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COMICS! |OT| December 2014. Alas, reading this thread backwards simply doesn't work.

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So Team Batgirl posted an apology on Twitter today for this month's issue and the Dagger Type character. #ElNarezwasright


It happens, even with good intentions. Matt Fraction tried to subvert the ooggie-boogie nigger stereotypes from King Kong in Casanova vol.1 and ended up with Magic Negro stereotypes instead

live and learn friends, make better comics
It happens, even with good intentions. Matt Fraction tried to subvert the ooggie-boogie nigger stereotypes from King Kong in Casanova vol.1 and ended up with Magic Negro stereotypes instead

live and learn friends, make better comics

Can I ask what the big deal was about the character? I know he was a cross-dresser, but what about that was offensive to (what I assume is) the LBGT community?


So I've now read all the Hellblazer I own. And much as I hate to say it... the Fear Machine arc that took up the whole third volume kind of sucked.

Spoilered for the sake of making sure not to spoiler Kipp at all:
The big thing was the whole hippy characters and plot. Everything was laylines and love and the power of sex. Ultimately though it just couldn't stay focused. Plot points just kept popping up and then not really doing anything, and then the whole thing was apparently resolved by some random guys pretty much doing stuff off screen, and then the power of the female orgasm birthing an egg that bursts forth a dragon while Constantine is made to look extra pathetic and apparently all this literally happens since it washes Constantine out to sea. The middle had some okay parts and the train chapter was straight up good, but man I just did NOT like this arc.

Also, they just couldn't stop saying the title of the arc. Especially near the end everyone just kept going "my god, it's like some sort of.... Fear Machine!" nonstop.


Can I ask what the big deal was about the character? I know he was a cross-dresser, but what about that was offensive to (what I assume is) the LBGT community?

It's the idea that not presenting as your assigned gender is deceitful and that it must be denounced and fought. I've linked to a piece already, here's another going a bit deeper on how the stereotype of the crazy evil crossdresser is harmful to trans folks, as well as being a trope that's old as dirt.


Finch's art really shines when he can just draw intense and raw ass shit. Reason why Moon Knight was so sick.
Also few inkers and colorists can compliment his style imo.

Yeah, I figured the inkers and colorists had a lot to do with that Spider-Man shit up there but the face shapes are still a little wonky.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Hey Kipp, what's going on with the SiP thing?

I thought we were waiting until the 19th? I don't even know anymore. Who were we waiting for again? I know we were waiting for Zombine at one point, but his arrived real fast, so I feel like there was another reason we were waiting until the 19th, but I don't remember what.
No matter what though, I promise we will not start later than the 19th. We can start sooner if everyone's up for it and there are no objections though. I'm even cool with starting tomorrow, but that may not be enough time to get the word out.

So I've now read all the Hellblazer I own. And much as I hate to say it... the Fear Machine arc that took up the whole third volume kind of sucked.

Thanks for spoiling for me. :p
That's funny that you really disliked The Fear Machine though, since when I was first looking into Hellblazer I distinctly remember someone saying their favorite Hellblazer arc was The Fear Machine. I trust your opinion over some random internet person though, so I'll brace myself for disappointment. Haha

Waiting for #1 to chill.
The suspense is killing me. For a $20 six pack .. this better be good ! (good beer and good comic strips )

The suspense is killing me as well.
That's a good looking six-pack though. You better be keeping those bottles after you drink the beer.
This made me frown. Is she at least supportive of your art? Because you've got talent, man.

Its a bit of an exaggeration. Its more like 10 min would be too much. She's just not that sweet. Which I knew going in so its not a surprise. Every now and then I'll hear something like ThyMusicMan just said and I'll be reminded that sometimes people have significant others that are really nice to them.

She's just a very direct business type lady. I don't mean to complain about her or about my life. Life is good, Comics Bros. Plus, she's hot.

And yeah, she's pretty supportive of my artwork although she tends to questions my need to specifically draw comics.

Still an awesome show. First few episodes have the usual new series bumpiness but it really picks up.
Yeah I quite like the show. It gets pretty much what I want out of superhero TV shows. The last episodes of season 1 were uh...not that good while I thought the most of season 1 was great. Reminded me of anything JMS has done.

Between Arrow and Flash, DC's TV division is doing well. Except for Gotham. Gotham is awful.
Yeah. He's by no means a "people's" artist lol. But when shit get's real......
Finch is one of those artists thats good as long as he stays in his lane. Portraying body language and general communication between characters is not his forte.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
First I'm learning about this. I'm intrigued.

It's first and foremost a free digital series, so you can read it here. The kickstarter that ran back in June 2013 was just for a print collection. I believe they're planning to do another for a second volume, taking into account all the lessons learned from the first one.

Here's how Rucka and Burchett pitch it:
Swords are cool. People fighting with swords are cool. Airships are cool. Cowboys are cool. Pirates are cool. Clockwork men are cool. Smart, savvy, witty women are very cool. Laconic gunslingers? Totally cool. Steampunk? Frosty.

That’s what Lady Sabre & the Pirates of the Ineffable Aether is, that’s what it’s about. The adventures of the Lady Seneca Sabre and those she meets along the way as she travels the Sphere. Who she fights, who she foils, who she befriends. It’s about adventure and romance and excitement and, to paraphrase the great Zaphod Beeblebrox, “really wild things.”

And most of all, what it’s supposed to be? It’s supposed to be fun.

You remember fun, right? That thing that most print comics seems to have forgotten in their desperate attempt to cling to readers, continuity, and a market that has outstripped and overtaken them? The thing that comes from enjoying a good story where you want to know what happens next and the characters are cool and the villains are villainous and the heroes are heroic because they’re heroes?

Now don’t get us wrong. We’re all for tugging the heartstrings and bringing tears to the eyes. That’s part of a good story, too, and – perhaps paradoxically – those emotions can also be fun. And we aim to play the heartstrings, to move you as much as to entertain you, to make you care about the people in this world we’ve created.

Oh, you want to know about the world? Here’s all you need.

The world, as our characters know it, is called the Sphere, an open, empty sky dotted with Lands, those pieces of terrain that somehow seem to float above it all. The Lands vary in sizes – some of them quite small, barely a city block perhaps, and others the size of continents. Did we say an empty sky? Well, not quite. The Aether – invisible, ineffable – permeates everything, everywhere. Between Lands, its properties change, allowing Aether Ships, effectively sailing vessels, to travel the vast open spaces. Where Aether meets Land, it is more diffuse, weaker, but no less unknown.

There are four Major Powers in the Sphere, roughly analogous to the European Powers from the Age of Enlightenment. Science marches on, its progress slowed somewhat in the face of Magick. Speculation is rife about the connections between the Aether and wizardy and witchcraft.

The Aether is not calm, nor is it complacent. Aether Storms arise in the vast spaces between Lands, treacherous and unpredictable to sailors and Landlubbers alike. Once every hundred years or so, Great Storms descend, and where they make Landfall, they have the ability to remake entire Lands, erasing in one moment what centuries, even aeons, have created. Whole civilizations have vanished from the Sphere at the touch of a Great Storm.

And where one Land is vanished, the Sages speculate, another comes into existence….
Swashbuckling fun with healthy doses of fantasy and steampunk.


Finished the deluxe book of Saga and it was fantastic. Definitely picking up the fourth TPB when it comes out in a couple of weeks.

I've been reading a few things on Marvel Unlimited and I really like Ms. Marvel and the new Captain Marvel series but it sucks that there are barely any of them on it since they are knew. Being able to read a larger portion of a series at once is so much better.

I want to grab something on Amazon while they still have the 25% off a book but not sure what. Thinking maybe Locke and Key since the slipcover edition seems like a decent price with the extra $10 off. Anyone here know how the series is?

Waiting for the Glory complete set to come in the mail next week also.
Finch is one of those artists thats good as long as he stays in his lane. Portraying body language and general communication between characters is not his forte.

Yea, I can agree with that for the most part. Still, like I said, Finch absolutely fucking killed it on Moon Knight. The Bottom is still one of the best MK arcs to this day.


Finished Harley vol 1, i started to see the appeal of the book in the occasional panel but the stories just weren't there for me, especially the Sy Borgman stuff. I'd like a whacky Harley girly hijinx book though, but it has to and should be better than this, i don't think i'll be buying the next volume. Random this won COMICS-GAF book of the month?/10.

Batman #37
Batwoman #37
Catwoman #37
Multiversity Thunderworld #1
Teen Titan #5
Vertigo Cover Girls Death Statue New Ed
G.I. Joe #4
Alex + Ada #11
Lil' Depressed Boy Supposed To Be There Too #3
The Wicked + The Divine #6
Wytches #3
All-New X-Men #34
Black Widow #13
Ms. Marvel #10

Finished Harley vol 1, i started to see the appeal of the book in the occasional panel but the stories just weren't there for me, especially the Sy Borgman stuff.

I didn't like the Borgman stuff either. Boring as shit. I only skimmed most of those issues. But the rest of the series has been pretty great. Especially recently with the Power Girl issues.
This is a list of comics that I'll read 12/17.

BATMAN #37 $3.99
CATWOMAN #37 $2.99
SUPERGIRL #37 $2.99
ALEX + ADA #11 $2.99
WICKED & DIVINE #6 (MR) $3.50
WYTCHES #3 (MR) $2.99
MS MARVEL #10 $2.99
Got my DCBS order today!
Batman The Jiro Kuwata Batmanga Vol 1
Just the Tips HC

Batgirl #37
Batman Eternal #35-36
Gotham Academy #3
Grayson #5
Harley Quinn Holiday Special #1

Amazing Spider-Man #11
Amazing Spider-Man Annual #1
Avengers #39
Axis #7
Guardians of the Galaxy Annual #1
Punisher #13
Thor #3
Uncanny X-Men Annual #1
X-Force #13

East of West World One Shot
Low #5
Sex Criminals #9
Southern Bastards #6


God bless all my old friends/And god bless me too, why pretend?
So umm... is there a comic/tpb/omnibus that I can read backwards as well as the normal forwards?
So Team Batgirl posted an apology on Twitter today for this month's issue and the Dagger Type character. #ElNarezwasright

I was wondering why they were silent on it. Good on 'em, maybe they'll do better in the future


Multiversity: Thunderworld #1
Kitchen #2 (maybe)
Rumble #1
Wicked + Divine #6
Lumberjanes #9


Oh crap, Holiday Harley and Zatanna are both this week. RIP Wallet.

Also that Michael Turner Batman with Kofi Kingston chest.
And yeah, she's pretty supportive of my artwork although she tends to questions my need to specifically draw comics.

Yeah I quite like the show. It gets pretty much what I want out of superhero TV shows. The last episodes of season 1 were uh...not that good while I thought the most of season 1 was great. Reminded me of anything JMS has done.

Between Arrow and Flash, DC's TV division is doing well. Except for Gotham. Gotham is awful.

Eds Wife, plz. It's a legitimate, unique artform, with a rich history behind it.

And yeah. At this point I'm falling into the camp of those wanting more series in the Flash/Arrow universe. Supergirl? Titans? The Atom?! Let's fucking do this.



ZERO #13



In light of the recent Marvel and X-Men fiasco, I remember such a thing occurring in a comic book series:
Remember The Boys? Damnit Ennis...
Angela was a really great comic. I hope she gets a fifty issue run at least. Classic Kieron Gillen. He is at his best with these types of stories. I couldn't even taste the Marguerite Bennet in it. So good.


Went to the store today and bought:

Invincible Ultimate Collection vol 1
God hates Astronauts

Hope they are good :/


That Kravens Last Hunt leak... Whew.
Its my one of favorite Spider-Man Story, and I think it would work great as a dark and atmospheric movie.

I just dont see them making one, since the movie audience knows Spidey as a clown and The Last Hunt would maybe be to dark for them.

And New Avengers is ok. It became worser and worser as the time goes one, but the first 4,5 arcs are ok.

Got hands on the first Hawkeye OHC, I think I will read a couple of issues later. Time to become a bro, bros!
I read Souther Bastards vol 1 last night. Man, this comic is on point. The artwork is perfect for the story, and coming from a guy living in Texas, it seems a pretty fair depiction of the south so far. It's nice to see a comic that gets the rules of football correct.

I just wish the first volume was longer. It feels like you barely get into the story before it ends.

Eds Wife, plz. It's a legitimate, unique artform, with a rich history behind it.

And yeah. At this point I'm falling into the camp of those wanting more series in the Flash/Arrow universe. Supergirl? Titans? The Atom?! Let's fucking do this.

Haha its not like she doesn't like comics. She loves Buffy and porn comics. Of course, she doesn't buy them herselves. So anytime I'm buying comics for her at half price books I gotta go to the front desk and be like *ahem* excuse me, can I peruse your 18+ comics? I say it proud tho

Its more like she wonders why I would draw comics all the time instead of doing something more profitable like actual painting or graphic design. Which are easier to get into...relatively

Also, yeah, the more comics TV shows the better. Some properties just work better as TV shows. Looking forward to the Supergirl series. Hopefully the Marvel netflix stuff is good.
Cross posting from the B/S/T thread if anyone is interested in some cheap trades, thanks!


Looking to sell the last of my comics trade paperback collection in one fell swoop, all in very good to like new condition:



Astonishing X-Men Vols 1-4
The Walking Dead Vols 1-4
Powers Vols 1-5
Batman - Dark Victory
Spider-Man Death of the Stacys
Avengers Legends

Looking for $50 via paypal (including shipping). Also would be willing to trade for select Xbox One games: GTAV or Lords of the Fallen

Additional pictures available upon request, thanks.
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