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COMICS!!! |OT| December 2016. Motor Girl is my new Motor Crush

Alright my total thoughts this week.

Foolkiller #2 - Still great. Even if it doesn't last I am glad it exists. FK is a fucked up dude, and this just goes to show that. Also +1000 for "Fin Fang Foom took a shit on my family and they died."

IvX #1 - AKA "X-Men sneak attack." Only one small quibble kinda.
How did Black Bolt job so hard? I thought this dude can trade punches with Hulk. Emma's diamond form shouldn't have been able to hold him by the throat like that yeah?
Cool issue though.

Squirrel Girl #15 - Pretty great. Any issue with Taskmaster soloing a whole team like he used to in the 80s is welcome. Didn't love his DASTARDLY DIALOGUE though. Very moustache twirly and archaic, doesn't suit his established personality at all. Cute all around though.

Spiderman #10 - Why am I reading this. Why is Miles so boring? Why is Kamala Khan of all people fatshaming Ganke? Awful.

More as I read 'em!


Well I'm done with Supergirl. The art is extremely distracting and the story isn't doing anything for me either.

yea I dropped it for both those reasons.

Anyway I am aiming for 30+ DC issues for today. Then I can move on to Image and Boom studios.
I'm back to trying to find another clutch of comics for my daughter, who loves the Marvel movies and is just starting to get into the comics. At this thread's suggestion back in August, I got here three tpb's:

For her birthday she got the new Ms. Marvel Vol 1, Thor Vol 1: The Goddess of Thunder, and Captain America, Vol. 1: Winter Soldier Ultimate Collection (which she really liked).

I'm looking for a nice big compendium story, something relatively stand alone, though I know there are lots of recurring stories and characters. But I'm hoping you guys can help me with some options.

Given the trajectory of the MCU movies, I thought something with the Avengers and the infinity stones might be good, so I looked to The Infinity Guantlet, but there's also Infinity War, Infinity War: Aftermath and the giant compendium Infinity, which seems unrelated but some reviews I've read say it's a decent entry point given how large it is. That's what I'm leaning toward right now - is it a good option? Needless to say I'm clueless.

I realize these are all stories with running characters and recurring plot lines, so she might be a bit lost, but I'm hoping to find something that is comprehensible to someone familiar with many of the characters, at least. Any advice is welcome, I'm trying to put in an order tonight.

Hmm. Complete runs with no real introduction needed to characters..

Journey Into Mystery by Kieron Gillen

Daredevil by Waid/Samnee - Again, no real pre-knowledge needed. Standalone. Some fun guest appearances too.


Green Arrow #10

so after #9 and reading how some people said the quality dropped I was worried going into this. turns out the quality actually went up! Not only was this a great issue, but the action panels were also incredible.

Like guys the boxing glove arrow was used in the most badass way.

What Makes Green arrow so cool is how all the artist take advantage of a double spread to make every page flow into each other natural. Best colorist is coming out of this book no doubt. Ferreyra gives Otto a run for his money. Crazy how this book has 3 great artist while other titles can barley hold 1.

The dialog though is always on the nose sometimes it can work and other times it comes off as cheesy. Luckily this is just Green Arrow's dialog.

Green Arrow #11

Basically Fast and the Furious and Mission Impossible in one issue. Crazy shit did go down. I appreciate this book so much.

Green Arrow #12

Honestly this book has better plot ideas and concepts than the actual show. Otto was on the art so you know it was hot fire, and the ending panels were brutal.

One of my favorite cape books going atm.


Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #8 to #13

Much better now, Aaron's confrontation and the outcome has asserted Miles as The Spider-Man and the consequences it ensues.

Will have to put this on the side now as I feel I'm missing on alot of backstory for the United We Stand / Divided We Fall arcs. Going to start with the Ultimates stuff and only then I'll proceed with the Spider-Man arc.


Gwenpool was so great.
I'm really loving Wonder Woman.


When is DC gonna fire Zack Snyder. I really want Gotham City Sirens to be good and I like the No Origins thing they're doing. But fuck I can't take another dour ass fucking dour movie. Suicide Squad comic is showing all the things wrong with Suicide Squad movie.
I'm back to trying to find another clutch of comics for my daughter, who loves the Marvel movies and is just starting to get into the comics. At this thread's suggestion back in August, I got here three tpb's:

For her birthday she got the new Ms. Marvel Vol 1, Thor Vol 1: The Goddess of Thunder, and Captain America, Vol. 1: Winter Soldier Ultimate Collection (which she really liked).

I'm looking for a nice big compendium story, something relatively stand alone, though I know there are lots of recurring stories and characters. But I'm hoping you guys can help me with some options.

Given the trajectory of the MCU movies, I thought something with the Avengers and the infinity stones might be good, so I looked to The Infinity Guantlet, but there's also Infinity War, Infinity War: Aftermath and the giant compendium Infinity, which seems unrelated but some reviews I've read say it's a decent entry point given how large it is. That's what I'm leaning toward right now - is it a good option? Needless to say I'm clueless.

I realize these are all stories with running characters and recurring plot lines, so she might be a bit lost, but I'm hoping to find something that is comprehensible to someone familiar with many of the characters, at least. Any advice is welcome, I'm trying to put in an order tonight.

All you really need there is Infinity Gauntlet, don't worry about any of the other Infinities.

Is she familiar with X-Men? There are a lot of FANTASTIC long form fun X-Men stories
Asgardian Saga
Dark Phoenix Saga (the book that literally got me into superhero comics)

I think the original Civil War is a pretty solid crossover adventure. Siege is fun too.

EDIT: The Squirrel Girl OGN was an excellent choice. :)


Superman #9

the issue ended quickly but it did tease at a mysterious foe who was behind some events in previous chapters.

Superman #10

Damian actually had good reasons for targeting superboy, and Superman was about to rekt everyone for taking his boy.

I loved Damian and Jon's dialog towards each other.

Superman #11

haha oh man what a crazy a dynamic. Also a solid arc because Bruce and Clark got to discuss being fathers .

super sons is going to be one chaotic book.

Superman #12

this is the issue where Mick Gray and Patrick Gleason leave art duties and won't be back till #19 I believe. The art actually wasn't bad and didn't take away from the story. Frankenstein shows no mercy.

I am not reading any annuals. Don't care for them


Teen Titans #1

ok that was awesome. only complaint so far is the evil team looks kinda cartoony.

Teen Titans #2

That opening panel is so damn good. I actually like this bad guy team now that I know what they are about.

I think Percy is harnessing a lot from the best parts of Teen Titans. The book isn't great like Green Arrow but it is still a good ride.

I thick as Percy writes this the better it will become.

This March, Aqualad Jackson Hyde will join the ranks of DC's most powerful young heroes in Teen Titans #6.

Won't spoil the solicit summary but man the next arc is called :Aqualad Rising" so excited.


Ultimate Comics Ultimates #1

Wtf is going on, I feel so out of the loop here.

Gaf I need some background stuff for this, should I read death of Peter-Parker? Who are the Ultimates even? Avengers? I just wanted a Spider-Man comic, none of this events bs. Help

Maybe I should just read the OG Ultimate Spider-Man start to finish? Damn.


Batman Beyond #1

decent issue, the book picks up from the previous run so some things will be referenced that first time readers won't quite understand. The action panels though are top notch. Love the beyond suit in action. I think rebirth was better. One thing for sure is that this is a rusty Batman.

Batman Beyond #2

Also another decent issue. The flashback to Bruce and Joker duking it out was interesting. This book feels like the show. This is the type of stuff Terry used to do all the time.

I can agree with echo on this one. The book is just fine. not bad but not great. rides that fine middle.


Ultimate Comics Ultimates #1

Wtf is going on, I feel so out of the loop here.

Gaf I need some background stuff for this, should I read death of Peter-Parker? Who are the Ultimates even? Avengers? I just wanted a Spider-Man comic, none of this events bs. Help

Maybe I should just read the OG Ultimate Spider-Man start to finish? Damn.

I'm actually kind of in the same boat as you. I've heard Ultimate Enemy/Mystery/Doom are great, as is Hickman's The Ultimates, and I want to read them, but I've never really read any Ultimate Universe stuff, aside from the first Ultimate Spider-Man trade and the Marvel Zombies Ultimate Fantastic Four comics. It would be nice to know what to read so as not to be totally lost.


Comicsbeat: Why Are The Comics Retailers Worried About Mass Store Closings?

Edit: More Marvel variants announced! Now Venomized variants in addition to the Gwensters themes etc.

My local shop is closing at the end of the month. Apparently it's because someone is buying the building but they aren't looking for a new location so maybe sales weren't great?

Now at least I can open my own shop in town someday and not feel like a dirtbag for competing!


Do you guys ever see the market moving more towards digital being the primary way to get floppies. Stores must be terrified.
Do you guys ever see the market moving more towards digital being the primary way to get floppies. Stores must be terrified.

I got a CMX survey yesterday(sadly with no 10% off code or something else). One question was outright "Do you only read digital comics?". Really want the stats on that.


Batman #9

THE GOAT opening. nah but forreal strong start to a new arc. I gotta respect this issue just for bringing in "The Bronze Tiger". Great introduction issue though. Bane even has a solid reason for wanting psycho pirate.

Batman #10

Honestly could of been of the perfect issue for me but King did his signature style of making characters and such do things repetition to hammer a message to the reader. I did it sometimes but not this time.

The highlight was the letter. like damn. that letter hit me in the feels. hory shit.

So far two amazing issues. Wondering when it is going to go down hill.

Batman #11

ah those first couple of pages <3. Damn what a brutal issue. That betrayal man! why!? I blame the Bat though, what did he expect.

Batman #12

Decent issue. I think everyone and their mama know Batman got issues so good for King for addressing that. The panel layout was brilliant but it is so hard to get used to Batman taking on small armies of men so easily. I know he is Batman but damn. Also I so interested in why Wesker is the one who is needed the most.

I think Selina has a plan as well.

there might be some flaws here and there but this is still a much better arc than the last one(two if you count the crossover)
Saving the character of Carol Danvers post-CWII has to be the greatest challenge in comics right now. I wouldn't miss the attempt for anything.
Fraction saved Tony but that required a memory wipe.

Yeah they can't go back to that well, I don't think. Making her a skrull or lolwhatever would be lame as fuck, too, though I imagine there is a script for this in a glass case somewhere with IN CASE OF EMERGENCY, RETCON GLASS written on it.

It's gonna be fucking hard.


Yeah they can't go back to that well, I don't think. Making her a skrull or lolwhatever would be lame as fuck, too, though I imagine there is a script for this in a glass case somewhere with IN CASE OF EMERGENCY, RETCON GLASS written on it.

It's gonna be fucking hard.

Issue 0 has to end with her breaking down, wondering if it was all worth it.

Have it symbolize a pressure someone faces with the public looking at their every move.

If she's a Wonder Woman expy, we're gonna go through another reboot.


Nightwing #7

what a great issue. Raptor hasn't mentored much, but I like where his backstory is going. The art and action scenes are actually more interesting than Batman and Batman beyond.

Nightwing #8

Probably one of my favorite 1vs1 fights this year in comics. everything I wanted. Dick didn't go out like a chump, and ended up saving the day on his own.

Nightwing #9

Basically a nightwing annual. it was alright. Dick just teamed up with a lot of people in his dreams and in reality.

Nightwing #10
Honestly this is how Nightwing rebirth should of started. What a great start to a new arc. Bludhaven is awesome. old faces become new faces. The dialog was solid till they started using words like fleek. The writer does not get young people words.

Welcome back nightwing to my regular pull

Now I can take a mini break before I tackle the rest of my DC reads.
1.Deadly class #23
2.Deadly class #24
3. Snotgirl #4
4. Flintstones #1
5.Slam #1
6.Detective comics #942
7.Future quest #6
8.Future quest #7
9.Venom #1
10.Unworthy Thor #2
11.Spider-Man #10
12.Power man and Iron fist #11
13.Captain America: Steve Rogers #7
14.Nova #1
15.Moon Knight #9
16.Jessica Jones #3
17.Cage #2
18.Death of X #4
19.IvX #0
20.IvX #1
21. Avengers #2
22.Hawkeye #1
23.Infamous Iron Man #2
24. Great Lake Avengers #2
25. Mighty Thor #13
26. Motor Girl #2
27.Green Arrow #9
28.Green Arrow #10
29.Green Arrow #11
30.Green Arrow #12
31.Superman #9
32.Superman #10
33.Superman #11
34.Superman #12
35. Teen Titans #1
36.Teen Titans #2
37.Batman Beyond #1
38.Batman Beyond #2
39.Batman #9
40.Batman #10
41.Batman #11
42.Batman #12
43.Nightwing #7
44.Nightwing #8
45.Nightwing #9
46.Nightwing #10
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