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COMICS!!! |OT| December 2016. Motor Girl is my new Motor Crush

D.C. Bombshells is a pretty fun read. The action transitions are odd at times, the dialogue gets hokey but man the cast of characters are fun, from the design to the interpretations. Plus when it want too it can have great action/emotional payoffs. I'm up to chapter 40 now.


I noticed the Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 2 OHC (Slott) contains Superior Spider-Man #32-33. Why is that? I thought Superior Spider-Man came out first and THEN Amazing Spider-Man. But I don't actually know, to be honest. Did the two series run concurrently?


I noticed the Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 2 OHC (Slott) contains Superior Spider-Man #32-33. Why is that? I thought Superior Spider-Man came out first and THEN Amazing Spider-Man. But I don't actually know, to be honest. Did the two series run concurrently?

Superior was brought back for two issues after ASM started back up for Spider-Verse.


I noticed the Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 2 OHC (Slott) contains Superior Spider-Man #32-33. Why is that? I thought Superior Spider-Man came out first and THEN Amazing Spider-Man. But I don't actually know, to be honest. Did the two series run concurrently?

No. Superior Spider-Man was "revived" for two more issues as the lead ins to Spider-Verse.
It's not worth getting upset over. Ignore them and move on.
But I live with him now
I will say Kev Walker's lack of backgrounds in Star Wars: Aphra is bugging me, tho. So much of sci-fi/star wars is in the backgrounds, the world as it were, and when that stuff is absent its harder to get into the story.

The unfortunate reality is that for every non-Jamie McKelvie Kieron Gillen book, I always think, "Boy, I bet Jamie McKelvie would've killed this page"

And now I need to read some Jack Kirby...


Any thoughts on All New Wolverine and the ongoing Old Man Logan? Picked them both up in the sale- really liking Laura as Wolverine a lot so far.
The direct market prevents that. Most comic sales comes from comic stores, most comic stores need the weekly churn of floppies. Anytime the big publishers do anything that could hurt the direct market, comic store owners revolt and get angry because it's their goddamn livelihood. (See: The retailer backlash at the random Walmart comic bundles.)

Speaking to my earlier point about format and what sells in the direct market, here's a big rant by Big Bang Comics' John Hendrick in response to this article (which has some great points in it).

And Ryan Higgins:

And El Anderson:

Part of reaching to new readers isn't just the content. It's also the format. Trying to sell people on just DC/Marvel is rough. Trying to sell people on floppies is hard. And the current direct market punishes retailers and publishers for trying anything new.

He seemed lost after the transition to 3001.
Those Walmart 3-pack bundles are a steal and brutal for comic stores. My Walmart store keeps them constantly stocked.


I bought digital comics today...the sales, what can one person do to fight against this value?

Darkseid War vol 1 and 2, but not the tie ins collection yet.
Any thoughts on All New Wolverine and the ongoing Old Man Logan? Picked them both up in the sale- really liking Laura as Wolverine a lot so far.

All-New is the better of the two, but Old Man Logan is decent. The problem with Old Man is its spinning its wheels a bit. The point is largely him trying to prevent his horrible future, but it's clear from the beginning that our Marvel Universe isn't that future at all. So the overall premise just feels contrived from issue to issue.
All-New is the better of the two, but Old Man Logan is decent. The problem with Old Man is its spinning its wheels a bit. The point is largely him trying to prevent his horrible future, but it's clear from the beginning that our Marvel Universe isn't that future at all. So the overall premise just feels contrived from issue to issue.

I see it as that only being the premise of the first arc. After that, it's simply been him attempting to connect with this world and how it's clearly different. I like that journey, because it still builds on the lore established in the original OML series, but giving Logan his own place in this world.
I see it as that only being the premise of the first arc. After that, it's simply been him attempting to connect with this world and how it's clearly different. I like that journey, because it still builds on the lore established in the original OML series, but giving Logan his own place in this world.

Lies! The last arc was about Logan up against the Silent Order! The most recent issue is something new though.
Lies! The last arc was about Logan up against the Silent Order! The most recent issue is something new though.

That arc was explicitly so Logan could come to full terms with everything and explain how they came to be where they were at the beginning of the OG book.

Actually it wasn't even about Logan coming to terms. It was about that big headed kid.


man tom king batman's kinda wack
Yeah, it's the first time in a while that someone has managed to make Batman more edgy and dark after others' attempts to make him more human. It's really turning me off Batman.

I've been catching up on Soule's Daredevil. And his team up with Spidey is amazing. Heh.
Thinking about picking up the Kree/Skrull War in the sale. Should I?

Edit: Man, CMX's best selling list is always fun to check when there's a sale after NCBD.
1. Batman #13
2. Superman #13
3. Justice League #11
4. Trinity #4
5. Star Wars: Darth Vader Vol. 2: Shadows and Secrets
6. Star Wars: Darth Vader Vol. 1: Vader
7. Amazing Spider-Man #22
8. Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #1
9. Nightwing #11
10. Wolverine: Old Man Logan Vol. 1: Berzerker


Basically, the 22-pager exists because that was the form that was good for the newsstands from a size/price standpoint. None of that really matter anymore and these days, we keep it because of tradition and the fact that direct market is built to handle floppies in their current form.

Once you move to digital, that goes out the door. Make the story the length you need to tell the story. Marvel's slowly coming to this realization with it's digital-only books. X-Men 92 is anywhere from 20-25 pages per issue, but there's room for more variance. You can see minimums for pricing purposes ("You'll always get at least 20 pages for $1.99!"), but otherwise, the format should fit the story being told, not the other way around.

And yes, like you point out, you can put lower performing titles in an anthology series. You can experiment with the format: maybe a monthly 100-page anthology with five stories is the best format for your smaller characters and new ideas. Maybe 6 pages released weekly, like Warren Ellis' FreakAngels is your best method. It depends on your story.

This is a very good point. There is no real reason for a book to remain 22 pages once digital becomes the primary focus. It's like streamed TV shows which often have variable lengths based on the specific episode vs. TV shows designed to fill 1 hour with 16 minutes of commercials. Changing the format allows for new freedom to break from tradition.

El Topo

Clean Room Vol. 1 is good. I'm not fully digging it, it feels like it could have been so much more frankly, but it's intriguing.


Clean Room Vol. 1 is good. I'm not fully digging it, it feels like it could have been so much more frankly, but it's intriguing.

I think I can agree with this. I expected much more from Gail. Maybe I was unreasonable. Also the covers absolutely dwarf anything in the book. Jenny Frison is a wizard .


It was good :(


El Topo

I think I can agree with this. I expected much more from Gail. Maybe I was unreasonable. Also the covers absolutely dwarf anything in the book. Jenny Frison is a wizard .

The covers are great. The art in the book itself unfortunately pales in comparison, even if it's not bad. Also, this is a pet peeve of mine, I really hate when characters deliberately answer in a cryptic manner.
"What are you?"
"I could give you a clear answer, but instead I will tell you something cryptic so that you are intrigued to find out what is going on."


The covers are great. The art in the book itself unfortunately pales in comparison, even if it's not bad. Also, this is a pet peeve of mine, I really hate when characters deliberately answer in a cryptic manner.
"What are you?"
"I could give you a clear answer, but instead I will tell you something cryptic so that you are intrigued to find out what is going on."

Walter Giovanni takes over a bit later. I like his art more.

Where is that image book Crosswind Gail?
Walter Giovanni takes over a bit later. I like his art more.

Where is that image book Crosswind Gail?
Quite a few books from that Image reveal/live stream are still missing, aren't they? Everyone was so excited and then it felt like only a few came out and none ignited discussions or anything.
I will not stand by and let floppies be a joke around here. Although there was that one time I ripped the edge of a page just by turning it...

But seriously whenever I open one the printing is SO. FUCKING. BAD.

I see more dots on a page of comics than on iPhones in a subway stuck during rush hour.


Man, guys, I think I had something of a spiral of revelations last night in thinking on this stuff.

So early in the year, I went from 100% being a trade waiter to mostly transferring to digital (continuing on with a few titles I knew I wanted in print, and then moving to a policy of "only pick up new stuff in print if I already love it from reading digital and there's a nice fancy edition to grab") and having a pull list for the first time. Last night, I realized... I was already a trade waiter for a long time, and much as it's neat being up to date to read and participate when most of the discussion happens... moving my "pull list" for Marvel to 6 months later and via MU would more than pay for itself, even before factoring in all the other Marvel stuff that allows access to. And hell, I have a massive backlog of comics on Comixology to read, so by the time I get through that, I'll probably be ready to pick up where I left off on the titles I'm pulling now.

But then I realized, if I'm doing that, then... why do I need a DC pull list, either? I already have Image on a "they have sales frequently enough anyway, so I'll just wait for those rather than maintaining a pull list." And though I can't quite say the same for DC, they seem to have a line-wide frequently enough that I could presumably just catch back up with everything I feel like once or twice a year, plus whenever a specific series gets a smaller and more focused sale. Because yeah, as is... I'm paying at least 50% more (60% with this latest sale) solely to be up to date, when I already know from my past reading habits that I'm totally okay with just waiting for stuff.

So at least for now, I think my pull list is decimated. I WILL still probably have a small one, though. Like, Archie's line seems inconsistent enough with sales anyway that I think I'll keep picking up the Sonic titles as they come out (and silly as this sounds, they're actually amongst the ones I enjoy most whenever they come out. Like, I'm not going to claim that they top a lot of the other great, great stuff coming out nowadays, but they really are quite competently done, and combined with nostalgia for my childhood of loving the hell out of the Genesis games, that's created a potent combo). And Walking Dead is one that I'm both getting bummed off of me by someone else who enjoys reading them, plus I feel like it's one of the rare series that kind of works better reading as it comes out rather than in big chunks, so that's likely staying. And then from there I'll probably waver a bit on whether or not it's worth keeping a handful of the ones I enjoy most on the pull or not, which is going to be tricky.

Anyway, before I lock these plans in mentally, real quick: Is MU at 100% parity with what they have on Comixology, just with the "6 months later for new stuff" rule? Or is there anything missing? I realize now that I never checked too closely. Like, I feel like maybe I heard something about the Max line being an issue a while back? Is that a thing, or no? Also, anyone have an idea of how frequently IDW has done sweeping sales as opposed to "here's some first volumes to get you interested" sales like they have up right now? Trying to figure out if Jem and the Misfits spinoff need to stay in my pulls or not (thanks to the artist change they've just barely been hanging on anyway, so I'm leaning towards dropping it towards "wait for sales", but it'd help to make sure those sales are feasibly going to come at some point).


She decided to write more Clean Room instead.

Then she should probably tell people she isn't going to do crosswind. One of Images biggest issues is announcing books way too far in advance for hype and having them get delayed or never show up and quietly dissappear.

Yeah, he's leaving after he wraps up the Grounded arc (thank god).

Careful what you wish for. See X-Men post Bendis. Sometimes the devil you know is better


Man, guys, I think I had something of a spiral of revelations last night in thinking on this stuff.

So early in the year, I went from 100% being a trade waiter to mostly transferring to digital (continuing on with a few titles I knew I wanted in print, and then moving to a policy of "only pick up new stuff in print if I already love it from reading digital and there's a nice fancy edition to grab") and having a pull list for the first time. Last night, I realized... I was already a trade waiter for a long time, and much as it's neat being up to date to read and participate when most of the discussion happens... moving my "pull list" for Marvel to 6 months later and via MU would more than pay for itself, even before factoring in all the other Marvel stuff that allows access to. And hell, I have a massive backlog of comics on Comixology to read, so by the time I get through that, I'll probably be ready to pick up where I left off on the titles I'm pulling now.

But then I realized, if I'm doing that, then... why do I need a DC pull list, either? I already have Image on a "they have sales frequently enough anyway, so I'll just wait for those rather than maintaining a pull list." And though I can't quite say the same for DC, they seem to have a line-wide frequently enough that I could presumably just catch back up with everything I feel like once or twice a year, plus whenever a specific series gets a smaller and more focused sale. Because yeah, as is... I'm paying at least 50% more (60% with this latest sale) solely to be up to date, when I already know from my past reading habits that I'm totally okay with just waiting for stuff.

So at least for now, I think my pull list is decimated. I WILL still probably have a small one, though. Like, Archie's line seems inconsistent enough with sales anyway that I think I'll keep picking up the Sonic titles as they come out (and silly as this sounds, they're actually amongst the ones I enjoy most whenever they come out. Like, I'm not going to claim that they top a lot of the other great, great stuff coming out nowadays, but they really are quite competently done, and combined with nostalgia for my childhood of loving the hell out of the Genesis games, that's created a potent combo). And Walking Dead is one that I'm both getting bummed off of me by someone else who enjoys reading them, plus I feel like it's one of the rare series that kind of works better reading as it comes out rather than in big chunks, so that's likely staying. And then from there I'll probably waver a bit on whether or not it's worth keeping a handful of the ones I enjoy most on the pull or not, which is going to be tricky.

Anyway, before I lock these plans in mentally, real quick: Is MU at 100% parity with what they have on Comixology, just with the "6 months later for new stuff" rule? Or is there anything missing? I realize now that I never checked too closely. Like, I feel like maybe I heard something about the Max line being an issue a while back? Is that a thing, or no? Also, anyone have an idea of how frequently IDW has done sweeping sales as opposed to "here's some first volumes to get you interested" sales like they have up right now? Trying to figure out if Jem and the Misfits spinoff need to stay in my pulls or not (thanks to the artist change they've just barely been hanging on anyway, so I'm leaning towards dropping it towards "wait for sales", but it'd help to make sure those sales are feasibly going to come at some point).
Image sales are the most common with Darkhorse and IDW being the least common among the big publishers.

MU has no max titles whatsoever.

CMX does sales based on if a book is about to end, a tv series about to start up, or a movie is releasing. That is why I waited for TMNT and chew this year.


Image sales are the most common with Darkhorse and IDW being the least common among the big publishers.

MU has no max titles whatsoever.

CMX does sales based on if a book is about to end, a tv series about to start up, or a movie is releasing. That is why I waited for TMNT and chew this year.

Awesome, thanks for this. I'm assuming MU has parity otherwise, unless there's some other rule I'm missing that would cause them to not share certain titles, right? Either way, I'm guessing that means I should think a little more on Jessica Jones, as that has the good old "for mature readers" clearly stamped on it. (But then again, that could go in the "wait for a Marvel linewide (or specific that covers this) sale on Comixology" pile, too). And hmm, guess I'll give Jem and Misfits a little longer in that case, at least until it drops to a "yeah, I'm perfectly fine on just waiting till they one day may pop up in a sale" mental line for me.
Man, guys, I think I had something of a spiral of revelations last night in thinking on this stuff.

So early in the year, I went from 100% being a trade waiter to mostly transferring to digital (continuing on with a few titles I knew I wanted in print, and then moving to a policy of "only pick up new stuff in print if I already love it from reading digital and there's a nice fancy edition to grab") and having a pull list for the first time. Last night, I realized... I was already a trade waiter for a long time, and much as it's neat being up to date to read and participate when most of the discussion happens... moving my "pull list" for Marvel to 6 months later and via MU would more than pay for itself, even before factoring in all the other Marvel stuff that allows access to. And hell, I have a massive backlog of comics on Comixology to read, so by the time I get through that, I'll probably be ready to pick up where I left off on the titles I'm pulling now.

But then I realized, if I'm doing that, then... why do I need a DC pull list, either? I already have Image on a "they have sales frequently enough anyway, so I'll just wait for those rather than maintaining a pull list." And though I can't quite say the same for DC, they seem to have a line-wide frequently enough that I could presumably just catch back up with everything I feel like once or twice a year, plus whenever a specific series gets a smaller and more focused sale. Because yeah, as is... I'm paying at least 50% more (60% with this latest sale) solely to be up to date, when I already know from my past reading habits that I'm totally okay with just waiting for stuff.

So at least for now, I think my pull list is decimated. I WILL still probably have a small one, though. Like, Archie's line seems inconsistent enough with sales anyway that I think I'll keep picking up the Sonic titles as they come out (and silly as this sounds, they're actually amongst the ones I enjoy most whenever they come out. Like, I'm not going to claim that they top a lot of the other great, great stuff coming out nowadays, but they really are quite competently done, and combined with nostalgia for my childhood of loving the hell out of the Genesis games, that's created a potent combo). And Walking Dead is one that I'm both getting bummed off of me by someone else who enjoys reading them, plus I feel like it's one of the rare series that kind of works better reading as it comes out rather than in big chunks, so that's likely staying. And then from there I'll probably waver a bit on whether or not it's worth keeping a handful of the ones I enjoy most on the pull or not, which is going to be tricky.

Anyway, before I lock these plans in mentally, real quick: Is MU at 100% parity with what they have on Comixology, just with the "6 months later for new stuff" rule? Or is there anything missing? I realize now that I never checked too closely. Like, I feel like maybe I heard something about the Max line being an issue a while back? Is that a thing, or no? Also, anyone have an idea of how frequently IDW has done sweeping sales as opposed to "here's some first volumes to get you interested" sales like they have up right now? Trying to figure out if Jem and the Misfits spinoff need to stay in my pulls or not (thanks to the artist change they've just barely been hanging on anyway, so I'm leaning towards dropping it towards "wait for sales", but it'd help to make sure those sales are feasibly going to come at some point).
Hah you are ending up where I landed a year ago or two ago.

I went from print, to digital. And for digital I'd wait a month or two to get the "recently discounted" comics that knocked off a dollar or two. Then with the amount I'd buy in sales I realized I don't need to keep up with the new stuff I had more then enough great things to read. So now I do MU for marvel, and buy marvel books I enjoy the most in deep discounted trades or BOGO for the higher quality versions of the books (and better app). Buy the rest when they go on sale. My backlog is so huge I never run into a drought.

Also Everything new from MU that CMX gets shows up 6 months later. The only differences is MU sometimes has things CMX doesn't have and vice versa in regards to back catalog stuff but it's rare these days. Except for Marvel max. Those aren't on MU. And they used to never be part of CMX sales. But since Jessica Jones aired on Netflix that has changed.


Hah you are ending up where I landed a year ago or two ago.

I went from print, to digital. And for digital I'd wait a month or two to get the "recently discounted" comics that knocked off a dollar or two. Then with the amount I'd buy in sales I realized I don't need to keep up with the new stuff I had more then enough great things to read. So now I do MU for marvel, and buy marvel books I enjoy the most in deep discounted trades or BOGO for the higher quality versions of the books (and better app). Buy the rest when they go on sale. My backlog is so huge I never run into a drought.

Also Everything new from MU that CMX gets shows up 6 months later. The only differences is MU sometimes has things CMX doesn't have and vice versa in regards to back catalog stuff but it's rare these days. Except for Marvel max. Those aren't on MU. And they used to never be part of CMX sales. But since Jessica Jones aired on Netflix that has changed.

Enjoy waiting six months to read civil war 2 when everyone gets to talk about how great it is now.
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