mann is pretty underrated on the handsome comics creator scale imo
Ales Kot is dreamy.
fuck, i knew i was forgetting a big oneThat Morgan Jeske is a handsome lad
agreed on all frontsMatt and Chip are pretty good looking gents too, and Babs Tarr is my current comics crush. Dem hipster chicks, man...
Would it be weird to ask for a signature where my cleavage would be (if I had any) the next time I go to a con and one of these hunks are present?
guess I have a thing for female artists in this pose
What ever happened to roundabout?
A community threadWhat did I just walk into?
James Franco is Jesse Custer in AMC's Preacher.
I hope TV series of Preacher great enough so I don't need to read it.
Come at me, didn't like the art.
Crossed is basically where folks go to shit out ideas.
I was hanging with Ennis one night and I was like "Why the hell do you do these Avatar books?"
He was just gave me a weird look and moved on to something else.
I was really fucking drunk!
If you like 60s comics, definitely check out Batmanga. I've only read one chapter so far but I'm really digging it.
Here's Paul Pope, the quintessential rock star cartoonist, with some strategic unbuttons