Marvel Heroes or Future Fight?
future fight
MH is introducing a lot of new shit for that makes things streamlined (coming soon) so I wouldn't bother with the game right now.
I'm really confused as to why LEGO White Tiger has a glowing disc:
Like, were they upset with her being the only superhero in the Spider-Man line to not have something to hold on to? Ghost Rider has a chain and all the Spiders have webs, etc. And if so, then what is that supposed to be? Her Tiger God powers? Power shield? Lite Brite? Can't be the amulet, because it's on her chest on the fig.
Thats a funny idea to use that characterMan I love this image. Francavilla is so good. I just wish he worked on more/longer stuff.
Damn kids these daysPretty sure it's her glowy hand power from the cartoon
How do you guys kick people out of your house on Christmas? These fucks are staying too late. :|
We struggled with this for a few years until we just started going out for dinner on christmas day, literally just so that extended family could not come over and sit in our house all day, but avoid any awkward your not welcome stuff.
Huh, I guess that does cover most of the gap (36 seems to be missing still then in the void, if nothing else). Weird that they didn't parcel those out and put them up as the separate issues as well, since I thought Comixology generally at least did that much whenever they put up a trade. But that'd still leave like 20 issues missing at the end, right?
I guess that makes sense, but it really is a shame.They didn't release all the trades for that run. Volume 6(?) was that last one before the other trades were cancelled. That may explain the missing issues
One more question real quick, too: For the Dixon era where he was essentially covering the line, I've already picked up his Batman stuff and the Birds of Prey run, but how intertwined was all that stuff? My gut feeling was initially to try out what I have and see how I feel about his writing first, since that should definitely give me a solid sample. And then assuming I'm interested enough, I'd go for his big old Robin and Nightwing runs. But am I going to kind of ruin the experience on any of those titles by doing so? Or should that be a totally acceptable way of approaching things? (IE was he playing the line of Batfamily stuff as one big interconnected story, or is it more that occasionally you'll get a character referencing some event or another alongside a footnote?)
I've never read Superman: Birthright or Secret Identity. Are both of those classics, or just one? Because for some reason they seem to have fused together in my head and I can't recall what I've heard said about each one.
I guess that makes sense, but it really is a shame.
Can anybody help out with either of the above? Think I want to place one more Comixology order, but I think I need to figure these things out before finalizing what I go with.
Huh. Read Paper Girls vol 1, honestly much weirder than I expected from BKV. Felt like he was trying to stretch some different storytelling muscles. Hard to say if it paid off yet, felt a little morning glories to me, that I'm not even nearly fair enough in to be able to judge the book yet. Definitely interested but probably would have expected a more satisfying volume in itself from BKV. The art is gorgeous though, can definitely Intel judge that as a success
Read Dixon's Nightwing and Robin runs. Don't question it, just fucking do itI guess that makes sense, but it really is a shame.
Can anybody help out with either of the above? Think I want to place one more Comixology order, but I think I need to figure these things out before finalizing what I go with.
Read Dixon's Nightwing and Robin runs. Don't question it, just fucking do it
Are they THAT good, then? I'll admit a part of me is tempted, but limited exposure combined with the rather meaty size of both (70 of one and 100 of the other as the baseline, plus some extra odds and ends) has me a little intimidated, especially when I don't really have experience with the author. (Also admittedly I'm not a big Robin or Nightwing guy, so as a baseline the idea of solos for them doesn't sound especially tempting).
Also, unrelated, but holy crap is Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader good. I mean, I was reading the DC Universe by Neil Gaiman and it all was great stuff, and just from pedigree it was of course going to be good. But daaaaaamn, that was some powerful stuff.
Edit: Aka "damn I'm probably going to have to do this now, but at least sell me on it a little harder so I don't have to debate spending the money on it..."
Edit x2: Trades being a better proposition on what's out of them combined with the event stuff already covering part of them cut into those 2 enough that I said screw it and picked them up, so I'm done with the Dixon stuff at least. But seriously, back into the spending lockdown now.
It's a shame he quit writing superhero comics and built a bunker in the woods to "protect his family from Hillary".Friend's boyfriend gets him the first volume of Coates' BP for Christmas...
Inner Me: Yes!"
...says it's really good even though he hasn't read it and because it's by a real author. "Real" here meaning "can write more than seven words a page."
And now I'm sad
Let me put it this way: Dixon knows how to tell good stories and his versions of those characters are considered by many to be the definitive versions. And by "many" I mean me
GIVE ME YOUR TOP 3 pet peeves when looking at comic art? What does an artist do that takes you out of the story?
What going on?Shame artists day on Twitter.
Edit: From twitter a thing that all writers and artists are doing thanks to SGM:
Shame artists day on Twitter.
It's just a lot of people contradicting each other.
Someone tried to put Ron Wimberly on blast for his She Hulk art. This thread is getting dumb.
Someone tried to put Ron Wimberly on blast for his She Hulk art. This thread is getting dumb.
Rogue One was gooooooood with a couple bothersome parts. I hope Star Wars 8 isn't as goofy as force awakens.
It will be amazing and almost universally liked, and then everyone will shit on it 6 months later just like they did with VII.
Awakens reminds me of the prequels and pod racing anakin.
Rogue One was gooooooood with a couple bothersome parts. I hope Star Wars 8 isn't as goofy as force awakens.
The creator of Prince of Cats and just an all-around important poc in the comic industry.
When people say comic authors aren't real authors, how do you respond? Existential crisis? Retorting by stating what an author literally is, and therefore anyone who has written anything at all ever is technically the author of what they wrote? Going on a diatribe about how comics are a different medium and that the same techniques aren't totally transferrable?
Or just ignore them and slowly murder them within your mind?
Or maybe actual murder?
No I know this. I love his work. Who has awful taste and shit on him?
I will say Kev Walker's lack of backgrounds in Star Wars: Aphra is bugging me, tho. So much of sci-fi/star wars is in the backgrounds, the world as it were, and when that stuff is absent its harder to get into the story.
I find it to be a silly movie with constant reaction shots, I'd rather Han and Leia not been in force entirely and I get the whole "Chewie, we're home" moment is good for applause but it just sets up the rest of the film to be sprinkled with things that annoy me. I'm currently rewatching force awakens to give it a chance after getting stuff spoiled before I saw it in theaters, halfway through and i still equate it with Jurassic world.How does it do that when it has exactly zero of those things?
Gotta say that Jae Lee's absence of backgrounds make me uncomfortable.
Star Wars 8, Jurassic world 2, and the next Aliens, I need to prepare.I heard some spoilers that made it sound even MORE goofy so get ready